The Lake of Love (Adult Novel 18+)

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The Lake of Love (Adult Novel 18+) Page 20

by John Sheridan

  I walked down the garden towards him.

  ‘Hey,’ I said, as I sat down on the grass beside him.

  ‘Hi.’ Frank looked subdued.

  He lifted his half-drunk bottle of beer to his lips and said nothing. What was there for him to say? I extended my hand out after he took his swig and palmed the bottle off him. I tilted back my head and swallowed some of it down. I could feel the warmth of the beer tickling my throat.

  ‘I know about the woman,’ I said.

  ‘I swear I didn’t do anything.’ He couldn’t even bring himself to look at me.

  ‘I know,’ I replied in an off handed manner.

  ‘What? You do?’ A small hint of hope glinted behind his eyes.

  ‘Yes. Who do you think sent, Charlie, into your office?’ I said with a smile.

  ‘That was you?’ Frank let out a deep sigh of relief.

  ‘Of course it was me.’ I nodded my head. ‘I watched her follow you inside.’

  ‘I wouldn’t have done anything,’ he tried to reassure me.

  ‘I know, but I can’t help being jealous,’ I informed him.

  I looked back towards the house to make sure the coast was clear before slipping my hand onto the top of his muscular thigh. ‘You were jealous?’ I could see him swallow down the lump in his throat, as I slowly pulled down the zipper of his trousers.

  ‘You bet I was jealous.’ I found myself licking my lips with anticipation. My fingers disappeared within his open zipper hole. A warm glow began to emanate within my chest at the discovery he wasn’t wearing any underwear. ‘Hmm,’ I moaned happily through my nose, as the tips of my fingers stroked along the shaft of his semi-erect cock. ‘Only I get to play with this.’ I curled my fingers around his dick and slowly started to jerk him off inside his trousers.

  Frank sighed deeply.

  ‘We shouldn’t do this here.’ He looked back towards the lake house.

  People were walking around in the garden about thirty feet away.

  ‘I know,’ I replied. ‘It’s too dangerous. If we get caught it will cause so much trouble for us both.’ My mouth said one thing, but my hand teasing his ever-growing cock said another. ‘I just needed to touch you so badly.’ I looked down at his lips and then up into that intense powerful look in his eyes. ‘I want to kiss you.’

  ‘I want to kiss you too,’ we both looked back at the lake house.

  It was impossible. From this distance, everyone could see us.

  ‘How about we meet up later tonight?’ asked Frank.

  ‘I like that idea,’ I replied. Unconsciously I bit my bottom lip, as I looked my handsome boyfriend up and down. ‘I love you.’

  ‘I love you too.’ He smiled that smile that always made my heart melt. Suddenly a look of horror washed across his face, as I pulled his long hard dick out of his trousers.

  ‘Rebecca, what are you doing?’ They were the only words he managed to get out before I wrapped my lips around that big thick monster that lived within his pants and started to suck. ‘Fuck.’ Frank released the word in a long desperate sigh. The salty taste of his pre-cum ignited all my senses, as I dragged my lips back along the top of his cock, whilst teasing the peak of the crown with the tip of my tongue.

  I had only done it to tease him, but it was hard to tear myself away once I had his cock within my mouth. The taste of his cum was making my pussy melt and was ruining my panties.

  ‘Rebecca we can’t,’ Frank didn’t sound all that convinced.

  I forced my head down and sucked harder on his cock.

  The sound of voices growing louder, as more people moved into the back garden acted like the alarm clock that woke me from my rather entertaining dream and brought me back to reality. I lifted my head up from his lap and smiled my ‘See you tonight’ smile and winked my ‘because I am going to ride your cock’— wink. I got up and walked back towards the lake house, whilst my boyfriend sat in shocked silence, his cock covered in my lipstick, stood erect in the warm summer air. This was the reason why he didn’t think about fucking that young woman.

  Chapter Twenty-One: Conner’s Point Of View

  I knocked gently on the bedroom door that Lisa shared with Nathan and waited for a reply that never came. Naturally I tapped a second time, but with slightly more force than before. Still, I heard nothing, only silence. A frown creased across my brow. This had to be where Lisa was. I had searched all over the lake house and hadn’t found a single sign of her. No one else had seen her for about half an hour either.

  I carefully pulled down on the door handle and poked my head inside. I had learnt through trial and error to be extra cautious when entering this room. It was the room that Nathan and Lisa both slept in. They did not share the bed. It was simply a front so that everyone believed they were an item. Nathan slept on the sofa bed. It was also one of the only places that Lisa and I could be alone and intimate with each other, but the problem was it was also one of the only places Miranda and Nathan could go and no one else would enter. I, however, had come looking for Lisa on more than one occasion and accidently discovered Nathan and Miranda in some rather unique and downright dirty positions. These days I was very careful when entering the bedroom.


  I pushed the door wide open and walked in. No one was inside.

  Where could she be?

  I was starting to get worried. The love of my life was nowhere to be found. I plucked out my cell phone from my pocket and sat down on the edge of her bed. ‘Where are you?’ I typed into the text message before sending it. I let out a long and weary sigh.

  I missed her so much when I wasn’t near her. I have never felt like this about anyone ever before, but then again Lisa was the first woman with whom I’ve ever been. I’m glad I stayed a virgin for so long. It meant so much to be able to lose my virginity to someone so perfect. Lisa was my first woman and I truly hope that there will be no others. I want to spend every single day for the rest of my life with her.

  My cell phone beeped. There was a text—from Lisa. It read. ‘I went for a walk.’

  ‘Are you okay?’ I sent back.

  I never meant for Lisa and I to have this relationship. It was pretty much a fluke that anything happened between us. We had arrived at the lake house for this summer vacation before everyone else on the night of a horrific storm. It was then the combination of a power cut, scary thunder and being soaked to the bones with no clothes, which meant we ended up in bed together in only our towels. One thing led to another and then I was in love.

  ‘I’m fine,’ she texted.

  ‘Do you want me to come and find you?’ I typed with lightning quick fingers.

  Keeping Nathan’s and Miranda’s secret has proved difficult at times, but through our love and determination, Lisa and I, have managed to make this relationship work.

  ‘No,’ was her short and sweet reply.

  My heart sank.

  Had I done something to upset her?

  ‘Are you sure? I wouldn’t mind taking a walk.’ It was the only thing I could think to reply. I wanted to see her so badly.

  It took only a handful of seconds for her reply to return. It read ‘No, I hsk la ufg.’


  A frown creased my brow.

  What the hell did that mean?

  * * *

  I sat at the bottom of the stairs by the front door with my jaw resting upon the palms of my hands. It had been over twenty minutes and still Lisa had not come home. My mind raced over the events of the evening in an attempt to discover something, anything that I might have accidently done that would have upset her.

  I couldn’t think of a single thing.

  ‘Hi,’ said the voice of a woman.

  The first thing my eyes locked onto was those long smooth tanned legs. Unconsciously I followed them all the way up the base of her ruby red mini-dress. The dress didn’t seem to hide a single thing. It clung to her firm slim body so tightly that you could practically see everything without actually seeing anything.
I looked up into her sweet little face with the cute smile. She had to be no older than twenty-two.

  ‘Hi,’ I mumbled a reply. Her beauty had left me awe struck.

  ‘You looked kind of lonely out here on your own. I thought I might keep you company,’ she said in a hopeful manner. She gestured with a nod of her head to the open spot on the step beside me.

  ‘Um, sure,’ I replied.

  She sat down beside me. ‘I’m, Tiffany.’ She extended a hand.

  ‘I’m, Conner.’ I took her soft delicate palm in mine.

  ‘That’s a nice name.’ She flashed me that cute little smile again.

  Instantly I looked away from her, as my cheeks began to turn a rather interesting shade of red. I could feel them warming up like the inside of an oven. Is it hot in here or was it just me?

  ‘Thank you. I like your name too.’

  Tiffany shrugged. ‘It’s okay. So are you here with anyone?’ she asked.

  ‘Um,’ I couldn’t exactly straight out say I was with Lisa because no one is supposed to know about that. I settled for, ‘Sort of.’

  ‘You don’t seem very sure.’ She frowned and smirked at the same time.

  ‘I,’ I went to reply when a man practically stepped over me to get up the stairs. ‘I am seeing someone, but she’s a little busy tonight.’

  ‘I know that feeling.’ Tiffany let out a defeated sigh. ‘My boyfriend is a friend of the girl, Sheridan. I only tagged along because he nagged at me so much, but he has spent most of the night talking to every other girl at this party and has seemed to forget that I’m his girlfriend.’

  ‘I’m sorry to hear that,’ I replied.

  Tiffany shrugged. ‘What can I do?’

  ‘You could dump him for starters.’ The words left my mouth before I could stop them. ‘I’m sorry,’ I quickly added. ‘I didn’t mean to.’

  She cut me off with a dismissive wave of the hand.

  ‘You’re probably right. I don’t know why I came in the first place. I feel so stupid in this dress.’ My eyes dropped down to the skin tight dress and stayed there for a little bit too long. I couldn’t help it. She had a magnificent figure.

  ‘I think you look beautiful in the dress,’ I replied.

  ‘You do?’ We had to create a space for a couple of women walking down the stairs from the second floor.

  ‘Yes. Don’t you?’ I asked.

  ‘I don’t know.’ She shrugged her shoulders.

  It seemed to be like some kind of defence mechanism she had. Tiffany seemed so unsure about everything she said that she seemed to shrug her shoulders in a ‘What do I know?’ type of way. ‘I don’t usually wear stuff like this. I work for the forestry commission so usually in green trousers and shirt,’ she laughed.

  I couldn’t really image someone so beautiful wearing such a dull uniform.

  I went to speak when someone else walked by to get up the stairs. ‘Shall we go get some drinks and go someplace else?’ I suggested. ‘I feel like a doormat here.’

  ‘Yeah, sounds fun,’ said Tiffany.

  * * *

  Tiffany walked the length of the formal dining room looking at the pictures hanging along the walls. It was a collection of landscape photos taken during sunsets and sun rises. ‘These are beautiful,’ she said.

  ‘I’m glad you like them.’ I shut the door behind me and stepped into the room.

  A long wooden table with stunning hand carved chairs ran down the centre of the room. It had not been used to my knowledge and looked liked it has just been taken out of the box. It did seem a waste that we had all this magnificent rooms in the lake house and we never really got to use them.

  ‘This is amazing.’ She pointed to the picture of a sun setting over the ridge of a hill, as a horse caught in mid-stride of a full gallop was silhouetted against the glow of the red sky.

  ‘That is one of my favourite photos that I have taken,’ I said rather off handily, as I placed the wine glasses down on the wooden table and unscrewed the top off the wine bottle.

  ‘You took this?’ she asked in shocked surprise.

  ‘Yes.’ I poured the wine carefully into the two glasses. ‘Photography is one of my passions in life.’

  ‘Mine too,’ she said in an excited tone. ‘But these are really good.’

  ‘Thank you.’ I handed her the wine.

  For a brief moment, our fingers touched and eye contact was made. I could feel my heart suddenly beating a little faster within my chest. Tiffany was very attractive. A lot of the women at this party tonight had dedicated a great deal of time in the attempt to make themselves look attractive, but Tiffany was one of those rare gems in the sense that she was naturally beautiful. She didn’t have to try she seemed to embody the word Beautiful

  I pulled my eyes away from her light brown hazel coloured eyes and walked by her towards the photos. ‘I would love to see some of your photos,’ I confessed. ‘It’s not often I meet someone who is into photography too.’

  ‘I know what you mean,’ agreed Tiffany. ‘I do it as a hobby. I’m just fortunate to live out here by the lake and my work in the forestry commission has allowed me the advantage to find all the most awe inspiring locations for taking photos.’ Tiffany stroked her finger around the rim of her wine glass and looked down at her feet. ‘Perhaps you and I could go up to some of the spots some time and take some photos.’

  Was she asking me out?

  ‘I’m not asking you out.’ She waved her hand through the air.

  ‘Am I that easy to read?’ I laughed.

  ‘You did look a little frightened,’ giggled Tiffany. ‘Okay. I was asking you out.’ I took a sip of my wine just to give myself something to do. ‘I know you have a girlfriend and I have a boyfriend, even though he is a pig, but I wasn’t asking you out on a date or to do anything funny. You just seem like a really nice guy and it is nice to meet someone interested in the same things as me,’ her words hung in the air for a moment.

  ‘Let’s go out then,’ I replied.

  Tiffany was smiling from ear to ear.

  ‘It’ll be fun.’ The excited tone had returned to your voice. ‘Some of the locations I know will blow your mind.’ It was funny but I couldn’t help feeling excited. Her energy was infectious. ‘We’re going to get some really amazing photos.’

  ‘I can’t wait.’

  Chapter Twenty-Two: Lisa’s Point Of View

  I sat by the lake and looked out across the moonlight shimmering upon the top of the rippling waves. It was so peaceful down here. I could listen to the relaxing sound of the waves sloshing against the bank of the lake all night long. The way Conner was acting I think I might just stay here all night long. It wasn’t that I didn’t love him. Of course I loved him. Conner was the second man to make me feel respected and important. All my boyfriends before him had used me purely for sex and left me feeling dirty and damaged.

  Nathan was the first man to make me feel like I mattered to someone. We had met online a long time ago. Our lives were practically mirror images of each other. We had both moved out into the city to make something of our lives and ended up in crappy apartments, dead end jobs with piss poor pay and were both alone in the world. The two of us use to sit up all night chatting on the internet and he would always listen to my problems and say things that made me feel ten feet tall.

  I fell in love with Nathan.

  It is just that I seem to have only one form of luck, bad!

  Nathan did not like me.

  I think he thought I was forcing things too much by asking him out all the time. When I found out that he had met Miranda up at the lake house, I felt devastated. Who wouldn’t? The man I was head over heels in love with had ended up with an older and married woman. What did she have that I didn’t? I tried to be supportive, as he had always been for me when I was dating someone. I didn’t think it would last that long, but it seemed the two of them just grew closer and closer and then the day of the summer vacation arrived.

  Nathan asked if I w
ould come up to the lake house and pretend to be his girlfriend for the summer holidays. He had tried to sell it like some sort of wonderful holiday where I could swim in the lake, take long walks in the forest, go shopping in town and pretty much do what I want and his father would pay for it all. Not for a second did he consider my feelings in all of this. I could have said no because I really didn’t want to be trapped up here watching the man I love being all romantic with another woman, but the door of opportunity had been opened for me and I would have been foolish not to step through it. I planned to come up to the lake house and make Nathan fall in love with me, but as events turned out I ended up in the storm with Conner.

  Conner had been so cute.

  He looked like a younger version of Nathan, but with kinder eyes. Nathan had the type of eyes you would look into and know instantly that he had been through many hardships and overcome a lot of difficulties, but Conner had innocent, kind and loving eyes. The way he looked at me made me feel so beautiful that I couldn’t stop myself from falling for him. Confessing to being a virgin was the straw that broke the camel’s back. I had to have him at that point. The issue I now face is that he is so clingy. I know he has never been in a real relationship before, but I need my personal space. I need to be alone and do things that I want to do. Now I’m forced to slink away when he isn’t looking just to have some time to myself and chill out. I do love Conner, but he has to learn to leave me be otherwise I don’t know if our relationship can continued.

  ‘Hello,’ said a male voice from behind me.

  I made a high-pitched squeaking sound and nearly jumped out of my skin. I hadn’t realised anyone was there. I turned wide-eyed towards the man and my heart instantly melted.


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