Lawful: Gia ~ Hunter ~ Julian ~ Jarrod

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Lawful: Gia ~ Hunter ~ Julian ~ Jarrod Page 19

by Lexi Buchanan

  He slides his arm around my waist to my hip as he moves us forward. People turn and watch and with Jarrod’s quick movements, I find myself inside of a huge ballroom filled with others in their evening splendor. So far Jarrod has avoided people who I sensed wanted to talk to him, which makes me happy.

  Approaching the dance floor, Jarrod squeezes my hip and nudges me onto the floor. I smile and wrap my arms around his shoulders while he pulls me flush against his hard body, his hands caresses along my back.

  “Relax, honey,” he whispers, dipping his head and kissing me sweetly on my waiting lips. “Mmm,” he groans. “I shouldn’t have tasted you in public.” He licks his lips. “All I can think about is taking more.”

  I move against him, unable to miss how his body reacts to me. He growls and hauls me closer as I rest my head against his shoulder, my face snuggled into the crook of his neck.

  The subtle scent of his cologne makes my heart beat faster as I nuzzle against him.

  “Ivy,” he groans, his hands shaking.

  I smile against his neck. “Think how sweet it will be when we’re home, and you can finally peel the dress from me…and claim your present.”

  His breaths come quick and heavy and when I chance a quick look up, his eyes are blazing heat. I can’t look away and it takes everything in both of us to get ourselves back under control when we’re not too politely interrupted.

  With reluctance, Jarrod lifts his gaze and I feel him tense against me. I can read him like a book, and his reaction tells me he doesn’t like the person who is behind me.

  I lift my head and moving my arm so that it’s wrapped around Jarrod’s waist, I face the person who needs teaching some manners.

  What I find is a beautiful blonde woman who is probably around Jarrod’s age. She ignores me completely while making eyes at Jarrod whose jaw is hard with tension.

  “I didn’t know you were bringing your daughter to this event.”

  We don’t miss the way she said daughter, as though it’s a bad word. His arm tightens on my waist. “Ana, this is my fiancée, Ivy Sheridan. Ivy, this is Ana Stephens.”

  The woman looks me up and down in shock before giving me a sly smile. “I’m a lawyer who often has the pleasure of appearing in Jarrod’s court. It always makes my day seeing Jarrod holding court,” she preens.

  “Well,” Jarrod interrupts her and looks at me, “I think we need to mingle.” He briefly glances at Ana before moving me away from her.

  His body relaxes and I can’t help myself, and chuckle. “She’s a vulture, huh?”

  He groans. “I dread seeing her name on my schedule.”

  I glance around and catch the looks from other women and a few men, and I can’t help wondering, “Do they all think I’m your daughter?” Suddenly the excitement has disappeared, and been replaced with a deep sadness.

  Jarrod turns so that I’m against him and with a smile on his beautiful lips, he dips his head and captures my mouth in a searing kiss. When he pulls away my mouth follows. He cups my face and plants another soft kiss to my lips. “I don’t think anyone will have that assumption anymore.” He kisses my cheek and keeping me beside him, introduces me to the District Attorney.

  I’ve met the man on a few rare occasions when I’d accompany my father to a party, but the look he gives me now makes me nervous. His wife is younger than him by a few years, and the same as with Ana, she only has eyes for Jarrod.

  By the time I’m introduced to the sixth couple, which I can’t even remember the name of because I’ve lost complete interest, their attraction to Jarrod has a ball of anger growing in my stomach.

  I know Jarrod is a handsome man, he also has a commanding presence, but I’m finding it rude and insulting how I’m being completely ignored. I mean I’d prefer to blend into the background than being the main attraction, but tonight it really is the rudeness of Jarrod’s business associates that I’m finding annoying.

  The evening drags on until we’re all in our seats, Ana being on Jarrod’s opposite side. I’m left to the leering advances of another associate of Jarrod’s who has wandering hands, and if he continues to make a grab for my leg, he’s going to be feeling the stab of my high-heeled sandal in his foot.

  Jarrod continues talking to Ana while trying to bring me into the conversation, but she has a large presence and won’t be ignored for me. It’s pissing me off, and before long I’m probably going to embarrass Jarrod by giving her a piece of my mind. After the amount of wine I’ve consumed it won’t be pretty once I get started.

  Minutes later, I feel Jarrod’s hand on my thigh as he gives me a reassuring caress. I think he expects me to place my hand over his, but I don’t. I’m too annoyed with everyone, I guess, him included. I know he’s trying to be polite by humoring his colleague and I wouldn’t mind, but it’s obvious to anyone who is looking that she’s more interested in the way he looks than what he has to say.

  Part of me wishes that I hadn’t come tonight because this evening has opened my eyes to Jarrod’s world, and I can see clear as day that I don’t fit. I have nothing in common with these people and I’m not sure I want to even attempt to be a part of them.

  When the first course arrives, I wave the waitress away, refusing the food. Jarrod doesn’t even notice. Ana has placed her hand on his arm, pulling his attention back to her. I do drink the wine though, glass after glass, and the more I drink, the easier it slides down.

  Halfway through the main course, Jarrod turns to me and finally ignores Ana, who is trying to get his attention. His eyes focus on me before sliding to the place setting in front of me. He frowns and I watch as his jaw clenches with annoyance when Ana grab’s his arm, again. He turns and hisses something to the other woman before I have his attention again.

  “You’ve already eaten?” he asks.

  “I’m not hungry.”

  “Let me get you something,” he suggests, reaching to wave for the waitress.

  I pull his arm down. “I said that I’m not hungry. The wine is fine.” I glare.

  His frown deepens as he leans closer. “We’ll leave as soon as the speeches are over.” He kisses my cheek. “I promise.”

  Nodding, I take another gulp of the wine, to his obvious disapproval, but when Ana snags his attention again, I go past caring. He does keep trying to turn back to me, but the other woman won’t let up.

  I don’t eat anything, and by the time dessert arrives, I’m feeling ready to burst into floods of tears. An elderly lady across the table offers me a smile of sympathy, which very nearly undoes me.

  Deciding to get his attention, I tug on the sleeve of his jacket, and hiss, “Jarrod?”

  He ignores me.

  I try again, whispering, “Jarrod?”

  Turning, his face annoyed, he snaps, “What?” He sighs and closing his eyes breathes deeply before softening his features and meeting my gaze. “I’m sorry, Ivy,” he whispers softly.

  I dip my head to hide just how upset I am, and feel Jarrod’s gaze boring into my head as though he’s willing me to look at him. However, my head snaps up when they start reading the nominations for an award. Something to do with recognition for the good work in the community…and then, they announce Jarrod as the recipient. Ignoring my sadness, I smile and clap as I get to my feet with him.

  He receives a standing ovation, and I forget about the rest of the evening and focus on him and the award he’s just won. As he starts turning in my direction, I realize that I’m so proud of him and can’t wait to whisper that in his ear when I get my arms around him. I lay my hand on his arm, but before he fully turns, Ana wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him right on the lips. I’m completely stunned and feel my heart breaking. In this moment it should be me congratulating him in that way. So when he turns to me and I see the red lipstick on his mouth, I turn my head at the last minute so that he’s kissing air. “You’re covered in lipstick,” I mumble, refusing to meet his gaze.


  “They want you on
stage,” Ana interrupts and shoves Jarrod in the correct direction.

  He watches me from over his shoulder as he’s moved forward through the crowd. Instead of staying to hear his acceptance speech, I grab my evening bag, and quickly make my way across the room and to a corridor. I follow the signs to the restroom and locking myself inside a stall, I slump down on the basin of the toilet, placing my face in my hands.

  Tears finally begin streaming down my face wondering if Jarrod even knows I’ve left the room. The only image in my head is of his mouth covered with red lipstick.

  That should have been mine.

  I should be stronger. He needs a strong woman by his side, and instead of running away to cry, I need to stand by my man and make sure the snake stays away from him.

  Not sure how long I’ve been having a lonesome pity party, but I try and pull myself together. I need to go back to the table and make sure Jarrod sees me. My resolve dims when the thought that I shouldn’t have to compete for the attention of my fiancée runs through my mind, he should give it freely. He should have immediately pulled away from Ana when she’d grabbed him. I think it’s that which upsets me all the more.

  With my hand on the lock, I hear the heels of a couple of women entering the restroom, so I stay in the stall.

  “Did you see the woman he brought with him?” one woman asks. “She looks young enough to be his daughter.” She chuckles.

  “It’s no wonder that his attention soon went from her to Ana. She’s more his type and has been after him for years. Although, the younger woman was beautiful and that dress was gorgeous.”

  “Hmm, I’m wondering where she went, although I don’t blame her for leaving after that kiss between Jarrod and Ana.”

  Their conversation brought my tears back as I let my forehead drop to rest on the closed door.

  I don’t hear anything else from the buzzing in my ears as my blood rushes through, and then the women disappear and all is quiet again.

  Briefly pulling myself together, I dry my tears, knowing that I’m heading home alone. I’ll go to his house tonight because I have nowhere else to go. For now, I just need to sleep so that the alcohol doesn’t do the talking for me.

  Overwhelmed with sadness, I make my way out of the hotel and ask the doorman to call me a cab, which has me home in the next twenty minutes.



  Sick to my stomach, I enter my home, knowing that Ivy is here upset, at least according to the marshal watching the house.

  My attention should have been on her tonight instead of being social with my colleagues and associates. I’d told myself that I’d detach from them over dinner and just enjoy Ivy’s company but of course those plans went up in flames when I discovered Ana, sitting on my other side. She’d monopolized my time with questions that I tried to answer, and before I knew it the award was being announced with me as the recipient. I’d been nominated for this award in recognition of my work, the same as I always was, and never won, so the fact that they’d called my name had been a shock.

  My heart had sunk to my feet when I’d turned and snapped at her, the look on her face at my harsh words undid me. I wasn’t angry with her, I was angry and frustrated with Ana for keeping me from Ivy. Sometimes, I’m too damn polite for my own good.

  The look on her face killed me, and when she’d turned away from my kiss, and whispered, about the lipstick on my face, I heard the thickness in her voice. I tried to catch her eyes, but she refused to meet my gaze and then Ana was pushing me toward the stage.

  On the stage I couldn’t see anyone for the light shining into my eyes, but the minute I left, I’d stopped the waitress and asked if she knew where Ivy had disappeared to, only to have her tell me that she didn’t think the lady was well because she’d refused all food.

  It was at that point that I’d sought out my boss. It had only been a matter of time before I did what I’ve wanted to do for the past year.

  I’d looked for her and eventually someone had told me that she’d climbed into a cab. It was at that point that my heart had cracked. So it was with a weary heart that I climb upstairs and head toward our bedroom, hoping that she is there.

  When I push into the room, I freeze and so does Ivy. She’s wearing pajamas and has her hair up on the top of her head in a messy, relaxed style. Her face is pale, her eyes puffy and swollen, and as she watches me, tears begin to run down her cheeks.

  I move closer, but she takes a step back, holding a hand out to stop me. “Don’t,” she whispers, shaking her head.

  I drop my ass to the edge of the bed and let my shoulders droop as I stare blindly at the floor. “Then let me talk.” I meet her watery eyes and let her see the anguish in mine. “You really are the world to me and tonight I screwed up royally. I never meant to hurt you. I just got carried away talking about a case, and the…the kiss from Ana took me completely by surprise. I was shocked by the award and by her reaction. I shoved her away and turned to you. The look on your face will always be with me. You looked completely betrayed and I’ll never be able to tell you how sorry I am. I didn’t want her kiss or her congratulations. I only wanted yours.”

  Ivy sits on one of the two comfortable chairs in the room. “I didn’t even know you’d been nominated for an award.” She shrugs. “Shouldn’t I have known?”

  “I’ve been nominated for the past six years and never won. I don’t think about it anymore. I never meant to keep that from you. It just hadn’t crossed my mind.” I give her a sad smile. “I never expected to win.”

  “It isn’t just that, Jarrod. All night you introduced me to a colleague or an acquaintance, but I spent the night being ignored, talked about, or sneered at. I hated every minute of it. You ignored me through most of the dinner. Nothing. Oh, the leech on my opposite side knew I was there, and took a liking to my thigh, but you, the man I’m engaged to, couldn’t be bothered to even acknowledge me. How the hell do you think that made me feel? Or what do you think your indifference to me told everyone who witnessed us together?”

  Kicking my shoes off, I then get down on my knees and move in front of Ivy. I take her hands and sigh with hope when she doesn’t refuse me. What I really want to do is hold her in my arms all night, but I’m not sure that’s going to happen now.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know what else to say. It’s always been you, Ivy. I have no interest in anyone else, and certainly not Ana. Tonight I was trying to be polite in front of everyone, except I failed miserably at making my fiancée, the only woman I want, happy.” I rest my forehead against her hands in her lap. “I love you, Ivy.” I lift my eyes to meet hers. “You’re the only one I want, and…and, I quit.”

  “What?” she whispers in surprise. “What do you mean?” She frowns. “You quit your job? You love that job.” She shoves the chair back and drops to her knees in front of me, her palms lying flat against my face. “Jarrod, talk to me.”

  My lips twitch. “I thought that’s what I was doing.”

  She rolls her eyes.

  I kiss the tip of her nose and then rest my forehead against hers, holding her soft gaze. My heart thuds heavily in my chest with relief that she won’t be going anywhere.

  “Since Gia was threatened last year, I’ve been thinking about resigning. I do enjoy what I do, most days anyway. The thing is, other than Gia, it’s all I’ve ever had, now I have you. I’m not prepared to do a job that will keep me away from you.”


  “No honey, my job is long hours and I’m not doing that anymore. Money isn’t a problem, but I told my boss on the way out of the hotel that I’m leaving. I’m giving him a months notice and then I’m gone from the court.” I smile and admit, “I’m taking twelve months off, and during that time I’m hoping you’ll marry me, and maybe get pregnant.”

  She smiles through her tears and wraps her arms around my neck in a loving embrace. My arms go around her waist and hold her tightly against me as my face nuzzles into her neck. “I’m really sorry ab
out tonight. I promise you it will never happen again.”

  “I believe you.” She climbs on my legs as my hands slip down to hold her bottom against me. “I wish tonight had never happened… I don’t mean the award.” She smiles. “I’m so happy that they finally acknowledged you. Gia told me in the past about you being nominated for the award, year after year. I’m so proud of you.”

  Groaning, I can’t resist her anymore and cover her mouth hungrily. Her tongue sends shivers of desire racing through me, and when the kiss deepens even more I loose all sense of time.

  Her hands slide through my hair while her hips rock against me. Our breaths become heavy while I try to remember what we were talking about before the need for more or a physical connection overrode everything.

  “Make love to me… Show me that I’m yours.”

  Growling, I haul her into my arms and crawl on the bed, placing her against the pillows. “You’re mine, Ivy, and what happened earlier won’t ever happen again. I’m done trying to please everyone. You’re the only one who counts.”

  Reclaiming her lips, I grab her shorts and tug them down her legs before I’m quickly unfastening my pants and tugging my throbbing cock free. I don’t wait and thrust inside her. Her fingers dig into my shoulders and her body arches beneath me, tightening, pulsating, around my flesh.

  “Jarrod,” she moans, yanking her top over her head. Before she can get it all the way off, my mouth captures a nipple, and then I feel her hands on my shirt. “Take it off. I need to feel you.”

  I slam inside of her and pushing down where we’re joined, I rise up and rip my shirt open, buttons popping everywhere. She giggles and my cock jerks hard at the sound.

  Her eyes widen followed by a moan from between her beautiful lips. “I felt that.”

  “So did I.” Resting on my elbows, I bring some of my weight down on top of Ivy and feel my heart ache with the amount of love I have for her. “I love you,” I whisper before reclaiming her lips.



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