Crystal Clear

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Crystal Clear Page 12

by Serena Zane

Mission. Target. Retrieval.

  There was a stretch of tall grass between them and the perimeter. Dropping low, he began to move through the grass trusting that Patrick would follow. His friend may not have been a SEAL, but he was in the Army for a few years. Something like this, he should be able to keep up.

  Occasionally glancing up at the guard towers to make sure they hadn’t been spotted, it took about ten minutes to cross the field. They crouched low next to the fence. He waited for the guard to come close. Staying still until the guard was almost upon him, Jack didn’t hesitate. Jack rose swiftly, jabbed at the guard’s windpipe with one hand, and shoved the knife upwards between the man’s ribs with the other. Jack caught the man as he fell.

  Jack caught Patrick’s movements as the man slid into place at the fence and began to meticulously cut the mesh. It wouldn’t take long to get inside from here as long as the spotlights coming from the towers didn’t spot them.

  Waiting between bursts of light, they timed the guards pacing the yard. Jack and Patrick slipped through unnoticed. As one, they headed directly for the air vents detailed in the maps. Jack drew out the screwdriver the FIUW agents provided. He’d need to take off the panel and enter from the top. Jack waited as Patrick braced each corner. Once the screws were undone, Jack pulled it back from the casing.

  Patrick carried the rope and rigging for Jack to have a smooth descent. The hole was tight and narrow, and Jack knew that getting two up at once would be tricky. Patrick took the rope off his shoulder and let it slide down the passage. The end slapped against the metal casing of the tunnel. Jack held his breath. Waiting several seconds, nothing seemed to happen. Jack gestured down into the tunnel with his hand, grabbed the rope and slid into the darkness.


  Halverson wasn’t looking at her face. He took another step which brought him within range of the chair. Cindy stood, grabbed the back, and swung the chair upward as hard as she could. It connected with his jaw, his head snapped back. He staggered. She took another swing.

  Ducking out of the way Halverson charged. He slammed into her already sore stomach.

  Damn that hurt, her breath rushed out at the impact.

  Holding her grip on the chair Cindy bashed him in the back as she was propelled into the wall. Cindy slid down, the air knocked out of her lungs. She looked around and realized she sat next to Halverson’s gun. He tore the chair out of her grip, not paying attention. Cindy grabbed the gun and anchored the back against her shoulder aiming the barrel at Halverson. She pulled the trigger. The shot sounded in the tiny room. She stared as Halverson fell to the side.

  Hope the bastard’s dead.

  Tightening her grip on the gun, Cindy got up staggering toward the door. A quick glance into the hallway revealed two guards running towards her, guns at the ready. Taking aim she fired, both of them fell under a barrage of automatic fire.

  Damn, this was a lot easier than her training exercises. Cindy rushed down the hall and came to the first door. This facility must not have been equipped with very advanced technology, there was no keypad and the door hadn’t been bolted behind the guards that rushed in.

  She shoved her way through and noted stairs that went up. There were several vents she was sure led to the outside to let in air. Fighting with her own feelings of claustrophobia, Cindy could feel a cold sweat break out. Footsteps echoed on the stairs above her head, she took a deep breath and made her decision.

  As she jumped up on the rail, she could just reach one if she stretched. Suddenly the vent moved outward, and she fell back off the railing. Cindy landed on the stairs. It took a moment for her to catch her balance. She glanced up, gun at the ready, and breathed a sigh of relief.

  “Fancy seeing you here.” She couldn’t help the grin that spread across her bruised face ignoring the discomfort.

  Jack’s eyes glowed more golden than brown with suppressed rage as his gaze took in her condition.

  She stood and brushed herself off trying not to wince, “It’s not as bad as it looks.”

  He just shook his head. Cindy glanced up at the stairwell where the sound of multiple footsteps hitting the stairs came closer.

  “Let’s go. We can get out this way,” Jack motioned for her to follow him. Cindy placed her hands in his and let him propel her up and into the vent. It was just wide enough for him to turn around. When he did, she noted the line he was tied to. It suspended from somewhere above.

  “Patrick has the other end, just hold onto me.”

  She locked her hands around his neck and held on.

  Jack gave a quick two tugs to the rope and it started to retract. He took a quick look at her face, and noticed her eyes were closed and sweat beaded on her forehead. “You okay?”

  “Not bad. Just don’t like enclosed spaces. It’s getting to be a handy thing to have you around. I might just have to keep you. Thanks for coming to get me.”

  Her eyes opened and Jack let out a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. Locking his eyes with her Jack was drawn in by the intensity of her gaze.

  “You think I’d let them hold you? Shit Cindy, I couldn’t stand the thought of them messing with you. It makes me want to kill them all. You all right?”

  “Yeah, I’ll heal. They really didn’t do much other than let Halverson beat me up. I took care of him. He won’t be a liability any more.” She pictured his bloody body sprawled on the cell floor. “He’s dead.”

  Jack took a deep breath. He was silent the rest of the way up. They could hear the alarms starting to sound. The rope started to retract more quickly. As they reached the top, Patrick tied off the rope, and helped Cindy out first. Jack climbed out behind them. Guards entered the yard. Staying well out of sight of the spotlight, Cindy followed Patrick as Jack protected their backs. They led her back out the entry spot where they’d gained access. They slid through the gate. Jack pulled the cell out of his pocket and dialed the other team.

  “We’re out. Blow it.”

  Cindy looked at him surprised. He answered before she could voice the question.

  “Montgomery and Garrett have rigged the place with explosives. They’ll meet us back at the vehicle.”

  She nodded it was good to know who you could count on. Her team hadn’t let her down. They had only taken a few steps when Cindy felt the wind from a bullet thunk into the ground inches from where she stood.

  Rolling into the field for cover she grinned, “Looks like we are in for some fun after all.”

  Patrick tossed her the .45 he was carrying and pulled the semi-automatic he had slung over his shoulder. Jack was already firing.

  “Move!” Jack yelled at them.

  Both Cindy and Patrick crouched low and ran for the tree line, bullets whizzing past. Jack laid down suppressing fire behind them and Cindy couldn’t stop herself from looking back to make sure he was okay.

  He turned, and caught her gaze, “Run! Now!”

  Jack ran full speed towards them, motioning for them to run faster. Just as they reached the tree line the explosion went off. The noise was deafening. Jack threw himself on top of Cindy pushing her to the ground. His weight almost crushed her bruised ribs, red and orange flames leapt into the air as they consumed the facility. They were soon forgotten as men scrambled frantically to save one another from the rolling explosions rocking through different areas of the compound. Jack grabbed her arm in an almost bruising grip and pulled her to her feet.

  “We have to keep moving.” Cindy nodded as she followed, trying to keep pace with them. Adrenalin pumped through her system so hard, she almost didn’t feel the pain coursing through her body.

  They broke through a clearing, and Cindy saw the black SUV. Jack led her right to it and sat her down on the bumper. Patrick kept up surveillance and scanned the area while Jack took a moment to take inventory and check Cindy for injuries.

  His breathing was heavy, “
God baby, I was so worried. When he took you and cut your shirt open…”

  Cindy laid a finger across his lips. “It’s okay. He really didn’t do much else, and he’s dead now. I really couldn’t let a traitor like that live.”

  Jack’s arms came around her and his lips descended on hers. Wanting to forget where she was for just a moment, Cindy let her hands slide around his neck and she melted into him the adrenaline pumping through her system pouring into the kiss. She had never really needed anyone before and it scared her a little that she felt so safe with Jack. She never had that with anyone, not even Montgomery. Not since her father was killed.

  “Shit guys, get a room.” Patrick stood there with his semi-automatic in his hand looking a little like Rambo.

  Cindy pulled herself away from Jack’s mouth, took a deep breath and was about to respond just as Montgomery stepped through the woods. As she pushed out of Jack’s arms, Cindy practically ran to her. She hugged her friend for all she was worth, though her ribs hurt.

  “Thanks for coming to get me.” Cindy loosened her hold.

  Montgomery had a funny look on her face. “What else would I do? You did the same for me. You okay? You look a little roughed up.” Montgomery raised a hand and ran it over the wounds on Cindy’s face. “Might need an ice pack for that--”

  Cindy grinned and tried not to flinch, “One or two.”

  Montgomery glanced over her shoulder as they heard more loud explosions coming from the direction of the compound.

  Montgomery and Garrett exchanged glances, “We’d better get out of here. The military’s going to be all over this area in a few minutes and we need to be long gone. Don’t want to be tangled up in interrogation. Cindy needs medical attention, and I intend to see she gets it.”

  Quickly they loaded into the SUV and Montgomery peeled out, racing off to make time to the airstrip where they had left one of F.I.U.W.’s private jets.

  Montgomery explained on the way that they would need to head to the West Coast headquarters for F.I.U.W. located in California. It would be a while before they had access to a doctor, but there were pain meds in the first aid kits.

  Cindy laid her head against Jack’s shoulder and let herself breathe easy for the first time in days. Montgomery was right, there would be the debriefing back at headquarters, and that would be more than enough for her. Jack’s arms came around her. She stiffened for a moment and then let herself lean into him.

  It didn’t take long to get to the airport. Montgomery made sure they drove the speed limit when they reached the main road so they didn’t raise any suspicions. Patrick retrieved some pain killers for her from the med kit, and a few ice packs as well. Damn she hurt, she was glad that bastard was dead.

  Chapter 19Cindy felt much better as the SUV pulled into a small airport, yea for pain killers, she was ready to head home. The jet waited on standby. The team boarded without any hassle.

  Jack hadn’t let go of Cindy since they got in the SUV, and she was aware the fact wasn’t lost on the other people on the team. After being seated, Montgomery leaned forward and eyed him with a perceptive gleam.

  “So, which one of you wants to tell me what’s going on with my best friend?” Montgomery fiddled with a piece of her hair and waited.

  Cindy knew she would have to explain things to Montgomery. Her friend never saw her react to any man, let alone hold one’s hand. Even during the time that Cindy dated Chase, she was not openly affectionate. Cindy met her friend’s gaze directly. She would tell Montgomery, just not right now. Not in front of everyone.

  “Leave him alone. It’s my choice. I’ll talk to you about it later.” Cindy waited for her friend to acknowledge the look she gave her.

  “Kay, but we will talk.” Montgomery left it alone for the rest of the plane ride.

  Cindy hadn’t pushed her friend when she was taken on the last mission, and was grateful that Montgomery wasn’t pushing her now.

  Sitting back, Cindy used the time to go over everything that happened in her mind. Her thoughts processing much like the computers she was fond of as she sifted through information.

  Jaguar definitely was familiar with the abilities of the different agents in F.I.U.W., at least those of her team. That meant that Halverson had given them more than just a few idol pieces of Intel. She would have to access the files to see who viewed them as soon as she got back to headquarters. It wouldn’t do to have classified information leaked to the wrong source. Jaguar was definitely the wrong source.

  There would be flags on the files that had been accessed, and unless you knew what you were doing, there were always footprints leading back to the person accessing a file, especially in F.I.U.W. where you couldn’t access anything without a pass code. Each time someone accessed a file it logged in a database, and Cindy knew how to access that database.

  Cindy was tired and needed to rest, but with Montgomery looking on she didn’t dare fall asleep on Jack. Her best friend already knew something was up between the two of them. If Cindy showed she was comfortable enough to fall asleep with him, Montgomery would know how deep those feelings went.

  Cindy didn’t trust anyone that much, not since Jackson had passed on. That man was like a father to her, and the only one she trusted completely. If she let herself get too close, Cindy knew she would end up getting hurt again. It had been so long since she relied on someone, she didn’t know if she knew how anymore. Instead of leaning on Jack’s strong shoulder, Cindy leaned back into her seat and glanced out the window. Maybe no one would notice if she dozed off for a few minutes. Jack didn’t relinquish hold of her hand, but she didn’t mind.

  “Cindy, wake up.” Jack was gently shaking her on the shoulder.

  Her eyes snapped open. There was no grogginess. Her head hurt where she had been hit, and her body definitely felt like it had been run over, but she was alert. She snuggled up neatly onto Jack’s side, the armrest propped up, and one of her legs was thrown over his, with his arm wrapped around her shoulders.

  Well, crap.

  “Have we landed?” Her gazed locked on Jack startled that she would end up in such a position. She had her suspicions that she wasn’t the one to initiate the contact. Especially not when he had an impish grin on his face that said plainly he liked where she was. Taking in the others who pulled down their own gear from the overhead compartments, Cindy couldn’t miss the glances Montgomery kept throwing her way or the worried look on her face. Like her, Montgomery didn’t trust easily. She would have a talk with her friend as soon as they were alone.

  Jack waited for her to undo the safety belt, and get up his eyes never leaving her face. He looked worried too. She groaned as she rose from the position she was in, her stiff muscles complaining. The concerned looks being thrown her way irritated her.

  “Geez guys, I’m going to be fine. It’s just a few bruises.” No one treated Montgomery like a Porcelain doll when she was tortured not that long ago. What made them think she couldn’t handle it.

  Jack glanced back at the others, turning a stunning smile at her, God, he was gorgeous. If the other two weren’t there, Cindy would be more than happy to have her way with him, bruises or no. She sighed and settled for a quick kiss on the hand she held.

  “We’ve been talking while you were asleep. We think that there has to be more going on here than just the Intel that was gathered from the satellite. Halverson had to have shared information as a sign of good faith with the terrorist group. We just don’t know what that is.”

  “I agree.” Cindy met Montgomery’s steady gaze and a moment of understanding passed between them, “I’ll be checking the computer database as soon as we’re back at base. If he did retrieve Intel and give it to Jaguar then I can track his footprints and find out what he may have leaked.”

  “I knew you could,” Montgomery spoke up, “first though you’re getting the medical attention you need.”

“But…” Cindy started to protest.

  “No,” Garrett interrupted her, “Montgomery’s right, and as your superior I will order you to seek out that attention first if I have to. You aren’t going to make me do that are you?” He quirked an eyebrow.

  Cindy sighed. They were ganging up on her. It was a waste of time in her opinion, but it seemed they weren’t going to let her do anything without clearance from the Doc. She hated physical examinations, and felt they were an invasion of her privacy, but they were a necessary evil in her line of work. Both of them out-ranked her, so she would have no other choice.

  “Fine.” She conceded. The sooner they got this over with, the sooner they could complete the mission. Cindy felt Jack’s hand brush down her arm, and she pulled away uncomfortable with the contact in front of her friends. He scowled at her and moved in closer taking her hand.

  Leaning in toward her, Jack whispered, “Don’t think that because we’re with others that this is over between us. I’m not going to let you go. You’re mine.”

  Cindy felt a little shiver of anticipation go through her. Jack stepped back and held her gaze for a moment. She gave a small nod of acceptance, and he moved to exit the plane, his hand still on her arm.

  It wasn’t lost on Cindy that he staked a claim in front of her friends. She wasn’t quite sure how she felt about that. On one hand, she had been envious of the relationship that Montgomery and Garrett had going for some time wanting the same thing for herself, on the other hand, she wanted to keep her relationship private. If no one but her and Jack knew about it, then no one would mess it up, but Cindy was also realistic. In the world she lived in it was almost impossible to hold her private life apart from her job. She wasn’t even sure she wanted to try.

  His hand felt strong against her arm, and heat rose up in her at his claim that she was his spiraled down to settle deep inside of her body.

  The ride to the base was short. They had landed at LAX, and the base was located not far from there in downtown Los Angeles. Placed in plain sight, the giant skyscraper mirrored its twin building in New York. The reflective windows gave no clue as to what happened in the interior of the imposing building.


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