Rose, Exposed

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Rose, Exposed Page 14

by Afton Locke

  “Did you give up your job to be with me?” she asked.

  His fingers trailed over her breasts through the soft fabric of her dress. “I told you I couldn’t stay away from you.”

  To his surprise, she grabbed the front of his trousers, her strong, supple artist’s fingers squeezing the bulge of his erection. A husky moan escaped him.

  “What are you asking for, Rose?” he muttered against her neck, licking the tender flesh behind her ear.

  “This,” she replied as she reached into his trousers and pulled out his aching cock. It looked so powerful in her pale hand.

  They both glanced at the burlap pallet on the floor. Dirty gardening tools leaned against the wall and the smell of fertilizer and peat moss tinged the air.

  He swallowed hard. “I wanted something better for you. For this—”

  “You’re all I need, Leroy,” she whispered.

  He watched, fascinated, as she unbuttoned the lace-trimmed dress and let it slip to the floor. His eyes widened when he realized she wore no bra or bloomers tonight. Dim light from the yard filtered through the window, barely allowing him to see enough of her.

  The sight of her upturned nipples, long and hard, and the thatch of soft hair between her legs squeezed his groin with need—the need to protect and claim her at the same time.

  Nobody had offered him anything as precious as this woman giving her beautiful body. Despite her life of privilege, she wanted him even in poverty and on a dirty floor. He couldn’t remember when he started loving her, but he sure as hell did now.

  The four walls of this small shed provided the most privacy they’d ever had and he intended to take full advantage of it. He withdrew a small paper packet from his bag of belongings and slipped it into his pocket. When he’d bought the condoms before taking this job, he never dreamed he’d get to use them so soon.

  After he laid her dress across the burlap to protect her skin, the fragile cloth looked strange against the rough. To his surprise, she pushed the dress away and lay on the burlap with bare skin.

  Suffocating from the temperature mounting under his shirt, he unbuttoned it and flung it off. Despite the pressure mounting in his balls, he wanted to take his time. He was glad Rose didn’t wear stockings as some women did, leaving her bare skin available to him. He parted her thighs just wide enough to accommodate his tongue. The scent of her arousal, rosy and musky, pulled him further and further.

  Before he reached the glistening mound, he scraped his chin across the soft skin of her belly. She doubled up and moaned, clutching his shoulders.

  “Leroy, please,” she begged. “I need you now.”

  “Soon, sweet girl. Soon.”

  His mouth traveled to her breasts next, teasing her nipples with his darting tongue until they stiffened even more. As if to hurry him along, she squeezed his cock, hard, and plied it as she would a paintbrush.

  That’s right. Paint pretty colors with my cock.

  Gasping, he pulled her hand away. He’d ejaculated across her chest before. This time he needed to be inside her tight body before he did it. Reaching into his trouser pocket, he pulled out the paper packet. A mixture of tingling and aching squeezed his penis in rapid succession. He needed to enter her now, before she changed her mind.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” he asked, holding the packet in front of her.

  He didn’t know what he’d do if she said no now. When she nodded and licked her lips, he tore into the condom packet as if he were a madman. If her father knew what they were about to do, Leroy was sure he never would have sent her to this school.

  Rose tugged at his trousers and pulled them down his thighs. Around this woman, he needed a much looser fit. He nearly knocked over every tool in the shed as he hurried to get them untangled from his feet.

  He unrolled the condom down his shaft, wondering if the flimsy thing would be able to hold his semen. The pressure building inside him would surely rip out in a high tide. Placing a hand behind her knee, he lifted the long, graceful leg, opening her tender cunt, fold by fold, until the moist center displayed for him. He traced her opening with the index finger of his other hand. The wetness of her sweet cream told him how ready she was, how much she needed him.

  She was about to be his. The thought made his heart crash as loud as thunder against his ribs. By coming here and offering herself, she’d accepted his marriage proposal. The sooner he got her out of this silly school the better.

  He crouched over her, watching her face as he positioned his cock head against the wet valley of her cunt and eased into her depths. She dug her nails into his arms and bucked her hips, as if a spasm of pain or pleasure gripped her. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt her. Even though he stopped moving, the sensation of her tight lips squeezing his erection nearly brought him to climax.

  Beads of sweat rolled from his forehead into his eyes, stinging them. “Rose, tell me what you need.”

  “I need—” she gasped. “I need you to fuck me.”

  Forks of fire ran down both his thighs. He licked her mouth, teasing it open with his tongue and sucking on her bottom lip.

  “I didn’t think genteel young ladies said such things,” he whispered.

  “I’m lying on a piece of burlap.” Her head thrashed from side to side. “It’s scratching my skin raw, so I don’t feel very…genteel.”

  “I’m sorry it’s not a bed. I wish—”

  She stopped his words with a biting kiss while she squirmed beneath him. “I didn’t say I didn’t like it. Now—”

  But he didn’t wait for her to ask again. She likes it rough. He remembered this from their courtship. Hell, the burlap chafing her sensitive skin must be arousing her! The thought of it sent a rush of heat to his groin.

  Pushing her legs open wider, he seated the head of his shaft between her labia and pressed. Such a tight and perfect rose had never encircled his cock. Sweating hard from the effort, he forced himself to stop before he went too far.

  “Are you all right?” he asked.

  Her hard breathing and head tossing told him she might not be, but she moved her hips toward his, taking more of him inside. They took turns pressing their bodies forward until he was lodged completely inside her. The walls of her hot pussy nearly crushed him. His blood pounded so hard it was almost painful.

  He eased out of her as slowly as he could, but she took over, yelling out as she drove her hips toward his and took him inside again with one lunge. Any pain she felt must not be enough to stop her. Knowing Rose, she probably enjoyed it. He met her rhythm as her yells turned to whimpers and then moans of pleasure.

  Giving up restraint altogether, he plunged her core with his driving cock. She squeezed her limbs around him so tightly he could barely breathe. The sensation of her nails digging into the heavy muscles of his back only urged him to fuck her harder. The more she dug, the more he did—scraping her ass across the burlap as he hollowed out the inside of her pussy.

  “I-I must be hurting you.” His words gasped out one at a time with each exhale.

  She shifted her hips under him, nearly driving him over the edge of control. “If you hurt me, I’ll let you know. Now hammer me as you do those nails when you build things.”

  Light flashed behind his eyes. Sweat ran down his face onto hers. He couldn’t stop now if he wanted to. She was worth the wait. No woman he’d ever been with compared to this. He’d known from the minute he’d met her in that car in the rain.

  My wife, he thought, driving into her pale thighs again and again. Finally.

  Even though her father was the last thing he wanted to think about right now, an image of the man’s sour face ran through his mind. He looked over the barrel of his gun, ready to kill Leroy over the color of his skin.

  Look at this, Charles Wainwright III. I’m fucking your daughter and there’s nothing you can do about it.

  With no warning, a small, quick spasm pinched around his cock and a strangled groan ripped from Rose’s throat.

/>   Her climax brought his about a mere second later. His semen gushed into the condom with such force, he again worried the thin membrane may not be strong enough.

  He covered her with his body, sandwiching the dampness their perspiring bodies had created. Her skin felt impossibly soft compared to the rough burlap under his hands. This time he kissed her gently, trailing his lips across her jaw while he combed his fingers through the damp tresses of her hair. Even though he was satiated beyond belief, he still couldn’t stop tasting her.

  “You’ll come harder next time,” he promised. “This was just your first time. Your body had to get used to mine.”

  “Oh, it did.” She traced her finger down his nose and across his chin. “I love you, Leroy Johnson.”

  He squeezed his eyes shut, savoring the words as much as the grinding passion they’d just shared.

  “I’ve loved you since the day I met you, sweet girl. Sleep here tonight with me.”

  She pushed against his shoulders and sat up. “I can’t. Mary will wonder where I am.”

  “Who’s Mary?”

  “My roommate, the mayor’s daughter. We’re sharing Caleb Rockfield’s bed.”

  Leroy grinned as he cleaned himself with a towel and handed another to Rose. His future bride was sleeping in his ex-boss’s bed. Life couldn’t be stranger, could it?

  “We’ll elope tomorrow.” He picked up the dress she’d tossed aside earlier, brushed it off and helped her into it. “Come by here first thing in the morning.”

  She frowned. “We can’t.”

  He frowned back. “Why the hell not?”

  “Father and I worked out an arrangement. If I spend one month in this school, he’ll let me marry anyone I please or…not at all.”

  Leroy leaned against the shelves for support, his legs already weak from their lovemaking. Her news took the rest of the starch out of him.

  “You honestly think he’ll honor his word?” he asked.

  She smoothed her rumpled hair with her fingers. To his satisfaction, it looked the wildest and farthest from white it ever had.

  “He seems very confident I’ll fall in love with being white, but my father is an honorable man.”

  “I’m sure he is, about everything except you. We’re eloping tomorrow if I have to go in that school and pull you out of there.”

  Her eyes widened and then narrowed. “No! I mean it, Leroy. You have no right.”

  By the set of her jaw, he knew she meant it.

  She toyed with her fingers. “Why do we have to marry? Wasn’t this nice enough?”

  “Do you mean to tell me you just gave me your body without even wanting to marry me?” He grabbed her hands as fiery-hot anger raced across his face. “Why, Rose? You want to try a white cock after mine and compare the two?”

  Her hand slipped out of his and slapped him across the face before he could react. The sting was nothing compared to the jealousy whipping through his gut.

  “How dare you?” she exclaimed, tears in her voice. “You’re the only one I’d ever do this with.”

  “Then why not marriage?”

  Shaking her head, she turned and faced the wall. “You’d never understand.”

  He touched her shoulder, reminding himself to be gentle. “I want to. Will you explain it to me?”

  “I’m tired of being a prisoner. Just once, I want to be free. Not with other men, Leroy. Just free.”

  He stared at the floor, struggling to understand. Her strict father probably had something to do with this.

  “You can be free with me, Rose.” Remembering how passion affected her, he lifted her hair and kissed the back of her neck. To convince her more, he rubbed his pelvis across her backside. “You want more of this, don’t you?”

  She turned around and gazed at his hardening mound. “Do you mean we can’t…unless—”

  “That’s exactly what I mean.” He touched her face. “I promise I’ll make you happy. Please marry me.”

  As he waited for her answer, stormy confusion and indecision swirled in her eyes.

  “All right. All right,” she finally said after a big sigh. “I’ll marry you.”

  “Thank you.” He hugged her, wishing she’d sounded more enthusiastic than someone who’d just lost an arm wrestling match.

  He sighed too and wiped his forehead. “Will I have to wait a whole month to marry you?”

  She smiled. “It’ll pass quickly. You’ll see.”

  “Am I allowed to see you again during this month?” he asked.

  “Of course. We’ll just have to be careful.”

  He grabbed her arm. “You honestly think you can pass as white for a whole month?”

  “It’s worked so far,” she said, shrugging.

  “This is not some fairy fantasy, Rose.” He squeezed her arm harder. “It’s too dangerous, for you and me. What if we get caught together? Do you know what people do to colored men who mess around with white women?”

  When she didn’t answer, he finished for her. “They assume rape. They might even kill over it.”

  “We’ll be careful,” she repeated.

  His hands knotted into frustrated fists. “I don’t like this one bit.”

  “You don’t have to stay here the whole month,” she said. “Maybe you can get your old job back.”

  “Oh, no. I’m not letting you out of my sight.”

  She bit her bottom lip. “It would be safer for both of us and easier for you if you didn’t stay. Remember how you acted at the summer dance?”

  How could he forget seeing her in the arms of a white man?

  “I’m staying,” he said through gritted teeth.

  “It will be strange, knowing you’re always watching me.”

  “I said I’m staying,” he repeated.

  Rose raised her chin. “Have you always been so stubborn, Leroy Johnson?”

  “Not until I met you. You’re pretty stubborn yourself.” He touched her cheek, shocked to find his fingers shaking. “Be careful, hear?”

  “I will.” She looked out the window. “They’ll be looking for me. I have to go.”

  After she’d gone, Leroy lay on the pallet, which was rumpled from their lovemaking. Did he really make love to Rose or had it all been a dream? The soreness of his cock proved he had. Despite the girth and power of his erection, her innocent tightness had nearly squeezed it to bits. Even now, it throbbed with each breath.

  Why did she have to be so damn loyal to her father? If they could elope now, they’d be safe and she’d be his before having a chance to change her mind. He might even get his job back. Now all he could do for the next month was clip roses and worry himself sick. He was sure it would be the longest month of his life.

  Was she really any closer to being his wife or had she just given him her body? It would have to be enough for now.

  * * * * *

  The next morning, Rose and Mary woke to the sound of snipping hedge clippers. With excitement dancing down her limbs, Rose scrambled out of bed, walked to the window closest to the corner of the house and opened the drapes.

  “That must be the new handyman,” Mary said, joining her at the window. “Oh, my. He’s working awfully close to our room.”

  “This is where the roses are,” Rose pointed out.

  If anyone else were holding those clippers, she’d cringe, preferring to see roses grow in any wild direction they chose. Instead, her heart quickened when she gazed at the man she’d made love to in the shed last night.

  What had possessed her to do such a brazen thing? Leroy’s stout cock had been even more powerful than she’d imagined. It split her in half, mingling half of his body with hers. He’d left behind a sweet soreness in her loins. If there had ever been any doubt whom she belonged to, it was gone now.

  Had she really agreed to marry him? One month was so far away it hardly seemed real. He’d sacrificed his job for her and it would hardly be proper to make love to a man without at least intending to be his wife. Most of all, when he�
�d pressed himself against her, making her want him again and again, it was impossible to say no. If only the thought of matrimony didn’t stir up so many butterflies in her stomach.

  Now that the decision was made, should she elope so she could be on her way to the altar instead of staying entangled in this risky deception? No, she couldn’t disobey her father, especially when he’d been so reasonable by giving her freedom in a month.

  Although it was early, Leroy’s tan shirtsleeves were already rolled up and his skin glistened. It reminded her of the sweat they’d generated last night, slicking up their entire bodies as they rubbed against each other. His tight trousers displayed the muscular buttocks that had driven him inside her with such power.

  “He’s so dark,” Mary said.

  Indeed he is, Rose thought. She’d never forget the sight of his dark cock slipping in and out of her. A trail of juicy arousal trickled inside her bloomers. If only she could walk outside and pull him under the rosebushes so he could make love to her again.

  Even the sight of his fingers on the roses, pulling and nipping the petals, reminded her of his mouth on her breasts.

  “Just look at him.” Mary pointed. “Doesn’t he just give you the shivers?”

  Indeed he does. The thought of feeling him inside her again sent delicious shivers emanating from her clitoris down each thigh to her toes. But although Mary’s words matched her thoughts, the expression on the girl’s face didn’t. Instead of admiration and desire, Rose saw alienation and fear in her wide eyes. Mary’s fingers clenched the neck of her nightgown so hard her knuckles turned as white as the silk charmeuse fabric.

  For a moment, Rose wanted to hate her for viewing the man she loved as something to be feared. It would certainly be a stumbling block to a full friendship, but she realized Mary had been raised to have this very reaction to colored men. Try as she might, she couldn’t hate this innocent girl.

  “Where were you last night?” Mary asked. “I was worried about you.”

  “You shouldn’t worry,” Rose said quickly. “I like to walk alone at night and look for fairies.”

  Mary turned from the window. “Fairies?”

  “Shall I tell you about them?”


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