Texas Rainbow

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Texas Rainbow Page 17

by Caroline Clemmons

  Ellie stood with her hands on her hips. “We know who’s responsible for this mess.”

  Bobby appeared with a bucket of water, a squeegee, broom, and a mop. “I’ll clean it up. You might need to check the cars.”

  Ellie and Nancy strode to the parking lot.

  Ellie clutched her chest with one hand. “Oh, my stars, what a mess.” Both cars were covered in broken eggs and their shells.

  Nancy walked around both cars. “I’m surprised there’s no permanent damage. I suppose that will come later.”

  “I hope not. Nancy, why don’t you take your car to the car wash? When you return, I’ll do the same with mine.”

  “I hate to leave but I’m afraid this mess will damage the paint.” She retrieved her purse and left.

  Inside, Ellie readied the store for opening. Bobby finished cleaning the window then poured the water on the sidewalk before sweeping. Prior to this, sweeping in front of the store had been his first job of the day. She hoped the eggs were a one-time thing but who knew what those hoodlums would think of next?

  On Saturday evening, Ellie took her car to fill the tank at the Gas Up, Chow Down. After pumping gas, she went inside and greeted Mr. Avidi. She strolled to the back to stock up on milk and chips. Walmart was cheaper, but she didn’t want to go there this evening.

  Besides, she tried to patronize Mr. Avidi after he’d been so nice about letting Nancy quit without two-week’s notice. In fact, she made a point of buying at all the small businesses in town. How else could she expect their support?

  Joe Cannon and one of his cronies came inside while another stood outside the door. They wore masks but there was no doubt of their identity. Joe pulled a gun and pointed it at Mr. Avidi.

  From her position at the back, he hadn’t spotted her yet. Ellie knew she was in a lot of trouble when he did. There was no way she could know if the store had one of those silent alarms so she pulled out her phone and texted 911.

  Robbery now at Avidi store.

  She had just pressed send when the second teen spotted her.

  He yelled, “Drop your phone now. You got us in trouble. Get up there and hand over your cash and hurry.”

  Ellie didn’t know if the second teen had a gun. She walked slowly to the counter. She was terrified Joe would shoot Mr. Avidi and her.

  Joe waved the gun at the store owner. “You, too, Arab, and I mean all of it. You foreigners oughta go back to your own country.”

  Mr. Avidi didn’t appear frightened as he emptied the cash register. “I was born fifty miles from here. This is my country.”

  “Ha, I’ll bet. Hurry it up. We want all your cash.” He gestured at her with his gun. “You, too.”

  Ellie emptied her wallet on the counter near where Mr. Avidi was setting out his day’s receipts. She tried to appear calm but she could barely stand. She prayed her text had reached the right person or that the store’s alarm had alerted the sheriff’s office.

  Joe’s crony grabbed the cash and shoved it into a bag. “Come on, let’s get out now.”

  Joe pointed his gun at her. “Not yet, I want to teach her no one messes with me.”

  Mr. Avidi reached under the counter.

  Joe shot him.

  The teen outside yelled, “Cops are here!” and tried to run before a deputy stopped him.

  Deputy George Arnold rushed into the store. “Hands up.”

  Tires squealed as Bart’s car arrived.

  Joe shot Deputy Arnold and hit him in the shoulder. The deputy returned fire and hit the teen’s thigh.

  “Oww.” Joe appeared shocked he’d been hit and dropped to the floor. He still held his gun and aimed at the deputy again. “You’ll be sorry you did that to me.”

  Bart was inside in time to point his revolver at Joe. “I’d hate to, but I’ll put a bullet between your eyes if you don’t drop your gun now.”

  Joe stared at Bart and released his weapon then grabbed his thigh. He rocked back and forth. “I’m bleedin’, I need medical attention, a cop shot a teen.”

  His friend had already raised his hands.

  Bart kicked aside Joe’s weapon. “Ambulance is on the way.”

  Deputies entered and cuffed both teens. Bart left another deputy checking George Arnold and strode toward Ellie. “Are you hurt?”

  Ellie had rushed around the counter to check on the store’s owner. She grabbed what appeared a clean towel from a stack under the counter and pressed it to his side. Beside the towels, she spotted a gun, which must have been what the store owner reached for when he was shot.

  “Bart, Joe was going to shoot me but Mr. Avidi saved my life.”

  Mr. Avidi lay on the floor holding his side, but was conscious. He gasped, “Those punks think they’re above the law. I cannot let their sort rule me.”

  She kept pressure on the wound. “Thank you for saving my life.”

  “I try to protect my customers. Ahh, but my store, who will keep it open?”

  Bart said, “I’ll call Zack Grimes to come in. A deputy will stay until Zack arrives. I guess he has a key to lock up, doesn’t he?”

  “Yes, thank you.” The store owner’s voice was growing weaker.

  A reporter and photographer rushed in. “Give us the details, Sheriff.”

  Ellie nodded toward the store owner but kept pressure on his wound. “Mr. Avidi risked his life to save mine. One of the robbers had a gun pointed at me until Mr. Avidi distracted him. He’s a real hero and I hope you print that.”

  The photographer snapped Ellie’s and Mr. Avidi’s photo from several angles and got a couple of Joe and Deputy Arnold on the floor.

  Fortunately, an ambulance pulled up. The EMTs loaded Mr. Avidi, the most seriously injured, onto a stretcher. Deputy Arnold was able to climb into the ambulance with assistance followed by Joe Cannon yowling about police brutality.

  The reporter, whose name was Hal Everett, jotted down answers to his questions before he and the photographer hurried away.

  Bart put his arms around Ellie. “When I saw your car, I lost at least ten years of my life.”

  She resisted and whispered, “Your deputies, Bart.”

  He pulled her near. “Don’t care. Not letting you go, now or ever. Give me your keys, sweetheart.”

  She complied. He tossed them to one of the three deputies. “Would you drive Miss St. Eaves’ car to the parking lot behind her store? It’s the silver one. Park near the building where the light shines on the car?”

  “Yes, sir.” The deputy hurried toward her car.

  Vince arrived but he was in jeans and a T-shirt. “Heard there was a problem. You want me to take over?”

  “Please, the CSI photographer just started. I told Avidi a deputy would stay until Zack Grimes arrives. I haven’t had a chance to call him yet.”

  Vince waved him aside. “Go ahead, Bart. I’ll finish up here.”

  Bart guided Ellie toward his car. “I’m taking you home.”

  She said, “I filled the tank so I could drive to the ranch tomorrow. Then I messed up and decided to get milk and snacks from inside.”

  “Guess you sent the text. I’ve told Avidi he needs a silent alarm to our office. He thinks the only one he needs is for when the store is closed because he keeps a gun under the counter.” He drove away from the convenience store.

  “I could have walked home now that you’re with me. I couldn’t have earlier because my legs barely supported me.”

  “When I saw you were inside during a robbery, mine barely supported me. I hope that Kirby sees what a stupid thing he did.”

  “Since his own nephew was shot by the kids he let off, I suspect this will be a lesson he won’t forget.” That was when she realized where they were. “Bart, this is where you live.”

  He turned off the ignition and met her gaze. “I don’t remember saying whose home.”

  She leaned against the seat’s head rest. “No, you didn’t. I confess I don’t want to be alone quite yet.”

  He escorted her to his ap
artment. Once inside, he didn’t release her but guided her to the couch.

  She collapsed onto the soft leather. “Bart, I so was terrified. Joe pointed his gun at me and said he was going to teach me a lesson. There was no way he could have missed. I really thought I was going to die.”

  He sat beside her and put his arms around her. “Using a gun in a burglary and shooting an officer means Joe won’t get off this time. I can’t say I’ll miss him around town.”

  “I was so relieved when you arrived. I don’t know if George intended to hit Joe’s leg or not.”

  “Even he’s not a bad enough shot to miss at that distance. No one wants to kill a kid. At least he gave me time to get inside. I was investigating vandalism at Mrs. Dooley’s place. Someone—you can guess who—messed with her chicken pen again. Second time and she told me exactly what she thinks of my kind of law enforcement.”

  Ellie looked at Bart. “Imagine her surprise when she reads the paper tomorrow.”

  He shook his head. “I don’t want to think about her. I want to talk about us.”

  Butterflies attacked Ellie’s stomach but warmth pooled lower. “Us?”

  He captured her face between his hands and gazed into her eyes. “There’s no point mincing words. I’m in love with you. Ellie St. Eaves, will you marry me?”

  She threw her arms around his neck. “I thought you’d never ask.”

  He chuckled. “I guess that’s a yes.” He kissed her, softly at first and quickly turning passionate.

  When they eventually ended their kisses, Ellie said, “Oh, my, what will I do with my cute little apartment over the shop?”

  “Rent it or use it for storage, whatever. I don’t care as long as you marry me and we’re together.” His lips nipped at her ear then her neck.

  She savored the sensations shooting through her. “Sheriff, I will be so stuck to you, you will think I’m glue—except for when we’re at work, of course.”

  “Sounds good. How soon can we make this happen?”

  She wasn’t certain she could stand not making love with this man until their wedding. “The sooner the better. You know your family best so you decide.”

  He sat up straight. “Sally will want a wedding they can attend. All right if we have it at the ranch?”

  “That’d be the berries. Can I ask Bobby to give me away?”

  Bart nuzzled her neck. “He’d like that. I have a feeling he’ll be giving his mom away before long.”

  “I hope so. Nancy and Vince make a nice couple. She tries not to let it show, but she’s crazy about him. Bobby really likes him as well.”

  Ellie thought about the arrangement. “On second thought, do you think I should have your dad give me away like he did for Penny?”

  “Darlin’, that’s up to you. Dad would love it.”

  “Then that’s what we’ll do. Bobby can give Nancy away when she and Vince get married. Shall we call the ranch and tell them?”

  He pulled her back into his embrace. “Not yet. I’m not through kissing you.”

  She had time to say, “I knew you were the caterpillar’s kimono.” Then, her lips were too busy for words.

  Chapter Twenty Seven

  Ellie and Bart planned to tell his family their news at breakfast. He’d asked Caleb to be present as well. Looking at the familiar faces of people she’d come to treasure, she suddenly grew shy.

  Caleb pulled his napkin across his lap. “Bet I can guess what’s coming.”

  Bart sent him a glare but stood. “Ellie and I have something to announce.” He took her hand in his. “She and I are getting married as soon as arrangements can be made.”

  Everyone at the table clapped.

  Caleb grinned. “Are we supposed to act surprised?”

  Sally said, “You can at least pretend.”

  Caleb looked from Ellie to Bart. “Wow, what a surprise. I never saw this coming.”

  Bart pointed to him. “You’re next, Cuz. Your time as a bachelor is limited. Be warned.”

  Caleb shook his head. “Naw, I won’t marry for several years. I think about thirty-five is a good age.”

  Jake and Bart looked at one another and hooted.

  Howard said, “No way will you remain a bachelor for five more years. Someone make a note of what he just said and the date.”

  Bart made a big production out of writing it down in his notebook. He pointed his pen at his cousin. “I’m so going to laugh when you’re proven wrong.”

  After discussion on the date, Howard stood. “I don’t want to steal Bart’s and Ellie’s thunder, but I have an announcement. Sally has consented to wed this old boy. I’ve put my townhouse in Austin up for sale and all my stuff is on the way here. We’ll live in her apartment until we can build a bit onto it.”

  Sally blushed while everyone but she and Howard cheered.

  Apparently thinking it over, Howard yelled, “Yee Haw! Of course, we’re going to hold off on gettin’ hitched until Bart and Ellie get back from their honeymoon in Hawaii.” He pronounced it “hi-wah-yuh”.

  A week later

  As Ellie stood in the bedroom she’d used while staying at the ranch, she was glad she’d kept the floor length dress in satin charmeuse. She turned to check her reflection in the mirror.

  Penny stood back and smiled. “That’s a perfect wedding dress. The flowers in your hair are a nice touch in lieu of a veil.”

  “I couldn’t see a veil with this style dress, could you? I can’t wait until Bart sees me in this. He’s such a prude I’ll bet he lectures me later.”

  Penny smoothed the green satin of the dress she wore. “Bart’s a prude? I’m surprised.”

  “He wouldn’t even make love to me until he’d proposed and I’d accepted. I’m surprised he didn’t make me wait until after the wedding.”

  “Jake and I waited, but I was brought up in a different time.” Penny giggled. “Of course, I did have a madam as my advisor for most of my life.”

  Ellie couldn’t believe her ears. “What? I cannot accept you forgot to mention that intriguing fact until now.”

  Penny grinned. “She was Daddy’s fancy woman and spent a lot of time at our house. Good thing or I’d never have known anything about a woman’s bodily functions or about men and women. Daddy sure wasn’t talking about such things with a daughter.”

  “I look forward to hearing an explanation complete with many details. Now that I’m going to be family, I guess we’ll see each other more often.”

  “I hope so now that Sally and Howard are hosting family dinners every Sunday. I’m so pleased they’re getting married.”

  “I feel guilty they’re waiting until Bart and I get back. I sort of hate to leave but Bart insists. Well, a week in Hawaii does sound heavenly.”

  “Jake and I are going away when you get back and Sally and Howard are married. We need to get our traveling done before we announce we’re expecting.”

  Ellie squealed. “When?”

  “A little over five months from now. Jake has strutted around so I figured everyone would have caught on why.”

  “I hadn’t a clue. Does Sally know?”

  “I didn’t tell but she figured it out.” Penny raised her eyebrows. “Me throwing up every morning was too big a clue to ignore.”

  “I’m out of the loop. That’s what happened since I moved. I do love living in town, though. I have to admit this is a beautiful ranch but I’m a city girl.”

  Penny laughed. “Some might argue that Terry Springs is not a city.”

  “I know but close enough for me. I’ve traveled a lot but I really feel at home in Terry Springs. I’m so lucky to have found Bart. Or, be found by him and then by you and Sally.”

  Howard rapped on the door. “You ladies ready yet? Crowd is getting restless down there. I heard talk of a lynch party.”

  Penny opened the door. “The bride is ready.”

  Howard whistled quietly through his teeth. “That sure is a pretty dress you’re mostly wearing. My son’s eyes are
going to bug clean out of his head when he sees that wispy thing on you.”

  Penny slipped her hand onto Howard’s arm. “I’ll be real disappointed if he doesn’t react some way. I was hoping more for admiration than bugged eyes.”

  Her almost father-in-law patted her hand were rested on his arm. “I can guarantee you’ll be the recipient of a lot of both. A few women are likely to be mad at their men, so be prepared.”

  “I do love you, Howard, you charmer.”

  His grin was just like her beloved Bart’s. “It’s a curse but mine to bear.”

  Penny led the way down the stairs. A harp and piano played the wedding march as the trio progressed down the aisle arranged in the living room. People seated in the chairs on either side stood as they made their way toward the minister.

  Ellie smiled at the handsome man waiting for her in front of the mantle. His brother waited with Bart as best man. Ellie couldn’t help but smile at the onlookers as she proceeded toward her intended.

  Sally was lovely in a soft yellow dress and jacket. Ellie was happy to see that Vince, Nancy, and Bobby were together and looking like a family. Seeing all her new friends delighted her. Even Mr. Avidi was healed enough to be present, looking very pleased beside the woman who must be his wife.

  The scent of roses and honeysuckle filled the room. Or, perhaps it was her own bouquet she smelled. As if she floated on a cloud of happiness and her personal rainbow, she glided toward her future with the man she loved with all her heart.

  Continue reading to the end for a sneak peek at Texas Storm, book three in the Texas Time Travel Series.

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