Phantom Warriors Volume 1

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Phantom Warriors Volume 1 Page 5

by Jordan Summers

  “I suppose you could say, I’ve been inside his mind,” he said cryptically.

  She paused. Did he mean what she thought he meant? Had her brother finally sought help? “I can’t believe it.” She finished pouring and sat the carafe down.

  “Believe what?”

  Relief coursed through Carrie as she picked up her coffee mug. “I can’t believe that Brady finally sought professional help. He hated the idea of seeing a psychiatrist, even though he encouraged me to go to one after Ryan's death. I’m sure he thought he was helping me, but the truth is, all I needed was time. As for Brady, what’s that old cliché? You can lead a horse to water…” She paused and took a sip.

  Bacchus peered over the top of the coffee cup at her. The steam curled over his glasses like ghostly shadows. He didn’t so much look at her as look right through her. Carrie tried not to fidget under his close scrutiny.

  “Brady may not express it well, but he cares about you very much. I know this to be so. He worries that you’re allowing your life to slip by without truly living.”

  She sighed. “If he cared about me so much, he wouldn’t have tossed away our relationship after Ryan and I broke up. I've been carrying enough blame for the both of us.”

  “He was a fool,” Bacchus said.

  Carrie shook her head, feeling renewed warmth flood her face. “That’s not true. Everyone deals with loss differently. Brady chose to blame me and run away. But if it’ll make him feel better, you can tell Brady that I have a full life.” She waved her hand around to indicate the house.

  Bacchus cocked his head and stared at her.

  “Really," she said with more force than she'd intended. "If you don’t believe me, then look around you.”

  He snorted. “We could argue semantics, but I think you’ve already proven my point by getting so defensive.”

  “How dare you! Who in the hell—”

  Bacchus held up his hand to halt her words. “When was the last time you went out with a man?”

  Carrie put her mug down with a clink. “I don’t see how that has anything to do with Brady’s state of mind.”

  “It helps if I can get to know the people close to the individual I’ve absorbed.”

  “Absorbed? Like a sponge? That’s a strange way of putting it, but I think I understand.” She curled her legs under her body and sat back. “I haven’t dated anyone since Ryan died. I wasn’t exactly in a hurry to get back out there after my broken engagement, especially given how everything ended so badly.”

  Gosh, she sounded pathetic to her own ears. What must Bacchus think? Carrie glanced at his face. For a second, she could’ve sworn he looked pleased, but the expression disappeared so quickly, Carrie decided she'd been mistaken. Why would he care if she dated, when it was Brady they were discussing? At least she thought that’s who they were talking about. She reached behind her and adjusted the can of pepper spray jabbing her in the back.

  “When was the last time you had sex?” Bacchus put his cup down and leaned closer.

  Carrie choked and her eyes started to water as coffee threatened to come out of her nose. “Now, wait one minute. That is none of your business.” She sat straighter, not liking the direction the conversation was going in. “I’m all for giving you information that may help Brady deal with his loss or, more appropriately, his guilt, but my sex life is off limits. Got it?”

  Bacchus sat back abruptly. “Fine. If you don’t want to help, all you had to do was say so. He’s staying away for your benefit, not his own.”

  Carrie felt heat radiate from the tips of her ears. Was that true? Was her brother avoiding her to somehow help her? She didn't understand his logic, but then again, she'd never entirely understood Brady. This whole line of questioning made her uncomfortable. Not so much the questions, as much as her answers. Had it really been nearly a year since she’d had sex?

  She cringed inwardly and debated whether to lie, but knew that wouldn’t help Brady or her. Carrie straightened in her chair and met Bacchus’ gaze. “It’s been a year, give or take a month.” Ryan hadn’t touched her for months before their breakup. She'd known something was wrong, but she hadn't suspected that he'd been cheating on her. She'd been so stupid, so naive.

  “So, it is true that you’ve put your life on hold.” It wasn’t an accusation, only a statement of fact.

  “I prefer to think of it as regrouping.” She shifted in her seat. “Surely as a psychiatrist you, of all people, understand that.”

  “I do indeed, and I find it admirable, but Brady and I worry that you aren’t taking care of your needs.”

  “Again, we aren’t talking about me. This is about Brady, and it sounds like he’s taking care of his needs just fine. I have adult toys to take care of mine. I also have a job I love, training and breeding dogs. Sure, it may not be as cool as my old job, but it's still good. I have a wonderful house. It's not big, but I think I’ve done a pretty good job with it.” Carrie hated having to defend herself. She was happy, damn it. Or at least she was starting to feel happy again and she didn’t need a therapist telling her otherwise.

  “What was your field of study?” Bacchus asked.

  She laughed at the sudden change of subject, grateful for the reprieve. “I’m surprised Brady didn’t tell you. He loves shocking people. I have a degree in herpetology.”

  “You study reptiles?” There was genuine interest in his voice and something flared to life in his eyes. For a second, they’d looked as if they had turned red, but that was impossible. A play of sunlight, she thought, dismissively.

  “Most people fear reptiles, particularly snakes. That includes my brother. Their first reaction is to want to kill the creatures. If only people understood how necessary reptiles are to the ecosystem, they’d think twice before they destroyed them.” Her passion raised her voice.

  “You don’t fear them?" he asked. "Not even a little?”

  “No, I find them fascinating," she said. "I always have. Their ability to survive and adapt to the planet, despite catastrophic changes to the environment. It’s miraculous really.”

  His lips quirked. “You sound like you wish you could be a reptile.”

  She shrugged. “Sometimes I think it would be cool. It would certainly be easier to live without all the emotional baggage.”

  “I’m not sure that life would be as enjoyable though. When that element is missing, life feels somewhat incomplete.”

  She laughed. “Are you speaking from experience?”

  “Perhaps,” Bacchus said, giving her a secretive smile.

  Carrie felt drawn toward him and had to force herself to sit back.

  “Reptiles are fascinating creatures,” he said, getting back to their previous subject. “Each has its own unique personality and behavior patterns, much like humans.”

  “Yes, exactly. I’ve always told Brady that, but he laughed at me.” She grinned, tucking a hair behind her ear. “Not that it really matters now. I don’t study reptiles anymore, only dogs. Man’s best friend and all that. They’re easier to handle and you don’t have to move out of the area to find a job.”

  “I see no dogs here.” Bacchus glanced around the room. “Are they in your backyard?”

  “No.” She snorted. “There isn’t exactly enough space to breed dogs here at my house. If you hadn’t noticed, I live on a piece of property the size of a postage stamp. The owners of the animals rent space at a kennel and give me access so that I can do my job.”

  “Sounds like an acceptable arrangement.”

  “Believe me, it is. I’m only responsible for them during breeding periods and obedience training.” They lapsed into silence for a few moments, each enjoying the others company, while they drank their coffee.

  Bacchus was the first to speak. “Do you have many friends? Any prospective lovers?”

  “I’m a pretty private person. I keep a busy schedule between my job and…” Waiting for Brady to call. Carrie stopped short of admitting the truth. She had spent the last ye
ar on hold, while Brady raced from one catastrophe to another. It was foolish. She’d been foolish, but not anymore. She met his questing gaze. “The things you mentioned aren’t always easy to come by, Dr. Bacchus.”

  “Perhaps that will soon change.”

  His innocent words sent tingles along Carrie’s spine, leaving behind dark carnal thoughts and tempting erotic images. She squeezed her thighs together to stave off the sudden hunger building inside of her. It would be so easy to lean forward and press her lips to his mouth. Would Bacchus taste as exotic as he looked? Would he take command like she longed for a man to do? Instead of acting upon her urges, Carrie shrugged noncommittally. “We’ll see.”

  * * * * *

  Chapter Four

  Bacchus couldn’t keep his eyes off the woman before him. She was everything Brady thought and more. Much more. In Brady’s mind, Carrie was someone whom he counted on to be there whenever his life fell apart. It was selfish of him. So selfish in fact, that he’d actually gone out of his way to run men off some of the men who'd expressed interest his sister. That all changed when Ryan had proposed. At first Brady had been angry that they'd gone behind his back to see each other, but after more thought, he'd changed his mind. Marriage would make his best friend part of the family. The idea thrilled him. That was before he'd found out that Ryan was cheating on Carrie. He'd wanted to tell her, but he'd been torn. Then they'd broken up a few months later after a particularly vicious fight. Ryan had been killed thirty minutes later speeding down the freeway.

  Bacchus supposed he should thank Brady someday for his initial vigilance. The man’s actions had kept many others from claiming Carrie…until now.

  He curled his fingers around the coffee mug to keep from reaching out and touching her. She’d straightened her messy hair while the coffee brewed. The thought that she cared enough to do so for him gave Bacchus pleasure and renewed hope. She may feign indifference, but inside a storm brewed and he planned to fuel the winds.

  “I’d like to observe you at work if I may. Brady gave me a great deal of information about your skills, but I prefer to witness them firsthand. It would help me understand the dynamics of your sibling relationship.”

  “I don't see how watching me work will help, but I suppose it would be okay,” she said hesitantly.

  Bacchus released a heavy breath, then met her gaze. “Your brother wants you to be happy, Ms. Rittner. He has a new love and wants the same for you.” Bacchus straightened the sleeve of his jacket. “I am here to make sure that happens.”

  “I’m confused. Are you saying that Brady hired you to help me? If that's the case, then he's wasting his money and your time.”

  “I would never consider time spent with you wasted.” Bacchus finished the coffee, allowing her to digest what he’d told her. She had a sharp mind and it wouldn’t take long for her to jump from one conclusion to another. He’d planted enough of a false trail to lead her in circles for at least a few hours. Long enough for her to get used to having him around. Bacchus spread his arms wide, taking up much of the love-seat he occupied. He crossed his ankle over his knee and sat back to wait.

  Carrie remained silent. Her white teeth worried her bottom lip and her brow drew down over her eyes. Bacchus could see her emotions flitting one after the other over her porcelain features. It was imperative that he gain her trust. It wouldn’t take long before the Phantom people grew impatient and dispatched a transport of their own—if they hadn’t already.

  The Atlanteans might be an efficient people, but the Phantoms were desperate. He had to act fast. Bacchus took a deep breath, scenting his pheromones again in the air. Damn, his body had crossed into mating mode without his consent. How could this be without testing for compatibility?

  He wasn’t sure how the tiny molecules affected a human, but he knew they had the power to entrance an Atlantean woman, making her malleable and willing. Much like his saliva could intoxicate with one swipe of his tongue. Carrie had already experienced a tiny bit of euphoria and that was before he’d stepped inside the door. Goddess knew what would happen when he touched her. Bacchus needed to get her out of the house until he got his pheromones under control.

  “Do you have to go to work today?” he asked.

  She nodded absently, before replying. “There’s a bitch in heat that I need to stud today.” Her eyes widened almost imperceptibly and her pupils dilated, whether from the pheromone or the job ahead, Bacchus wasn’t sure. She slipped her legs out from under her. “Tomorrow may be a better day for you to observe. I have basic obedience classes scheduled.”

  He shook his head slowly. “No, I think today would be far better for my purposes.”

  “Suit yourself.” She rose from her seat. “I need to catch a shower. I’ll be out in ten. Do you mind waiting on the porch?”

  “Not at all, if it adds to your comfort.”

  Bacchus allowed Carrie to lead him to the front door. The gentle swish of her hips left him aching. He'd barely stepped out onto the porch, when she immediately shut the door. Bacchus waited, listening to her retreating footsteps. The second he heard the door to the bedroom close and lock, he raced around to the backyard, which was surrounded by shrubs. He slipped out of his newly purchased clothes and dissolved in the sunlight, passing through the back door before heading down the hallway, straight to her bedroom.

  Carrie was removing her top as he entered the room. A can labeled pepper spray was tucked in the waistband of her sweats. She sat it on the dresser. He frowned, doing a quick search of the memories he’d absorbed from Brady. Bacchus smiled as he realized what the canister contained. She’d armed herself before opening the door.

  Smart woman.

  His respect for her grew by the second. She faced away from him toward the bathroom door, leaving Bacchus an expansive view of creamy skin as her spine sloped its way down toward her ripe ass.

  He swallowed hard, willing his fangs to remain retracted, and fought to keep from materializing. He followed her long-fingered hands as they hooked her waistband and tugged. The material cleared her womanly hips with a soft swish and pooled at her feet. She stepped out of her clothes, leaving them lying on the floor.

  Goddess bless! His cock rose like a phoenix, hardening and throbbing to the point of pain. Carrie turned then to reach inside a nearby drawer.

  Bacchus caught his first glimpse of her breasts. They were small, but firm. The pinks of her nipples flushed and puckered against her skin as if she sensed his eyes upon her. Her breathing deepened, and she looked around before bringing her fingers to the pointed nubs and pinching the tips. A low moan struggled out of her throat and Carrie's head dropped back as she played with her breasts. A flush started at her cheeks and spread over her body, giving her a rosy glow.

  Bacchus knew she couldn’t see him, but he held still all the same. His mind blanked as she teased her nipples. He wanted to rush across the room and push her hands out of the way so he could cover the cream-colored flesh with his mouth, feathering it with his forked tongue.

  He followed the gentle swell of her breasts down her flat stomach and onto her mons. Light brown curls covered the delicate folds, hiding the feminine treasure from his gaze.

  "You don't have time for this," she muttered. Carrie released her breasts with a frustrated sigh, then went back to gathering the items she needed for her shower. Her gaze darted to the door time and again to ensure it remained secured.

  He really couldn’t blame her for being nervous. He didn’t exactly come off as harmless. It pleased him that she was intelligent enough to lock the door for her own safety, even after she’d asked him to step outside. Bacchus noticed a cell phone amongst the items she’d gathered and grinned to himself.

  Carrie stroked her arm.

  Bacchus followed her movements in a trance. He flicked his tongue out, gathering her scent, impressing it on his body until he knew he could find her anywhere in this city.

  She walked the few steps into the bathroom and shut the door behind her.
Bacchus told himself to leave, give her the privacy she sought. He'd already gone further than he'd intended. Without encouragement, his feet traveled the short distance separating him from the woman who now held his complete attention.

  Bacchus stood for several moments, staring at the closed door, listening to the steady ping of water. His body trembled and muscles ached as he fought to control his desire. Finally, he passed through the locked door. The second his eyes focused, his breath froze in his lungs.

  Carrie stood inside a clear glass shower, her soapy hands gliding up and over her long legs in luxurious strokes. She hummed as she reached for a sponge and caressed the soft material over her breasts. Her nipples stabbed toward the water as if anticipating its warm lick.

  The spray covered her skin, leaving it glistening under the morning light. She rotated back to front, rinsing the suds from her body. She looked like a nymph under a waterfall, tempting, alluring. Bacchus curled his fingers into fists to keep from releasing his cock.

  His fangs unfurled, venom dripping along their length as he bit down, hard. Blood filled Bacchus’ mouth, exploding his senses. He swallowed it and still he watched. He couldn’t seem to tear his gaze away.

  She continued to wash, moving onto her hair, which turned light brown from the water. When Carrie dropped the soap and bent to retrieve it, Bacchus knew he had to leave or risk pouncing on her.

  He took one last look at her heart-shaped ass, kneading his palms with his fingertips like he longed to knead her ample globes. Her dewy quim dripped from the shower, the pink flesh pouting in open invitation. His cock would feel at home there, sinking into her flesh again and again, filling her with his thick length and crimson seed until she screamed in capitulation.

  Bacchus closed his eyes, imagining the sound of her whimpering cries filling his ears. He had no doubt that the resonance would shatter his hearts. He departed quickly before he no longer had the will. Bacchus dressed methodically, covering his flight suit with the clothes he’d purchased. His cock remained hard as Zaronian marble and would stay so until he sought his release inside this remarkable Earth woman. By the time Carrie had dried and dressed in preparation for work, he’d regained a modicum of control.


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