Edge of Heaven

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Edge of Heaven Page 25

by Rhiannon Leith

  He kissed her, his lips brushing gently against hers.

  “That doesn’t hurt?” She smiled.

  “No,” he said. “No, that doesn’t hurt at all.” He kissed her again, pressing a little harder and his eyes blurred with desire. “Where was I?”

  “Free will.”

  “Good thing, free will.” He trailed his fingers through her hair, pulling the duvet up over them both, and Lily snuggled closer. “Lucifer rebelled and forged that knife.” A shudder ran through him and his ardour cooled a fraction. “The knife that could kill the Creator, that would drink in divine power. Is that what it did to me, Lily? Wiped out all traces of the divine and the infernal?”

  “Raphael only said you would be changed, but he saved your life.”

  Sam sighed, his eyes distant. “Changed, yes. I feel changed.”

  Lily slipped her arms around his waist, stroking the skin of his back. It felt like silk, and he groaned as she touched him. His body arched towards her and his erection pressed against her thigh.

  “Sweetheart,” he sighed. “You make me happy to be alive, no matter what.”

  “You’re meant to rest.”

  “With you here? Not possible. Rest is the last thing on my mind.” He cupped her breast, ran his thumb over her nipple until it stiffened and ached for him.

  “Please, Sam, tell me what happened. Tell me about Micah.”

  He moaned, closing his eyes, but when he opened them she saw resolution there. “Okay, if I can make it fast. There was a war in Heaven when Lucifer revolted. But his brother stood against him. Or at least refused to stand with him. No one knows the full story except the two of them and the Creator himself. When Lucifer was defeated, bound and cast down to Hell, taking those who had joined him with him. The Eveningstar…he vanished, I suppose. Or talk of him stopped. Like most of the others, I assumed he too had been banished. But if it was Micah—which it was, of course—he was sent to earth, to guard human beings, an angel of spiritual guidance. Such an overlooked role. The angels all looked down on him for millennia, when all the time, he was watching over the Creator’s most treasured creations.”

  A sudden surge of pride welled up inside her, love and devotion for the angel who had been her only friend. Even as it swept through her, the tears came as well. He was gone.

  “Ah hush, love.” Sam kissed her face where they fell and his mouth came to hers wet and salty. “All will be well. I don’t know how, but all will be well.”

  He held her as she cried, kissed her and stroked her shivering skin. As her tears dried, and her body warmed beneath his touch, he rose above her.

  “I’ll take care of you, Lily. And keep you as safe as ever he did. Safer. I swear it.”

  She was about to answer, to tell him she knew that, when she realised they weren’t alone. Another body breathed the same air, shared the same space, radiated warmth. The foot of the bed shifted as someone sat on it.

  Sam froze, staring at her beneath the covers, alarm and anger warring in his eyes. He lifted his finger to his lips, warning her to be silent and still. Too afraid to move, images of Hopkins looming from the shadows still clinging in her mind, Lily shrank back beneath him.

  Sam hurled himself at the foot of the bed in a flurry of bedclothes and desperation. Two figures thudded to the ground, rolling together. Lily scrambled to the end of the bed and saw them struggling together, two forms, like morning and night, dark and golden.

  “Micah!” she exclaimed.

  Micah flipped Sam onto his back, pinned him to the floor and grinned, a wild and reckless grin. All down his back, the elaborate sketch of wings still decorated his skin, from his shoulders down to the back of his thighs. But the other wounds were gone.

  “You’re going to have a hard time protecting her as a human if that’s the best you can do.”

  “A human?” Sam gasped, fighting for breath as he tried to free himself.

  Micah laughed and released him, then pulled Sam to his feet and dragging him into an embrace at once powerful and tender.

  “Yes, a human. A mortal. And one without a taint of sin. You never fell, He said. So you have nothing to repay. He’s wiped out everything you did, because the knife destroyed the demon. Not you.”

  “That—that’s impossible.”

  Micah rolled his eyes. “Don’t ask. It’s ineffable. Part of His nature.”

  Lily gripped the bed sheet, staring at the two of them, unable to believe her eyes.

  “Micah?” she said. “Micah, you’re here?”

  Micah smiled, brighter than she had ever seen him, the weight of the world he used to carry gone. He snatched her up in his strong arms and whirled her around, laughing when Sam had to dive out of the way.

  “If you’ll have me. Both of you.”

  Lily kissed him and they fell onto the bed, her hands pressed against his chest.

  Sam joined them, sliding against her back, his hands teasing the sensitive skin of her waist. He kissed the nape of her neck and then lifted his head to give Micah a long and intimate look. “I see you still haven’t got the hang of appearing around her with clothes on then.”

  “I don’t need him with clothes on.” Her voice sounded husky with need. “But I don’t understand. We thought you were the Metatron.”

  “I was,” said Micah, “at least for a while. It came naturally because once that was my purpose. But now he has another.”

  “Who?” Sam asked, planting another series of kisses along Lily’s shoulder blades.

  “Lara,” Micah said with a smile. That brought Sam up short, with eyes wide. “Once she was like Lily, and she had a guardian angel. Enoch loved her, as I love you, but he broke the cardinal rule, the one thing agreed upon by Heaven and Hell. He told her who and what he was. The Holy Court took him away, but she had already conceived his child, a child she bore and became the Nephilim. Without Enoch there to protect her, Asmodeus seduced her effortlessly and she was damned. But some part of her remained, at the core, her perfect nature, probably why Asmodeus and the Nameless took such delight in corrupting her. She didn’t deserve that. Not to pay for Enoch’s transgression, not to see the monster her child became without her, not to be so degraded by the ranks of Hell. So He took her back.”

  “That, um…that won’t go down well with some of the heavenly host,” said Sam.

  Micah grinned, the edges of the expression manic with delight. “Yes. That thought appealed to both of us too.”

  “And you?” Lily asked, drawing him against her.

  “I have a new mission.” For a moment her heart lurched. If she lost him again, even with Sam to comfort her, how would she stand it? They were meant to be together, the three of them. She understood that now. She finally believed it. He must have seen it in her eyes, because his finger traced an invisible line along her jaw and he captured her eyes with the wondrous blue of his own. “I’ll take care of you. Of both of you. And I intend to begin right away.”

  “Really, Mike?” Sam drawled.

  But Micah wasn’t joking, nor did he rise to the bait of Sam’s nickname. “Really.”

  His kiss took Lily’s breath away. Rolling onto her back, she gazed up at the two of them. “But if I have a child, won’t it be like him?”

  “Not if it’s Sam’s child,” said Micah. “He’s human. The conception of a Nephilim is a chance in a million and not all of them turn evil. How could they with a mother such as you.” He kissed her, taking his time to enjoy the sensation, making her body pulse for him even harder. “But I can see that the creative spark is suppressed in me. I can keep that from happening. It’s within my power now.”

  “Your power,” Sam interrupted. “Yes, we never discussed your power, nor the secrets you kept.”

  “Secrets we can share later. Right now, I’m busy.”

  Lily groaned and arched towards him.

  Sam grinned at her, while Micah’s mouth worked its way down her body, too intent on her to look up.

  “I think he missed yo
u,” Sam said, his hand sliding over Micah’s shoulders in a caress.

  Then he leaned in to join them. Both mouths closed on her breasts at the same time. She cried out, her hips lifting from the bed. Two hands pushed her back down, teasing fingers sliding inside her. They moved in unison, the perfect pressure on her nipples making her whole body melt beneath them.

  Sam took command of her, lifting her astride his lap. She took him inside her, unable to wait, unable to draw it out. Not now. Later on they could make it slow. Now, she needed them. Oh God, she needed them both so badly.

  Micah’s teeth grazed her shoulder and he filled his hands with her breasts, rubbing them against Sam’s chest until he too gasped. He was so hard inside her, like iron wrapped in velvet. His penis shuddered as her body closed around him.

  “What do you want, Lily?” Micah asked.

  “Both of you.” The reply was instantaneous. She didn’t need to think. What was thought at a time like this? “Both of you inside me.”

  Micah’s chuckle ran through her, as deeply sultry as Sam’s, the sound of it making her body spasm with need.

  Micah’s fingers, damp with her excitement, teased the sensitive skin of her anus, sliding inside, stretching her in readiness for him. If she winced, or cried out, Sam gave a series of gentle thrusts which drove away the pain and brought her to the brink of orgasm. Maddening, patient, he rocked into her, but never let her go all the way.

  “Please, please,” she said over and over.

  He kissed her to silence her and Micah’s ministrations continued, his fingers curling up inside her ass, drawing all her consciousness together to a single point of pure pleasure.

  Micah’s hand withdrew, cupping and stroking Sam’s balls. Suddenly it was Sam’s turn to gasp, his eyes fluttering closed in ecstasy. Lily rolled her hips, circling them while still holding him inside her. To her delight, she heard the same words spill from his lips.

  “Please, please, please.”

  She started to laugh, just for a moment, before Micah’s cock found its way into her, working deep and deeper inside. She could feel them both pressing against each other, only a thin wall of her flesh keeping them apart. They filled her so completely that she could never imagine being apart again.

  Nor did she have to, she realised with a wild surge of joy. Whatever happened, whatever the future held, they would be with her always, angel and demon, her perfect lovers.

  Lips on her neck, hands on her breasts, three bodies moving in unison, in perfect harmony, Micah’s half-suppressed groan of need, Sam’s deep and reckless laugh, everything coalesced into a single perfect moment. Lily’s world shattered and re-formed as she came, bringing them both with her to a new reality where they would never be parted again.

  About the Author

  Rhiannon Leith didn’t mean to write erotic sci-fi, fantasy and romance, it just worked out that way. And when you find something you’re good at…

  She’s written stories about vampires, djinn, psychics, angels and demons. All of them are very naughty indeed.

  To learn more, please visit her website www.rhiannonleith.com and get a taste of fantasy on fire.

  Look for these titles by Rhiannon Leith

  Now Available:

  Edge of Heaven

  With a Touch

  Kidnapped by rebels…or rescued by love?

  With a Touch

  © 2010 Rhiannon Leith

  The Guild Chronicles

  As a prized psychic, Eva’s lived her entire life inside the Guild Compound. While sex isn’t exactly forbidden, she’s rarely indulged—such intense contact could swamp her sensitive gift. A chance encounter with Aidan, a sexy Guild Security Officer, rocks her to the core when she sees herself entangled in his arms. She fights the unfamiliar surge of lust and tries to focus on the job at hand, the interrogation of the subversive Rafael.

  Yet she discovers that he’s no terrorist. In fact, his capture is a ploy, a way for him and Aidan to infiltrate the Guild with one goal in mind: Eva.

  At first Eva fights her captors, but once outside the Guild’s walls, she realizes she is free. Free to live and love as she pleases. And her two rebels please her indeed, introducing her to erotic pleasures she never imagined. They break down the barriers imposed on her mind and body, making her question everything she’s ever known.

  Even as Eva dares to dream of a future with her lovers, she fears for their lives. The Guild wants her back. And that’s not all they want…

  Warning: Contains two irresistible rebels working “undercover” to win the woman of their dreams, an evil corporation, rough sex, tender sex, sex with mild bondage, sex intensified by psychic connections and an oh-so-passionate ménage à trois.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for With a Touch:

  When Rafael and Aidan entered the room, Eva met them as a Guild psychic—calm, collected, silent. She kept her face a mask, the shields around her mind as strong as iron, so that even a psychic as powerful as Rafael could not reach her.

  “You didn’t like the clothes?” Aidan’s eyes trailed over her suit.

  Her silence made Aidan’s anger smoulder. She could feel it, a slow-burning fire, the inner heat much higher than if he expressed it. White hot now. What did he expect? That she would just happily do as she was told and settle into a new life here? That she would fall into whatever fantasy he had planned?

  “He has some fantasies you might enjoy, sweetheart.” Rafael’s mouth quirked into that same mocking smile that tormented her so. “Care to try?”

  His voice pressed to her consciousness, but she kept him out. All she had now were her defences. If they wanted her they would have to force her. The thought made her quake inside, not entirely with fear. It excited her, even though it shouldn’t. She knew she was safe with them, could trust them. They would never hurt her. Not purposefully. Oh, but they had the potential to do her more damage than anyone she had every encountered.

  “Are you going to say anything at all?” Rafael asked.

  “I’m a Guild psychic. You must release me, let me go back to the Guild compound.”

  Rafael shook his head. “That’s not going to happen, Eva.” His mind stroked against hers but she hardened her shields. “You belong here. You need to let go.”

  “No. I don’t. I’ve worked hard to control my abilities. It isn’t safe to just let go.”

  “That’s what they say. We say differently.” Rafael gave a curt nod, and Aidan seized her hands. He tore off the gloves and threw them away.

  “Get off me!” she yelled, struggling against him. “Don’t touch me!”

  He released her, but he didn’t back away. Instead his blue eyes gazed unwavering into hers. “Pleasure isn’t a danger. And all being a hedonist means is that you let yourself feel that pleasure. In everything. But most of all, in each other, in physical contact, in love. They’ve made you think it’s wrong, Eva, locked you away all your life. Not just behind their walls and under their polluted skies. Inside yourself. Too afraid to feel.”

  “We can show you the power of pleasure,” Rafael murmured. “And once you’ve felt that, you’ll never go back. Never. No one can.”

  Tears stung her eyes and she blinked them back furiously. “I didn’t ask for this.”

  “No one does. It’s…” Aidan glanced at Rafael. “Sometimes it’s easier not to feel at all. But it’s an empty existence, Eva. Empty and lonely.” He opened his hands before her, palms out. “You don’t really want that.”

  She shied away, unable to face what she saw in his eyes.

  Instead, Rafael stood there. His face carried something else, something that looked suspiciously like grief. “Yes,” he said in response to her unasked, unthought question. “You saw my wife, you saw her die.”

  She recalled the agony entangled around those images. “You’d choose such pain?”

  “Over nothingness? Yes. Every time. For the sake of everything else that is the counterpoint.”

  “I…I’m not sure I co
uld stand such…feelings. I might…I might hurt you.” It had happened before. When she was young and inexperienced. And it had been disastrous.

  “Your mind is powerful,” Rafael conceded. “And if we open your mind to pleasure, that’s a risk. But one I’m willing to take. I’ll help you, shield you, show you how to ground it.” He smiled, the gentlest expression she’d ever seen on his face.

  “You don’t have to do anything.” Aidan’s hands touched her shoulders, her arms. “Just let us lead you. Let us show you.”

  She trembled, holding herself as still as she could, and had to swallow hard when Aidan began to unbutton her jacket. He wasn’t rough, not really, but he didn’t linger over the task. He wanted her naked.

  And soon she was. When he released her, gathering up the clothes and tossing them into a corner, Eva wound her arms around her body in a vain effort to shield herself from Rafael’s burning gaze. Mortification stabbed at her, quickly followed by shame. She’d never been so exposed, so helpless.

  Rafael took a few steps and his hands encircled her wrists, pulling her arms away from her body. Not roughly, nor quickly. He moved with quiet determination, revealing her body to his eyes as carefully as he might uncover a treasure of great beauty, hidden away a lifetime ago. And behind her, she knew Aidan was watching as well. Her body quivered, deep inside, where no one had ever touched her before.

  Rafael lifted her arms still further, until they stretched up on either side of her head, reaching towards the heavens. She glanced up to see a beam running across the room, just as Aidan threw some sort of silken cord over it. Rafael held both her wrists with one hand now, just as he had in her vision. He tied them together and released her so she took her own weight again, her arms straining slightly with the effort of the unfamiliar position.

  “There now,” Rafael said. “You don’t have to be scared. But this will help you to give in to the pleasure, stop you from fighting it. You don’t have to participate. Just let it happen to you and you’ll see we’re telling the truth.”


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