Teardrops In The Night Sky (Steven Gordon series)

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Teardrops In The Night Sky (Steven Gordon series) Page 21

by Murison, J W

  ‘Is this her?’

  ‘Yes that’s her.’

  The picture was fuzzy but her credentials impressed Steven. ‘It says here she retired when she was twenty- five.’

  Haley nodded, ‘by the age of twenty-five she was a self-made millionaire. A child prodigy just like you; her contribution to science and the world of technology bore a rich harvest at an early age.’

  ‘So why did she retire so young?’

  Haley fidgeted nervously, ‘she supported your ideas publicly and was ridiculed loudly, especially by the American scientific community. Probably why she never came to the States.’

  ‘Their loss.’

  ‘That’s exactly what she said when she retired. No one’s heard from her since.’

  ‘Very interesting, says here she’s twenty-seven now, still single and unmarried. I wonder if she wants to join us?’

  ‘I would lay a bet on that being a yes.’

  Sid spun on his chair, ‘sir I have her online.’ He turned back, ‘hello Miss Kaizu, yes I’m calling from the space ship. We have received your reply to our questionnaire and our Captain would like a word with you if that is all right?’ There was a short delay, ‘it is, he will be right with you.’

  Sid stood up and let Steven take his place, but he wasn’t prepared for the beauty that faced him. He sat stunned and silent. He could see a question in her eyes as she received the picture of him. She gave a small-seated bow and it jerked him out of his reverie.

  ‘Hello Miss Kaizu, can you hear me? I’m Steven Gordon captain of this ship.’

  There was a delay, ‘I am sorry Mr. Gordon I did not recognise you. You are much different from your photograph.’

  ‘It’s a long story but I can reassure you it is me. Thank you very much for answering my questionnaire. I was very impressed. As you know I am looking for new members of the crew. Would you like to join us?’

  Her smile made his heart jump, ‘I would be honoured sir.’

  He wasn’t the only one to notice his reaction to her, ‘are you feeling well my heart?’

  He almost jumped at the voice inside his head, ‘yes Babe I’m fine, not now please.’

  His heart almost skipped a beat as Komoru’s head inclined slightly, ‘Mr. Gordon, were you talking to me?’

  ‘No sorry, I was talking to the ship.’

  ‘You call it Babe?’

  ‘It’s a her; a she and it’s a nickname the crew gave her.’ Inexplicably he felt himself flush with embarrassment.

  He saw the amusement in her eyes, ‘I see.’

  ‘So when will you be able to join us Miss Kaizu?’

  ‘Please call me Komoru, and I will be ready when you are.’

  ‘We can be there in an hour say.’

  She inclined her head, ‘I will be ready in an hour then.’

  The screen went blank and Steven sat back. He noticed Haley giving him a strange look and stood. ‘Warn everyone we’re going back to the Earth in an hour’s time, please.’

  ‘Yes of course.’

  He went back to his quarters where he had a private word with the ship.

  An hour later Komoru stood at the bottom of her garden in western cloths with a holdall at her feet. Both her parents cried openly. She hugged them both, ‘I am sorry we didn’t have longer to say goodbye.’

  Her father smiled through his tears, ‘do not be sorry at the beginning of a journey Komoru.’

  She hugged her Mother, ‘I love you, look after Father.’

  ‘I hope you finally find happiness Komoru.’

  There was a stirring of the wind and all looked up. At first there was only a shimmering then suddenly a huge ship appeared filling the sky.’

  There was a gasp of surprise from all three throats and immediately Komoru felt a strange pulling sensation in her mind.

  It landed so close they could almost reach out and touch it. A door suddenly opened and a ramp appeared. Two very large men with weapons jumped out and approached the family.

  The older of the two, bowed awkwardly, ‘Miss Kaizu?’

  She returned the bow, as did her parents, ‘yes I am Miss Kaizu.’

  ‘I’m Colonel Howe, the captain sends his apologies but we may have been detected on radar and he needs to stay on the bridge. Would you like to come with me and you can join him there.’

  ‘It would be an honour Colonel.’

  She reached for her bag but Beaver grabbed it first, ‘I’ll take this for you Missy.’

  ‘Thank you.’ She turned back to her parents and bowed in the traditional manner. They returned the gesture and flanked by the two giants she boarded the ship and disappeared.

  Steven was getting edgy, he turned to Tapper who was manning Colonel Howe’s consol, ‘anything yet?’

  ‘Yes sir, I think they have two jets scrambled from that fighter base two hundred miles away.’ He nodded to himself, ‘they’re turning this way gaining height. I would say they’ve definitely spotted us sir.’

  ‘We need to get the hell out of here. Colonel Howe are you back on board yet?’

  ‘Right here sir.’

  Steven jumped; the voice came from directly behind him. He glanced round, then back, ‘ok Haley get us out of here.’

  ‘Yes sir.’

  Steven got up and turned feeling very self-conscious, ‘Miss Kaizu welcome on board.’

  He thought for a second his heart was going to fail. She seemed to radiate a beauty and serenity he had never seen before.

  She bowed, ‘it is an honour sir.’

  He returned the bow with a little more style than the Colonel and held out a hand, ‘if you would come over here please. You may not be able to see it but there is a seat here.’

  She smiled, ‘everything is a little bright.’ She took his hand and he guided her into the seat on his right. ‘May I ask where we’re going Captain?’

  ‘We’re heading back to our base on the Moon.’

  ‘Does it have a name this base?’

  ‘No not yet, or any buildings but we like the view. Sit back and enjoy the trip. Haley could you give Miss Kaizu a quick orbit of the Earth.’

  Haley turned with a big smile on her face for the small Japanese woman, ‘you're going to like this.’

  Komoru returned the smile, ‘I’m sure I will thank you.’

  Tapper reported, ‘we’re leaving those fighters behind. They’re going flat out to try and intercept us, but they don’t have a hope in hell.’

  Steven nodded, ‘have they tried to fire any weapons at us?’

  ‘No sir, none of their weapons systems are active.’

  ‘That’s good, but I’d still like to know how they found us. Colonel could you and the Major look into it for me?’

  ‘Certainly sir.’

  Komoru watched the Earth slip away beneath them and felt elated. Never in her wildest dreams had she ever dreamt of taking off on such an adventure. Everyone seemed so nice. She watched Steven from the corner of her eye. A muscle rippled on his neck as he moved an arm and she felt an internal rush of heat.

  She had talked to his Mother and Father many times in the past and Mary had even sent her a few photographs of the man she had considered her hero, but in the past few years they had slowly lost touch with one another. The last photograph she had received had been on Stevens thirtieth birthday.

  The brilliant child had turned into a simple man and it had torn her heart to see that happy smile and know what he had lost, but this was no simple man who sat beside her. She could feel the energy and intelligence seep out of his very pores.

  His appearance had changed totally as well and he seemed to have grown by at least a couple of inches. His face once flat and quite Japanese in profile had completely altered. He now looked like an older version of the intelligent teenager, and very handsome she decided.

  Her musing’s were shattered by the views that came into focus. Just then the second ship slid in front of them and she gasped at the beauty of it in its natural environment.

nbsp; Steven sat bolt upright, the beauty at his side suddenly forgotten, ‘what's the matter Babe I thought your mate was going to stay on the Moon?’

  ‘He decided to join us my heart.’


  ‘We are not sure yet my heart, but will tell you as soon as we are.’

  ‘As soon as you’re sure of what?’

  ‘Have patience my heart for we do not know ourselves yet.’

  ‘There is no danger nearby is there?’

  ‘No my heart nothing like that.’

  He sat back puzzled to find Komoru’s questioning eyes, ‘I’m sorry I was talking to the ship. You can’t hear her yet and even when you can you will find people walking around as though talking to themselves. The ship can talk to everyone at once or as individuals. You’ll soon get used to it.’

  She smiled and his heart skipped a beat, ‘I’m sure I will. May I ask after your mother?’

  He frowned, ‘do you know her?’

  ‘We have never met in person but we have talked many times over the years, your father also.’

  He nodded his understanding; to have such a good knowledge of his work it would be almost impossible not to know his parents.

  ‘My mother is fine and back home in Scotland where she is being protected by the Government. My Father however is still in the hands of the Americans. We are going to try and rescue him tomorrow.’

  A look of concern crossed her face, ‘will it be dangerous?’

  ‘Yes very, but we are working towards nullifying that danger.’

  Haley interrupted them, ‘we are in high Earth orbit now Captain.’

  ‘Ok once round and head for home.’ She smiled a reply and he turned back to Komoru, ‘enjoy the scenery.’

  She did, but as breath taking as the Earth was she immediately feel in love with the Alien landscape of the Moon.

  Steven guided her down to his Office as it was beginning to be called and gave her a typical introductory speech and to his intense delight she wanted to stay on board.

  Laughing together he took her back up to the bridge and to the small highly decorated slot on the wall where she would receive her implants.

  He couldn’t help looking into her eyes as he took her hand to place it in the wall.

  ‘NO!’ A voice screamed in his head.

  He dropped Komoru’s hand in surprise, ‘why what's wrong Babe?’

  ‘You must not my heart.’

  Steven felt his good feelings melt away and a sudden impending loss.

  Chapter 36

  Steven tried to swallow away the metallic taste of fear in his mouth, ‘what's wrong Babe, why can’t we?’

  There was fear in Komoru’s eyes, ‘what is wrong, may I not join the crew?’

  Steven heart beat fast, ‘I don’t know she won’t let me.’

  ‘Nothing is wrong my Heart do not fear. In fact things couldn’t be more right.’

  Steven felt an easing of the stress, ‘ok Babe but will you explain?’

  ‘In a moment, but first we must dock with my mate and you must take Komoru aboard.’

  He rapped out the order, ‘prepare to dock with the other ship.’

  Everyone jumped to their posts and within a few seconds the ships were docked. He took her hand, ‘you must come with me to the other ship.’

  ‘Is everything all right?’

  ‘I believe so, come.’

  Colonel Howe stepped forward, ‘would you like an escort sir?’

  ‘No I think everything’s all right Colonel.’

  He led Komoru by the hand to the waiting male ship. Once inside the ships separated. Komoru placed her hands to her temples. Steven noticed the gesture, ‘are you feeling all right.’

  ‘I don’t know I can feel a strange pressure in my head.’

  Suddenly Steven had an inkling of what was wrong, ‘like a strange tingling?’

  She managed a small smile, ‘yes that’s right.’

  Steven felt a parody of strange emotions wash over him as he guided her onto the strange bridge. It was still in alien configuration and he wondered for a moment at the differences.

  Babe explained to him what was wrong. He had guessed right but now he had to try and explain it to a frightened Komoru.

  He sat her in the captain’s chair and took a deep breath, ‘the strange feeling you have is this ship trying to communicate with you.’

  She frowned, ‘but I thought no one could communicate with them until they were joined.’

  He nodded, ‘yes that’s right but they can communicate feelings to those that are sensitive enough to pick them up. Among the builder race they can communicate in this way to ninety percent of the population.

  So far with the human race, they have only encountered two such beings, you and me.’

  She paled, ‘does that mean I cannot work with you?’

  He smiled, ‘you can if you want too yes, there is nothing to stop you.’ She let go an explosive breath of air and Stevens smile broadened, ‘however the ships have a rather different proposal to put to you.’

  She shook her head, ‘what is it?’

  ‘They want you to become the Captain of this ship.’

  She almost fell off the chair, ‘they cannot be serious, I have only just come on board.’

  Steven laughed at the expression on her face, ‘oh their serious all right. It has nothing to do with how long you have been here Komoru, but it has everything to do with the way your mind works. Your mind and mine seem to be unique in some way I don’t truly understand. That is why I was selected to become Captain.’

  The colour was returning to her face, ‘you are truly serious?’

  ‘Yes I am.’

  ‘I’m still not sure I understand.’

  ‘Neither do I Komoru, but the ships do and they think the phenomena that affects us is very rare on Earth. Babe thinks they may search the entire Earth and not find another two like us. That is why they want you for Captain of the second ship.’

  Her eyes cleared, ‘like ying and yang. I am the female equal to your male.’

  He nodded, ‘probably more than you realise. You see these ships are mated for life and so to the Captains. The male is Captain of the female ship and his wife the Captain of the male ship.’ He blushed, ‘although in our case that doesn’t apply of course but they do think it wise for a woman to Captain this ship and they want you.’

  Her eyes gleamed, ‘balance upon balance upon balance, its perfect.’

  ‘They are a very balanced race.’

  ‘Tell me more of these ships and their bond.’

  Steven shrugged, ‘there's little more to tell. They were built at the same time and in the same place and mated upon given consciousness. They have never been apart for more than a few days since completion and they won’t be separated.

  Ok you can send one round one side of a planet or asteroid belt while the other goes the opposite way, but you can’t send them in different directions to separate parts of the universe.

  We will become an extension of their will and they of ours. You and I will have a neural connection with the ships and one another.’ He flipped back his hair to show her his implant, ‘as you can see I already have mine. It is a truly wonderful experience.’

  ‘Do you mean we can talk to one another telepathically?’

  ‘I believe so, without anyone else knowing we’re talking. I think we can also share thoughts although we can’t read one another’s minds. I’m not really sure yet, but I know we can keep our thoughts private from one another if we want or need to.’

  Her heart began to hammer. To think she would be directly linked to the mind of the man before her was the most exciting thing she had ever perceived. Komoru bowed slightly from the waist, ‘it would be my greatest honour to become a part of this ship and you.’

  Steven felt a strange calmness descend on him, ‘then I must leave you alone.’

  She felt pangs of panic, ‘but what do I do now?’

  He smiled, ‘lie ba
ck and relax. You will fall asleep and when you awaken, we will all be a part of the one.’

  She smiled and lay back. The seat began to recline. Steven drank in the sight of her beauty once more and left them alone.

  The scents of spring flowers washed over Komoru and without realising it she fell into a deep dreamless slumber. A silver coil appeared growing out of the chair. It snaked about opening her legs a little. The silver head poised in mid air then struck piercing easily through the jeans she wore.

  Chapter 37

  Steven returned to the ship alone. There were many inquiring glances. He decided that he would be better making an announcement to the entire crew.

  He ordered everyone onto the bridge and stood with his back to the wild moonscape as they gathered around. When everyone was there he made the announcement.

  ‘Ladies and gentlemen there has been a very interesting development. As most of you will know we just went to Japan to pick up a young Lady by the name of Komoru Kaizu. She was to become a member of this crew. However on arrival I was prevented from in-doctoring her into the crew by the intervention of both ships. To my surprise, and I’m sure it will be yours to, the male ship has asked her to become his Captain.’

  Steven was shocked by their reaction. Some seemed genuinely pleased, but most began to voice some form of protest. He felt his good mood evaporate.

  ‘What's the matter with you people?’

  Doctor Barns decided to make himself spokesman, ‘I think it unfair that a complete stranger should come on board and take over Captaincy of the other ship.’

  Steven shook his head sadly, ‘I see. You think that some of you would be better qualified to take on the job?’

  ‘To be perfectly frank, yes I do.’

  Steven looked up, ‘and you’re probably right. As a matter of fact all of you are probably better qualified to take on Captaincy of this ship as well, but it isn’t up to you or me. Please try and get it into your heads that these ships aren’t just some type of super computer. They have a will of their own and a certain criteria that need to be met before they will accept someone as Captain.’

  By now Babe had enough and spoke to all, ‘my heart is right. My mate and I are both capable of conscious thought. Please look to the forward viewer.’


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