Tied to a Boss 2

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Tied to a Boss 2 Page 17

by Rose, J. L

  Leaving the penthouse, Alinna and Dante rode the elevator down to the first floor lobby, where two security guards waited to escort them out of the building following Dante’s head nod of approval.

  “Oh, my God!” Alinna said in shock when she saw the pearl-white and cream-colored Rolls Royce Phantom parked in front of the building.

  “Happy birthday!” Dante said, smiling down at her.

  “What? Dante, is this for me?” Alinna asked in disbelief, staring from the Phantom to Dante.

  “It’s your second gift!” he told her, still smiling. “You like it?”

  Throwing her arms up around Dante’s neck, Alinna hugged him tight before releasing him and turning to the car. She noticed James standing at the back door dressed in a stylish black and white suit smiling back at her.

  “Come on!” Dante said, smiling as he walked Alinna over to the Phantom. James opened the back door for them.

  “Happy birthday!” James said, as Alinna climbed into the back of the car.

  Once Alinna sat down on the cream-colored leather seats, she couldn’t help smiling as she took in the details of the interior.

  * * *

  Five minutes after receiving Dante’s text message, letting her know they were on their way to the nightclub with Alinna, Vanessa walked through the packed club to find Amber and Harmony. They chatted with friends, business associates, and members of the crew and their families.

  Making their way to the balcony that overlooked the club, which could hold around twenty people, Vanessa entered first. She smiled when she saw Dre standing at the rail with a bottle of Hennessy gripped in his hand as he stared down at the crowd.

  Breaking off from her girls and making her way over to Dre, Vanessa stepped beside her man, wrapped her arms around his waist, and said, “What’s up, you?”

  Dre leaned towards Vanessa, kissed her, and said, “You did your thing with setting this party up tonight. It’s packed as hell in here.”

  “Amber and Harmony helped me out with most of . . . !”

  Vanessa broke off what she was saying when she noticed the crowd and security rushing towards the front doors. She swung her head around when she heard her name and saw Harmony and Amber with two security guards.

  “What the hell happened now?” Dre asked, as he and Vanessa walked over.

  “Vanessa, we got a problem!” Harmony started. “Both Wesley and Tony T already went down but you know how those two are.”

  “What’s happening?” Vanessa asked.

  “It’s Fish Man and some Haitians!” Amber answered, just as Dre took off towards the stairs, dropping the Hennessy bottle he was holding to the ground.

  “Come on!” Vanessa yelled, as she took off behind Dre.

  Once downstairs, Dre and Vanessa pushed their way through the crowd. They saw their team of security and crewmembers standing around both Tony T and Wesley as they stood facing down Fish Man, a heavy-set Haitian man and his posse of Haitians surrounding him.

  “Mutherfucka, you gotta be ready to die!” Dre said as he pushed to the front next to Tony T, his banger already in his hand.

  “Well, here we go!” Fish Man said, ignoring Dre, Wesley, and Tony T. He smiled at Vanessa, Amber, and Harmony. “I was wondering when you bitches would show up!”

  Grabbing Dre before he could rush at Fish Man, Vanessa said, “What the fuck do you want, nigga?”

  “Da blood clot fool want to die!” Wesley said, gripping his burner and anxious to get things turned up.

  “Where’s Alinna?” Fish Man said, still ignoring the guys.

  “She not here!” Vanessa answered. “How the fuck you even know we would be here?”

  “Everybody know about the bitch’s birthday party!” Fish Man responded. “By the way, let me introduce you to your new boss. Meet Zoe Papi!”

  “You gotta be crazy!” Tony T said, laughing in Fish Man and Zoe’s faces.

  “Vanessa!” Amber called, as she got her attention and nodded towards the parking lot.

  Vanessa turned and saw the new Phantom pulling into the club.

  Vanessa turned back toward Fish Man and said, “You was looking for Alinna! Well, here she come now!”

  Turning his attention to the Rolls Royce Phantom that was slowly pulling up, Fish Man smiled. He was very impressed with the bitch’s style.

  Fish Man watched as the car stopped and a white man climbed out from behind the driver’s seat. He walked around and opened the door, as Alinna Rodriguez climbed out of the Phantom. He then said, “The bitch herself finally decided to show the fuck up. What took you so damn long?”

  “Why don’t you ask him?” Alinna answered, as she stepped to the side from in front of the car door.

  “What the fuck!” Fish Man said, instantly recognizing the guy climbing out of the Phantom and walking over to stand in front of him. “W-what the hell you doing here? I thought you two broke up!”

  “That’s the problem with thinking. You should first learn how to!” Dante replied. “Here’s the deal! You got two choices. One is you can leave Miami now! Leave Florida tonight. Your second choice is you can die right here, right now! Decide now!”

  “Mutha . . . !”

  Dante snatched his banger from his right shoulder holster in his left hand and swung it over. He landed the barrel of the heater on the point of the heavy-set guy’s nose before anyone realized what was happening. As he cut Fish Man off, he shifted his eyes slowly over to the other guy and asked, “Who the fuck are you?”

  Hearing someone scream in pain, Dante saw James tuck a chrome banger inside the front of his pants and move back to stand next to Alinna as one of Fish Man’s men fell over.

  “I’m waiting for an answer!” Dante told the heavy guy looking back at him.

  “I’m Zoe Papi!” he replied, staring Dante straight in the eyes.

  Slowly smirking, Dante said, “So, you’re the Haitian who’s with this clown, Fish Man, huh? Well, here’s my offer to you. Since Fish Bitch about to either leave for good out of Florida or die, I’m pretty sure you wanna continue business, correct?”

  “You offering?” Papi asked in his Haitian accent?

  “Alinna!” Dante called.

  “Yeah!” Alinna answered from behind him.

  “What do you say? You offering Zoe Papi a business deal or what?” Dante asked, maintaining eye contact with the Haitian.

  “We can talk business tomorrow! Leave me with your contact info,” Alinna told him.

  “What do you say, Zoe Papi?” Dante asked. “Do we have a deal or what?”

  Slowly nodding his head yes, Papi called out to his men to load up as he explained that they were leaving. Then he looked over at Alinna to let her know he had her number and would be calling the next day.

  “Whoa!” Dante said as he grabbed the back of Fish Man’s jacket and snapped him back around as he turned to leave. “You still have a decision to make and I’m tired of waiting for an answer. Decide now!”

  Fish Man looked from Dante to his own crew as they awaited a decision from their boss. “Alright! I’m outta here! I’ll leave Florida tonight!”

  “Good decision!” Dante replied, smirking as he smacked Fish Man across the face.

  Chapter 22

  After Fish Man and the Haitians left, Dante and Alinna followed the family inside the club up to the V.I.P. section where their friends and crewmembers were waiting.

  Dante allowed Alinna to spend some time with her girls, as he kept catching her eyes with his glances. Dante then slid his hand inside his right pants packet as he felt for the box he had put there.

  “What’s up, family?” Dre said, as he, Wesley, Tony T, and James walked over to stand next to him by the rail.

  “What’s good, family?” Dante replied, smiling at his boys while still shifting his eyes back towards Alinna as she looked at him with a smile.

  “So, it’s real then?” Dre asked, getting Dante’s attention. “You and Alinna back at it, huh?”

  Nodding hi
s head yes, Dante answered, “Yeah, bruh! We giving it another try!”

  “You sure about this?” Dre asked.

  Looking to Dre and meeting the look in his eyes, Dante nodded his head and said, “She ya sister, bruh! That’s not changing.”

  Turning his attention over to the others, he saw Vanessa and Harmony carrying a cake. Amber walked behind them pushing a cart with an even larger cake atop it. Dante shook his head and smiled. He walked over with the rest of his boys and started singing “Happy Birthday” to Alinna.

  Alinna smiled as she looked around at everyone singing before locking eyes with Dante and mouthing the words “I love you” to him as the song ended.

  Making a wish, Alinna blew out the candles on the smaller cake. Then, with the family’s help, she blew out the candles on the larger cake.

  “Girl, what you wish for?” Harmony asked, smiling as she held onto Tony T.

  “I have everything I . . .”

  “Naw!” Dante interrupted, walking over to stand beside her. “You can’t say you got everything yet since you still missing one thing!”

  “What are you…h my God, Dante!” Alinna cried, as she watched Dante get down on one knee and smile at her.

  “Yeah, I know this a surprise, huh?” Dante said, still smiling up at Alinna. “I remember you asking me a question a while again. You asked why I love you. Well, to answer that I’d have to say it’s because you first loved me and actually showed me how to love you back in return. I never had any woman like you in my life before and I honestly don’t wanna live if I can’t live life without you in it or a part of it. Will you marry me, Alinna Rodriguez?”

  “Yes!” Alinna cried, as tears slid down her face. She threw her arms around Dante’s neck, hugging him tightly while still happily crying.

  He put the strawberry and chocolate diamond ring on her finger, which caused Alinna to break down crying even harder. Dante received a quick hug before Alinna was pulled away from him.

  Getting back to his feet, his boys crowded around him as Alinna went to celebrate with her girls.

  “Everybody, freeze! This is the Miami Dade Police Department!”

  “What the fuck!” Dre said.

  Taking off towards the rail just in time to see a team of police rushing up the stairs, Dante spun around just as the first plain-clothed officer rushed into the V.I.P. section waving his badge.

  “Alinna Rodriguez, you’re under arrest!” the officer said, as he walked straight over to Alinna and grabbed her.

  Never seeing the guy dressed in white fly across the room until it was too late, the plain-clothed officer found himself being thrown into his back up officer.

  He snatched both bangers while the family, crew, and security all pulled out their heaters. Dante was a second away from letting his guns bark when he heard his name yelled.

  “Wait!” Agent Martin yelled, as she pushed through the team of officers and held up her D.E.A. I.D. “Dante, tell your people to wait! Let’s talk about this.”

  “Who the fuck are you?” Dante asked, staring at the woman rather than her I.D.

  “Monica!” Alinna said, recognizing the woman in front of her and Dante.

  Upon hearing her name Dante figured out what was going on and nearly pulled his trigger.

  “Dante, wait! Let’s make a deal! We’ll leave Alinna alone if you agree to come with us.”

  “Hell no!” Alinna yelled. Snatching the extra gun from James’ waist, she swung it up and towards Monica, yelling, “Bitch, you not taking Dante no fucking where!”

  “Dante, is this what you want?” Monica asked, ignoring Alinna. “I give you my word. You come with us and I’ll make sure Alinna is left alone.”

  “Dante, don’t even . . . !”

  “If I agree to this shit and anyone of these muthafuckas touch her, you’ll be the first to die! We clear?” Dante asked, cutting Alinna off.

  “Dante, what the hell are you doing?” Alinna asked, grabbing his arm.

  “Are we clear, Agent Martin?” Dante asked again as he stared straight at Monica.

  “We clear!” Monica answered, holding back a smile she felt pulling at her lips.

  “Hell no!” Alinna yelled. She went to swing the banger at Monica but Dante stepped between them.

  “Dante, what the hell are you doing?”

  “Just trust me!” Dante told her before handing both bangers to James and saying, “J, remember what I told you. I trust you with her life so make sure she stay safe!”

  “You sure about this, Dante, man?” James asked.

  “Just look after my family! I’ma be alright!” Dante told James, before turning to an angered Alinna. “I’m pretty sure I don’t have to tell you to hold shit together while I’m gone, right?”

  “Dante, don’t do this shit!” Alinna begged. She accepted the kiss he gave her before he turned and faced Monica.

  “Alright, Agent Martin. Let’s get this shit over with!” Dante told her, as two plain-clothed officers stepped up and roughly grabbed his arm.

  “Not so bad now are you, asshole?” one officer said, smirking while his partner handcuffed Dante.

  Smashing the crown of his head into the officer’s nose, Dante heard the bone break as the officer yelled out in pain. Dante smiled as he grabbed his bleeding nose. “I’m a let this shit happen, but you ain’t about to be talking shit, muthafucker!”

  Watching Dante calmly walk out of the V.I.P. area surrounded by police officer, Alinna saw Monica smiling. “How does it feel, bitch? Now you losing Dante, just like I lost my partner!”

  “You mean your husband, right?” Alinna replied, smirking at seeing the surprised look on Monica’s face. “Oh, you thought I didn’t know you and Alex was married, huh? Tell me, something though. How did my pussy taste? Alex loved eating that shit.”

  “Bitch!” Monica yelled, swinging at Alinna but failing as James intervened, sending Monica falling into a chair.

  She looked up to multiple guns pointed at her while James stood guarded in front of Alinna. She slowly stood up and backed her way towards the stairs. As she left she yelled to Alinna, “I’ma make sure Dante’s ass gets life for killing Alex. I promise you that, bitch!”

  To be continued . . . Click here to join our mailing list for new release updates


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