Just A Man (The Porter Trilogy Book 1)

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Just A Man (The Porter Trilogy Book 1) Page 12

by Shannon Youngblood

  I nodded my head and whispered my consent.

  “I want to hear the words, Charlotte. Do you promise?”

  “Yes, I promise,” hoping he’d heard me. It was practically a mumble.

  “Good, now please tell me what you were thinking.” He returned to a relaxed position, fingering his empty glass on his desk and leaning back in his chair.

  “I was thinking about the different names you call me.” I wasn’t technically lying. I had been thinking about when he’d call me Charlie, I just refrained from telling him there was a correlation between that particular version of my name and sex.

  “I see.” he said, still looking over at me. He had developed a slight twinkle in his eye in the last few moments. I saw the humor surface. I didn’t know where it had come from but I wanted, no, needed to know.

  “What are you thinking about, sir?” I boldly asked. I watched him inhale a surprised breath and wondered if anyone had had the nerve to ask him that simple question. But the need to know what he was thinking was strong, just as much as he seemed to need to know my thoughts.

  “You don’t want to know, Charlotte. Trust me,” he said, his voice carrying a hint of a threat. He looked away from me and poured himself some more dark liquor.

  I looked back down at my entwined fingers and whispered, “Yes, I do.”

  He growled at me before standing up with his fists resting on the desk and through gritted teeth he spat out, “I’m thinking about taking my daydreaming Personal Assistant and spreading her across my desk and fucking her into oblivion.”

  The shock had to have been clear as day on my face, but it would never compare to the shock that arrived on his face after I muttered one word……


  Chapter 14

  Before my poor, muddled brain could process what was happening, he was on me. Tongue and teeth and hands roaming me, devouring me. I was pushed down from the arm into the plush chair with him looming over me. He started with my lips, forcing my mouth open to allow his tongue to enter. Our teeth clashed together in our haste. I tried to push up a little for some leverage, but he just growled at me again and pushed me farther down. I needed to get some leverage. I needed to touch him. When he tore his mouth away from mine, he went for my ear, tickling it with his tongue and flicking my lobe back and forth. The sensation was incredible, causing me to melt farther down into the seat.

  I wanted to touch him, I wanted to feel his heartbeat against my lips, I wanted to get lost in the passion he was showing me, and deliver a little of my own. I reached my hands up and gripped his hair, tugging him down into my neck. He bit and suckeled at my neck and my collarbone while he continued to climb into the chair with me. It was like he was trying to climb into my skin. I wasn’t opposed to it, so I wiggled closer trying to have contact with every inch of him.

  Just as suddenly as he had appeared, he was gone, standing a few feet in front of me, gasping for air. I felt an immediate chill attack my over stimulated, blazing skin. When I looked up at him, my eyes rose in question, but I found my voice at last, “Alex?” I didn’t know if I had done something wrong and my voice was shaky at best.

  “Say it again, Charlie, say my name.” It was a pleading request that tore at my heartstrings. His eyes were closed and his whispered request sent another wave of goosebumps over me. Why did he look so haunted?

  “Alex, what’s wrong?” I implored him to open up to me, to tell me what was happening with him, with us. I needed to know where we stood before I did anything more, although I knew, at this point, that I would never stop.

  “I’m not good for you, Charlotte. You should leave while you still have a chance to get away from me. I’m damaged goods.” When he opened his eyes to look at me, the pained expression looking back at me brought a lump to my throat. My hard-ass boss looked to be in sheer agony.

  I stood up from my chair and closed the distance between us. His statement about damaged goods, reflecting my thoughts from a few days ago, propelled me forward to try and offer some comfort. I wrapped my arms around his torso and placed my head on his chest. I could hear his heart beating out of his chest and he smelled too damn good. Sandalwood and brandy; a potent combination. I inhaled a much needed breath and looked up at his chin. “I don’t want to leave, Alex. I want you.”

  He exhaled slowly and wrapped his arms around my back, “This is the last opportunity I’m giving you, Charlotte. If you go now, I’ll have the strength to let you leave, if you stay, you’re mine. I won’t be able to let you go again.” He kissed the top of my head and refused to look at me.

  “Please, Alex,” I whispered, the desperation evident in my own ears. Before I knew it, I was being picked up and carried from the office, down the hallway, and up the stairs. We didn’t bother closing the office door or shutting off the light. He was in too much of a hurry, and, honestly, so was I. We stepped into the first door on the left. I frowned, wondering why he wasn’t taking me to his room at the end of the hall. The ‘White Room’, as I liked to call it.

  When he set me down on my feet, I asked him as much.

  “That was not my bedroom, Charlotte. That was a guest room. This is my bedroom, and I’ve never brought anyone here before. This is my sanctuary,” he said, with a flourish of his hands around the space. He looked at me to gauge my reaction to his admittance.

  I took a few moments to admire the room. We were standing right inside the door. On my left was the bed. Like the one in the other room, it was huge and commanded attention. It was four poster with black hanging satin surrounding the top and drooping around the frame. I could see that the bedspread was crimson red and there were no fluffy pillows in sight. This was definitely a man’s room. It was clean and tidy, but there was no warmth in its’ walls, which surprised me considering the coziness of the living area downstairs and his office at work. Directly in front of me was a stunning floor to ceiling window view of the city, and to my right, were 2 closed doors. I was guessing the bathroom and the closet.

  I stepped up to the bed to feel the black material that was draped around the bed like a protective cover. The feeling of it was exquisite and I imagined being draped in such a material. I felt, rather than heard Alex come up behind me and brush my hair off of my neck. The goosebumps travelled up my spine at the contact. I had a feeling I would always know when Alex was close. The electricity that coursed through me when he was near was hard to miss.

  “Why have you never brought a woman in here, Alex?” I asked, closing my eyes and enjoying the feeling of his lips dipping down to skim my neck and place gentle kisses on my skin.

  I felt him tense up before he stopped his ministrations and said, “Because, no one has ever been important enough to me to enter my sanctuary. You’re the first. They all slept down the hall.”

  I thought my heart was going to beat out of my chest. Was he saying I was important to him? Why should I be? He didn’t really even know me. Even though my self doubt plagued my mind, I couldn’t help but feel a little honored, although I didn’t miss his little quip about ‘they all’ sleeping in the other bedroom. How many were ‘they all’?

  “My daydreamer, daydreaming again, aren’t you, Charlie?” He put his hands in my hair and grabbed a few tendrils before returning to the love bites he was performing on my neck.

  “Hmmmm?” I couldn’t make my mouth spit out any more words than that, not that anyone would consider hmmmm a word. He called me his daydreamer again, and Charlie. The pressure between my thighs was growing and I knew I needed release, and soon.

  He chuckled into my skin before turning me around and pressing me into his chest. “I meant what I said when I told you I was damaged goods. But now that you’ve said you will stay, you’re not getting away from me. I can’t let you go.”

  Before I had a chance to tell him I didn’t want to get away from him, he pulled my face up into another mind blowing kiss. My senses shattered when his hand gripped the back of my head roughly and tugged at my long locks. This ki
ss was so much different than any before. It felt like he was claiming me or marking his territory. I was a proverbial fire hydrant and Alex was the new dog in the neighborhood, staking his claim.

  He gently picked me up, while still feasting on my mouth, and laid me gently in the middle of the bed. He stopped just long enough to remove his t-shirt up and over his head, showing me his miraculous pectorals. He let me admire him for the briefest of moments before he took up with my mouth again, laying his body down the length of mine, but holding himself up enough so as not to crush me.

  I, again, felt the need to raise my hands and touch him, wanting to feel his warmth underneath my fingers. I decided to go up to his back instead of his front. The muscles that rippled underneath my fingers were tight and hard. This was a man who took his workouts seriously and it showed with every flex. I rubbed up and down his back for a few precious moments, savoring the feel of him under my palm, until I began to get restless. There was too much fabric between me and his skin and I needed it off, now!

  “Alex,” I said through heated kisses, “Alex, please, I need to feel you.” I pushed at his chest to try and sit him up, but he wasn’t budging. He seemed to want to stay like this, lips locked, forever. I ran my nails up his back and heard him hiss in my ear.

  “Charlie,” he mumbled against my lips.

  “Please, Alex,” I pleaded, trying to rip my shirt off even with him on top of me. I felt wanton, but sexy. For a brief moment my past swelled up, threatening to choke me, but I shoved it back down, focusing on the raw hunger in our embrace. I couldn’t let any old memories in, not when I was trying to make new ones.

  He sat up and straddled my hips, taking my wrists in his hands and placing them above my head, slowly trailing one solitary finger down my arm, down my neck, across my breasts and to the bottom of the hem of my shirt. “You want this off, Charlie?” he asked me, teasing the flesh underneath the bottom of my shirt.

  I whimpered and could barely make myself nod after his fingers’ assault down my body. I was on fire and ready to explode, but it looked like we would be doing things at his pace and I just needed to enjoy the ride.

  “Answer me with your words, my daydreamer,” he said, kissing his way down the path his finger had just gone.

  “Yes, Alex, please.” I raised my hips up a little to buck at him.

  “As you wish,” he murmured, taking the bottom of my shirt with both hands and, ever so slowly, lifting it above my stomach, over my bra, up over my head and, finally, pushing my arms out of the holes. I watched as his eyes went from sensual to blazing in a fraction of a second. He was drinking in my curves. He looked like a tiger ready to attack a gazelle. The look in his eyes made me burn hotter than I had been even moments ago. I was so hot I thought I would explode. I needed him so badly.

  His eyes roamed over every inch of bare flesh he could see before he rested at the top of my breasts. He watched my breathing for a few minutes and he traced circles around my bellybutton with his fingers. Once he was satisfied with his eye feast, he snaked his arms around my back, lifting me slightly to unclasp my bra and then laid me back down on the bed.

  When he finally found my face with his eyes, I saw extreme hunger in his gaze. He looked like his precious control was slipping by the second and I wasn’t ready for any of this to end. I wanted to stay locked in this moment in time forever.

  “Are you on the pill, Charlie?” he asked casually.

  I blushed, embarrassed, before I shook my head, “No.”

  He rolled off of me and went into the door on the right, which I noticed was the bathroom, and came out with a condom. There was no danger of pregnancy in my case, and I knew from my last regular exam that I was clean. I didn’t feel the need to tell him any of this though. I didn’t want to kill the mood, and besides, how was I to know he was clean? I scoffed at myself. That was such a silly thought. Alex Porter was the pure definition of ‘in control’. There was no way he would have picked up anything by being unsafe.

  When he came back to the bed, he looked like he had regained some measure of control that he’d lost. He tossed the condom on the bed next to me and crawled back over the top of me. “If this is too much, Charlotte, I want you to tell me to stop. If this is too intense you, just say the word and I’ll back up. I need you to promise to tell me if this is too much. I won’t do anything until you promise.”

  “I promise, Alex, please, I promise.” I was starting to sound desperate, and, honestly, I probably was. This was the most exhilarating thing I had ever done. I wanted him all over me, filling me, loving me, and I wanted it now. But he was taking his sweet time and I had to be patient. My patience was running thin.

  I instinctively knew this was going to be mind blowing, and that, compared to my younger years, I would actually enjoy this. I was determined not to rush it. I couldn’t afford for this to be anything more than a one time thing. My heart was already involved and anything more than one night would secure my heart to him. Mr. Porter was not a one woman man though, at least that’s what I figured. My hope of pulling him from the darkness could never happen. I could not fall in love with his man, no matter what.

  He, again, started lazily kissing my face. First my eyes, my temples, and the tip of my nose. He worked down my jaw, placing leisurely kisses up one side and down the other. My body was screaming at him to hurry up and I bucked underneath him.

  “Slow down, Charlie. Feel me. Feel what I’m giving you. I promise you, it’ll be worth the wait,” he whispered, continuing his tortuous path.

  I whimpered against his mouth as he leaned back down to claim my lips. When he had worked his way back down to the hollow of my neck, he swirled his tongue around, sending pleasure streaks down to my very core. I shook with pleasure and I felt him smile against my skin.

  After much coaxing and bucking against him, he finally found my swollen sensitive breasts. He licked and nipped the skin around my nipple, pulling a groan from the back of my throat. I couldn’t stop myself from grabbing the back of his head and pulling him as close to me as I could get him. God, this man could do amazing things with that tongue.

  Taking my not so subtle hint, he latched onto my tight pink nipple, making my back arch as a scream escaped my lips. He robbed me of breath as he continued suckling me. His other hand grasped onto my other nipple, sending more shockwaves through my body. Every pull of his teeth or flick of his tongue sent hot lightning bolts shooting through my body, straight to the sensitive core. I might actually come from this, although it wasn’t what I truly wanted.

  “Oh God, Alex, please more, more.” I couldn’t help the pleading in my voice. I wanted all of him.

  “In due time, my love,” he murmured around the bud in his mouth. As he feasted on my right nipple, his left hand worked the button on my pants, undoing it with ease. He pushed the zipper down and ran his fingers under the waistband of my lacy black boy shorts.

  He sat back up on his knees, running his fingers over my now swollen and protruding nipple. His eyes were raw and hungry. It made me feel dizzy to look at them. He eased himself off the bed and grabbed the top of my pants, peeling them down my legs and depositing them on the floor at the foot of the bed. If it were possible, his eyes flared with heat, even more, causing the ache between her legs to intensify.

  “You are so beautiful, Charlotte,” he whispered.

  I flushed a brilliant red color and moved my arms to cover my face. His penetrating stare was making me slightly nervous, but it was really erotic at the same time.

  “Don’t hide from me, Charlotte. You are beautiful, and I’m going to worship you like you deserve. Are you ready for me, Charlotte? Let’s see if you’re ready.”

  He reached one finger underneath my lacy panties and swirled it outside my folds before diving into my heat. I was drenched, I knew it, and now he knew it. I couldn’t even find the energy to be embarrassed. I was so turned on and I needed him filling me, with his fingers, his cock, I didn’t care. His eyes turned feral as he push
ed his fingers through and shredded my panties from my body again. At the rate he was going, I was going to have to buy new panties every time I saw him. It would be worth it.

  “What do you want me to do, Charlie? You’re going to have to tell me. Tell me what you want,” he said, bringing his fingers back to my opening and teasing me with just one knuckle.

  “I want you, please, inside me, please,” I stammered, unable to say anymore.

  He chuckled again at my desperate state of wanting. I should have been offended that he was laughing at me, but again, I didn’t care. I just wanted him. All of him. Right now.

  He stood up, removed his pants and his boxers, and grabbed the condom lying next to me. He took great care ripping the packet open, grabbing the tip, and slowly rolling the latex onto his waiting erection. By the time it was fully secure, I was panting and shaking with need. I knew in my heart he did it slowly, building my anticipation to its’ peak.

  He kneeled in front of me and grabbed a pillow from behind my head. He easily lifted me up and placed the pillow under the small of my back, giving him a bit more leverage to my opening. His hard length grazed the inside of my thigh as I tried to push into him. I was impatient, but Alex was dictating the activities and pace.

  He positioned himself at my entrance, circling my clit with his thumb, but not quite touching it. The pressure building within me was almost too much and I was starting to see stars all around me. I knew it wouldn’t take much for me to explode.

  “Are you ready, Charlie? I can’t hold back anymore!” he said through gritted teeth as he pushed into me to the hilt, not waiting for an answer.

  I screamed and released the most explosive climax I’d ever felt. My body snapped open, sending tingles all over my skin. I could feel the mini lightning bolts in my toes, and in my eyelids. My vision fogged and I felt myself hurling over the side of an imaginary cliff, riding on wave after wave of immense pleasure.


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