The Boy Next Door (Falling for You Book 1)

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The Boy Next Door (Falling for You Book 1) Page 1

by Danielle Lee Zwissler

  The Boy Next Door

  Danielle Lee Zwissler

  A Young Adult Love Story

  ©2015 Danielle Lee Zwissler

  Firefly & Wisp Books

  ISBN-13: 978-0692480816

  Copyright © 2015 by: Danielle L. Zwissler

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or use of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without the permission of Firefly and Wisp Books.

  First Firefly & Wisp Publishing Printing 2015

  All the characters in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. All work is from the imagination of the author.

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  Dear Reader,

  I didn’t have a Boy-Next-Door growing up as I lived out in the country. My nearest neighbor was two miles away, and my best friend, Claire. Hiya, Claire! She and I would talk about boys and love and marriage and all of that coming-of-age type stuff, though. She even had a guy she used to spy on with binoculars! (I wasn’t lucky enough to be within sight of him) Yet, I always dreamed… What would it be like to fall in love with the boy next door? What would it be like to marry someone that you knew since childhood? This is whatThe Boy Next Door is all about. Love, friendship and a whole lot of ‘what ifs’…

  I hope you enjoy the book, and if you do, I’d appreciate a review!

  As always, thank you!

  Much love and happiness,

  R Danielle Lee Zwissler

  With Thanks,

  A huge thank you to my fans and friends that have purchased my books! I’m indebted to you, and thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  To my kids, Ariana and Logan, thank you so much for letting your old mom work on her books while listening to you watching Netflix. I can imagine some of the scenes may be a little influenced… Please bear with me.

  A big thanks to my husband, Earl, for being the best example of a hero in my books. I love you. Now, please, hurry and finish our downstairs bathroom!

  This book is dedicated to my best friends in childhood. Roni Renicker, Claire Allison, and Amy Fowler. All three of you have influenced certain parts of this book, and many parts of my life.

  Chapter One

  *Heart Attack*

  I wasn’t all that concerned about what I looked like this morning. It wasn’t as if I had anything pressing to do. My roommate, Alexis Marcs, was entertaining her boyfriend for the third night in a row, I had a show pre-recorded on the DVR all set up to watch, and my mom had sent me a box of cookies earlier in the week that I was just now getting in to. So, needless to say, makeup wasn’t on the agenda, and neither were jeans. It was a sweatpants and Minion tee all the way.

  “You look like shit,” Alexis said as she finally came up for air. Todd, the boyfriend, took a deep breath, as I’m sure he needed one since he was underneath Alexis for nearly twenty minutes.

  “Thanks,” I replied as I put a cookie in my mouth, the soft morsels of chocolate melting on my tongue. “Mmm, so good,” I breathed. “Want one?” I asked. I held up a cookie as I finished chewing the one that was already in my mouth.

  “That’s gross,” Alexis said, giggling. She looked at Todd. “What about you? Do you want one?”

  “Hell yeah, those look great. Hiya, Keri.”

  “Hi,” I mumbled, reaching my hand toward Todd. He grabbed the cookie quickly and shoved it into his mouth.

  “You are both disgusting,” Alexis remarked. She smiled as she playfully swatted Todd on the shoulder. I refrained from comment, even though all night and into this morning I heard slurping sounds coming from Alexis’s bed. They had been dating for three months now. She called Todd her “Love Muffin”… I called him Todd. Just Todd.

  I shook my head as I thought of the two and how they started dating. Todd was into intramural sports, mostly stick ball, and Alexis was the onsite student reporter for the team. It wasn’t a paid position, and her writing wasn’t all that good.

  Todd played forward, and sucked something fierce, but as fate would have it, one night after one of his games, Todd’s car didn’t start, and Alexis was his Knight-in-Versace Armor… She was more glam than any college student I knew, and as she reminded me daily, I was very lucky to have her.

  “So,” I said as I looked over to the TV, “do you guys like Under the Dome?”

  “I’m so over it. It’s a dome, I mean really, all they did last season was murder each other. I’m watching Big Brother again,” Alexis replied. Todd shrugged his shoulders, not really caring one way or the other.

  “I don’t know how you can watch reality TV. It’s horrible.”

  “No it’s not. It’s amazing. 16 and Pregnant is probably the best show since Gilligan’s Island.”

  I took a deep breath and mentally counted to three before replying. “Alexis, I think you’ve lost some brain cells from all that slurping from last night.”

  Todd laughed, but Alexis’s face was a bright red. “Not funny!”

  “I don’t know what you expect, I’m right here. Anyway, I’m watching this show, so…if you don’t like it, I’ll just put my headphones on.”

  Alexis gestured toward the headphones. “Go ahead. We’re not interested.”

  “I didn’t think that you were,” I mumbled, as I grabbed another cookie. I looked over to the clock and noticed that it was already past 10 am. “You going to breakfast?”

  “No, and you should probably stop with the cookies. You have heard of the freshman fifteen, right?”

  I rolled my eyes and looked over at Alexis. “Yes, and I really don’t give a rat’s ass.”

  “Suit yourself,” Alexis replied with a yawn, then looked over at Todd. “We’re going shopping anyways…”

  “Oh, really?” I looked at Todd and he grinned.

  “Yep, I’m taking him home to meet my parents on Thanksgiving break. He can’t wear his usual attire.”

  I looked at Todd, what I could see of him, and shrugged. He looked fine to me. “Where are you taking him, The Gap?”

  Alexis scrunched her nose at the mention. “Um, no. My parents would think he was trying too hard if I outfitted him in khackis and polos… I was thinking of Hollister, but who knows.”

  “How about Pac Sun?” I asked, laughing to myself. Todd put his head back and guffawed. Everything he owned had Pac Sun on it, that or some weird saying like, “Trust me, I’m a Dr., or his green shirt with a yellow arch that said “Do you have fries with that shake?” and his other that was my personal favorite, “two things I never lie about, big butts and me liking them.”

  “Very funny.”

  “Good one, Keri,” Todd announced. “I was thinking maybe I’d stop by there for a new hat.”

  “Um, no.” Alexis gave him a look that said, “You wish,” and then turned toward me. “Don’t get him all riled up. You going to be here tonight or are you going out?”

  It was a Saturday and I had absolutely no plans whatsoever, other than my two hour season premier and my mother’s homemade cookies. “Nope I’m staying right here.”

  “Well, I was thinking maybe we could do pizza tonight? That is,” she said, gesturing to the cookies on my lap, “if you’re still hungry.”

  “I would make a comment, but I really don’t care. Pizza sounds good.”

  “We can do halfsies. Todd has to go home tonight.” Alexis pouted and Todd kissed her full on the mouth, making her giggle once more.

  “Oh, I thought he was living here now,” I said, jokingly, even though I was partially serious.

  Alexis’s eyes widened and she looked from me to Todd. “You wouldn’t care?”

  Shit. I tried not to look too much like a downer. “Uh, no as long as you guys don’t do the…you know, deed, while I’m here, and he has to chip in on pizza night if he’s going to eat.”

  Alexis’s eyes lit up as well as Todd’s. She squealed, and pushed Todd back onto the bed once more. “What do you think, roomie?” she asked Todd. Todd answered her with more slurpy kisses.

  I put my headphones on. It was going to be a while before the two came up for air.

  I watched as Dale Barbara was searching for something; what, I had no idea. I’ve always been funny about the shows I watch. I loved a good looking person just like the next person, but I took it pretty far, at least I thought I did. If there’s a good looking guy in a show, I’m stuck. I’d watch that show even if it was the dumbest show on the planet, which also explained my obsession with daytime television. Dale Barbara, or Barbie as they call him on Under the Dome, was damn gorgeous. I’ve always been a sucker for a good looking blonde guy. On the show, he lived in a place called Chester’s Mill, which was sort of like where I grew up in Texas. The show was basically about the citizens of this place getting trapped under a big dome; it has reminded me of a big snow globe since I started watching the show last year, and in this dome they have a lot of weird shit that happens, not to mention the people who are just plain strange. Which was probably why I stuck to Barbie like glue; he’s one of the only people on the show that wasn’t weird. Every time I watched the dome, I got a little homesick and thought about Payton. Payton was much like Barbie. He’s a blondie, well, he was the dirty-dishwater kind, and was pretty resourceful. He was an eagle scout. He was also the boy next door to me growing up. We used to hang out in his tree fort that he and his dad built when we were around five.

  Barbie was walking with his gun close to his side and I sat on the edge of my bed with the cookies on my lap. I took one more and shoved it in my mouth as Julia, Barbie’s girlfriend, screamed. I jumped, and then couldn’t hear a thing coming from my headphones. “NO!” I shouted. “The sound is gone!” I looked up and saw my roommate shaking her head. In her hand was my wireless headphone adapter for the television.

  “What the hell?” I asked, pissed. I pushed pause on the DVR and then took my headphones off.

  “Your phone is ringing.”

  “So? I told you, I’m in the middle of the season premier here!”

  “Well, I am in the middle of,” she said, looking at Todd with that look that she always gave him, “Todd.”

  “Well, excuse me,” I said, tromping across the room to get the adapter and put it back into the television USB port.

  “It’s rung four times now.”

  I looked at her and shrugged. “What ringtone?”

  “YMCA. Who the hell has that one?”

  I laughed. “That’s my mom’s. I’ll call her back as soon as this is over,” I said, not thinking anything of it. I talked to my mom a lot. Sometimes ten/twelve times a day.

  “Well, can you at least put it on vibrate?” Todd asked. “It’s not helping.”

  I laughed some more at Todd’s expression. “I’m sure it’s debilitating. Tell your, uh, member, I said I’m sorry.” I picked up my cell just as Alexis’s phone went off.

  “Good Lord,” Todd said as he lay his head back on the pillows of Alexis’s bed.


  I put my phone on vibrate and then went to sit back down.

  “Oh my God. Yes, I’ll,” Alexis said and then looked over to me. I could hear the tremor in her voice. I swallowed.

  “What?” I mouthed. Todd sat up in bed, hearing the same thing that I did.

  “It’s your…Your mom’s on the phone, Keri. Here,” she said, as she handed me her cell. I took it and a deep breath, now thoroughly scared.


  “Honey, I need you to listen, okay?”

  “Okay,” I said.

  “Your dad had a heart attack, and we need you to come home.”

  “Oh no!” I cried. Alexis and Todd stood up and came toward me, putting their arms around me. Alexis patted my back.

  “He’s okay, we just…we need you here. I need you here.”

  I nodded, even though it was impossible for her to see me. I could feel the tears as they travelled down my face. I swiped at them with my other hand as I spoke. “He’s not…”

  “No, honey, he’s… in surgery now.”

  “I’ll get my things ready. But, mom, I’m not… I don’t have…”

  “Use the card that daddy gave you before you left for school.”

  I completely forgot about the emergency credit card, as I had never had any intention on using it. “Okay. I’ll get my things ready now.”

  Alexis left my side along with Todd and they both got into my dresser and then into my closet. Alexis handled my underwear drawer along with my clothes as Todd brought her different pairs of shoes and then my toiletry bag. My bottom lip shook along with the rest of me as I sat there listening to my mother tell me what happened to my dad. “He’s going to be okay, right, Mom?” I asked. I felt like a scared child.

  “I don’t know, baby. I…” Mom cried. I pictured her alone in the hospital with nobody around her. “Did you call Seth or Jack?” I asked, wondering if my brothers were already on their way or not.

  “I called them and they’re coming, too.”

  At her answer I nearly lost it. Seth and Jack were even farther away than I was and they were on their way. It must have been really bad. Bad enough to get the whole family together. “I’m going to get my flight now, Mom. I’ll let you know the details in a little bit.”

  “Text them to me. I’m not allowed on my cell. I love you, honey. Be careful.”

  “I will,” I said, and then hung up, wondering if I would have a daddy to hug when I got there.

  Chapter Two


  The flight attendant had just announced that we were to start our downward decent to the airport. I hadn’t had my cellphone on, as it was the plane’s policy, and because I had a narc in the seat next to mine that was constantly complaining about other people and things about the plane. It was safe to say that if the plane did crash, I would know where all the exits were as well as the oxygen masks and extra air tanks.

  During the long flight, I watched, or rather glimpsed Divergent. I had wanted to watch the movie for a long time, but held off because I promised Payton that we’d watch it together on Thanksgiving break. I had waited this long; it wasn’t going to kill me to wait a few more weeks. As it was, Thanksgiving was only a month away, and Halloween was right around the corner. And now, here I was, coming home earlier than expected, who knew if I’d be able to come home again a month from now as the flight cost me $362.88 on the emergency credit card.

  The seatbelt sign went on and I buckled back up and took a deep breath, saying a prayer for my dad as well as the quick and painless hope for a safe landing.

  The lady next to me did the sign of the cross, and then hissed at the people across the aisle from us. One of them had their cell phone out and was quietly talking on it. They looked up, rolled their eyes and then continued their conversation.

  “Can you believe that?” she asked me. I shook my head no and then looked out the window. She continued talking, but I didn’t pay her any attention.


  I didn’t have a suitcase, so I didn’t have to wait for the luggage return, which was good, because the flight that I was on was full. I walked out into the arrivals area and took a deep breath and pulled out my cell and turned it on. I had four missed calls and two text messages.

  I could feel my heart hammer in my chest as I pushed my voicemail butt
on. I listened as Todd and Alexis wished me luck, my brothers Seth and Jack both asked when I’d be in, and then my mom. There wasn’t anything new, no news to be reported, but I still worried. I looked at the texts. One from Alexis, and the other from Payton.

  I clicked on Payton’s.

  Hey, Ker, I heard about your dad. I’ll be at the airport. XX

  I sniffed, and then looked up, and there he was: Payton.

  “Hey,” Payton said. He pulled me into his arms and hugged me tightly. He pulled back slowly and then touched his nose to mine. “You okay?”

  I looked into his eyes. This was completely new, being this close. I nodded. I could feel the tears on my face; he wiped them off.

  “Let me get that bag for you,” Payton said as he pulled back. He took my heavy duffle and put it over his shoulder. “This is heavy, Ker, you shouldn’t have been—”

  “It wasn’t that bad,” I interrupted. “Thanks for picking me up. How did you know what flight?”

  “Your mom. Let’s get you to the hospital.” Payton took my hand in his and we walked out into the lobby and took the escalator down two floors and out into the parking garage. He clicked his key fob and we heard the distinct beeping sound.

  “New car?” I asked, surprised as Payton loved his old Chevy pickup.

  Payton grinned and my heart thudded in my chest.

  “New truck. Don’t worry, I still have Betty. Let’s get you in.” He walked me over to a nice, black Chevy. The kind that you’d make a lot of payments on for the rest of your life. My eyes widened.

  “How on earth—?”

  “I had a good size down-payment, and it helps that I’m friends with Fred Martin.”

  Fred Martin was the owner of the car dealership where we lived. I nodded, still not understanding why Payton would want to spend all of his money on a new truck. “Do you know anything about my dad?”

  Payton took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I don’t know much, other than he was in surgery and things weren’t going all that well. I promised your mother that I would bring you to the hospital; she didn’t want to leave your dad.”


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