Hot Dirty Love (Copperline Book 5)

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Hot Dirty Love (Copperline Book 5) Page 2

by Sibylla Matilde

  My muscles began to burn, growing weary with the fabulous resistance of her body and his. Every stroke made her wetter, made her claws dig a little deeper into my shoulders. Cole’s hand slipped from the damp skin of her hip to my thigh, digging in with a powerful grasp that made my dick throb.

  There was something to be said for the brutal strength of a man’s grip before he came, and judging by his jerking movements, by the guttural grunts and groans he let out, he was close. And the harder he fucked her ass, the more I felt his touch through her. The more it turned me on. The more it drove me and brought me closer to the edge.

  Suddenly he pulled free, ripping off the condom and jacking off, watching us. He stared down at me and stroked his hand firmly up and down his length with a scorching, feral glaze in his eyes that rocked me to the core. With a sob, our little brunette lifted slightly, rising between us and capturing my gaze as she began to fuck me with a circular motion of her hips. Her entire body trembled, and the shivers rippling up and down her sweet little pussy made my dick swell and jerk. I tangled my fingers in her hair, dragging her lips down to mine, and kissed her hard as she began to shake with release. Rolling our bodies to position her beneath me, I pounded into her as she came around me.

  The tight, trembling squeeze of her pussy finally did me in. Everything rushed through me as the last hold on me broke. I felt the heat boil up inside me until I victoriously erupted with a low, harsh growl, and heard Cole groan loudly as his cum splattered across our skin. All the aching, burning need flowed from my veins, and I let ecstasy take hold, collapsing over her, numb with unbelievable relief.

  “Holy shit,” I heard off to the side.

  Her labored breathing tickled my neck where her face was buried. I heard her whimper and felt her swallow hard. My hand caressed her side, down her hip, sliding through the slick, sticky cum where Cole had decorated the both of us with his own orgasm. He dropped down onto the bed beside me, a satisfied, sated grin on his chiseled face. His voice was breathless and rough.

  “That. Was. Awesome.”

  I could barely think, still fascinated by the faint tremors pulsing around my cock. She shivered slightly, which wrought a weak groan from my throat, and I instinctively stroked into her again, causing her to whimper once more.

  “You okay?” I whispered.

  A small nod was her only response.

  “Do you want me to move?”

  “Not yet,” she breathed, and another shiver rippled through her.

  The heat was fading, leaving her skin damp and chilled. I reached out to pull the dark, velvety coverlet around us and saw there were still a few people in the room.

  “Man, that was hot,” one guy said. “Fuckin’ incredible.”

  A few others murmured their agreement, and someone let out a long, low whistle.

  “Okay,” I exhaled with a wave of my hand, weak and out of breath, “show’s over. Time for all you to get the fuck out and leave us alone for a bit.”


  “Out,” I growled, and felt a weak giggle against my chest.

  Cole sat up and reached for his jeans. “I’ll get them out. I need a fucking beer anyway.”

  I had no clue how he could even move. I felt battered and weak.

  But oh so fucking good.

  As the door pulled shut behind them, I shifted to my side, pulling the cover with us. Her body, deeply relaxed and limp, tangled with mine.

  “I’m not sure where your dress ended up,” I murmured.

  “‘S okay,” she mumbled. “I’ll find it in a bit. Just… jus’ need to recover a little.”

  “Sounds good,” I replied, feeling my own eyes growing heavy. My limbs becoming lax.

  I brushed my thumb along the bare skin at her hip bone, and gently faded into the hazy somnolence that beckoned me.

  I woke up to a dark room, barely illuminated by a streetlight filtering through the curtains. I saw a small, curvaceous shadow slipping on that hot little red dress. The dimples at the base of her spine caught my attention just before the floaty skirt hid them from my view.

  I stretched a bit and leaned up on my elbow.

  “You leavin’?” I asked.

  She turned to me, her eyes seeming wide and dark in the pale light.

  “Yeah, I came with a friend and she’s heading out.”

  She grabbed her sandals and sat on the bed beside me to slip them on.

  “I could give you a ride,” I offered. It was uncharacteristic for me, but, as awareness filtered in, so did the desire to have her again.

  She replied with a low, throaty chuckle. “I think you already did that.” The even line of her teeth flashed in the dimly lit room. “A mighty fine one, too.”

  My fingertip trailed down her bare shoulder, from the strap of her dress to trace along her arm down to the bend of her elbow. Goosebumps rose in its wake, and she bit at her lip. Her breath caught, her breasts rose and pushed against the low neckline of her dress in the most mouthwatering way.

  A quiet knock sounded at the door. A loud whisper could be heard from the other side.

  “Hey, biatch… you ready?”

  She gave me a smile and gently pressed a kiss to my lips. “Maybe we’ll run into each other again sometime.”

  “I’d go for that,” I murmured.

  And then she was up and walking out the door.

  It wasn’t until I woke up hours later with her breathless cries and Cole’s groans echoing through my mind that I realized I didn’t even know her name.

  One month later…

  They were eye-fucking me like crazy.

  A blonde and a redhead standing back in the corner of my living room watching the hedonistic party in high gear around them. Of course, I wondered if either one of them was natural, and I decided right then and there I’d find out if the carpets matched the drapes.

  It was actually Drew who pointed them out to me as he stood with his arm around his wife Raven and gestured towards the scantily-clad hotties around the room. Nice of him to help a buddy out since he couldn’t really look for his own purposes anymore. He had chained himself to one chick for the rest of his pathetic life, not something I ever intended to do. There was always so much tail just waiting to be nailed, even here and tonight. I was actually doing an eenie-meenie-miney-moe thing in my head.

  As I looked over at them, the redhead raised her eyebrow in invitation.

  We have a winner!

  I wondered if I could talk her friend into coming along, but then they made it even easier. More promising. The redhead turned to her blonde friend and, with one more sly glance in my direction, kissed her.

  And just like that, we were off to the races. Drew laughed as I handed him my almost full beer.

  “Gotta go, man,” I grinned lasciviously. “Pussies are calling.”

  “Oh my God, Justin,” Raven groaned. “You are such a slut.”

  Yeah, I was. No doubt about it.

  As I crossed the room, I noticed Cole making his way through the crowd. He hadn’t been to a party at my house before, but now that he was… well, he may as well join us. I gestured towards the girls who sorta looked like they were trying to swallow each other whole. That boded well for what they could do with a dick, and I sorta had to readjust my own a little as I thought about the joys to come. A sensual smile spread across Cole’s face, and, in a matter of seconds, we had them up in my room.

  The redhead was natural-ish. I think she had a little help from a bottle, but she did have a delightful little auburn heart landscaped just above her pussy. I never did really find out about the blonde because she was full on Brazilian.

  I fucked one while Cole fucked the other with the girls facing each other and drowning out each other’s moans. Then I had one sucking my dick as Cole ate out the other. And, of course, the grand finale where they knelt before us, sucking us off until we spewed cum all over their faces and tits.

  It was awesome.

  As I came, my knees went a bit weak
, and I steadied myself with a hand on Cole’s shoulder. He gave me a look that was a little hard to decipher. Almost like he wanted to start in on me next. It was pretty fucking hot, actually, and the thought even sort of crossed my mind, but I was pretty well pleased with the orgasm I’d just had. It would be a little bit before I could make my cock stand to attention again.

  I flopped back on the bed as the blonde and the redhead giggled their way around the room looking for their panties and tugging their tight, short skirts over their bare asses. One gave me a kiss on the end of my dick just before they made their way out of the room, but it was done for. It needed a little fuckin’ penis-shaped tombstone.

  Here lies a dead dick. He went happy.

  “Once again, fuckin’ awesome,” Cole grinned over at me as he sat beside me.

  I could feel the warmth of his skin inches away from mine and, once again, I had the slightest urge to reach out and touch him. To run my palm along the sculpted muscle of his thigh.

  Although shit like that could also get my ass kicked. Not exactly widely accepted in this conservative Montana backdrop.

  So instead, feeling the slightest bit awkward, I reached for my jeans and pulled them on. I felt a little clumsy and off, likely because I don’t think my heart rate had gotten anywhere near back to normal yet.

  “Yeah, nice form, dude,” I smirked. “Just what I needed to start the school year.”

  He shrugged. “I think they were even better than that chick at Dave’s party.”

  Mmmm… The curvy little brunette from a month ago. She was something else entirely, like a whole new class of pussy, but I didn’t dare say that. Might ruin my image if I started getting all nostalgic and shit.

  Instead, I slapped him on the arm and nodded. “Yep, these two were mighty fine indeed.”

  I don’t fuck students, I repeated in my head as I walked into Engineering Hall at Montana Tech a few days later.

  I don’t fuck students… I don’t fuck students…

  It was my mantra every year on the first day of school. A continuous loop playing over and over in my mind to keep it from wandering up the short skirts of the girls in my classes.

  Every year. Over and over.

  Every year since I’d coasted through my masters here. My own professors had said I was brilliant. They had lined me up with job interviews. BP. Exxon. All the major oil companies were practically bidding for me. Offering me a shit ton of money.

  And I turned them all down.

  Looking back, I often wonder why.

  Maybe it was laziness. I wasn’t exactly driven. I didn’t need the biggest house on the block or the fastest car.

  It wasn’t because money would get me pussy, because I already got a lot of pussy.

  If I was totally honest with myself, I think it was mostly just that I really liked my life the way it was right then.

  Upon arriving for my freshman year at Tech, I found myself living in a quad with this Irish wanker from Dublin. Most of the time, Denny hardly sounded like he was even speaking English—fucker—but he was a blast to party with and his accent was totally a chick magnet, not just for him, but for all of us who hung out with him. He and I started doing a radio show for the campus station with a couple other guys, playing pretty much whatever we wanted and being complete jackasses on the air.

  As a few of us were very musical, before long we started fucking around with our instruments. I had a bass guitar I’d played in high school band, mostly because high school band seemed like a good place to meet chicks who were just dying to be devirginated. Denny had practically grown up with a guitar in his hands, as did our friend Drew, while Cody drummed on anything and everything within reach. I had never really expected it to go very far.

  But one night, while we were just kinda jamming on the air, some drunk old bastard called the station.

  “You mofos are bangin’!”

  And it stuck. In that moment, we became the Bangin’ Mofos.

  Drew and Denny’s buddy Trent seemed to think we could take it all the way. Before long, we had a twice weekly gig every Friday and Saturday night at the Copperline Bar outside of Butte.

  If I had thought I was getting lucky playing the bass in high school band, I hadn’t seen anything like the Copperline Bar. Girls fucking loved us. They worshipped us. They would come at us in droves wanting to kiss, bite, lick, suck, fuck, and any combination therein.

  Not that life was always rainbows and butterflies. We had our shit times, too. Like when Trent overdosed. That sucked. It almost broke us apart.

  But for the most part, things were going really well. Drew found a house in Ophir, a small town just outside of Butte. It was a great big fucker that had enough room for all four of us in the band with plenty of space for massive after parties that sorta resembled Dante’s inferno at times. Life was rockin’.

  Bangin’ even.

  But then, one by one, the guys started getting whipped.

  Drew was first, although that chick was a royal bitch. Vicious. A man-eater. In bed and out, and I can say that with all honesty because I got funky with the two of them once. She was hot, but kinda scary-hot, and her bitch vibe never really did fade away, even when she was being spit-roasted. She was always very much in control and kept him on a tight leash.

  Then our friend Brannon fell, but his girl was actually pretty perfect. Even I couldn’t fault him for that. I ‘naged with them, too, which was a totally different experience from Drew and Maggie. Sophie was a goddess and so incredibly nice she about gave a person cavities just talking to her.

  Denny went not long after Brannon. I’d thought for some time that my wanker of a friend was hung up on someone, and as it turned out he was… our dead buddy Trent’s girlfriend, Felicity. Turns out, Denny had his eye on “Fliss” long before she’d even met Trent, but didn’t tell anyone. Not even her. Then Trent’s addiction caused all kinds of shit, complicating things even more.

  But as bad as she and Trent were together once he started hitting the drugs pretty hard, she was that good for Denny when they finally caved. She kept him in the states, too, by marrying the wanker.

  Cody, though, was made for love. The guy was born with visions of hearts and flowers dancing in his head. His no drama, “Leave it to Beaver” family had him patiently waiting for just the right chick, and, when he met Ilsa, he was so gone. He had never whored out like the rest of us. Not that he didn’t whore out at all, but he was a saint compared to me. Yet, even he became almost a new person when Cupid struck. It was like he existed just for her.

  Like, what the actual fuck?

  And then, out of the blue, that nasty Maggie bitch left Drew, and he hooked up immediately with one of his employees. Owner of a tattoo shop, he totally dipped his pen in the company ink, yet somehow his rebound sex turned into something rather spectacular. Something that actually even had me feeling a little envious. I even admitted it, more or less, to Drew one night in a moment of melancholy weakness.

  He had been under the impression that Raven and him were just sex, purely physical. That was complete and total bullshit, though. If she’d only been looking for sex, she’d have fucked me one of the gazillion times I tried to get her to instead of waiting for him. Yet, once he was cut loose from bitchface, Raven didn’t waste a second. Maggie’s perfume likely still lingered in the room, and Raven was all over his cock.

  I should have been glad when Raven started running scared. I could have had my best friend as my wingman once again, reliving the glory days of our small-town fame. For fuck’s sake, the thought of limiting myself to one pussy for the rest of my life about gave me hives.

  Yet I got all sentimental and shit instead. It was pure stupidity, but I sat there like a tool telling him that he had way more than he realized.

  And now I was paying for it because they were all so fuckin’ happy.

  I was the last man standing. The Mofos’ big fuckin’ house that used to hold so much life and debauchery suddenly felt so very empty and sad
. The life I loved was changing right before my eyes. This unsettled me. A sense of dread and melancholy soured my gut.

  We still played at the Copperline, but now only once a week. It wasn’t because we’d become less popular, but rather that the lives of my band mates had changed. Marriages. Kids. They were all turning into fucking responsible adults.

  So, as I dragged myself into my first class of the semester, I did it wondering more than ever why I hadn’t gone off to make the big bucks of petroleum engineering when I had the chance.

  First class done. Then the second. Now onto the third. The same practiced spiel. Blah blah blah… I’m Professor Dorsey here to teach you about the wonderful world of Pressure Transient Analysis, but you can call me Professor Badass.

  My class would chuckle, and I’d start taking them through the syllabus. I wasn’t an easy A. I knew the responsibly of what I was teaching. When things go wrong with a rig, people die, so I was stern and demanding. I was responsible in this one single place in life.

  I just didn’t want to be.

  Because of that, I kind of resented it. I felt stuck here, trapped in these ruts that had formed, deep and unchanging, pushing me through the same tired routine.

  And worst of all, in this world I couldn’t be the manwhore I was born to be.

  There was always temptation. Fluttering eyelashes. Fingertips toying with low necklines. Short skirts and tight shirts. I coulda had any of them with a snap of my fingers. Bent over my desk or up against the wall. Maybe even up against the whiteboard with the projector on like a spotlight.

  Half the reason I whored out so bad at the Copperline was because I had all the damn demons to release after class.

  Because I wasn’t about to fuck my students. No matter how hot some of them were. Hell, even some of the dudes if I was honest with myself, although I’d never admit that to anyone else.

  As I wrote my name on the whiteboard for the third time that day, I heard a commotion at the back of the room. A latecomer stumbling in, her backpack slipping off her shoulder, then whacking the table beside her with a bang.


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