Portals of Infinity: Book One: Champion for Hire

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Portals of Infinity: Book One: Champion for Hire Page 16

by John Van Stry

  “Please, call me Will,” I said and offered my hand, “I take it you are Stephanie?”

  “Steph will do, please sit down.” She offered after shaking my hand.

  I found a chair and sat. She was rather captivating I had to admit. “Nice office.”

  “It belongs to the high priest of the order actually. I don’t have one myself.” She walked over and took a seat across from me. “So what can I do for you? Aryanna told me you’d be by and asked that I meet here with you.”

  “How long have you been Aryanna’s champion?” I asked curious.

  “Almost two hundred years.”

  I thought about that; that was a long time! “I know absolutely nothing about this job; I haven’t even been doing it a year. I was hoping you could teach me, or at least tell me, what exactly I need to know.”

  She laughed and I had to admit I liked the sound of that. She leaned back in the chair looking relaxed. “I see, and why do you think I’ll do that?”

  “Why does Aryanna recruit for other gods?”

  “That is a good question, isn’t it?” She said with a sly smile.

  “And that’s the reason you’ll help me. I figure there’s going to be some sort of payback someday, so the more I know, the more I can deliver. Right?”

  “Perceptive,” Aryanna’s voice said into the room.

  “Yes, very,” Stephanie said.

  I looked around, “Okay, that’s freaky. I thought you could manifest in your main temple?”

  “Yes, but only in one place and I am busy elsewhere.”

  “Just remember that she has ears everywhere inside here and she listens to everything that is said. She may not deem something you say worth a reply, but she’s always listening.”

  “Sort of like how Fel is always listening to me?”

  Stephanie nodded, “We’re their eyes and ears as well as their agents.”

  “So what do I need to know?” I asked

  “Everything,” Stephanie smiled. “Go get your things and bring them back here. It’ll be a while before you can head back to your inn.”

  I nodded and got up. “Thanks.”

  “Oh don’t thank me yet. I haven’t even started with you!” And she got up and gave me a very warm hug that definitely did things to me.

  “Behave, Stephanie!” Aryanna’s voice said in a definitely humorous tone.

  “Umm, I’ll be back....”

  It was much later, I’d packed my things and bid farewell to Habe and the others. I’d come back to the temple and put my things in my new room here, stabled my horse and had dinner with Stephanie who was rather interesting and blatantly flirting with me. I learned a lot of the history of Hillshire from her, at least the more recent history. I guess I wasn’t surprised that later that evening I found my way to her bedroom and just as things started to get interesting, she smiled down at me.

  “Lesson one,” she whispered.

  “What?” I blinked. I was lying on my back, we had just fallen onto the bed and she was on top.

  She brought her arm up and around and I noticed a glint as she struck me in the chest and my whole world exploded in pain!

  “Stop thinking with your dick,” she whispered in my ear as everything went dark. “See you in a week!”

  And then I died.

  “Well, that didn’t go well for you, did it?” It was Aryanna’s voice.

  “What happened?” I growled and opening my eyes, I sat up.

  And blinked.

  I was in a garden, a rather lovely garden, a rather impossible garden – however in ways I could not explain beyond that it simply was.

  Aryanna laughed and I turned to face her. She was lovely, she was motherhood and womanhood personified. She glowed, and it was almost painful to look upon her, but in a pleasant way.

  “Where am I?” I asked looking around.

  “You’re dead; you’re in my realm now.”

  I blinked and shook my head. I noticed I was in my feline form and not my human one. “I’m where?”

  “In my realm,” she smiled.

  I swore, and then panicked a little, “I’m dead?”

  She nodded, and reached over and patted my arm and a feeling of warmth came over me. “Don’t worry; the first time is always the worst.”

  “She, she killed me!” I swore again.

  “Yes, I believe I said that already.”

  “Why, that, that bitch!” I growled. And then regretted it immediately as that feeling of well being turned to a feeling of pain and torment the like of which I’d never felt before. It only lasted a moment, but when it stopped I gasped and looked at Aryanna.

  “Do I have your attention now, William?” She said to me, rather sternly.

  “Yes, Ma’am,” I replied suddenly humbled.

  “You will not refer to my champion in that tone of voice, or with those words again in my presence. You asked Stephanie to train you, well dying is something you’re going to do, and I thought it would be best if your first experience with it was in the realm of an ally.”

  I nodded even more subdued. “Yes, Ma’am.” I was still pissed at Stephanie however.

  “Better,” she nodded.

  “So if I’m dead, where are all the other dead people?” I looked around, and noticed we were alone.

  “While you may be dead, you have not crossed over to what you think of as Heaven. Once that happens, you pretty much cannot return. You’re in a sort of Limbo. Here I can do a great many things to you, any pain or any pleasure that I want you to experience you will. If you die in the power of an enemy, or someone who is just cruel, expect to face torment. Others will either treat you well, or just push you on as fast as they can, or possibly ignore you completely.”

  “So how long do I stay here?”

  “Up to three days subjective, three days real.”

  I shook my head confused. “How’s that again?”

  “In real time, you will be here three days. But subjectively that time can be varied. I can make it pass faster if I wish, but not slower. You may be able to affect it as well, which will come in handy if you ever fall afoul of someone truly evil.”

  “So what happens after three days?”

  “You go to the realm of Feliogustus, where after a few days he’ll resurrect you.”

  I sighed, “So just why am I here?”

  She smiled, “Because I have a job for you, and Feliogustus promised me that if I helped him, found him a good champion to win his little war, then he’d loan you to me.”

  “What’s wrong with your own champion?”

  “Nothing, but this task is too much for one champion.”

  “I see. So you did this to get two.”

  “Actually there will be five of you. You were right; you were not the first one I have recruited.”

  “I’d ask what’s so special that it will take five of us, but to be honest, I don’t even know what one of us can do yet.”

  “And that’s what you’re going to be learning. Or at least some of it. Stephanie is a good teacher, and you’ve proven yourself more than capable already.”

  “Well, I’m still mad at her for that little trick,” I grumbled.

  “You do have a tendency to succumb to the whiles of attractive women William. I recall that little reign of drunken debauchery back on your home sphere.”

  I flattened my ears in embarrassment. “You saw that?”

  “Well you had married one of mine, so I was keeping tabs on you at that point. So yes, I saw it.” She chuckled then, “come, let us spend the rest of your time here a bit more pleasantly. It’s so rare that I get company that isn’t one of my followers these days.”

  “What about the task you want me to do for you?”

  “Oh that? I’ve already put it in your mind. You’ll know what you need to know when you need to know it.”

  I shook my head and blinked. “You can do that?”

  “Only because Feliogustus has allowed it. He has no desire to know what I’
m up to, he has his own worries.”

  I nodded slowly, “Just as long as this isn’t adding to them.”

  She smiled her radiant smile at me again, “Of course not. Now, come, let me show you my garden, I haven’t been able to brag about it in decades.”

  Her garden was rather impressive. Everything in it was real, and came from another dimension, or ‘sphere’ as she called them. In some of those places the laws of nature or physics were different, so each had to be encased in a bit of their native reality. How she managed that I had no idea, but she was a goddess, so all things were possible I guessed. We walked for countless hours the place seemed endless. We took occasional breaks and either ate or drank exotic foods and wines that appeared at a gesture. When the time came to leave, I was genuinely sorry.

  “I hope I’m not being presumptuous,” I said, I could feel something pulling at me and I knew what it was, I’d be in Fel’s realm fairly soon. “But I would appreciate it if I could call you a friend.”

  She laughed and the sound was like music to me. “Gods make fickle friends William.”

  “I don’t doubt that they do,” I replied earnestly. “But I’d appreciate it all the same.”

  “Then by all means do,” she said. “Take care, William.”

  And with that I was gone and suddenly sitting in a tavern with Fel.

  “Ah, you’re here at last.” He smiled.

  I looked around; it was the same place as in my dreams, only now I could see all the details.

  “So how long does this part take?”

  “That depends on my power; as I’m doing well now, about three days.”

  “Three days. I hope there’s more to your realm than just this pub!” I grinned.

  “Well, I don’t have anything to rival the gardens Aryanna has, but you will find things a bit different here.”

  I swiveled my ears forward, interested. “How so?”

  “Well, the recently departed spend some time here before they move on to their final reward. As you are my champion, you can visit with them before they move across the border.”

  “What’s it like on the other side?”

  “Paradise,” he smiled, “trust me, you’d enjoy it. I enjoy it quite a bit myself.”

  “You can go there?”

  “Of course, I’m always there, just as I’m always here. It takes up quite a bit of my time truth be told.”

  I pondered that a moment and nodded, then took a sip of the beer that was on the table, it tasted rather good. “Dying really sucks you know.”

  He nodded, “Yeah, I know. But it is part of the job, and you needed to do it sooner or later.”

  “Why? So I’d know what’s in store for me if I do?”

  “Oh no, it’s the last step in becoming a champion. Up until now I’ve had to work with your existing body. Your new body will be coming from me, so you’ll find you have a few extra abilities that you did not have before.”

  “I’ll still look and feel the same, won’t I?” I asked concerned.

  “Oh, of course. But now you will be able to change into your champion form, regardless of where you are and access your full powers. You will also be able to open a temporary gateway back to my main temple no matter where you are. Though that will take a lot of effort, so don’t try it if you’re drained.”

  I nodded. “So any idea what this thing is I’ll be doing for Aryanna is?”

  He shook his head, “No, and I don’t want to know. I have enough issues with my small following here. I don’t need to become embroiled with her larger game.”

  “Won’t my involvement cause you troubles though?”

  “Not really. I’m just living up to my side of our bargain, the rules that we must follow, are in some ways very strict, as I’ve told you before. Now come with me and learn some more about your people. I would make good use of this time with you.”

  And with that we got up and he led me out of the tavern into a duplicate of the Hilander's city. And there were people, a good many people about. We talked to each of them, they told me a little of their lives, their hopes, and accomplishments. Who they had been and what they had done. And about whom they had left behind. Some even told me the stories their elders had told them. All looked to be young adults in the prime of their life. Fel told me this was typical, you became your idealized self in the after life.

  When the time came for me to leave, I was almost sorry to go. Those three days had connected me more with my people. I felt more a part of them than I had before, and it was gratifying to talk to these folk, who were on to their just reward, many of whom recognized me and enjoyed talking with me. It made me feel like I belonged.

  “You were a good choice, Will, you know that?” Fel said to me as he got ready to send me back.

  “No, I didn’t. Thanks.”

  “You’re the third champion I’ve had, the first two were both homegrown types, and at times were more trouble than they were worth. They were more interested in the glory than in the people. It’s hard to find those who care about the people, the ones that don’t, they never last long in the champion business.”

  “Where are they now?”

  “The first one retired, and moved on to the afterlife to be with their love. The second has moved on to work for other gods.”

  “That happen often?”

  “Often enough. A lot of the more powerful gods don’t want to train their own champions up from scratch.”

  I nodded; it made a kind of sense.

  “Well, see you on the other side.”

  “Sounds kind of weird when you put it that way.”

  “And here you are,” I heard Fel’s voice, only now it was different. I opened my eyes and I was lying on an altar in the private sanctum of the temple.

  “Back among the living I see.” I heard the high priestess say.

  I yawned and sat up stretching. “Well hello everybody.”

  “Well, hello, yourself,” she said grinning at me. I noticed she was very pregnant, and I of course was very naked. Not that it mattered much in this society.

  “So, where are my clothes and things?”

  “On the chair over there,” Fel’s voice laughed.

  I stood up and stretched, “Feel’s the same.”

  “Of course.”

  I looked around the room, other than the priestess, there were two priests standing by the door.

  “You two can go now,” I said making a shooing motion with my hands.

  They both looked at Jennifer, the high priestess and she nodded.

  I watched as they left the room, “You really do run this place now, don’t you?”

  She laughed and came over and sat in my lap. “Nice to see you again.”

  I put a hand on her belly. “Wow,” was about all I could think of to say.

  “Yes, wow. First time huh?”

  “Yup.” I gave her a hug. “Catch me up on current events a bit, then I need to run up to see Rachel.”

  “She doesn’t know you’re here yet, what’s the rush?” She purred at me.

  “I like you, Nara, I really do, but Rachel is my wife and I do love her.”

  “Oh you’re no fun,” she grumped.

  I kissed her and purred, “Oh don’t worry, I’ve recently been given a very good incentive to cut down on my womanizing.”

  “And that helps me how?” She mock growled.

  I laughed, “That leaves me with exactly two women in town. Of which you’re one.”

  “Oh,” she smiled and got a bit livelier in my arms.

  “Have you no shame?” I teased, “Aren’t you supposed to be the head of the church here? The people would be scandalized!”

  “I’m not made of stone you know,” She said with a laugh. “Plus, you’re safe. I know your boss.”

  “There is that,” I admitted.

  We snuggled a bit after that, and I showed her the love and affection that I definitely felt. After all, she was carrying my cub and I’m just not a cold uncari
ng guy. But I left eventually and went to see Rachel, my wife.

  “Hi hon, I’m hoooome!” I said coming in the door to her rooms, yeah I was too much a child of my culture.

  Now I had always been of the belief that a pregnant woman, especially one who is more than halfway through her term, was slow, cautious, and not much of a danger.

  Apparently though, the feline-formed hilanders, and more significantly my queen, were built of much sterner stuff as I got hit by Rachel, who threw her entire self at me.

  I caught her of course; I knew that if anything happened to me, Fel would fix it. But of Rachel, well, I had no such guarantees, and both of my wives meant the world to me. So it was a rather painful experience as I got pounced and then pounded to the hard wooden floor of her rooms.

  Though I wouldn’t have admitted it to a soul.

  She was rather frantic, and rather excited, and apparently rather lonely. I’ve heard other men talk about the hormone changes that a pregnant woman goes through. I quickly became a true believer. And what made it even harder on Rachel was as the Queen, she had to doubly restraint those impulses; except for where I was concerned, so she let it all out and I got the full effect.

  “So, anything else you want to tell me?” It was much later, and I was rubbing her feet. I guess some of the stories I’d heard from my older siblings were true.

  “No I think that covers it,” she purred.

  After the usual husband and wife who’d been apart stuff, we’d gotten to talking and she had caught me up on all of the current events while I gave her some sorely needed pampering. Her kingdom had more than doubled in size in the last six months and even though I had gotten rid of the opposition, there were still a lot of troubles. But more of the administrative and budgetary kind, she inherited a whole new set of bureaucrats and now had to restrain them from spending all the new money they’d gained in the war. I promised to break a few heads for her before I had to leave again.

  Then there were the new countries she had to deal with, kingdoms that the Mulanders's lands were adjacent to, or with which they had been dealing and trading with prior to their fall. Two of the kingdoms now shared boarders with the now expanded Hilander nation, one was smaller than Rachel's kingdom, and the other was about the same size. Interestingly enough the smaller kingdom appeared to be happy with the new situation, they had been at war on and off with the Mulanders for decades, so they were more than happy to see them gone. The larger one was taking more of a 'wait and see' attitude, which Rachel was more than happy to deal with for now.


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