Phantom Warriors Volume 1

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Phantom Warriors Volume 1 Page 26

by Jordan Summers

  "Is this what you want?" Sergei taunted, twisted Tabby's neck until she screamed. "Come any closer and I'll snap it."

  * * * * *

  Tabby could see the cat out of her one good eye. Every time it looked their way, she could feel Sergei's hands tremble. He was afraid. She’d never seen him afraid of anything or anyone. He was cornered, which made him even more dangerous.

  She had no doubt he would keep his word if the cat so much as moved a whisker. In all her life, she'd never seen a more beautiful animal—or one more terrifying. At first, she'd thought she was imaging things due to her injuries, but the pain and fear of Sergei's men had been all too real. She gasped, unable to take a deep breath.

  The cat stared at Sergei, his red eyes unblinking. It was an unnatural stillness, the kind seen in apex predators.

  The only thing she didn't get was why Sergei talked to it like it could understand him.

  "It's an animal," she rasped.

  He tightened his grip on her hair, pulling some out by the roots. "Shut up, bitch!"

  The cat began to shimmer and slowly fade. In its place, crouched on the ground, naked and bleeding, was Linx.

  Tabby couldn't believe her eyes. Had she wanted to see him so desperately that she’d conjured him in her mind? That made more sense than anything else, but it didn't explain everyone else's reaction. Her initial shock wore off quickly. It was followed closely by an overwhelming sense of relief. She didn’t care how Linx got here. Tabby was just glad that he’d arrived.

  "I told you," Taylor said. "I told you he was a demon."

  Linx glared at her twin. "I am not a demon." His gaze moved easily back to Tabby and for the first time, she saw the pain and the fear, hiding beneath the glowing red. “I’m sorry,” he said. “I couldn’t tell you the truth.”

  Tabby didn't know what to think. If he wasn't a demon, then what was he? Did it really matter? All that was important was that he’d come for her.

  He took a step forward.

  Sergei twisted her neck even further. One more twist and Tabby knew he'd break it and she'd been dead.

  "Go!" She gasped as pain speared her. "They're going to kill you."

  He tilted his head and looked at her like she'd lost her mind. "You know I cannot do that."

  "Yes, you can. Now get the hell out of here," she said with a choked cry. "I don't want you around." To watch me die.

  * * * * *

  Linx felt the air ripple around him. He kept his gaze on the two men, but sent his senses out to scan his surroundings. There, hiding in the shadows, he found what he was looking for. Bear. He made no move to expose his Phantom brother.

  "I will give you one last chance to release her. If you do that, I will consider letting you live," Linx said. "If not, I will make sure you die in as much pain as you've inflicted upon her."

  Sergei sneered. "You are in no position to give orders, demon."

  Linx smirked. "That's where you're wrong."

  A bellowing roar came thundering out of the darkness. It was the kind of roar that could only come from a member of the Claw Clan. The shadows moved with the massive beast as it stepped out of the darkness.

  Boris gave up all pretense of bravery. He took off for the door, clutching his injured hand. The baby mammoth-sized grizzly was on him before he could turn the knob. It swiped out one hairy arm. Eight-inch claws took the man's head clean off his shoulders. Boris's head rolled several feet across the ground before coming to a stop. The beast then turned to face Sergei, its glowing red eyes merciless as it lowered its head to attack.

  Sergei must have realized his life was about to end because his grip on Tabby tightened and he started to twist.

  Linx faded and appeared behind him before he could finish the job. He grabbed Sergei's hand and crushed the bones, then snapped the arm holding his gun in half.

  Sergei bellowed in rage, pain, and disbelief as he dropped Tabby onto the ground. She fell with a grunt, then cried out as she tried to roll onto her side.

  Linx clasped Sergei's head. His claws shot out, severing tendon and arteries. Blood showered his face, but he didn't stop squeezing or cutting his way through the man's neck until it hung by a mere thread of skin. Linx shoved Sergei away, then bent to check on Tabby.

  She yelped and tried to scramble out of reach, but couldn't.

  "I won't harm you," he said softly, his voice all but cooing to calm her. Linx knew he looked like her biggest nightmare, but it couldn't be helped. The man had hurt her badly, and it was his fault. "I shouldn’t have left you." He reached out a bloody fingertip, only belatedly realizing his claws were still out.

  Tabby's eyes widened as they landed on the razor-sharp weapons. Linx willed them to fade, leaving normal-sized nails behind.

  Her frightened gaze met his. "What are you?" Her voice barely audible over the music.

  "Turn that noise off, Riot. I cannot hear myself think." Linx sat Tabby up as his Phantom brother shifted from bear into human form.

  Tabby watched wide-eyed, then fell over gasping in pain.

  Linx touched her carefully. "He hurt you. Bad."

  "I need a doctor," she whispered.

  "There's not time for that. You're bleeding internally. Already your heart struggles to beat. You'll bleed out before you reach a medic." He couldn't lose her. She was...everything to him. The shock of that realization winded him, but Linx knew he had to present a strong front for her sake. The decisions they made in the next few minutes would change both their lives forever.

  Tabby laid her head on the ground. "I'm tired."

  Linx gently shook her shoulder. "You cannot go to sleep or you will not wake up."

  "I'm dying, Linx," she murmured. “You said so yourself.”

  "It’s true, but I believe I can save you," he said with as much conviction as he could muster. Linx wasn't altogether certain he was speaking the truth. He just knew that he couldn't lose her now that he'd been given a second chance.

  Tabby turned her head until she could look at his face. "How? I don't have to sell my soul do I?"

  He would've laughed if the situation hadn't been so serious. "You won't have to sell a thing."

  "Brother," Riot said. "The ship is nearing."

  Linx gave him a sharp nod, but didn't look at him. He could feel the ship. He knew it would arrive soon. That's how Riot had been able to sense his distress. Had they been high in orbit on the other side of the planet, they wouldn't have known he was in trouble until it was too late.

  "Make it quick," Riot said.

  "Hold your claws, okay? I will not force her. It must be her decision."

  "Then you're a fool," Riot said with a snort.

  Easy for a bear to say. They had about as much finesse as a hippo on ice skates.

  Tabby's eyes started to close.

  "No!" Linx shouted. "Tabitha, look at me."

  Her lids drooped, but she somehow forced them open. They were glazed from the pain and the shock of the injuries.

  "Do you want me?" he asked.

  Her brow furrowed. "What?"

  "I said do you want me?" Linx asked.

  She gave him an odd look, then said, "I'd love to, but I don't think I'm up for it right now."

  Riot chortled. “I see why you chose her.”

  Linx shot him a censorious look. "I can save you, but what I have to do in order to do that will bind us together. Do you understand?"

  * * * * *

  Tabby had no idea what Linx was talking about. His words didn't make sense. Her vision faded in and out. She shivered. She was cold. So very cold. But the pain was fading. Somewhere in the back of her mind, Tabby knew that wasn't a good thing, but she couldn't bring herself to care.

  "Bind, as in forever,” he said. “So I need to know if you are okay with that." Linx looked so serious. “We don’t have much time.”

  She didn't doubt that he meant every word he was saying, even if it made no sense. "Forever won't matter because in a little while, I'll be dead." Tabby tried t
o laugh, but it hurt too much.

  Linx glared at her. "I'm serious, Tabby. You need to tell me yes or no. I will not claim you without your permission."

  "Claim me?" The blackness closed in. She knew whatever he meant to do, he'd have to do fast or death would take the decision away from them both. She looked at the man, who'd so easily brought out her wild side. Would spending the rest of her life waking up to that be so bad? Tabby didn't think so. "Okay," she murmured as the darkness tried to take her. She fought to keep it at bay.

  “You won’t regret your decision. I swear to you.” Linx let out a heavy breath and shimmered out of existence. Tabby felt something warm tickle her insides. His hand touched her back, then in a blink it was gone. She noticed the same tickle, this time stronger.

  Pain returned with a vengeance.

  Tabby cried out.

  "Almost done." Linx kissed her lips and disappeared.

  Warmth exploded inside of Tabby, blinding in its intensity. She had no idea what was happening, but with each build up some of the pain diminished. She gasped as she felt a wrenching in her chest.

  Linx appeared again, this time covered in sweat. "You should be able to heal now. I will pass through you once more after you've rested," he said.

  Tabby looked down at the front of herself, expecting to see a difference, but she was still covered in blood and bruises. The warm trickle that had been oozing from her nose and mouth was gone. She tentatively licked her lips. They were dry...and scabbed over.

  "How?" she asked.

  Linx stared at her with so much love in his eyes that it hurt to look at him. "I'll explain everything, when you feel better."

  Her eyes drooped closed again. This time she didn’t fight the pull. She let it drag her under.

  * * * * *

  Linx untied Tabby and lifted her into his arms. He turned as Riot approached.

  "Congratulations, brother," Riot said.

  Linx nodded, but didn't feel relief. He wouldn't feel like celebrating until Tabby was fully recovered. Even then, it would take years to make up for failing her so.

  "What are we going to do about her?" Riot pointed to Taylor.

  Linx had forgotten all about Tabby’s sister. "We can't leave her."

  Riot scowled. "You know the rules. Only one woman per mission."

  Linx's jaw clenched. "I am aware of the rules, but that one is my mate's twin."

  "Her what?" Riot looked back over at the woman cowering in the chair.

  Linx held Tabby's head higher. "Look at her face."

  Riot did.

  "Now look at her." He nodded in Taylor's direction.

  "They are almost the same," Riot said.

  "That's why I can't leave her," Linx said.

  Riot stared at Taylor for the longest time, then slowly turned back to Linx. "We'll have to hide her on the ship. We can't let anyone know that she's there." He glared at him. "That won't change once we reach Zaron. You'll have to find a place for her to stay until you can petition for the laws to be changed. It's either that or face confinement."

  Linx lifted Tabby higher against his chest. "I'll do whatever is necessary to ensure the happiness of my mate. Leaving her twin is not an option."

  Riot nodded. "Where will you keep her?"

  Linx looked at Taylor for a long moment, his thoughts churning. "There is only one place I can think of that will be safe and will go unnoticed."

  "Where?" Riot asked.

  "The Dark King's caverns."

  "Hades will never allow it," Riot said.

  Linx looked at him. "He will not have a choice."

  * * * * *

  Chapter Nine

  Tabitha was having the most delicious dream. Her phantom lover was kissing her inner thigh, his lips teasing her flesh into alertness. A moist tongue glided along the edge of her panties, nibbling along the crease of her leg. Tabby's eyes sprang open as a warm breath cooled the liquid trail.

  She jolted up.

  Linx was perched between her thighs, his dark blue eyes glazed with passion. "You taste like Zaronian wine. So sweet. Tangy. Deliciously heady. You make my head spin."

  "Your eyes," she whispered. "They were different." Tabby looked around, expecting to see her house. Instead, she found herself sitting in the middle of a bed inside a small cabin of some sort. "Where am I?"

  “Someplace safe,” he said.

  She frowned. “Are we on a cruise ship?” She’d always wanted to go on a cruise, but she would’ve preferred doing so, when she was feeling more up to sightseeing.

  Linx gave her a lazy smile. "Not exactly." He leaned down and ran his tongue along the crotch of her panties.

  Tabby's eyes nearly crossed. "Stop that!" If he didn't, she wouldn't be able to carry on a coherent conversation.

  He kissed her again, lingering above her clit.

  "You're distracting me," she said.

  Linx worried her thigh with his teeth. "Would that be such a bad thing?"

  No. "Yes!"

  Linx ignored her. One long finger slipped inside her underwear and pulled, tearing them away. “I thought I lost you. I don’t ever want to experience that level of fear again.”

  Her heart raced over the sound of conviction in his voice. "We need to talk," she said.

  "Later," he murmured, returning once again to the moist seam running between her legs. He nudged her with his nose and inhaled, his eyes fluttering closed, a look of sheer ecstasy on his face.

  Tabby tried to push him away, but he was having none of it. Instead, Linx buried his face between her thighs and began to feast. Tabby dropped back onto the pillows and groaned.

  The man had the most talented tongue. Abrasive enough to be stimulating, yet soft when he probed her depths. Linx grasped her thighs and spread them wide.

  "I've missed this. I’ve missed you." He swirled his tongue around her entrance. "Once was not nearly enough."

  Tabby curled her hands into the sheet and arched her hips. The move brought him closer, drove his tongue deeper. She gasped as he took advantage and plunged inside.

  Linx made little growling noises as he at her flesh. Every flick, every nibble brought a fresh wave of moisture, until she dripped down his chin.

  Tabby bucked, needing to get closer, while wanting to pull away.

  Linx reached out and held her in place as he lapped at her aching entrance, then slowly glided to her throbbing clit. He didn't immediately pounce. Instead, he kissed her, gently sucking her swollen nub until stars exploded behind her eyelids.

  "Linx, please."

  He released her long enough to ask, "What do you want, mate?"

  The emphasis on the last word wasn’t lost on her. When Tabby didn't respond immediately, he pressed down on her clit. She cried out in ecstasy. Her orgasm so close she could taste it.

  "I want you." She gasped.

  "Oh my dearest, Tabby. Don't you know that you already have me? You had me the moment that silly hat fell off your head." Linx rose above her, positioning his hard shaft at her weeping entrance. He flexed his hips, then took her mouth in a searing kiss as he drove forward inside of her.

  Tabby felt him surround her, take her, claim her. His thrusts took on an urgency that hadn't been there the first time they made love.

  She stilled as the realization hit. They had made love. She'd tried to convince herself that it was just sex, but Tabby had, had sex before and it had been nothing like this. Each thrust brought him closer to her heart. Each glide of skin branded her soul.

  Tabby wrapped her legs around his hips and pulled him close, locking him inside of her. Linx grunted, but didn't slow his hard and steady ride. Each downward stroke hit her clit, making it harder and hotter, until Tabby thought she'd burst.

  Her hands grasped his shoulders and she sunk her blunt teeth into his neck.

  Linx jerked, then bellowed. He reached between their bodies and pressed down on the bundle of nerves, throwing Tabby over the edge and into the abyss. She cried out and her body spasmed. Linx t
hrust hard twice, then slammed forward, locking himself deep inside of her. Warmth splashed her cervix as he found his release.

  They stayed locked together, breathing hard, bodies drenched in sweat. It took a while before either had the energy or the inclination to move.

  Linx cupped her cheek and pressed his lips against hers.

  "What was that for?" Tabby asked, feeling exposed and strangely embarrassed.

  He caressed her face. "You are an amazing woman. I am forever grateful to the goddess for opening my eyes to allow me to see you as such."

  Something inside her took flight. "Thank you."

  He kissed her again, then shifted, taking his warmth with him. The loss was palpable, but they needed to talk. Tabby pulled the covers around her and took a good look at the room they were in.

  It was a cabin of some sort. The walls were painted silver and the floors were a deeper shade of gray. There wasn't much in the space beyond the bed, a small table, and what looked to be a bathroom of some sort. If they weren’t on a cruise ship, then where were they? And who thought decorating in silver was a good idea? They'd obviously never seen a DIY show on television.

  “Are we in Vegas?” she asked.

  Linx shook his head. “No.”

  The last thing Tabby remembered was being at the club. Panic hit as images flashed before her eyes. Sergei had come to her house. Taken her and Taylor. He'd beaten the bottoms of her feet, broken her ribs, and Linx... Her eyes widened. "Where is Taylor?" Her gaze skittered around the room as she searched for her sister.

  "She is safe," Linx said.

  Tabby glared at him. "That's not what I asked."

  Linx rolled onto his back, so his head was resting in her lap. His dark hair felt like silk as it touched her bare thigh. Tabby brushed a lock off his forehead, but resisted the urge to sink her fingers into it. Linx made a sound suspiciously like a purr.

  Tabby froze. Her mind worked overtime to sort through her memories. She'd been upside down. She glanced at her ankles. The bruises were yellowed and faded. How long had she been asleep?


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