Secrets at Seaside

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Secrets at Seaside Page 24

by Addison Cole

  “Heck, yes, I am. It doesn’t matter that it’s been open during renovations. I still need to celebrate Inky Skies—my dream, my passion, my…”

  Blue groaned, and Sky laughed and poked him in the side as they crossed at the corner on their way to meet their friends.

  “And you’re both coming,” she said. “Like it or not.”

  “I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I’m proud of you, sis.” Hunter put a hand on Sky’s forearm as they came to a curb and a bike whipped past.

  “Hunter, I know how to stop at a curb, thank you very much.” She rolled her eyes at her protective older brother.

  She was used to being watched over, considering her four older brothers—and her slightly overprotective friend, Blue—had been doing it for years, but at twenty-six, with a new business and a new apartment, she was ready to spread her wings.

  “Hey, just keepin’ you safe.” Hunter kept his dark hair shaved close to his head, and with his dark eyes and bulky muscles, he had an edge to him, but the playful grin he flashed softened all of that edginess, revealing the bighearted brother Sky adored.

  “Hey, sugar!” A friendly drag queen, who went by Marcus during the day and Maxine when he performed, waved from across the street. He’d lost his lover, Howie, to cancer a couple of years ago, and as much as Sky wished he’d fall in love again, she knew from the look in Marcus’s eyes when he spoke of Howie that what they’d shared was a once-in-a-lifetime type of love.

  Ever since four of her friends had gotten married last summer, she longed to experience that kind of love, too.

  “Hi, Marcus,” Sky called. “No show tonight?” During the day, families came to shop, sightsee, and enjoy street performers, but at night, P-town turned into a colorful world of drag queens, dance clubs, and comedians.

  “My night off.” Marcus said something that made the man he was with laugh. Then he hollered, “I see you have your bodyguards with you again. Hey, Blue. Hi, Hunter. When you get tired of watching over Sky, come watch over me.”

  Blue laughed. “You couldn’t handle me, bro.”

  “Doesn’t mean I wouldn’t want to try,” Marcus teased.

  Blue was straight as an arrow, but Marcus loved to tease him. Sky had quickly fallen in love with the whole community when she’d begun working at the tattoo shop. It might not be conducive to meeting a guy she’d want to actually spend time getting to know in a romantic sense—it had been forever since she’d met a guy like that—but she loved the diversity of the area and the warmth of the people. Provincetown felt like home.

  They weaved through throngs of people toward a crowd gathered outside of the Governor Bradford Restaurant, where Blue had handled renovations last year. At six two and six three, with linebacker shoulders and movie-star good looks, it was easy for Hunter and Blue to part the crowd as they guided Sky inside. Governor Bradford’s was dimly lit, with a bar to the left, a small stage and dance floor across from the entrance, and a restaurant area to the right of the stage. The scent of fried foods and sage hung in the air.

  She followed Blue around the dance floor, stopping at a table of bearded guys who had come into the shop earlier in the day for tattoos and leaned in to hug one of them. Sky got to know most of her customers while she tatted them up.

  “Hey, guys. I hope you’re going to sing for open mic night.”

  “Trust me, you don’t wanna hear us sing,” the burliest of them said with a laugh.

  “Chicken,” Sky teased as Blue took her hand and dragged her to the far side of the dance floor, where her sister-in-law, Jenna, and their friends Bella Grant and Amy Black were waiting for them.

  “Finally.” Jenna stood up to hug Sky. She was four foot eleven, with curves that rivaled Marilyn Monroe’s, and at five months pregnant she looked even more voluptuous. “I see your bodyguards got you here safely.”

  Sky laughed. “I love your haircut!” Jenna had cut a few inches off of her long brown hair. It now hung just past her shoulders.

  “Thanks. It’s my summer cut,” Jenna said, patting her hair.

  Sky reached around Bella’s burgeoning belly to hug her, then did the same with Amy. “You guys are like the beach-ball-belly twins. I can’t believe you’re both eight months pregnant—and that your hubbies are still letting you go to open mic night.”

  “They know we need our P-town nights. Besides, they’re all out on Pete’s boat with your dad.” Bella looked at Hunter and Blue. “Why didn’t you guys go?”

  Hunter was busy ordering drinks from a raven-haired waitress.

  “I worked late on Sky’s renovations.” Blue pulled out a chair for Sky.

  “I’m sorry,” Sky said, patting his back as she sat beside him. “But I do appreciate your hard work, and I even tried to get Lizzie to meet us tonight.” She wiggled her brows. “I tried to hook you up. The way you and Duke were lusting after Lizzie at the wedding, I thought for sure you’d ask her out by now.”

  “She is hot,” Hunter said, eyes locked on a group of blond women across the bar.

  Blue ran a hand through his thick dark hair and shrugged. “I’ve been busy.”

  “For a year?” Bella asked.

  “She’s come out with us several times over the past year,” he said as he draped an arm across the back of Sky’s chair.

  “Yes. Us. I said you should ask her out.” Sky shook her head, and a disconcerting thought hit her as the waitress brought their drinks. “Oh, gosh, Blue. Do you think we spend too much time together? Am I monopolizing you? Have I blocked you?”

  “No, you didn’t block me,” Blue said with a laugh. “Have I…blocked you?”

  Relieved, she said, “No. I’ve just decided that the next guy I date has to be someone who’s really soulful and gets me, and around here, that’s slim pickin’s.”

  Blue raised his beer with a smirk. “Guys are not exactly soulful.”

  “No kidding,” Hunter said.

  “Oh, come on. There are soulful people all around. It just takes some looking,” Jenna began scanning the bar. “I’m on a manhunt for Sky.”

  “Okay, enough find-my-sister-a-man talk,” Hunter said. “I looked at the sign-up sheet. They have a great lineup tonight. Comedians, karaoke, and see that guy over there?” He pointed to a guy sitting by himself at the bar with a guitar leaning against his leg. His dark T-shirt revealed sculpted biceps and strong forearms, and the fabric clung to the contours of his muscular chest. One arm rested casually on the arm of his chair, the other across his lap, his finger wrapped around the neck of a guitar. He had hair the color of night and thick scruff covering a strong jawline. His eyes were narrowed and locked on a group of people across the room, like he was studying them or deep in thought. Sky couldn’t tell which.

  “He played about two months ago, and he’s amazing.” Hunter glanced at his sister. “You’ll love him, Sky.”

  “Holy mother of hotness.” Jenna grabbed Bella’s arm. “Where did that guy come from?”

  “You’re married,” Amy reminded her.

  “And preggers.” Bella patted Jenna’s belly. “Pete would kick his butt if he even looked at you.” Sky’s brother was a little protective of his wife.

  “My interest is already piqued by that handsome creature,” Sky said more to herself than the others.

  “I don’t want to hear that. I just thought you’d like his music.” Hunter eyed the man across the room. “He looks a little rough, Sky. Not your hippie, earthy type.”

  Sky ignored her brother’s evaluation. Yes, she had an earthy style and believed in fate and destiny and all things a little bit magical, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t ogle a hot guy who might not be her typical type.

  While Bella, Amy, and Jenna talked about their plans for their babies and Blue and Hunter talked about work and women, Sky went back to checking out the dark-eyed man who hadn’t so much as shifted his position.

  The host announced the next karaoke singer, and they listened to a squeaky rendition of Madonna’s “Like a
Virgin.” People danced and sang as they moved through several other moderately talented singers. Sky was about to pull out her poetry book, which was far more interesting than the singers, when the host called out, “Sawyer Bass,” and the guy with the guitar rose and stretched, giving Sky an eyeful of just how hot he really was. Black biker boots carried him across the floor. His guitar strap was slung casually over one shoulder, as if he were carrying an old piece of lumber.

  Blue bumped her with his elbow and handed her a napkin.

  “What’s that for?” she asked, eyes still on Sawyer Bass. He even has a hot name.


  She snapped the napkin from his hands, unable to tear her eyes from Sawyer as he sank onto a stool in the middle of the stage—which looked way too small for a man of his size. He was completely relaxed, shoulders and jaw soft, eyes downcast, as if sitting in front of a roomful of people was something he did every night. He rolled his thick shoulders back and cracked his neck to either side, which for some reason amped up his sexiness.

  Sawyer lifted dark eyes to the crowd, scanning everything and somehow looking as though he were seeing nothing at all. His eyes skimmed over Sky, and for a beat she held her breath, but he quickly moved on, and she couldn’t help but feel disappointed.

  “This guy’s got serious mojo.” Bella’s eyes moved around the room. “Half the women’s eyes are on him. Heck, most of the guys are staring at him, too.”

  Sky sipped her drink and looked away from the guy who held everyone’s attention. She reached into her purse and pulled out her C. J. Moon poetry book. Better to concentrate on something she enjoyed than to gawk at a guy everyone wanted. He probably wasn’t laid-back anyway. He was probably playing it cool, the way guys did when they knew they were hot stuff.

  “You’re not really going to read, are you?” Blue put his arm across the back of her chair again and pulled her in closer.

  “She’s mooning again,” Jenna teased. “Blue, take that away from her. She’ll never meet a guy if she’s mooning.” Jenna always teased her about mooning over C. J. Moon’s poems.

  Blue leaned closer to Sky. “You seem a little out of sorts. Is it the renovations? They shouldn’t take much longer.”

  Sky was renting a cottage from Amy down at the Seaside community, where Bella, Jenna, and Amy all lived. Blue had found a leak in the apartment pipes a few weeks ago, and it seemed easier for her to rent there rather than be in his way on a daily basis. She loved staying at Seaside, and she loved Blue for caring enough to ask.

  “You really are a great friend, Blue. It’s not that. You’re doing a great job. I don’t know what it is.”

  Sky dropped her eyes to the book and began to read her favorite poem.

  A moment later, a deep, impassioned voice filled the room, bringing Sky’s eyes up to the man it had come from. Sawyer sat on the stool, eyes closed, strumming his guitar and singing with an intensity that sent a shiver of seduction rippling through the room. Sky watched his fingers move confidently over the strings. His brows knitted together on the longer notes, he bowed his head as the words turned sad, and the muscles in his neck grew thicker. Passion poured out of him with every verse.

  “What song is this?” Sky asked, the lyrics settling into her bones like a lonely ache. Darkness isn’t enough. Miles are too close. Nothing can erase you, wipe you clean, take away the pain you’re leaving behind.

  “No idea,” Blue answered.

  “Never heard it before.” Hunter’s eyes were locked on a blonde across the room.

  Sky shifted her gaze back to Sawyer. His voice was getting softer as he came to the end of the song, and it drew her in deeper with every second he held that note.

  To continue reading, buy NIGHTS AT SEASIDE

  More Books By The Author

  Sweet with Heat: Seaside Summers

  (Includes future publications)

  Read, Write, Love at Seaside

  Dreaming at Seaside

  Hearts at Seaside

  Sunsets at Seaside

  Secrets at Seaside

  Nights at Seaside

  Seized by Love at Seaside

  Embrace at Seaside

  Lovers at Seaside

  Whispers at Seaside

  Stand Alone Women’s Fiction Novels

  by Melissa Foster (Addison Cole’s steamy alter ego)

  The following titles may include some harsh language

  Chasing Amanda (mystery/suspense)

  Come Back to Me (mystery/suspense)

  Have No Shame (historical fiction/romance)

  Megan’s Way (literary fiction)

  Traces of Kara (psychological thriller)

  Where Petals Fall (suspense)


  If you follow me on Facebook, then you know writing is my greatest joy, and writing about the Seaside gang brings Cape Cod into play, which makes it even more enjoyable. I’d like to thank all of my fans who have reached out over the years and gotten involved with my writing process, offering character names, professions, and other integral parts of the stories. Word of mouth is the best way to reach readers, and I truly appreciate everyone who shares my books with their friends and family. I hope you’ll continue to reach out and take part in the giveaways, snappy banter, and inspirational photos that I share on social media.

  I’d like to thank Elise Sax for pedestals and statues. You’re the funniest person I know, and I cherish our friendship. Readers, if you haven’t read Elise’s work, I urge you to pick it up. She’ll have you in stitches. A big thank you to Amy Manemann, who probably doesn’t realize how inspiring she was to me for our Amy Maples. No, Amy’s background does not match the character Amy Maples’s background, but her personality is pretty darn close.

  My editorial team is like oxygen. I have no idea how I do anything without them. Kristen, Penina, Jenna, Juliette, Marlene, Lynn, and Justinn, thank you for your meticulous attention to detail.

  The energy and support of bloggers, reviewers, readers, and friends, inspire me daily. Thank you for sharing your time with me.

  To Les, you own me, baby. Inside and out.

  Addison Cole is the sweet alter ego of New York Times and USA Today bestselling and award-winning author Melissa Foster. She enjoys writing humorous, and deeply emotional, contemporary romance without explicit sex scenes or harsh language. Addison spends her summers on Cape Cod, where she dreams up wonderful love stories in her house overlooking Cape Cod Bay.

  Visit Addison on her website or chat with her on social media. Addison enjoys discussing her books with book clubs and reader groups and welcomes an invitation to your event.

  Addison’s books are available in paperback, digital, and audio formats.




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