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by Waheed Mohiuddin

  After listening to him Lucifer said to him, ‘Rahas, my friend, my dear friend, you know that human always made mistakes, you think I was the one who killed them all, no - it is wrong it was their own will, something dark hidden in their hearts, similar to you, I just showed them a way, offered them a few golden coins. I have great feelings for you that you have done a great job but trust me, these people will again kill each other, and will suck each other’s blood, these are human – Rahas, understand me please, come and join me, you know how developed my world is, I will give you the whole technology and wealth and more luxuries, come and join me, I will offer you the kingship of this land, your Chains land, come on give me your people for blood sucking and be the king forever, I will make you immortal and will give you great magical powers, the powers you have never seen before, but today just give me these people, please my dear friend, my dear Rahas’.

  Rahas then turned his back towards him and said, “Lucifer you cannot understand how much a human love to his God and his God to him, go back and do whatever you want”.

  Lucifer replied him and abruptly and said, “O poor human, you do not understand your God, do not understand how complex He is, and how cruel, He gives you instinct and then orders you to not follow the instinct, He gives you life and orders you to meet death, He gives wealth a few among you and left other in poverty, He gives health to someone and disease to someone, He is the one who do not believe in equality, He loves the one He wants and hates the one He wants, you do not know that after your great hard work and sacrifice, your God will be happy to you or not. Understand Rahas that He is complex and nobody will understand Him, He just needs tests every time from everybody and I cannot understand why, why He loves tests from the poor human beings. Come to me my sweet, I will love you; I will appreciate your work what you have done for humanity, come to me dear Rahas and do not be a fool in the hands of your God”.

  After a short pause he again said to Rahas, “How old are you? A hundred, two hundred – three hundred years – look at me, I am here for millions of years, and I know the God more than you or your forefathers. God is not what you think is living up in the skies but is up on your neck – your conscious, your thoughts and your visualization. You think your God has shown you the way of this development, No – it’s your mind, your imagination. You have used your imagination for construction and you constructed whereas I used my imagination for destruction and I destroyed the man. So what is difference between your God and my God – just the way of thinking, what else? Today, or tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, you will die – then whose imagination will rule your Chains land, the construction or destruction – you do not know. So, come out of day dreams and be a part of reality.”

  Rahas had the same reply and said, “You said right, nobody could understand Him because he is beyond our understanding and wisdom but Lucifer; sorry again I cannot give you the people of God for your blood sucking ritual”.

  Lucifer had no words but said while going back, “dear Rahas - the human, never think that you win, I will broke your Chains land, you do not know my powers, my weapons and my special forces, get ready for the war”. At this Rahas told him that they will be ready for the war, the world war, the world war fourth, the world war in the real sense.

  Then they came back to the boarders, Lucifer and his force had to go back with empty hands but they left the ultimatum for the Great War, the world war fourth. Then he looked towards the sky and said, ‘help your human and stand with us’.

  Book Four

  From the first murder of the universe till today, billions years have passed, trillions of people got birth and also met their death, hundreds of religions have been introduced, thousands of ideologies have been established, hundreds of battles and wars have been fought, but the riddle of power game remained unsolved. Man is not willing to accept the existence of others. Two forces have always countered each other, the good and evil, God and Devil. The followers of both have always been fighting with each other. Every war has been fought either for an ideology or for an ideal. The soldier may not have grudge and enmity with the soldiers of the others, might be they want to have good friendly relations with each other, but why they kill each other, what is the force behind their guns and swords, who is pulling the trigger, their love for their leaders and ideology or their hate for the leader and ideology of the others, it’s a mystery.

  World war fourth was about to be broken out, the armies of the both, The Chains land and The Oneland were ready to fight. Both of armies had equipped with latest weapons of mass destruction, they had guns, bullets, tanks, cannons, fighter jets, submarines, ships, atomic and biological equipment, however, the Chains land army did not have the equal number of weapons and army as did the Oneland and the difference was in thousands but the Oneland soldiers had not much courage as the soldiers of Chains land had because they were fighting only for the order of the king and for that the fighting program has been installed in the microchips and the Chains land soldiers were fighting by their free will and with the emotions, respect and love for the God as the Oneland army was fighting for the devil.

  God has given a right to everybody to live, a right to choose anything with free will, to rise up the family, get the knowledge, become financially rich, and above all the right to be happy. In the Chains land, Rahas has promoted the same ideology, every religion including Jews, Christian, Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Sikhs, Atheists, Parcies and every others were live happily in the Chains land

  Rahas has made the whole world as one single state with one world government, one world religion and one super power to control everything. The idea of one world was not bad if the one world government meant the problems of one nation would be considered the problem of whole world then the none of the vulture would be courageous to wait for the dying child and none of the human had to die without medicine and everybody would have the access of water, food, shelter and knowledge, then the world share the smiles and tears with each other, then the world would be a heaven but the way the one world government has been established in Oneland, it was totally negative and it seemed that it is the state of devil where one world government meant the most cruel and savage would be the chief administrator, killing of innocent to get control, invest the resources to destroy the humanity, use religions to kill and where killing is a sport.

  The Oneland decided to impose a war on the Chains land, so that Lucifer may see and judge which of them is more powerful but for Chains land it was a war between good and evil, God and the Devil.

  Although it was a war against evil but Rahas got worried to think that again the demography will change, men will die, women will have to face the challenges of life, and feelings will be crushed. Then he said “let both of you be happy”.

  Rahas had the idea of power, pace and strength of Lucifer and knew that they will have to face attack in very short time, may be less than a day. So he had to manage a lot of things, he called for a meeting of his core commanders and generals. He advised them to be prepared to face a heavy attack from the opposite forces. The generals already knew about the powers and weapons of Lucifer. The intelligence department of defense council had collected a lot of data from their satellite radars. The generals update him about their preparation of war and also told him about the morale of the soldiers that every soldier will fight till the victory or will die fighting.

  Apparently there was no competition in between Lucifer and the Chains land because the Lucifer’s army had more than triple times arms and weapons than the Chains land, they have six thousands war jets against only fifteen hundreds of the Chains land, they had six hundred submarines where Rahas got only 24, they had thirteen thousand tank whereas Rahas got only three thousands, they had more than one thousands atomic war heads against only ninety of the Rahas, they had very high technology in radars and satellite system but the Chains land army had very limited satellite sources, and above all there was a huge difference between the number of soldiers of both armies a
s Rahas had only seven hundred thousand against the Lucifer who had more than two millions.

  Then Rahas made a speech on television to his nation and told them that the they had been chosen to fight the final war direct to the Devil and said, ‘o the people of God and the sons and daughters of the Chains land, let me tell you that you have been chosen to fight the final war with devil, as you know for thousands of years, the wars had also been fought with devil but in those wars devil did not come himself to fight with human as he had selected human to fight with human but this time at one side we, the human and on the other side, he , the evil are going to face each other. May be, God wants to test your patience and your passions of sacrifice, you know today in this afternoon, I met with devil, he offered me to hand him over you people for their blood game and offered me everything instead but I refuse him and showed him my love for the people of God and told him that until I am alive he cannot take even a single son of the land, you know in the past you did not had power as you had been chained to live in poverty and hunger and Lucifer kept you alive for his blood games, you know how many of your sons and daughters had been killed and their blood had been sucked by devil, this is the time to eliminate the evil forces and to raise the white flag of peace, prosperity and love for ever. If we win, then in the future hate, jealousy, false competition, and greed will be eradicated forever and if we lose then we will be an example of those who fought for truth and history will remember us in golden words. You know that Lucifer named the land the hell and my dears; you made his hell your heaven. So come forward, get up and support your forces from the core of your hearts, when your soldiers will be wounded, donate your blood to heel them up; during fight I advise our women to prepare food for the soldiers; I advise the doctors and nurses should cancel their holidays and stay as long as they can in the hospitals and camps; I advise the fire brigade officers to be alert at all times; I advise the young boys and girls to provide safety and care to the women, children and elderly people; I advise our media staff to promote peace at all times; I advise the artists to keep the children and the elderly busy in the comic activities; I advise you all to forget the major and minor differences among each other if you had any. O people of God, I want to update you about a very special point, you know that I had no fear that we have less resources than devil and I am confident to get victory, but I have only one fear that the devil may use his special weapons, the weapons he had used before, so my people, for God sake never turned against each other at the name of religion as I have fear that the devil may attack in our world with the weapons of religion, race, color and greed so my people please always love and respect every religion, you know God have given life to everyone above the discrimination of color and race so never divide yourself for religion, color and race and for wealth. Now, get ready because we are in the state of war’. He then once again asked God for help them.

  He then came back to the bunker with generals and intelligence commanders. The intelligence office informed them that the attack was possible at the mid night today with first by the war jets, so the chief of air staff ordered their pilots to get in their jets ready and take control of the defense of the airs of their land and advise them that none of the devil jet should be entered in our peaceful airs, so the pilots showed him their trust and start flying at the borders and also all over the world. Rahas and all of the generals became glad when they see from satellite the people shouting with joy and respect when their jets flown over them, this showed them the passion of their people but at the same time, Rahas passed a message to the civil defense department to be active and guide the people what to do when they listen a jet sound or the sirens.

  Then in the midnight, Lucifer attacked with fifty jets on the Chains land, the pilots of the Chains land were already alert to face the attack but they found the jets of Lucifer were very fast as it was very difficult for them to target them. In a few minutes, Luciferian pilots shot five jets of Rahas and then they get back. It was very frustrated for Rahas and the generals, again with the pause of just 30 minutes, the jets attacked again and hunts two more, then four more in next 20 minutes. Everybody was worried for that then the Chains air chief played a psychological game and send the fresh pilots to fight and ordered them to play maneuvering games in the air as they used to do in the air shows and advised the previous pilots to get back, when the Lucifer pilots came back again to attack, they got worried when they see the pilots were playing with their jets and they got a psychological pressure to think that the Chains land did not had any pressure and frustration to lose their more a dozen jets and they also got confused about the arms of the Chains. While they were in the confusion, a bunch of fresh pilots attacked all at once and hunted twenty jets in a moment and the rest had to fly back. It was the first great success in the first night of the war, the intelligence of the air chief worked. Chains television praised a lot of the intelligence of the chief and showed to the nation how the enemy’s jets destroyed. Rahas, the generals and the whole nation became very happy but the commanders could not ignore the aggression of Lucifer, so they were ready to face the big attack this time, the intelligence department updated that the heavy movement could be seen from the western boarders of the Chains. The generals expected a huge ground attack along with jets this time, so the tanks got alerted at the boarders and advised to crush them all, the tanks and the commandos had done a great job and killed thousands of Lucifer soldiers even before they could attack on them because the western boarder was a hilly area and the Chains army was sitting up to the mountains and it was easy for them to crush the attack. It was a good luck of Chains that the Oneland could only attack from the western boarders and if they could attack from any other side, they had to travel thousands of miles, they also knew that Lucifer did not have lack of resources so they thought that Lucifer will definitely attack from the others sides as well so they already deployed military on all over the boarders to cope with any situation.

  Then three days passed and there was no attack from Lucifer, the generals were then expecting a huge attack with full force so they became alert in all departments, the submarines, the jets, the tanks and the commandos everything was ready to crush the enemy.

  On the sixth day, early morning, Lucifer sends his 100 jets equipped with missiles from the air and thousands of soldiers with six hundred tanks from the northern boarders. This time, the jets had thrown bombs on the civilian areas where more than two hundred people died and about a thousand injured but the Chains army and jets fought with full force and 33 out of 100 jets got shot by the Chains fighters, in this air attack, four jets of Chains were also shot but still it was a great success.

  On the northern side ground attack, there was almost one to one fight because there were no mountains. In such fight, the Chains soldiers were very strong as they had no fear of death and were physically very strong as compare to the enemy. Chains commandos was specially trained for ground fight and they had the ability to fight in every condition of weather, so the Chains snipers killed the enemies like a mower, at last the Lucifer forces had to retreat after a week fight. In this attack, Fifteen hundred Luciferian soldiers had been caught alive and wounded by the Chains forces along with a heavy amount of arms, and one hundred and seventy nine Chains soldiers had to lose their lives. The Chains doctors and nurses had provided their professional services to the wounded soldiers and then they had been sent to the concentration camps.

  But in this attack, Rahas and the commander thought seriously the bombardment on the civilian areas, the Chains forces had the ability to hit the Oneland cities but they did not do that and send a message to Lucifer to not attack on the civilian areas next time.

  Rahas and his generals had made a psychological strategy to not attack on the Lucifer land for two reasons, first of all, they had three times less soldiers, weapons and resources than Lucifer, and secondly they knew that to go to the Lucifer land, they had to travel for thousands of miles and they did not have that much fast capsules and tra
nsport facilities as the enemy had, so they adopted the strong defensive strategy until they would not capture a handsome amount of arms from the Lucifer army. They knew that in the ground war, Lucifer cannot beat them and for air attacks, there was only one difference between these two armies, the one had fast and high technology of war jets however the second one had intelligent and brave pilots.

  Ten days had passed and there was no formal attack from Oneland but the Chains army had seen strange scenes in the concentration camps where the soldiers when did not get women and shemales to have sex then could not overcome their sexual frustration and according to Lucifer’s commands, they started to play sex with each other. It was a very difficult riddle for Rahas and the generals because they did not wanted their soldiers to see this evil, so they made a plan to move these soldiers seven hundred miles away from the main land so that these inhuman acts would not been seen by the human. From their satellite system, Rahas and generals seen the camps where the soldiers had been turned mad for to have sex and blood, they had torn off their clothes, performing sex with each other and also they were sucking each other’s blood, a very brutal act they have seen when a group of them had attacked on one soldier and killed him for blood. ‘Enjoy the blood sucking exercise dear fellows’ said a general while taking coffee in the bunker but Rahas was thinking something else, he was worried about the plight of soldiers in the camps and was not getting any idea to cope with it.


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