Texas Rainbow

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Texas Rainbow Page 14

by Caroline Clemmons

  Hope blossomed in her heart. “Truly? You’re not just trying to make me feel better?”

  “Of course I’m trying to make you feel better, darlin’, but I’m telling you the truth.”

  “You’re being the rainbow my grandmother said follows the rain.”

  “That’s a nice thing to say.” He kissed her temple then feathered kisses across her face and down her neck. “Do you have a curfew?”

  “I told Sally I’d be home before late.”

  “For Sally, that’s before ten.”

  The doorbell rang and he stood. “Sounds like our supper’s arrived.”

  Chapter Twenty Two

  After a restless night, Ellie was eager to get to Nancy’s and get more photos for her website. She dressed hurriedly and raced down the stairs. She arrived as Penny was setting out plates.

  Ellie took glasses out of the cupboard. “I’ll take care of the juice.”

  Penny looked up after she put her place at each place. “Tell us about your day yesterday.”

  Ellie couldn’t help leaning against the counter for support. She took a deep breath and turned to face Penny. “It was positively awful. Crummy. Those three hoodlums took the paint I had just bought and used it for graffiti on everything on both floors.”

  Sally put her hands on her hips. “You mean after you had that place so nice and clean? I hope they’re caught and punished.”

  Ellie poured orange juice into the glasses. “Bart caught them all right but he says the judge will just give them a slap on the wrist and they’ll be back on the streets.”

  Sally poked a meat fork into a ham steak as if it was the judge and she was angry. “I’d like to talk to that Paul Kirby. He’s a menace instead of a help for justice.”

  Ellie set two glasses on the table. “Do you know him?”

  Sally attacked the eggs with her whisk. “I know him all right. Mousy little man whose wife tells him what and when to think. I’m sure you’ll meet her but watch out for her.”

  Penny’s eyes widened. “Why, Sally, I’ve never heard you criticize anyone before. This couple must be real corkers.”

  “They are. I don’t understand how he keeps getting reelected. I guess he has a lot of political contacts. Bart has to walk a fine line so he doesn’t get on the wrong side of the power players.”

  Jake walked in and kissed his wife then kissed Sally on the cheek. “Hello, gorgeous. What has you irate so early this morning?”

  Howard took his seat at the table and rubbed his hands together. “Yes, tell us but don’t let it hold up the meal. I’m starved half to death.”

  With a tolerant expression, Sally shook her head at him.

  Ellie explained about her store and apartment being vandalized. “But that’s not all. Those are the same hoodlums who beat up Bobby. He won’t admit it was them. I think it’s because they threatened his mother if he told anyone.”

  Jake met Ellie’s gaze. “Have you told my brother?”

  “I have and I’ve urged Nancy to get a burglar alarm for her home. I know that won’t stop teens like those but at least she could sleep without being afraid. I’ll have one installed at my shop also when it’s further along.”

  Penny came around the table and a hugged Ellie’s shoulders. “I’m so sorry. I know you were eager to get moved in and start painting your new apartment. This is just terrible after all your work.”

  “It’s a disappointing set back and I hope you don’t mind if I continue staying here until the mess is righted.”

  Jake smiled at Ellie. “Penny and I welcome you to stay as long as you wish. You must know we enjoy your company.”

  His kindness when her nerves were still so raw almost defeated her thin grasp of self-control and she blinked back tears. “Thank you. You’ve been so wonderful. I’ll never be able to thank you enough.”

  Sally smiled at her. “Nonsense. We know all you’ve gone through.”

  Ellie plopped down at the table. Her legs simply wouldn’t support her. “There’s more. You remember I was in the wedding of my friends Freddie and Mattie Colgate in San Antonio before I came here? When I walked into Nancy’s house, there on the mantle was a wedding photo of Freddie and Mattie. They built Nancy’s house.”

  She looked from one of her new friends to the other. “Here’s the part I didn’t tell you. I was engaged to Freddie Colgate’s older brother, a man named Bobby Colgate who looked a lot like Nancy’s son. He was killed the last week of World War I. His photo in his Army uniform was sitting beside that of Freddie and Mattie. After seeing my shop ruined, that shock was too much. If young Bobby hadn’t caught me I would’ve fallen.”

  Penny bent to hug Ellie’s shoulders. “Good Heavens, Ellie, all in one day. But, at least Nancy had some clothes she would sell you. Did that help at all?”

  Ellie clasped Penny’s hand where it rested on her shoulder. “Yes, she had nice things from every decade since 1920. I borrowed a mannequin from Margaret Turpin and Nancy and I spent the afternoon photographing clothing with your camera.”

  Ellie pressed her fingers against her temples. “There are so many things I have to buy, like my own mannequins and camera. What would I have done without this grant?”

  Sally smiled as she set a platter of ham on the table. “I don’t know but I’m sure you would’ve managed somehow.”

  She went back for a bowl of scrambled eggs and set it on the table then sat herself in her chair. “Howard, it’s your turn to say the blessing.”

  As they ate, Sally leaned near her. “You visited Bart after work, didn’t you? I hope he’s settled in nicely.”

  “His new recliner and couch are there and he’s pleased with them. The couch is comfortable. I didn’t try the recliner. I was so depressed I didn’t even want to go out to eat, and that’s an exception for me. He ordered Chinese food for our supper and it was good.”

  She smiled at Sally. “Not as good as your cooking, of course, but still tasty.”

  Howard beamed at Sally. “No one’s cooking is as good as Sally’s.”

  Sally looked at Howard and blushed. Ellie decided Penny’s matchmaking must be working.

  As soon as the kitchen was tidy, Ellie bid her friends goodbye.

  Penny walked her to the door. “Don’t forget, we have things in the attic here.”

  Ellie frowned. “I thought everything here had to remain here.”

  “Jake, Bart, Caleb, Howard, and I talked it over. Since I’ve shown up, seems wasteful to save all those clothes. We decided to donate them to you.”

  “No, if you’ll allow me to choose them, I’ll pay you.”

  “Don’t forget those men found a treasure as well as already being wealthy. They don’t want you to pay for anything you can use in your shop.”

  Tears rolled down Ellie’s cheeks. She brushed them away. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me that I just can’t keep from crying lately. I got so weepy that I had to go by and see Bart last night. I just needed to be reassured.”

  Penny handed her a tissue. “A big strong shoulder to cry on is always welcome, isn’t it? I remember begging Jake to hold me once when I couldn’t face being alone anymore. He was such a gentleman and cradled me all night or what was left of it.”

  Ellie stuffed the tissue into her pocket. “You sharing and understanding how I felt means a lot. Yesterday was a real low and seeing Bart helped. He’s kind of scared of me.”

  “We understand why. You’ve broken through his armor. He pretends to be a lady’s man but he never lets them close. Jake said his brother never even dates anyone from this county. But, he’s been seen in public with you, and people are talking.”

  Ellie gasped. “No, I don’t ever want to create trouble for him. I enjoy his company and I hope he enjoys mine. Nerts, I hate that tongues are wagging.”

  Penny opened the door for her. “Don’t worry, Ellie. Bart knows what he’s doing. He values your company or he wouldn’t seek you out.”

  Ellie waved to Penny and climbed int
o her car. On the way to Terry Springs, she thought about Penny’s comment. Bart hadn’t sought her out last night, that’s true, but he looked genuinely happy to see her.

  She didn’t think he was pretending. Maybe he thought she was too needy or clingy. She hoped not. Although she wasn’t one of those women who had to have a man to validate her femininity, she sincerely enjoyed Bart’s company.

  She couldn’t remember ever needing a particular man. Now that she had met Bart, she couldn’t keep from thinking about him. She knew she was falling in love with him and hoped she wouldn’t get burned.

  Ellie pulled up into Nancy’s driveway and climbed out of her car.

  Nancy came to the door to greet her. “I’ve got everything all set up for us. I’ve even talked Bobby into modeling some of the men’s clothes. He says he’ll only do it if you don’t show his face.”

  Ellie clutched her hand to her throat. “Something else I forgot—a male mannequin. I suppose a live male is better the than a fake one.”

  Nancy laughed. “The live ones are a lot more trouble though.”

  Bobby entered wearing what looked like golfing clothes from the 1930s. “Hey, I’m not trouble.”

  Ellie set down her purse and pulled out the camera. “You’re certainly not if you’re willing to let me take your picture modeling men’s clothes.”

  Bobby held his hand in front of his face. “Promise not to show my face.”

  “I promise. If I get some of your face in the picture it can be edited out. I don’t know how but Penny said she would show me.”

  The teenager shrugged. “I can show you that. It’s really easy if you have the right software.”

  Ellie grimaced. “That’s one of the problems. I don’t have a computer.”

  Bobby’s eyes widened. “Not even a laptop of your own? I know you’ll have a fancy one for the store but I figured every grown-up has a laptop.”

  Ellie fought for a reason not to have all the equipment that most people her age would have. She hated to lie but she couldn’t admit she had never owned any electronics.

  “Mine couldn’t be repaired and I haven’t had time to get a new one. Sometimes it’s cheaper to get a new model instead of paying a high repair bill.” She remembered hearing Jake say that about replacing a printer.

  Nancy set a plate of cookies on the coffee table. “That’s certainly true. Bobby and I share a laptop, which means I rarely get to use it.” She smiled at her son, which softened her words.

  “Maybe you two can go with me when I choose a new one. I’ll have to get one pretty soon so I can upload these photos to my new website.” She was sorry as soon as she said it because she really wanted Bart to go with her.

  Nancy asked, “Is your website finished?”

  “The man who’s designing it sent me a text this morning that it’s ready and asked me to check it but I received it after I’d already left the ranch.”

  “I’ll get ours.” Bobby raced from the room. He returned with a laptop and set it on the dining table. He opened it and started tapping keys as if he had been born doing so.

  Ellie stood behind him and peered over his shoulder. “It’s The Bees Knees dot com. I hope there aren’t a bunch of businesses by that same name. I bought the domain name according to the man who designed the site, Dan Johnson.”

  Bobby’s voice carried excitement. “Here it is. Good looking font on the vintage clothing. That’s a cool bee. Did he design that?”

  “I don’t know if he did or if he paid a graphic artist to do the bee. Isn’t that a great site?” Seeing her idea on the computer thrilled Ellie even more than she expected. The disappointments from earlier in the week dissolved.

  Nancy peeked over Bobby’s other shoulder. “I love that. Isn’t it exciting to see your own site up and running? When are you going to start uploading photos?”

  Ellie had trouble tearing her gaze away from the laptop and her website. “I suppose as soon as we’re finished today. If it’s not too late maybe Bobby can show me how.”

  “Sure, I can do that easy. Do you know the prices you’ll charge?”

  “I haven’t written them down but I have thought about it and have some in mind. What I haven’t figured out is how much to charge for shipping.”

  Nancy said, “I never dreamed there was so much to owning a business.”

  Ellie laughed. “Neither did I but I’ll get it all done thanks to you two. I couldn’t manage without you.”

  “Kind of you to say so, but I have a feeling you’re unstoppable. I’m really pleased you hired us. Working with you has been a real blessing.”

  Bobby closed the laptop. “Yeah, it’s really nice having Mom home in the evenings. It’s more like things used to be.” In spite of his words, he looks sad. No doubt he was remembering when his father was alive.

  Ellie wanted to change the subject. “Okay, let’s get to work. This is gonna be a great day.”

  Chapter Twenty Three

  Bart tried but he couldn’t stay away from Ellie. He dropped by the Colgate home late in the afternoon. “I thought I’d stop by and see how the project was going.”

  He stared at the stacks of clothes. “Are all of these for your shop, Ellie?”

  Excitement put sparkles in her blue eyes. “Isn’t it wonderful? We just finished photographing them and I’m ready to take them to the car. I’d say your timing was fortuitous.”

  She was so pretty he had trouble not hugging her. He couldn’t be more attracted to her if she was a magnet and he was metal. He’d never had this problem before. Why couldn’t he get himself under control?

  He groaned as if he minded carrying clothes for her. “Okay, Bobby. Looks like we’re the muscle. Let’s load this bunch into to her car. Then we can make our getaway before the women find something else for us to do.”

  Bobby laughed. “I don’t think we can move that fast, Sheriff. Those two keep me busy. ’Course, Ellie’s paying me so I don’t mind. She said I can work all summer and then part-time after school starts.”

  “That’s great, Bobby. I know she’s glad you’ve agreed to help. A guy needs spending money and it feels good to earn your own.”

  Bobby laid a bundle of clothes on the back seat then stared wide-eyed at Bart. “But your family’s got lots of money.” He turned bright red. “I’m sorry, I’m not supposed to say things like that. You didn’t have to work when you were a teen, did you?”

  “You bet I did. My brother, our cousin Caleb, and I had to work on the ranch as soon as we were old enough to sit on a horse. I’m the youngest so I was always trying to keep up with them.”

  “Your cousin is the guy at the bank, isn’t he?”

  “He is now. Back then we were paid, but not much. Dad thought we would appreciate money more if we had to earn it. If we didn’t do the job to suit him, we had to do it over until he thought we’d done things the right way.”

  “Wow, I didn’t know that. I figured you got to goof off and do fun stuff.”

  “Don’t get me wrong, we had a lot of fun but only after we got our work done. I think we had a pretty nice childhood, even if my mom did abandon us.”

  “I didn’t know she did that. I thought that Sally lady was your mom. Ellie talks like she is.”

  “I feel like she is. She’s been taking care of us since my mom left when I was ten. She’s a really nice lady. I’m hoping she’ll be my new stepmom.” Now why had he admitted so much to Bobby? Talking to this kid was easy – too easy. He’d better watch his tongue or he’d be confessing who knew what.

  He clapped Bobby on the back as they walked toward the house. “Let’s get the rest of those clothes.”

  Bobby looked back at the car. “Getting them all in is gonna be tight. We’re not supposed to wrinkle them. I had the lecture you missed.”

  “I’ve been lectured at all day. This is one of those days when everybody wants to complain. I tried to run away but my Chief Deputy blocked my escape.”

  Bobby was laughing. “You mean Mr. Cogg
ins? I think he likes my mom.”

  “You do? What does your mom think of him?”

  “I’m not sure. She might be afraid I wouldn’t want her to go out with anyone. I wouldn’t mind if she went with Mr. Coggins but there are other men in town who like her that I wouldn’t want her to date.”

  “Your mom’s a smart lady. I’m sure she would only go out with a good man and Deputy Coggins is one of those. Maybe you should tell her that you don’t mind if she goes with someone nice in case that’s what’s keeping her from dating.”

  “Yeah, I think I’ll do that. I’d kinda like it if there was a good man around to protect her. I’d try but I couldn’t do very much. Ellie said we should get a burglar alarm and Mom promised she would. Ellie said she’d pay for it so Mom couldn’t use money as an excuse.”

  “Once Ellie makes up her mind, it’s easier to go along with her. She is a force to be reckoned with.”

  “You mean like a tornado?” Bobby loaded his arms with a bundle of clothes.

  Chuckling, Bart held out his hands. “Hey, those are your words, not mine. You trying to get me in trouble?” He gathered up another load.

  The teen laughed.

  Nancy asked, “Who’s getting who in trouble?”

  Bobby shook his head and walked out the door. He called over his shoulder, “No one, Mom, no one.”

  After everything was loaded, Bart said goodbye to Bobby and Nancy. He walked Ellie to her car.

  He opened the door for her. “If you’ll leave your car at my place, I’ll take you to shop for computers. I checked and your website is online.”

  Ellie climbed in and smiled up at him. “You have a deal, Sheriff. I hope Nancy and Bobby won’t mind if I go shopping with you. I’d sort of arranged to go with them.”

  He grinned at her. “Tell them I insisted and I’m irresistible.”

  She shot him her flirty smile. “I could tell them that but would they believe me?”

  He grabbed his heart and pretended to be in pain. “I’m crushed. You can make it up to me if you agree to go to dinner and shopping with me.”


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