The Vampires' Blood Mate: A Paranormal Reverse Harem Romance

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The Vampires' Blood Mate: A Paranormal Reverse Harem Romance Page 49

by Lili Zander

  Dr. Karling is very much a vampire who has spent his entire life in the capital. He wouldn’t call himself bigoted, but his friends and colleagues are probably all vampires. He not used to thinking about humans; they don't really exist in his sphere.

  The vast majority of the vampires on Starra are like Karling. They’re are not intrinsically malicious but instead blind to human suffering. It just doesn’t register. I don’t know if it’s a lack of empathy or just a stunning amount of self-involvement.

  Karling is not evil. He’s not malicious, and he’s certainly not a sociopath like Harek Levitan. He’s a follower. If Astrid decrees that humans are full citizens of the Empire, due all the rights and privileges that vampires have enjoyed for generations, Dr. Karling and others like him will grumble at the change, but they will adjust to the new reality.

  The logical part of me knows that. But when he’d demonstrated a callous lack of awareness at the harm his actions would put Raven in, it had taken all the restraint I’d possessed to keep myself from leaping across the table and slamming my fist into his face.

  I was about to speak up, and so was Ragnar, but before either of us had a chance, Raven had jumped in and she’d torn Dr. Karling to shreds. In clear, scathing words, she’d laid out for Dr. Karling exactly what the impact of going public would be.

  I’m so fucking proud of her.

  I’ve grown up in privilege. Despite the assassination attempts, Ragnar has as well. Zeke had to overcome incredible adversity in his life, getting away from his toxic family, but he grew up rich as well.

  We strive for empathy, but we don’t understand grinding poverty, not the way Raven and Nero do. We can’t fully relate to the concerns of the ordinary citizens of the Empire, because we’ve never been desperate and out of options. We’ve never lacked for anything.

  I’ve never known hunger; Raven has. I’ve never had to flinch because I said the wrong thing to the wrong person; Raven spent ten years in the re-education camps because of what her parents had been accused of.

  Astrid sees it too, I know she does. I saw her watching Raven during the meeting, her gaze thoughtful and assessing. If I’m not mistaken, the Empress has plans for Raven.

  Two people are already in the control room when I arrive. They introduce themselves. “Dina Kassis,” a woman in Imperial Army uniform says, extending her hand out to me. “Good to meet you, Colonel Hafsson. And this is Obasy Nwankwo. We’re here to assist you.”

  I shake their hands. “Thank you. Bring me up to speed.”

  “Yes, Sir. Fateh’s population is four thousand, seven hundred, and twenty-seven. Roughly three thousand vampires, the rest human. The nearest colony ship, the Komorebi, was located in Denveon. Prince Ragnar ordered it to Fateh six hours ago. It has reached the colony, and is in orbit.”

  “Why hasn’t it landed?”

  “Fateh’s Council of Leaders is proving uncooperative.”

  “So my role is to threaten and cajole them into good behavior?”

  Nwankwo’s lips twitch. “Pretty much,” he confirms. “Captain Tomislav Bardum has reported back that they’re threatening to shoot him out of the sky if he tries to land. Evidently, we’re intruding during a time of meditation, and our presence is not welcome.”

  “Fateh has weapons?” I raise an eyebrow.

  “Captain Bardum would risk it, but if the ship needs repairs…”

  We don’t have enough time. Got it. I’m going to have to pull rank to get them to evacuate. The idiots on the Council of Leaders won’t be impressed by the fact that I’m a colonel of the Imperial Army, but they have a deep-seated reverence for the monarchy. That’s the card I’ll need to play.

  Gah. I loathe flaunting my connection to the throne. Ragnar owes me for this.

  “Get the Council of Leaders on the comm, please. Tell them that Saber Hafsson, Head of Family Hafsson, and cousin to Empress Astrid, demands to talk to them.”

  Obasy Nwankwo makes the call. A red-haired vampire appears on the screen. “High Reverend Ronan O'Dugan,” Captain Kassis whispers. “He’s one of the three leaders.”

  I nod my thanks and turn to the vampire. “High Reverend O’Dugan,” I greet him. “I’m Saber Hafsson.”

  “Colonel Hafsson. It’s a pleasure. How can I be of service?”

  The clock is ticking; I don’t have time for subtlety. “I am the bearer of bad tidings, I’m afraid. The Empire has received a credible threat against Fateh. All the residents will need to be immediately evacuated. A colony ship, the Komorebi is in orbit. Please allow it to land.”

  “Evacuate? Immediately?” His voice rises in consternation, then he gathers himself. “What is this threat?”

  “I’m not at liberty to divulge that.”

  He bares his teeth in a smile. “Then I’m afraid we cannot comply with the evacuation orders, Colonel Hafsson,” he responds. “As I have already explained to Captain Bardum, Fateh is in the cycle of the blood moon. Our citizens meditate and renew their spirits during this sacred time. An evacuation right now is simply impossible.”

  You idiot. Your life is at stake here. You will die a painful and horrible death if you do not comply.

  I inject cold arrogance into my voice. “High Reverend O’Dugan, you seem to be under the illusion that I’m asking for permission to evacuate your residents. I’m not. This is a direct order from the Empress. If you refuse to allow the Komorebi to land, I will have no choice other than to consider your refusal an act of war.” I fix him with a glare. “The Empire takes a dim view of such defiance. You can cooperate fully with us, or you can meet my warships. Your choice.”

  He swallows hard and backs down. “Ah, yes. Of course, of course. I misunderstood the urgency. The Komorebi will be immediately cleared for landing.”

  “Send out a colony-wide alert. Every single person evacuates. There are no exceptions.”

  Everyone will be searched on their way in to make sure nobody brings the virus on board. Once they’re on board, Captain Bardum will discreetly test every single human, and quarantine any infected persons. He’s also been given orders to isolate Nero’s mother and give her the utmost protection, just in case Levitan specifically targets Anais Calorio.

  With any luck, it’s enough.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  I end the call. “Alert Captain Bardum,” I tell my two grinning liaisons. “He’s all set.”

  “Were there any warships?” Nwankwo asks.

  “In the North-Eastern Quadrant?” I laugh. “I very much doubt it. If my memory serves me correctly, the nearest base is in Camion, three days away. Fateh is really in the middle of nowhere. Fortunately for us, the High Reverend doesn’t know I was bluffing.”

  The colony ship lands, and the evacuation gets underway. I wait and watch as person after person is loaded into the Komorebi, unwilling to leave until the ship takes off.

  Three hours into the task, my comm beeps. It’s Anais Calorio, Nero’s mother. “I got a panicked message from Nero earlier, telling me to leave Fateh. And now, we’re evacuating on pain of death. What’s really going on, Saber?”

  “I’ll call you back on a secured line.” Once I have her on the screen again, I fill her in about the virus and Levitan’s threat to deploy it against Fateh.

  Her eyes widen. “He’s going to use it in Starra?”

  “If we don’t stop him in time, yes.”

  Her expression turns grim. “Nero might be killed.”

  There’s nothing I can do to soften the truth. “He’s made his choice, Anais. He won’t leave Starra. None of us will.”

  She doesn’t look surprised. “I’m not getting on the Komorebi.”

  My heart sinks. This is Nero's worst nightmare. Hell, it’s my worst nightmare. “Anais, it isn’t safe on Fateh. You must evacuate.”

  “I know that,” she replies. “But the Komorebi is headed to Denveon.” She fixes me with a stern glare. “My son is in danger. I’m coming to Starra. If we’re all going to die, I want to see the woman my son has fi
nally found, before it’s too late.”

  Ah. Nero’s mentioned Raven to his mother.

  I am at a complete loss for words. Nero has been trying to get his mother to Starra for years, but Anais has never been prepared to leave the safety of Fateh. But this is the time she picks to finally visit him?

  I finally find my voice. “Anais, with all due respect, no. If you come to Starra right now, Nero will be frantic with worry about your safety. That’s the last thing he needs.”

  She doesn’t like my answer. “I might not get another chance to see him, Saber,” she says quietly.

  I feel like a jerk. Anais Calorio has been through so much. Who am I to stop her from seeing her son? Who am I to begrudge her this reunion?

  Nero will kill me if I put his mother in danger. Either that, or he’ll be thrilled that she’s finally ready to visit the capital. My money’s on the former.

  “Get on the Komorebi, please.” I take a deep breath. “We will get through this, Anais. And when we win, I will personally arrange transport for you to Starra. You will meet Raven, and you will see Nero again. You have my word.”

  There’s a long pause on the other end. Finally, she nods her head. “Okay. I’ll go to Denveon.”

  Thank fuck. One crisis averted.

  I made Anais Calorio one hell of a promise. Now, I just have to keep it.



  One of my bodyguards lets me into Saber’s apartment. It’s empty. Saber, Nero, and Zeke are nowhere in sight. I could get on the comm and call them, but they’re all busy, and I don’t want to bother them.

  My head is throbbing. My nerves are on edge. I fling open doors until I find a bedroom, take off all my clothes, and fall into bed. There’s an episode of Forbidden Love playing on the holo-networks. I start to watch it, but halfway through, I fall asleep.

  Two bodies are on either side of me. Zeke and Nero. I sit up to see what time it is, and both of them open their eyes. “Sorry,” I whisper. “Go back to sleep.”

  Nero kisses my shoulder. “I have a better idea,” he murmurs, trailing his fingers over my skin.

  Zeke turns on a light and takes a look at my face. “What’s wrong?”

  I have two naked men in bed with me. I could either spend the next hour or two telling them all my problems or I could do something a lot more interesting. Option B, please. “I’ll tell you in the morning. Where’s Saber?”

  “Supervising the evacuation of Fateh. He sent a message. He’ll be a few hours.” Nero’s eyes move over me, drinking me in. “Let’s not wait, Raven.” He moves closer to me, his voice a seductive growl in my ear. “Let’s pick up where we left off. He’ll catch up.”

  My nipples harden at the need in his tone, the heat in his eyes. Zeke’s watching me as well, making no effort to disguise his hunger. “Want to play, sweetness?”

  Two hard bodies press into me from either side. Their eyes promise wicked, wicked pleasure.

  A shiver runs through me. “Yes.” Always.

  “Do you want it soft, kära?” Nero’s hand slides over my hip. “Do you want us to be gentle tonight?” His fingers make their way unerringly to my clit, and my core tightens. Heat pulses between my legs. “Or do you want us to slam into you, driving all thought from your mind, until you can barely remember your name?”

  Forgetting the events of the day sounds pretty damn good. Anticipation claws through me. “Hard,” I whisper.

  Fire blazes in their eyes. “Good girl,” Nero breathes. His mouth slams into mine, his tongue demanding entrance. I part my lips and let him in, melting into him, even as Zeke’s hand snakes down my back and spanks my ass.

  Oh fuck. I moan into Nero’s mouth as sharp pleasure radiates from the point of stinging contact to the rest of my body. “You like that, sweetness?” Nero purrs, his eyes piercing into me. “Ask Zeke to spank you again.”

  “Please…” This is exactly what I need. What I crave.

  Zeke obliges with another spank. Heat radiates from the point of contact, spreading warmth through my body. Nero rains kisses on my jaw, on the side of my neck, down my shoulders.

  “Spread your legs,” Zeke orders, punctuating the demand with another spank. I part my thighs, he slides down the bed, and his tongue plunges into my center.

  My body turns boneless. He shoves two fingers into my wet pussy, and I moan aloud. Nero’s fingers pluck my aching nipples. “I love seeing you like this,” he growls into my ear. “So flushed with desire. So needy, so hot for us. Nothing held back.”

  He guides my hand to his cock. He’s huge and hard and ready. It’s very clear what he wants me to do, and I’m more than happy to oblige. I pump his thick erection, my nipples swelling as he pinches them.

  I writhe on the bed, biting down on my lip as Zeke continues his assault on my pussy. His lips and teeth nibble, nip, and suck. His fingers slide into me, his mouth and tongue relentlessly bring me to climax.

  “Please,” I pant out. I don’t recognize the way I sound. Needy. Breathless. Desperate.

  Zeke slows down. “Too soon,” he says, his voice low, deep, and dark. “You don’t want to come badly enough yet, kära.”

  “According to whom?” I pout, shamelessly thrusting my hips in his face. Damn it, Zeke. I was so close.

  He spanks my ass again. “I think you need to be distracted.” He looks up from between my legs, his eyes hot with desire. “Suck Nero’s cock.”

  I wanted hard. I wanted rough. I wanted bed-breaking and world-tilting, raw and passionate and dirty. I’m getting it. They’re giving me exactly what I need right now. Exactly what I crave.

  Nero positions himself in front of me, his erect cock jutting into my face. I take his length in my mouth, my lips stretching around his girth. Zeke rewards me by sliding two fingers inside my aching pussy again. “You’re soaked,” he says, a masculine note of satisfaction drenching his voice. “You like this, don’t you?”

  My nails dig into the sheets. Lust rampages through my fevered blood. “Yes,” I moan around Nero’s thrusting cock.

  Zeke glides his tongue through my slit and sucks my clit between his teeth. “What was that, sweetness? I couldn’t hear you.”

  “Yes,” I shout. Nero fists his hand in my hair, and I turn my focus back to his thick length. With his other hand, he plays with my swollen nipples, pinching, pulling, and tweaking them until I’m half-crazed, moaning with desperate, clawing, twisting need. Every muscle in my body vibrates with tension. I’m painfully aroused.

  I thrust my hips into Zeke’s mouth. His low chuckle causes heat to flush through my cheeks, but I don’t care. I just want…

  Zeke’s thumb presses my throbbing clit, and I almost arch off the bed. “Please,” I beg, my mouth filled with Nero’s cock. His hands cup my breasts, and he squeezes, hard. Even as he thrusts into my mouth, he rolls my throbbing, aching nipples between his fingers. My body dances at the knife edge of pleasure and pain, and I love it.

  Zeke bends his head toward me. He licks me, his strokes long and steady. His tongue swirls tight circles around my bud. I’m lost in a delirious haze. I ache everywhere. My nipples throb, my pussy weeps in need. I’m a hair-trigger away from release. Zeke has to stop torturing me. He better let me come this time, or I will hurt him.

  He adds another finger to my pussy. My muscles stretch around his fingers, and I can’t get enough. My desire flares into an out-of-control inferno. Nero’s fingers tangle in my hair. “Please,” I whimper through a mouthful of cock.

  My muscles start to clench. Zeke senses that I’m close to the edge, because he pushes an additional finger inside me. “I want to feel you, Raven.” His tongue dances over my clit, harder, faster. I gasp and cry out as my climax shatters over me. Wave after wave of ecstasy wash over me, wringing me out, leaving me limp, sated, and so very content.

  I float in a deep sea of pleasure. They shift positions. Zeke lies on the bed and tugs me onto him, my back against his chest. His fingers tease my back hole, preparing me for his
cock, and then his thick head nudges my entrance. He pushes into me, slowly, steadily. My muscles stretch to accommodate him. My entire body tingles, from my fingertips to my toes. I push back, ignoring the slight pain, making myself relax.

  Zeke growls, a raw, primal, sound. “Give yourself to me,” he whispers into my ear, his fingers digging into my hips.

  Always. I take a deep breath, and then his entire length is in me.

  Nero looms over me. His eyes rest on me, hot and heavy and hooded. He holds his cock in his hand and swipes it down my slit. “So wet,” he murmurs.

  I need him inside me. “Stop talking and fuck me.”

  His eyebrow rises. “Are you in a position to be making demands, Raven?” he asks silkily.

  Okay, that might have been a tactical mistake. Normally, I’d double down, but need claws through me, and I want him. I want both of them filling me, overwhelming me, driving thought from my brain, leaving only a fog of lust behind. “Please?”

  He chuckles. “Better,” he says. “What do you think, Zeke?”

  Zeke’s reply comes through gritted teeth. “She’s so fucking tight,” he grinds out. “I’m not going to last very long here.”

  “In that case…” Nero’s mouth meets mine in a bruising kiss. At the same time, his cock slams into me.

  So full. So very, very full.

  A little over a month ago, Zeke and Nero were perfect strangers. I didn’t trust them. When they sponsored me in the Night of the Shayde, I looked for hidden motives.

  Now they’re mine. Now I’m theirs. Our bodies collide, and we’re not three separate people any longer. We’re one.

  Nero’s eyes meet mine. “You want rough, kära?”

  I hold his gaze. They give me everything I ask for, and then more. They offer me unconditional support. If they drink my blood, they will die, and yet they’ve never once flinched away from me. They’ve treated me with respect, with kindness, and with love.

  “Give me everything you’ve got.”

  His feral smile sends shivers down my spine. “Brace yourself.”


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