VAMPIRE: PARANORMAL: Out For Blood (Vampire Alpha Shapeshifter Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Fantasy Short Stories)

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VAMPIRE: PARANORMAL: Out For Blood (Vampire Alpha Shapeshifter Romance) (New Adult Paranormal Fantasy Short Stories) Page 39

by Powers, Miranda

  “He seemed really happy you were so good with people.” Ben commented as he took a slice of pizza.

  “I had no clue I was going to be that good… I mean, part of me honestly didn’t want to be. When you approached me,” She looked at Markus. “The wolf knew what you were… and at the same time she knew she liked you but she was scared because she knew you could kill her without any issue if you wanted it. It was… an interesting feeling. I’ve never been petted.” She realized before taking another huge bite of pizza. She closed her eyes savoring the cheesy delight.

  They ate in silence until they’d stuffed themselves. Paige let out a deep breath. “I’m worried. There’s something my parents aren’t telling me. They wouldn’t have just invited me up here like this without a reason. I tried to ask my mom about it but she wouldn’t say anything.”

  “Maybe it’s a family matter?”

  “I guess it could be.” Paige bit her lip nervously.

  “Relax.” Ben flopped down onto the bed beside her. “I’m sure there is nothing to worry about.” He took her hand in his and kissed it.

  Markus came to her other side. He sat close to her and pulled her into his arms. “Ben is right. They all probably just missed you. It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”

  “It has yea.”

  “Relax,” Ben repeated himself. His hand guiding her hand to his lips. He kissed her gently, making his way from her fingertip to her wrist.

  Markus’s lips touched her neck gently as his hands traced over the curves of her body.

  Paige closed her eyes with a deep breath. Her body relaxed in her lovers arms.

  “I liked seeing your wolf form today.”

  “Did you?”

  “Yes… it felt…”

  “Intimate.” Ben piped up.

  “Intimate.” Markus agreed. Their lips traced over her body for a second longer before Ben pulled away.

  “Lay down Paige.”


  “Because we’re going to please you tonight.”

  Paige lay down watching as Markus spread her legs and settled down between them. He pushed the hem of her shirt up just enough for his lips touched her belly button. Paige let out a soft giggle.

  Ben climbed on top of her, his body hovering inches above hers. His lips touched hers.

  His teeth grazed her lower lip as his hands pulled her shirt up higher, over her breasts and left it there. He slide his lips down the curves of her body. A soft moan escaped Paige as she felt his lips trace over her jawline and down her neck. His kissed her gently and his fingers tangled into her hair finding a happy home. He nipped her neck gently, covering every inch of her skin that he could reach with his kisses.

  Markus reached for the button of her jeans, undid it and slipped her jeans down and off her. She heard them hit the floor. She felt his lips touched her uppermost thighs. Paige gasped, spreading her legs wider. His lips traced down her thighs and back up.

  His tongue slipped over the folds of her pussy. A shudder escaped Paige. “Oh god.” She moaned.

  Ben’s hand found hers, their fingers tangled together as he squeezed it. His lips touched her chest, nipping lightly he pulled her nipple into her mouth, sucking on her.

  Paige squeezed his hand, her other one finding its way into his hair. She lay there taking in every pleasure they gave her.

  Markus’s kisses against her thighs, his tongue over her pussy, his warmth between her legs. Ben pulled away from her. He smiled softly down at her. His lips touched her cheek before he stood up.

  Paige watched as she circled around the bed, stopped in front of her backpack and pulled out two condoms. He climbed back onto the bed behind Markus.

  Paige watched them. Markus’s tongue flicked over her folds and inside her as Ben slipped out of his shirt.

  Paige eyed him as he undid his belt and let his pants fall to his knees. His cock sprung forward. Paige swallowed dryly. She’d never been into gay porn but this… she’d come to love watching.

  Ben’s fingers tangled into Markus’s hair as he pulled Markus up. Ben’s hand traced down Markus’s muscular chest, to the bulge in his pants.

  Markus let out a groan as Ben grabbed his hard on, massaging softly against the jeans. Ben’s lips touched Markus’s neck.

  Markus gasped in pleasure, his eyes rolling back. Ben grinned as he pulled his hands away from Markus’s erection and unbuckled his belt in a split second. He pushed himself closer to Markus, his own sound of pleasure escaping him.

  Markus’s gaze fell to Paige as he lowered his lips back to her body. A shiver escaped her as his lips touched her belly again, working their way lower and lower. His tongue flicked over her clit and inside her.

  Paige gasped, her hips rising to meet him.

  Her eyes locked on Ben as he tore into one of the condoms and pulled it out. She watched as he slid the rubber over his full length and positioned himself behind Markus. He pushed up against him slowly.

  Markus’s eyes closed as his tongue wiggled inside Paige. He let out a moan, his nails digging into her thighs as he squirmed under Ben.

  Her fingers tangled into his hair and pulled him into a soft kiss. “You make me so hot.” She whispered gently against him as their lips parted and came back together. A shudder escaped him as Ben pushed into him more.

  Paige’s eyes locked on Ben’s as he pulled away and slowly slid back into Markus. Paige gave him a single nod as she looked down at Markus. His eyes rolled back as his face buried into her thighs, his teeth grazed her lightly and a moan escaped.

  Ben’s fingers curled around Markus’s wrist and pulled him up. With his free hand he handed Paige a condom. Paige tore into the condom.

  “Ben.” Markus nodded, his voice laced with desire. Ben’s lips traced over Markus’s neck as his arms wrapped around Markus’s waist and pulled him close.

  Paige drank in the sight of them. Their love was obvious.

  She slipped the condom over Markus’s cock and pushed herself to her knees. She pulled Markus into a deep kiss, letting her lips show her affection. She pulled away and leaned over him, pulling Ben into a kiss just as deep. She felt the warmth of them both as Markus’s cock poked between her legs.

  She pulled away and lowered herself back down to the bed.

  Markus lowered himself towards her. His cock slipped into her easily. Paige gasped as he entered her.

  Ben stood behind Markus and entered him slowly.

  Her eyes locked on Ben as she watched him pushing into Markus. A moan escaped her as Markus pushed into her harder, sliding out faster and pushing back in.

  Markus’s eyes rolled back as he felt Ben push into him harder.

  Ben stared down at them both, his eyes glazed over with lust as he watched Markus push into Paige harder and faster.

  Paige’s free hand moved between her legs. Her fingers found her clit.

  Paige moaned as Markus pushed into her faster and harder. A growl of pleasure escaping him as he squeezed her hand.

  Ben pushed into him faster and faster, Paige could see him thrust harder against Markus. Markus moaned, his lips crashing against Paige’s.

  Paige’s moaned grew louder as they muffled against Markus’s lips. He pushed in and out of her, faster, faster and faster. Her fingers circled her clit.

  She could feel it getting so close. Her vision went blurry. “Faster.” She slurred against his lips. Markus pushed into her faster, as hard as he could.

  Ben pushed Markus lower, his body slumping against Paige.

  “Oh fuck.” Paige’s eyes rolled back as everything went white and blurry. Pleasure took over her body, her orgasm sending ripples from her toes up to her head. Her fingers massaged her clit as her hips buckled under Markus’s body.

  Markus gasped against her. His body shook as he pushed into her harder. His hands squeezed her hand tightly.

  Paige’s orgasm ripped through her. She gasped for breath as her body flooded with ecstasy.

  Ben let out a gasp as he pushed in
to Markus.

  Markus gasped falling forwards, his whole body weight crushing Paige as Ben pushed into him aggressively. Ben’s fingers dug into Markus’s back as he pushed into Markus one final time before falling backwards and flopping down onto the bed, a deep breath passing through his lips.

  Markus pushed himself off Paige. “Are you okay?”

  Paige nodded breathless as he pulled out of her. He pulled the condom off and turned to Ben. Ben slipped the condom off and handed it to Markus with a nod.

  Paige watched as he pushed himself up and made his way to the garbage. He grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and padded back to the bed where he almost collapsed.

  Paige pushed herself up, took the water bottle from him and cracked it open before taking back half of it in a matter of seconds. She handed it to Ben when she was done and watched as he drank almost as much before pulling away. He handed the rest to Markus. He drank it back in a matter of seconds before tossing the empty bottle towards the trashcan. It missed.

  Ben looked from Markus to Paige. “You both know I love you, right?”

  His words caught her off guard. Markus smiled softly. “I know. I love you too.” He turned his attention to Paige. “And Paige, I love you. I never thought I’d tell someone I love them other than Ben, but you… you’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever met. I love you.”

  Paige licked her dry lips. She hadn’t thought about love. “I love you too.” She said it without thinking, but she knew it was the truth. She turned to Ben. “I love you too Ben.”

  She let out a deep breath as they all sat there in silence, trying to catch their breath. Each one had a grin over their face.

  Chapter 4

  “Paige, could you sit down please, we need to talk.” Her wore a serious expression

  Her heart jumped into her throat. She had known something was wrong. “What is it?” She asked him .

  “Well… we called you home because… as much as we loved and missed you, there was something more to it.”

  “I know, I understand.” She almost snapped. “What’s wrong?”

  “Over the past few weeks, I’ve… smelled someone else. At first it was just another wolf and I didn’t think much of it but the day before we called… I smelled six of them.”

  Paige’s eyes widened. “Have they tried to contract you?”

  “No. Typically when wolves meet it doesn’t end on good terms and I may be strong but I’m not strong enough to face all of them at once. I need you here for a little while. Not long, I’m going to find them tonight and we’re going to talk but I need you here for me, alright?”

  “Of course. You should have called sooner.”

  Bill smiled softly. “Don’t let your mother hear you say that, she doesn’t need to be right about everything.”

  Paige couldn’t help but smile. “Alright. Markus and Ben will come with us.”

  They nodded beside her.

  “Thanks boys and it might be a good idea to being some of those things you don’t let Paige touch.”

  “Oh we’ll be loaded.” Markus sounded ready to head out right then and there.

  “Should we get ready to go now?”

  “No… let’s have dinner first. I don’t want Sue worrying too much. She’s already been in such a state over all of this.”

  “Of course I have!” Sue interrupted them. Paige grinned. She’d been waiting for her mother to speak up from behind her father. Based on the smile that spread over his lips he’d been waiting as well.

  “Hello dear.”

  “Oh ‘dear’ yourself!” Her mother scowled. “Dinners ready. All of you let’s go.”

  Markus took Paige’s hand as they stood up and made their way into the kitchen.

  Natasha, the middle sister, was helping to set the table. She had her black hair tied in a bun and wore her favorite sweat pants. She’d taken the whole two boyfriends thing really well, but Paige was sure she’d been warned about it.

  Paige slid into her old seat, Markus on her left and Ben on her right. They both reached under the table and squeezed her hands gently as Sue stepped outside and pulled the steaks off the barbeque. Everyone at the table took their meat rare. Jenny reached for the bowl of potatoes, scooping a heaping pile onto her plate before passing them to Markus. Bill sat beside Ben; he reached for the corn as Sue set the steaks down on the table and slid into the seat beside her husband.

  The next couple minutes were spent in silence as everyone either got food on their plate or waited.

  “Are you four leaving right after dinner?”

  “Yes.” Bill answered. “I’d like to get this done and over with as soon as possible.

  “We’ll just need to… dig some stuff out.”

  Jenny looked up at her dad. “Are you going to find those wolves?”


  “I want to come with you.”

  “No Jenny, it’s not safe for you.”

  “Paige’s allowed to go.”

  “Paige heals fast.” Paige reminded her little sister, speaking in third person as she cut into her stake.

  Jenny scowled but she didn’t object. “You’re going to be out numbered.”

  “It’s alright.” Bill smiled. “I know you’re all worried and I’m sure it’s very hard for you to not be able to come with us, but our odds are better than we thought they would be when we called Paige. She brought two hunters home that we weren’t expecting.”

  Paige felt a blush burn her cheeks.

  They finished their meal in less than half an hour. Bill pushed himself to his feet. “Well, are you three ready to get this underway?”

  “We’ll be like ten minutes.” Markus stood, Ben followed and they made their way outside and to the truck.

  The let the tail gate down and Markus hopped up onto it. He unlatched the canvas top and pulled it back. They kept their bags in here whenever they weren’t in a hotel room, just to be safe, so it took a couple minutes of unpacking before Markus pulled out the werewolf bag and passed it down to Ben.

  “Never thought I’d be doing with is.” Ben commented.

  “What, helping a werewolf defend his land, or helping your werewolf girlfriend’s dad defend his land?”

  “Both.” Ben shrugged dropping the bag onto the tail gate and unzipping it. He pulled out their two favorite guns for werewolves and a small silver box. They’d wanted to be safe when they picked the box for the silver bullets.

  Markus manoeuvred his way back to the tail gate and dropped down onto his knees. “But it kinda feels right, doesn’t it?”


  It was all the conversation they had. But it was enough to make them both realize how much Paige meant to them.

  Paige took a deep breath trying to calm her nerves. The windows were down, blowing wind into the truck and Paige felt like she was a little girl again in the front seat of the pickup truck with her dad.

  It was dead silent. Markus and Ben sat in the back seat, their guns in their laps and the wolf was raging to get out of Paige. She could smell them. The wolf wanted to chase them off her land.

  The scent grew stronger as they neared an old farm house.

  “This must be it.” Bill slowed the truck down as they came to the drive way.

  She saw three people perk up as they made their way down the driveway.

  The truck came to a stop and all four doors opened at the same time. Paige took a deep breath. They smelled like they were ready for a fight, not talking.

  Paige did her best to smile at the man in front of her. His eyes roamed over her, a sly smile spreading over his face.

  The look he gave her threatened to send chills down her spine. Ben stepped close to her, his shoulder brushing against hers.

  His eyes locked on the man in front of them.

  “Can we help you?” A woman spoke from the porch.

  Paige turned to face her. She was thin with short brown hair and a dirty blue dress. Her feet were bare and her legs mud stained.

  “Yes.” Bill stepped forward. “We’re not here to cause any trouble. We’d just like to talk.”

  The girl looked him up and down, a snarl curved over her lips. “We’re not looking to expand our pack.” Paige felt anger flare inside her. “You’re on my land.” She stepped forward.

  The girl turned her attention to Paige, looked her up and down and snorted. “Then you better leave, pup.”

  Paige took the stairs to the porch. “No.” She ignored the insult in the term “pup” and locked eyes with her. Thirty seconds passed in their stare down but Paige still wouldn’t look away. She wouldn’t show her submission to this bitch.

  “You have the night to get off my land and never come back.” Her eyes threatened to blink but she wouldn’t let them. The girl snorted.

  “Or what? What are you going to do, make me leave?” She looked Paige up and down before letting out a snort.

  “Or I’ll rip your fucking throat out.” Paige hissed lunging towards her.

  The girl let out a scream as they fell to the ground. Paige’s hands tangled into the girl’s hair and yanked as the wolf threatened to take over. No, she wouldn’t let it.

  She heard gun shots. Her heart pounded in her chest. The wolf threatened to break free. The girl under her screamed reaching for Paige.

  Paige let out her own scream as she felt her leg break. No. The wolf wouldn’t take over. She couldn’t kill this girl or any of them.

  She grabbed the girls’ hair, lifted her head and slammed it down onto the wood under them.

  Someone grabbed her from behind, pulling her away from the girl. She felt his rough hands seconds before he tossed her away. She felt herself hit the hard ground. Dirt smoked around her. She coughed and hacked as she tried to push herself up.

  Bill’s eyes caught sight of his daughter rolling to the ground. “Paige!” He shouted,

  It was just enough time for the man in front of him to land a blow. He stumbled back clutching his jaw.

  “Fuck,” He cursed turning his attention to the fat hairy man in front of him. His fists clenched as he lunged towards the man.

  Ben landed on the ground. He rolled towards the gun laying there. The man stepped towards him. He was thin but very strong. When he kicked the gun away it flew a good three feet before landing.


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