The Lake of Love (Adult Novel 18+)

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The Lake of Love (Adult Novel 18+) Page 18

by John Sheridan

  * * *

  I stood in the pitch-black kitchen listening to the silence. It was so quiet that you could literally hear a pin drop. A voice towards the back of the room started whispering something, but was quickly hushed into submission. The person to my right hand side, I wasn’t sure if it was male or female, clumsily caught me with their elbow as they swigged on their drink.

  ‘Here they come.’ It was the voice of my mum. ‘Be very quiet,’ she told the room in her soft voice, but the underline tone was unless you want to die. Someone gave out a nervous cough. It was one of those coughs where you have a tickle in your throat that is too difficult to ignore, but they tried to hold it in so as not draw attention to themselves, which only prolonged the quiet coughing.

  Every person bunched shoulder to shoulder within the kitchen shared the exact same body language; I’m not with them. I couldn’t see my mum, but I could feel her eyes burning through the darkness of the night. If the person didn’t stop soon she was most likely going to strangle them.

  ‘Quiet,’ my dad repeated.

  The sound of the front door being unlocked reached my ears.

  A smile split my lips. She was finally home.

  ‘Where is everyone?’ I could hear Sheridan ask.

  ‘Charlie took them out,’ Frank lied.

  The front door closed.

  ‘Go and put the kettle on, Sheridan.’ Miranda’s voice was like music to my ears.

  ‘Okay,’ Sheridan replied. ‘Thank you for taking me out tonight.’ The voice was moving along the corridor towards the direction of the blacked out kitchen. ‘I had a really nice time,’ she added. Just as she stepped through the doorway the lights went on.

  ‘Surprise!’ the whole kitchen cheered in unison.

  From the expression on Sheridan’s face, it was clear to see that she was surprised. Sheridan was smiling from ear to ear with the biggest cheesiest grin I had ever seen. The sound of music kicked back into life and the hubbub of many voices talking at once filled the air, as one by one her friends approached her to wish her a very happy birthday. I went up onto my tiptoes to look past Sheridan and the ever-growing crowd.

  It was then that I saw her.

  A warm glow filled my chest. Miranda was beautiful.

  She was wearing the dress I had bought her. I thought it might make the pain of spending an evening with Frank hurt a little less. It was a black tube dinner dress. The fabric clung to her firm hour-glass figure mapping out every single amazing curve that her body had to offer. She wore high heels that made her look deceptively taller, but from there it was smooth tanned legs all the way up. The base of the black dress cut off my visual climb about half way up her silky thighs and continued up towards her chest. I stopped upon her large firm round breasts. They were practically spilling out of the dress. How the tight little dress managed to contain her tits was beyond me, but the sight of her tempting cleavage was causing all sorts of troublesome sensations to head down between my legs. Miranda had her long black hair tied back, which fully displayed her elegant swan like neck and jaw dropping angelic face. She had high cheekbones and the brightest light blue eyes that any man had ever been fortunate to fall into.

  Miranda was smiling, as she watched her daughter laughing with her friends. With all that was going on between Miranda, Frank and me it was easy to forget that she was still a mother. I picked up my bottle of beer and headed off towards the garden. I was glad that she was home, but tonight her family came first. I would always be able to spend some time with her later on.

  Chapter Eighteen: Miranda’s Point of View

  I was standing next to Charlie, Nathan’s father, whilst he and a couple of familiar faces I had met at functions, to do with the business, talked about some irrelevant subject that I had long since tuned out too. I smiled politely and nodded my head. The conversation was of no interest to me, but Charlie was a friend and talking to him kept Frank at bay. My soon to be ex-husband was circling the room like a shark. It was clear to me that he wanted to gauge how successful the dinner with me had been and know if there was a possibility of doing it again in the near future. Of course I couldn’t exactly tell him that I hated his guts and being in his presence made me feel so sick that I just wanted to die.

  No. That would not be a good idea.

  I have had quite enough of Frank for one day. He could wait.

  The man I wanted was Nathan.

  The very thought of his name gave birth to a tingling sensation down the length of my spine. It was like someone had just brushed the tip of a feather along my back. That’s what he did to me. He made me feel young again. He made me feel happy again. The things that he could do to me made me feel like a woman again.

  I raised the wine glass to my lips and secretly cast my eyes out across the room. The sheer volume of people cramped into the open planned kitchen just made any chance of spotting him near impossible. Nevertheless, I continued to look, as the conversation within the group went on. Two or three more minutes of mindless chatter went by when finally a break in the crowd revealed the man of my dreams.

  Nathan was standing near the kitchen table.

  He was gorgeous. And I am just not saying that because he is my lover.

  He really was gorgeous.

  The proof of this fact was the amount of young woman currently talking to him. Something painful stabbed at my heart. It felt like someone was slowly pushing a knife through my ribcage. I could hear the demon of jealousy mock me with its laughter deep within the depths of my unconscious mind. I knew I shouldn’t be jealous. Nathan would never betray me not in a million years.

  ‘You had thought that about, Frank,’ said the demon.

  Nathan was different.

  He loved me.

  Frank loved you.

  I had to give my head a quick shake to dislodge such thoughts. Nathan wouldn’t ever cheat on me. I just hated the idea of these pretty young women with their short skirts, tight skin and perky breasts chatting up my boyfriend, although I did have to raise my wine glass to hide my smile. Nathan looked more than a little uncomfortable. He resembled one of the sad caged dogs you see that the rescue centre. He just wanted to get away from them and be free.

  Our eyes met from opposite sides of the room.

  My heart instantly skipped a beat at the sight of that sweet smile.

  That’s it. I couldn’t wait any longer.

  ‘Excuse me,’ I said to the group and stepped away from them.

  A quick nod of my head directed Nathan to where I wanted him to go and with that I headed towards the garden.

  * * *

  I stepped out through the patio door and quickly wished I hadn’t. Frank was sitting on one of the wooden chairs in the garden. Unconsciously he looked me up and down in that way that used to make me feel sexy. Now it just revolted me. This man had openly fucked woman after woman behind my back throughout our marriage. I had only stayed with him out of duty to Sheridan. I didn’t want her to grow up in a broken home, but now my baby was turning into a woman and I didn’t have to put up with his crap any longer.

  ‘Hi.’ I forced a smile through the wall of hatred.

  ‘Hi.’ He got up from the chair to face me. ‘Tonight was nice.’ He was never one to beat around the bush. ‘I think, Sheridan, was really happy about the surprise birthday party.’ I nodded my head in reply and sipped on my wine. I could hardly bring myself to speak to him. This man had seduced me when I was younger with his boyish looks and charming personality. Our time together had been fun. It was mostly expensive trips, great parties and wild sex. Neither of us meant for me to get pregnant, but it happened very early on and Frank talked me into marrying him with promises of how great our life would be. The problem is with Frank is that once you get beyond the boyish charms and the good looks; there is nothing but an empty void. He had nothing within his soul. I had been so frightened by the prospects of having a baby that I bought into everything Frank had to say, but he’s a business man and a very good one at
that. He could sell shoes to a man with no feet. I bought into his lies and even before Sheridan was born I knew he had started to fool around.

  He couldn’t help it. It’s just how Frank is programmed.

  He does stupid things because if he stopped doing them he would probably end up killing himself. I suspect he hates himself more than I do, but he will get no sympathy from me. Throughout our marriage, I felt useless and worthless. I felt like my existence in this world was meaningless. Sheridan was the only good thing I had. In time I just got use to feeling this way. It was like I was conditioned to feel nothing, but a strange numbness until the day I finally left this life.

  It changed when I met Nathan.

  Staying up to wait for him to arrive at the lake house that night was the best decision I had ever made. I will never forget to look in his eyes for as long as I live. He was in love with me at first sight. It was not the type of love you confused with a crush or lust. It was the true sense of the word. He was truly and deeply in love with me. I felt drunk with delight. All the years that Frank had put me down and made me feel like shit were washed away with a single look from Nathan. He made me feel beautiful and the emotions just went straight to my head. I have never been so forward in all my life, but once the wheels started turning there was no way I was going to stop. Going down on Nathan after I only just met him was the naughtiest and most exciting moment of my life. I think he enjoyed it too.

  ‘Do you think we can do it again?’

  Frank’s words snapped me back to reality.

  I wanted so badly to say no.

  ‘Yes,’ I replied. Unconsciously I glanced over his shoulder, as Nathan appeared in the patio door. Instantly his eyes narrowed at the sight of Frank. If looks could kill then my boyfriend would be charged with first-degree murder.

  ‘Bedroom,’ Nathan mouthed silently. A very subtle nod of my head confirmed I would be there as soon as I could get free. Nathan gave the back of Frank’s head one last glare before he turned away and disappeared back inside

  ‘How about we have dinner next week?’ asked Frank.

  ‘Sure.’ I let out a weary sigh. I hated watching Nathan walk away. I just wanted to hold him so badly. ‘How about we talk about this tomorrow?’ I suggested. Before Frank could form any sort of reply I quickly added. ‘I have to go get more drinks for everyone,’ and then quickly headed back into the house leaving my soon to be ex-husband in my dust.


  I checked to make sure the coast was clear before tapping gently on Nathan’s bedroom door. The door opened with a faint click. Deep brown hazel coloured eyes that looked deep into the windows of my soul and a heart-melting smile met me. A firm hand gripped my wrist and pulled me into the darkened bedroom. My heart was suddenly beating excitedly against the inside of my ribcage, as I was pressed up against the bedroom door.

  Nathan pressed his lips against mine.

  I instantly sank into the kiss. I had wanted this all night.

  My fingers brushed through his hair, as my tongue slipped into his mouth. Butterflies fluttered wildly within the depths of my stomach at the feel of his tongue rolling against mine. Something nice warmed the core of my soul at the feel of his strong hand lifting my right leg up off the floor, as he stroked his palm along the back of my thigh.

  A wave of disappointment washed over me when he pulled his tongue from my mouth. ‘How did it go?’ He was devouring my face with deep passionate kisses before I had a chance to reply.

  ‘I hated every second,’ I admitted before sucking on his tongue. ‘I said that I would see him again next week.’ I dropped my hands down onto his belt buckle and quickly flicked it open. Time was not something the two of us had a great deal of. Usually emotions were running high whenever we found five minutes to be alone. I had now mastered the art of releasing the beast within his trousers in world record time.

  ‘You don’t have to do that.’ Nathan walked a line of kisses down my neck.

  ‘It’s okay,’ I reassured him. ‘I know what I’m doing.’

  Nathan’s trousers dropped down around his ankles. I found myself biting my bottom lip, as I looked down upon that long thick cock standing erect in the air. If I had been wearing my panties they would have been soaked through by this point. He forced his lips firmly against mine, as his hands hitched up the base of my black dress over my hips. The sheer level of anticipation for what was about to happen was forcing my heart to beat so hard that I felt like it might explode out through my chest, but this was the power Nathan had over me. I didn’t just want him. I needed him. I needed him so badly.

  ‘I don’t know how long we have until someone spots us missing,’ I said.

  ‘We’ll have to be quick then.’ Nathan placed his large powerful hands on the underside of my thighs and lifted me into the air. He did it with the ease of a parent picking up a small child off the floor. I don’t think I would ever be able to get over how easily my boyfriend could manhandle me. There was something overwhelmingly sexy about his raw strength. I wrapped my legs around his waist to help him to support my bodyweight. Nathan pinned me to the bedroom door by pressing his muscular torso against me.

  He removed one of his hands from my thigh.

  I couldn’t see what he was doing, but I knew. He was guiding his dick to where it needed to go.

  A burst of pleasure went off like a premature firework on New Year’s Eve at the feel of his dick pressing up against my soaking wet lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him even tighter, as I prepared myself for what was about to happen.

  My mouth hung open. Nathan had pushed his cock all the way up inside of me. I could feel the warmth of his body deep within mine. Strong hands grabbed my ass cheeks and he began to roll his hips.

  ‘Oh god,’ I sighed into his ear.

  Nathan was not playing. This was not going to be a long slow pleasing love making session. There was going to be no foreplay that slowly built up into a mind-blowing orgasm. We didn’t have the time. No one could know about our relationship. It had to remain a secret. We couldn’t let anyone realise that we were both missing from the party because we didn’t need people asking themselves certain questions.

  This was going to be a hard, deep and fast fuck.

  Within seconds, my breathing was already becoming laboured. It was hard to catch my breath when he was drilling his cock inside of me so quickly. It seemed to take the signals of pleasure at least a second to transmit to my brain when Nathan thrust his dick into my pussy, but he was fucking me so hard that before one signal had completed the journey to my mind another one was already on the way. It was a sensory overload. It didn’t help that he was pumping his cock so far inside that I could feel his balls slapping against my ever increasingly wet lips.

  ‘Are you kidding me?’ laughed a voice from the other side of the door.

  ‘Don’t stop,’ I whispered into his ear.

  I don’t think Nathan had any intention too.

  ‘What did he say to you?’ asked another voice.

  Tremors of pleasure began to quake up through my body. They started off small like little ripples across the surface of a pound, but I could feel the pressure increasingly, as the level of euphoria started to flow through my body and infiltrate my mind.

  ‘He said he really liked me and thought I was beautiful,’ explained a third voice.

  ‘Baby,’ Nathan groaned the word into my ear.

  He was panting heavily, as if he’d just finished running a marathon. His strong hands gripped my ass tighter, as he pulled my hips forward and started fucking me even harder than before. His dick was penetrating so deep inside of me that I was quickly losing my mind. Any concept of self-control I once had was well and truly gone. The pressure building inside of my body was mind numbing.

  ‘I thought he was married?’ the conversation on the landing continued.

  ‘He is.’ They laughed.

  ‘Baby, I’m going to cum,’ he warned me, but I had already won that race.

  My body simply couldn’t take anymore. Something wonderful exploded like a dying star within the depths of my sensitive pussy. A bright white light flashed within my mind’s eye. My mouth hung open and I fought to contain the orgasmic scream I wanted to cry out. I could feel my hips jolt and my muscles contract tightly. My back arched off the surface of the door and my pussy gripped at the shaft of his thick monster cock.

  Nathan groaned loudly through his nose.

  If it hadn’t been for the women laughing at that exact moment in time they would have heard him. A wave of tingles rushed down the full length of my spine at the feel of all that nice hot cum pouring into my pussy. I hugged Nathan even tighter, as he rammed his dick harder and harder into my body. In this position, I could do nothing. I wanted so badly just to force my bodyweight down against him. I wanted to take him even deeper inside and force him to keep climaxing into my pussy, but he was in complete and utter control.

  Nathan was pounding his cock into me with every ounce of strength he had left. I knew my baby well enough to know that he wouldn’t be able to keep the rate of this fuck up for too much longer. He had already reached his limit, but it was clear to see that he had missed me tonight, as much as I had missed him.

  ‘Are you going to go out with him?’ asked one of the women.

  ‘I might,’ countered another.

  ‘You wouldn’t, would you?’ asked the third.

  Nathan finally came to a stop.

  He placed his head down on my shoulder and panted desperately for breath.

  Chain reactions of smaller explosions of delight were igniting throughout my body. Whenever I thought the last one had finally faded another sensation of bliss emanated within my pussy. I placed my hands on the side of his clean-shaven face and lifted his head to face me. I couldn’t help myself for planting sweet loving kisses all over him. ‘Thank you,’ I whispered. I took in a long deep breath in through my nose and forced the air down into my abdomen.

  After the night I’d had this was exactly what I needed.


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