The Vampires' Blood Mate: A Paranormal Reverse Harem Romance

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The Vampires' Blood Mate: A Paranormal Reverse Harem Romance Page 17

by Lili Zander

  I shudder around him, every muscle clenching onto his thick erection. My fingers grip his shoulders, my nails dig into his flesh. Everything narrows to the connection between us. To the slick heat as he pistons in and out of me. To the soft slap of his body against mine. To the desire that has me in its grip, yearning, helpless with pleasure.

  “So lovely,” Zeke repeats, his voice slurred with need. I sense him move, and then he pushes one finger into my ass, using my juices to prepare me for his cock.

  Slick, wet heat surges in me at Zeke’s touch. My muscles grip Nero’s cock, and he inhales sharply. “You like that.” His thumb traces soft circles around my clitoris.

  “Mmm.” My brain can’t seem to form words as Nero continues to rock within me. As Zeke trails kisses down my shoulder, as he adds another finger to the one already in my ass. Widening me for him.

  Saber’s cock bobs near my face. I grope for it, gripping it in my fist, savoring his hiss of pleasure.

  Sensations assault me from every direction. Saber’s hard length jumping in my hand. Zeke’s fingers stretching me open, preparing me. Nero’s focused attention on drawing as much pleasure out of my body as possible, his fingers rubbing my clitoris even as he thrusts into me.

  My muscles clench and tighten, and I close my eyes and surrender. I press against Saber, my curves molding to the contours of his muscled body. Through a haze of lust, I feel the head of Zeke’s cock nudge at my behind. “Are you ready, Raven?” he breathes.

  I nod wordlessly. I’m ready. So ready. My life is filled with chaos and danger, but here, in their arms, I’m centered. Their desire washes over me, heat and lava and fire, and it acts as tinder to my own need.

  Outside, it seems like everyone on the planet wants to kill me. Here, in their arms, I’m safe. Protected.

  The intensity ratchets up. Saber pushes his length into my mouth. My tongue swirls over his head, and then I suck his cock hard, hollowing my cheeks and licking the underside of his shaft with my tongue.

  I’m trembling with pleasure. I’m mindless with need. Raw, aching need claws through my core.

  Even as I bob my head on Saber’s hard length, Zeke’s cock pushes into my ass. I inhale sharply as he enters my tight passage, and I can feel my muscles stretch to accommodate his thickness. He strokes my back, as I relax, Zeke slides in deeper.

  Nero’s thumb strums faster on my tight bundle of nerves. My muscles clench and tighten, and I close my eyes and concentrate on the feelings rushing through my body.

  Zeke and Nero start stroking into me, forceful and deep. Saber pumps faster in my mouth, his fingers tangling in my hair. This is carnal, yet sublime. Steamy, yet sweet. This is the connection I craved.

  Underneath our differences, we’re all the same.

  I can’t hold back. My climax rushes toward me in a thunderous wave. I twist between them, shuddering as an explosive orgasm rips through me.

  They aren’t too far behind. Saber’s grip tightens in my hair, and his cock jerks in my mouth. Zeke comes with a clenched groan, and Nero’s hands tighten on my waist, and within seconds of each other, we all find our release.

  I cling to them, imprinting this feeling to my memory. Whatever happens in the days ahead, I’ll always have this moment.



  Boarus 4

  Midnight, EleventhDay of FourthMonth

  We’re in the home stretch now. I can feel it.

  Nero drops me off at the outer edge of the settlement, and I walk briskly toward the inner sectors. After spending the last couple of days in the open expanses of the ice deserts, it’s almost startling to see people strolling on the streets.

  The humans bow to me, but otherwise give me a wide berth. I don’t blame them. Raven told me why Mical Placzek is in the camps; the boy saw Olaf Vander assault a woman on the street and tried to help her. For that act, he’s serving an eighteen-month sentence.

  And Raven? She was a ten-year-old when they sent her to the camps. All because her parents tried to stand up to the Overlord.

  Nero isn’t good at hiding his emotions. He’s made his distaste for this planet clear. Zeke is more controlled, but he’s revolted by this place too.

  Me? I feel the injustices like a blow to my gut. I’m a Hafsson. I’m distantly related to Empress Astrid. My grandmother, and her mother before her, served on the Ruling Council. In his day, my grandfather was the commander of the Imperial Army. In Starra, I’m considered a vampire of significant power.

  I’ve never wanted it. I avoid the halls of the capital. Politics is murky. I far prefer the black-and-white nature of battle.

  Yet when I look at the way humans are treated on Boarus 4, guilt knifes through me. The Ruling Council permits these atrocities in their greed for boarium. If I were in charge, I wouldn’t allow this to happen. I wouldn’t allow Zimmer and those like him to continue to hold power.

  It’s a moot point anyway. The instant Levitan finds out you helped Raven, he will discredit you. Your name will be mud. Your reputation, in tatters.

  It’ll be worth it. Raven is completely innocent in this situation. She didn’t ask for Ottar Thistle to bite her. She was living her life, minding her own business before the vampire had dragged her into this situation. Used compulsion on her, drank from her without her consent.

  Raven deserves to be safe. To be happy.

  Face it, Saber. You want to be the person that makes her happy.

  I shy away from that thought. Once upon a time, I loved a woman deeply and with reckless abandon, and I’d paid for it. My feelings for Raven are already too intense, even though I’ve only known her for a few days.

  I don’t want to screw this up.

  Zimmer’s waiting for me in the guesthouse. “Where’s Olaf Vander?” he demands, his hands clenched into fists. “You’ve been missing for the last two days and nights. You’ve been on Glacis, haven’t you? What have you done with him?”

  His face is dangerously red. He doesn’t look well. Klaus Zimmer is a man who knows he’s running out of options.

  I sit down on a chair opposite him and start to take off my boots. “Let’s get to the point,” I say bluntly. “You sent Vander to kill my human.”

  He doesn’t try to deny it. “Fine,” he says with a shrug. “I did. I’d offer to pay reparations, but I don’t think you’re interested in my money.”

  Not to mention he doesn’t have any. “You’re right. I’m not. Raven winning the tournament is compensation enough.”

  His eyes flash fire. “This isn’t Starra, Saber. This is Boarus 4. I will find Olaf’s body. And once you’ve left my colony, I will charge Raven Unnuk with his murder.” He pauses for a heartbeat. “Unless she withdraws.”

  Like hell he will. I give him a hard stare, baring my fangs. “Are you threatening me, Klaus?”

  Sweat beads on his forehead. “You’re here to find the woman Thistle bit,” he grinds out. “Why are you wasting time with the Night of the Shayde?”

  We’ve already found the woman Thistle bit, but I can’t let Zimmer discover that. “I wasn’t aware I worked for you.” Ice coats my voice. “The human is mine. If she is harmed, I will hold you responsible.”

  His face contorts in a sneer. “Another human lover? I know your history, Saber. I know about your past. You think that you would have learned your lesson after the first one betrayed you.”

  He’s gone too far. I get to my feet. “Leave.”

  Once he’s gone, I step into the shower. As the hot water cascades over me, I start to worry.

  Harek Levitan is not a patient man. He’s got to be chafing at the lack of progress. He hasn’t called me, demanding an update. That’s unusual behavior; by now, he’d normally be breathing down my neck. His restraint is probably because of Ragnar’s presence.

  What if he’s decided we’ve failed? What if he decides to send another team?

  My blood runs cold at the thought. Fuck. For all I know, our replacements could already be on their way.

  I don’t have a choice. I need to talk to the General.

  As soon as I step out of the shower, I dial my soon-to-be-ex-boss. “General Levitan, I have news.”

  He leans forward, his eyes gleaming. “You do?”

  I have to play this carefully. The General would have heard that I’ve sponsored a human woman in the Night of the Shayde. He’d know that’s not typical behavior from me. He’d be wondering what’s going on.

  I have no intention of surrendering Raven to him, but I’ve got to otherwise stick close to the truth.

  “I’ve found the human woman. It was a lucky stroke, really. She walked into the Overlord’s palace, asking to enter the Night of the Shayde.”

  Comprehension enters his eyes. “How can you be sure it’s her?”

  “She was the right height and build,” I reply. “But what alerted me was her scent. She was bleeding. I smelled disease in her blood.” I fix a serious look on my face. “I’ve done some investigation. I believe that Klaus Zimmer created a biological weapon to kill vampires.”

  He swears, loud and long. Levitan’s a good actor. “So, Klaus Zimmer is a traitor.”

  “It appears that way, General.”

  He pretends to lapse into thought for a few minutes, and then he leans forward once more, like a rissi waiting to strike. “The choosing was on FifthDay. It’s now EleventhDay. Why has it taken you so long to report back to me?”

  I’m prepared for this question. “Zimmer doesn’t know we’ve found the woman. He’s been keeping a very close eye on us. I needed to wait until it was safe to contact you.”

  He nods, conceding the point.

  “There’s more,” I add helpfully. “While she was on Glacis, Klaus Zimmer sent his second-in-command to kill her.”

  Levitan raises an eyebrow. “He did, did he? How interesting.”

  Excellent. I’ve sown a little discord. Nero once told me that I should have been a politician. I’d been insulted by his suggestion, but now, I’m beginning to see why he said it.

  “Where’s the woman now?”

  “On Glacis. I didn’t want the Overlord getting suspicious, and so I had to let her participate in the tournament. Zeke and Nero are keeping an eye on her. As soon as the Night of the Shayde is over, we’ll be on a shuttle back to Starra.”

  He reads something on his comm screen. “It’s a five-day tournament. Two days have already elapsed, haven’t they? I’ll send a shuttle for you right away, along with a team of soldiers. They should reach you in thirty hours.”

  Fuck. Our escape window just narrowed. Raven will be able to retrieve the remaining flags tomorrow, but I was planning to keep that secret from Levitan to buy us a little time.

  I’ve lost that advantage.

  “Good work, Saber,” Levitan says, rubbing his hands together. “I knew I could count on you.”

  “Thank you, General.”

  “There’s one other thing. Before you go, I want you to kill Klaus Zimmer. His act of treason must not remain unpunished.”

  In other words, kill Zimmer before he talks and incriminates Levitan.

  I nod my agreement and hang up.

  What a night. So far, I’ve navigated two of the threats against Raven. Now, to face the man who is the most dangerous of them all, because he is both incorruptible and unpredictable, not to mention deeply loyal to Empress Astrid.

  If Ragnar finds out that Raven carries a blood disease that could wipe out the vampires…

  I banish my fear. I cannot allow him to discover the truth.

  “So, Saber.” Ragnar pours two generous shots of slenti and pushes one of them toward me. “Tell me again why you’re here on Boarus 4.”

  I take a sip, and the liquid trails fire all the way down my stomach. This isn’t just slenti. This is a blend of concentrated blood and liquor, and it will get me wasted if I’m not careful.

  I raise my glass toward the prince. “Potent stuff. What’s the occasion?”

  He lifts his shoulders in a shrug. “You’re ducking my question.”

  “I already told you. Harek Levitan isn’t happy with me. I was responsible for the loss of a convoy of ships carrying almost a half-year’s supply of boarium. I’m lucky I’m not cleaning latrines.”

  “Hmm.” He looks unconvinced. “Levitan’s never struck me as someone who wastes his soldiers’ talents.” He takes a sip of the fortified slenti, and grins. “Remember the last time we got drunk?”

  My lips curl into a reluctant smile. Ragnar and I had grown up together, come through basic training at the same time. The night before graduation the two of us had decided we’d go out with a bang.

  “I only got off because of you.”

  “One of the few privileges of being a prince.” He drains his glass and pours himself another. “What do you think of this place?”

  “Do you want the truth?”

  “No, Saber. I’ve called you here because I want you to lie to me.” He rolls his eyes. “Yes. Of course, I want the truth.”

  He wants the truth? Fine. “What’s happening here is vile,” I say bluntly. “The humans are treated worse than slaves. Zimmer should have been executed a long time ago. This place brings shame upon the Empire.”

  “You’ve talked to Lula Kenner, haven’t you?”

  The hair on the back of my neck prickles. Has Ragnar been monitoring my comm? He shouldn’t have been able to. Zeke’s worked his magic on all our devices. Interstellar messages need a relay, which can potentially be infiltrated, but my conversation with Lula Kenner should have remained a secret.

  Ragnar notices my expression and waves his glass in my direction. “Relax. She told me herself.”

  “And?” I ask cautiously.

  “Am I angry with you for inciting rebellion in the outer colonies?” He shakes his head wryly. “To be honest, I’m relieved. The Saber Hafsson I knew would have never turned a blind eye to injustice. When I saw you the other day, flirting with a woman, sponsoring her in these games instead of fixing everything that’s wrong with Boarus 4, I was afraid you’d changed beyond recognition.”

  I don’t know how to respond to that. “Mmm.”

  He tops up my glass. “What was her name again, the woman in the tournament?”

  He’s fishing for information. I keep my expression bland. “Raven Unnuk.”

  “What made you decide to sponsor her?”

  This, at least, I can be truthful about. “Zimmer didn’t want her to participate. It didn’t seem fair.”

  “And you’re sleeping with her.” He surveys me over the rim of his glass. “I’ve known you for a very long time, Saber, remember? I know the way you look when you’re falling for someone.”

  The last time I’d fallen for a human woman, Ragnar had warned me to walk away from her. That, more than anything else, was the beginning of the end of our friendship.

  “You’ve become a romantic, Ragnar.” I shrug my shoulders. “You’re getting way ahead of yourself. I’ve only known her for a few days.”

  “The winner of the Night of the Shayde travels to Starra,” he points out. “Are you planning on keeping in touch with her in the capital?”

  I’m ready to change the topic. Making plans for the future… that’s something I did a long time ago. Not anymore. “Tell me about Lula Kenner.”

  “What about her?” he asks. “She’s going to break her human lover out of the re-education camp tomorrow. She wants me to appoint her as the Overlord of Boarus 4.”

  “And are you?”

  “I’m thinking about it.”

  I narrow my eyes. I’m not the only one with secrets; Ragnar’s hiding something too. He’s being noncommittal about overthrowing Klaus Zimmer, but Ragnar’s rarely indifferent about injustice.

  “Astrid’s going to reach the age of majority in a few months,” he continues. “When she takes power, she’s going to make some changes.” He gives me a steady look. “This is between you and me.”

  “Of course.”

  “She intends to a
sk for the Ruling Council’s resignation.”

  I inhale sharply. “The entire Council?”

  “She wants fresh blood, no pun intended.” He takes a sip of his drink. “Once upon a time, a human lover would have kept you from the Council, Saber. But once Astrid takes over, it won’t.”

  He’s telling me that in a few months, Empress Astrid will appoint me to the Ruling Council.

  I know better. When Ragnar finds out what I’m keeping from him, he will never forgive me.

  I didn’t think it would bother me, but surprisingly, it does.



  Boarus 4

  Sunrise, TwelfthDay of FourthMonth

  Today’s the day I’m going to win the Night of the Shayde.

  I wake up an hour before dawn, properly refreshed for the first time in days. “Saber called when you were asleep,” Zeke says as I drink a cup of coffee and eat a nutrient bar. “Lula Kenner’s going to break into the re-education camps this morning. We thought you might want to watch.”

  “Will I be able to? The drones will be circling overhead, won’t they?” There are only a handful of contestants left, but according to the holos I watched last night, Tomas Calder already has three flags. He’s a good day ahead of everyone else.

  Last night’s holos had only reinforced my urge to win. They’d interviewed Joanna. “We’re all rooting for Raven,” she’d said bravely. “If she wins…” Her voice had trailed away, and it had taken her a few moments to gather her composure. “It’ll show everyone in the mines that there’s hope. A better life is always within our grasp.”

  I’m not going to lie; I’d cried a little when I’d heard her.

  I should prioritize catching up with Tomas. He has skis, and he’s moving quickly. I’ve spent two days on Glacis, and all I have to show are two flags, because I’ve been busy fighting off people trying to kill me, having hot sex with vampires, and playing my part in a prison breakout.


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