Monsterbook: Snotgobble and the Bogey Bully

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Monsterbook: Snotgobble and the Bogey Bully Page 4

by Michael Broad

  Snotgobble launched his third bomb, which hit the wall with an enormous BANG! But Miffni dived through the doorway moments before the bogey blast and fled into the playground where the hysterical horde of teachers, parents and children were gathered.

  The Goopsnottle immediately pursued her, leaving Urk, Will and Mrs Kindheart alone in the hall. The boy and the monster glanced at the teacher, saw that she’d fainted and was drooling down her chin, and so leapt up to follow the chase outside.

  In the playground the kids and grown-ups started screaming again as the creature followed Miffni through the crowd. But when the last three bogey bombs sailed through the air and burst in a snot shower over what they thought was Tyler, the kids swapped their screams for applause.

  ‘HOORAY!’ they cheered, seeing the bogey bully covered in bogeys.

  ‘I’d better make sure he doesn’t eat my sister,’ Urk whispered.

  ‘OK,’ said Will. ‘I’ll see you later?’

  Urk gave a hopeful nod, hitched up his Mumsy skirt and took off after the mucus-covered Miffni and the snarling Snotgobble, who had now left the playground and were charging across the sports field.

  ‘Oh! My poor little poopikins!’ shrieked Urk, flapping his arms as he passed the other parents. And thinking fast, he quickly added, ‘I’ll never bring you back to this terrible school again!’


  School Sewer Shock

  That night, Urk stepped from the wardrobe carrying his rucksack.

  ‘BOO!’ he said.

  ‘ARGH!’ said Will. ‘How’s your sister?’

  ‘Covered in bogeys,’ Urk smirked. ‘How’s your school?’

  ‘Covered in bogeys,’ Will chuckled.

  ‘What excuse did the grown-ups come up with for Snotgobble?’ asked Urk.

  Will took the evening newspaper from the desk and held it up.

  ‘I told you,’ Urk sighed. ‘Grown-ups only see what they want to see.’

  ‘I guess so,’ said Will. ‘Any news about Snotgobble?’

  ‘Yes!’ Urk gasped, pulling a poster from his rucksack and unrolling it.

  ‘So no more fleshblob suits for Snotgobble,’ said Will, and then remembered something even more important. ‘But what about you? Do your parents still want you to do some daytime scares?’ ‘After what my sister did, they don’t want either of us having a fleshblob suit,’ laughed Urk. ‘And Miffni’s been grounded for a month, so I won’t have to look over my shoulder for a while.’

  ‘So everything is back to normal?’ asked Will.

  ‘Yep!’ said Urk, taking up his usual spot on the beanbag in front of the TV. ‘I’m back on nightly manoeuvres with the Monsterbook, and my parents are looking forward to reading this week’s scare report.’

  ‘That sounds like hungry work,’ said Will, pulling out his break-time snacks.

  And they both burst out laughing.




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