Meet Me in Silicon Valley

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Meet Me in Silicon Valley Page 12

by Anita Claire

  My mom finally says, “I was afraid that might happen.” She puts down her fork and thinks for a few seconds before she continues. “Companies, no matter how flat their organizational structure are, are still very hierarchical. People in the hierarchy have a hard time hearing anything from people who are perceived to be lower down or not anointed to provide the information. You’re new and just out of school. You haven’t yet paid your dues. Unfortunately, the message came from the wrong person. That’s one reason we have so many startups in this valley. We have a lot of smart young people with ideas their organizations aren’t interested in hearing.”

  “What do I do?”

  “You can’t exactly go to your boss and say your dad with over thirty years of experience has a hypothesis on what’s going on. You asked the right question. At some point, an appropriate person will ask the same question and then maybe someone will actually look into it.”

  My father adds, “On your own time start looking lower down, see if you can find something that could be causing the problem. This situation is not created from one single event. I would start by looking at the calls your software is making. Map them out. See if there’s a group of calls that are being used at the time the issues show up.”

  Needing some silence to decompress from my day, I’m relieved that Cassie isn’t home. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

  Chapter 38

  Replaying the meeting in my mind, I wake up at three in the morning. Jim’s red face with that throbbing vein haunts me. Lying in bed wide-eyed, I fantasize about responding to him, shutting him down. Finally, I grab my Droid from the nightstand and continue reading my latest relationship novel. I love that they all turn out with a happy ending. My alarm rings way too early. Knowing Meredith will be waiting for me, I get up, wondering when I’m going to catch up on my missed sleep.

  Nate responds with: Wonderful, fun, sexy, smart, adventurous, athletic, and modest. His response lightens my heart. Well, I did ask for adjectives.

  Smiling I respond in jest with: No, no, no, you were supposed to give me adjectives for you, not me!

  On Wednesday, I walk past Zach on the deck, we both say hi. How crazy that the excitement from that little bit of interaction flows through my body and down to my toes.

  Nate responds with: I had no idea we had so much in common.

  Getting back to him with: Yes, I too am thorough. That is thoroughly lovely.

  On Thursday Nate’s text reads: Do you have plans this weekend? I have an interview in Palo Alto, I was wondering if we can get together.

  Nearly dropping my phone after reading this, I think about my response. Wonderful! I have a few things going on; I may need to work, when are you available?

  Reading from Cassie’s unofficial book of how to catch a guy, I want to appear available but not too available.

  Almost immediately, he sends back a reply: Still nailing down flights and meeting times. I’ll text you once I know.

  During my afternoon break when I check my messages, there is a text from a number I don’t know. My heart jumps when reading it: Can you join us for happy hour on Friday? Zach.

  OMG! Zach is sort of asking me out. Gasping, I jump up giving myself a little cheer.

  Taking a deep breath I remind myself to be cool responding: Sure, sounds fun, where?

  It then hits me, my two guy interests are converging on the same weekend. Can I meet two different guys on the same weekend? Feeling excited and conflicted at the same time, my first thought is to talk to a girlfriend about this. Immediately the one friend who’s the best when it comes to helping me sort out these types of dilemmas comes to mind. Texting my college princess friend, Kelly, I ask if she’s free for a drink after soccer practice today. Although Kelly is the wildest of all the princesses when it comes to figuring out guys and relationships, she’s usually spot on.

  We decide to meet at a local sports bar. In my attempt not to look too goofy at a bar, I pull my knee high boots on over my running pants and wear a long sweater over my soccer shirt. Kelly is sitting in a corner booth reading from her iPhone as I sit down. Giving her the one-minute sign, I order a margarita, and then turn back to her. She starts telling me about some crazy ride she went on earlier today. Her story gets interrupted by our server handing me the margarita.

  Finished with her story, she smiles and says, “Snow, what’s going on with you?”

  “Life, guys, being an adult; it’s not as fun and easy as I thought.”

  Kelly chuckles. “Yeah, besides the obvious, what’s up?”

  Sitting back in the booth, I contemplate on what I’m going to say. “I’ve got an embarrassment of riches this weekend. Two cute guys asked me out. I’m feeling conflicted.”

  She raises her eyebrows “Do you plan on sleeping with both of them.”

  I’m in the middle of taking a sip and nearly blow the drink across the bar. “No, No, what, no, no, no.” Holding both hands to my chest, I sincerely say, “Dating two guys at once makes me feel duplicitous enough. No, No, no way would I sleep with either of them until I make a choice.”

  “Well, then what do you want with me? It looks like you already know what you’re going to do.” She imparts in her matter of fact way.

  “Kelly, I haven’t been on a date in over two years. It’s kind of scary. I’m scared of … choosing or being chosen. What if the one I want, takes me on two dates and then doesn’t ask me out again? Or if I like them both, how will I choose then?” My brain starts swirling with all the permutations that could possible happen.

  “You are definitely overthinking this. If you don’t plan on sleeping with either of them this weekend, just view it as a nice outing with a friend. See if they ask you out again. Just date until you get an idea of which one you’d rather be with.”

  “But what if I like both of them?”

  “Juliette, drink up, kick back, and enjoy. I’m still in town for the next couple of weeks. After your dates, we can get together again and talk.”

  “Kelly, you always know the right thing to say.”

  She barks out a laugh. “You’re the only person in the world who thinks that.”

  Feeling more relieved about this weekend, I change the subject. “Has anyone heard from Jennifer? I’m dying to know what’s going on with her and Rocket.”

  Kelly looks at me, her eyes go large, she gives me the best smirk ever and says, “They are smitten with each other. I don’t get it. Rocket’s idea of a long-term relationship is sleeping with the same women twice. A few of my friends got together last night. Jennifer was there. She and Rocket were both calling each other baby and giving each other goo goo eyes, it was revolting.”

  Shaking my head, I say, “So what’s with that?”

  “I have no idea. All I can think is what the French say: “Vive la différence” “

  “Maybe Jennifer isn’t as sweet as we thought.”

  “Oh, she’s still sweet, it’s just she’s pouring all her honey over crazy Rocket. We’ll see if she gets wild or if he calms down.

  “Or if they just break up.”

  “Well, that too.”

  “So many life choices. I never realized how easy life was when we were in college.” I can’t help but think about everything that’s going on with us princesses.

  We both look at our drinks, Kelly looks back up at me as she pontificates, “Yeah, life transitions are hard, but they’re also fun. We have so many choices, and we don’t have to stay with our current choice. Two years ago I was rowing, now XC Cycling. Who knows what I will be doing two years from now.”

  “Yeah, you might even do something that your parents approve of.”

  She laughs. “You mean go back and get a graduate degree in something that actually will lead to a profession? Or have a real relationship with a dependable guy?”

  We both look at each other with the same big smiles on our faces “No, never going to happen.” Kelly brings her glass up and we clink.

  Thinking for a moment, I
bring up, “So, are you going to tell the princesses about my dilemma?”

  “What, haven’t you told everyone that you have two dates this weekend with two different guys?”

  Chuckling. I confess, “True, Hita and Isabelle already know.” I kick her playfully with my foot. “So, what about your love life, anyone interesting?”

  “Oh, lots of interesting. I’m just not yet ready to settle down in one place or with one guy.” With an exciting look on her face, she reveals, “I’m heading down to Brazil next month to meet up with a hot Brazilian cyclist.”

  “Is meeting up a euphemism for training or sleeping with?”

  She winks and gives a dirty chuckle. “Oh, baby, there’s very little sleeping when the two of us are together.”

  My phone starts buzzing; we both look at each other “Are you going to check it?”

  With a grimace and a laugh, I pick up my phone and check my messages. My eyes get big as I say, “One from each.”

  “6:00 p.m. Steins Beer Garden. Zach. And my flight gets to SFO at 11:30 a.m., are you free Saturday afternoon?” Smirking at Kelly, I say, “Looks like I have a busy weekend.”

  “Looks like we need to get together Sunday to see how your dates went.”

  Chapter 39

  On Friday, I race home to freshen up before going out. It’s an easy walk from my place to Stein’s. Heading over I text Zach. On my way over, do you guys have a table?

  A text arrives almost simultaneously: South west corner.

  What does he think, I’m a walking compass? Why do guys give directions like that? Directions with left, right front or back are so much easier to understand. Now I need to figure out where the southwest corner is. I’m sure there’s an app for that.

  Stein’s is in a refurbished building with an exposed ceiling and big glass doors that open up to a patio with fireplaces, tables, and benches. Standing at the front door while looking at the four different corners, I spot Zach as he halfway stands up and waves. Smiling, I head over to the table. Amanda, Austin, and a guy I’ve never met are already there. Amanda looks different. I almost didn’t recognize her. She must have just come from work. Her hair is nicely styled, it looks a lot blonder than it did when it air-dried last week. She’s wearing makeup and is dressed in a cute, short skirt. The guys look the same. Today Zach is wearing worn jeans and a T-shirt from a water polo meet that took place two years ago. He motions to sit down next to him. I’m assuming that the new guy is Sean, as I lean over and introduce myself. “Hi. I’m Juliette.”

  The guy I think is Sean starts laughing. “Yeah, these guys really do know the women from the football game on TV. I thought they were just messing with me.”

  With a big smile and a happy chuckle, I blurt, “Really? Is that what I’m going to be known as? My roommate was the one they were spotlighting.”

  “Oh, don’t fool yourself, you got plenty of coverage.” He tells me with conviction.

  Now I remember that I’ve yet to get the video from Meredith. I give myself a mental note to remind her. so I can view the video and see what everyone else saw.

  “Are you going to at least tell me your name?”

  Zach jumps in. “This idiot is Sean.”

  Sean looks as fits as the other guys. He’s tall, lean with broad shoulders, thick neck, over built trapezius muscles, and lean hips. His hair is short, dark, and looks like it’s never been combed.

  “Oh, breast stroke.” I add.

  Sean shakes his head. “No, my signature event is the 400 IM, I just swim breast because these guys suck at it.”

  Zach gently elbows me. “What are you drinking?”

  Grabbing a menu, I see that they have hard apple cider, my favorite. “When we see a server, I’d like the apple cider.” He just looks at me. Knowing that look, I say with good cheer, “I’m a girl, I get to order whatever I want.”

  “So where’s Kevin?” I ask. The other guys shrug their shoulders. Amanda rolls her eyes. “Stuck at work.”

  The server brings over a big platter of fries and another platter of soft pretzels. Zach orders an apple cider and another round of beer for the guys. It looks like Amanda is drinking a cocktail.

  We joke and talk for about an hour until Kevin finally shows up with the proclamation: “My project is totally fucked up; I might need to spend the weekend working.”

  “So what are you working on?” I ask.

  He gives me a serious look. “I can tell you, but then I’ll have to kill you.”

  The other guys laugh. Even though I’m new to the valley, I still understand that most of us are working on projects that are unreleased technologies and can’t be talked about outside of work.

  Lifting my hands up, I say, “I know, I know; top secret project. My project is also off the rails. The senior guys in my group are working all weekend. As the newbie, I get to do testing. I’m on call in case they need me to come in over the weekend.”

  Kevin then says, “I’m hungry, finish up. I’m in the mood for Mexican.”

  I’m about to throw a $20 in when Zach touches my arm. “Don’t worry, I got you.”

  Wow, is this a date? I’ve only dated while in school. We ate in the student cafeteria. Realizing how new I am to adult life, I wonder what the rules are.

  My favorite Mexican restaurant is Fiesta Del Mar Too. It’s not hard to convince the group to head over there. We wait about twenty minutes for a table for six to open up. After dinner is over we head out to the front of the restaurant. The night air is cool; I wrap my flowered scarf around my neck. “I should be heading home.”

  Zach jumps in. “Where’s your car, I’ll walk you to it.”

  With a sly smile, I respond. “It’s in my garage, I live three blocks from here.”

  He replies with a sweet smile. “Then let me walk you home.”

  “Sure.” I point “this way.” Turning back to the others, I wave. “See you guys around.” I’m immediately thinking, he’s so cute. I wonder what he tastes like. No, I have a date with Nate tomorrow. I can’t be kissing Zach tonight and going on a date with Nate tomorrow. That will really mess up my head. With what I can imagine is a silly smile on my face, we start walking down Castro Street. As we walk past the Gelato place, Zack bumps me with his elbow. “You want some Gelato?”

  With a flirty smile, I look up at him. “Yeah.”

  The line is about ten people deep. “Do you know what you’re getting?”

  “Vanilla.” I respond.

  “No, really?” he questions.

  With a small laugh, I add, “No, I like whatever is the most unusual.”

  “Run up to the counter and see what looks good.” He tells me with a flick of his chin.

  Looking at the different flavors, I make my choice then turn back and give him a smile. Joining Zach back in line, I state, “My final decision is Tiramisu.”

  “Yea, I never took you for a vanilla kind of girl.”

  “What about you?”


  “Hey, that’s my line.” I flirt back.

  “Yeah, but I really like Vanilla.” he says in a teasing tone of voice. Now I need to find out if he really is a vanilla lover, the double entendre is not lost on me.

  At the counter, he orders my Tiramisu and an Espresso for himself.

  “I thought you were going get Vanilla.” I tease as the guy makes our cones.

  “I’m already an engineer; I don’t want you to think I’m too boring.”

  “I’m an engineer, does that make me boring.”

  “Yeah, but female engineers aren’t the norm, so you already have the leg up on me.”

  The guy hands me our cones, while Zach pays. We head out of the store and sit on the wall.

  “You want to try some of my cone?” as I tip it towards him.

  He looks in my eyes and takes a slow deep breath. Finally he nods, yes. Placing his hand over mine while maintaining eye contact as he takes his lick. My arm tingles from his touch. He releases my hand and moves his con
e towards my mouth. “Take a lick of mine.” Without releasing eye contact, I lick his cone.

  As he pulls his cone away, I lick my lips slowly. “That was good.”

  Leisurely, he nods his head yes. We finish our cones continuing with some light banter that’s honestly lost under lots of sexual tension.

  Zach stands up first, extending me his hand. As I take it to stand up he asks, “Which way to your place?”

  We walk laggardly down the street. About twenty yards from my front door, I’m feeling the tension rise as I point, “That’s me.”

  Zach continues to my door. Telling myself, don’t kiss him I smile, tip my head to the side “Thanks for inviting me out. Tonight was … nice.”

  His hands are in the pockets of his washed out jeans. With a sweet flirty smile, he kind of shakes his head. “Yeah, I’m glad you were able to join us.” We just look at each other for a couple of beats. Making no move, he clears his throat “Well then, sweet dreams.”

  My smile gets bigger. “Yes.”

  He turns to leave, then stops, turns around, and says, “Will you be at the 8:00 a.m. practice?”

  “Yeah…. Sleep well, I’ll see you in the morning.” Letting myself in, I lean against the door, I can’t seem to get the shitty ass grin off of my face.

  The entire night I avoided checking my phone. Now as I sit on my bed still smiling from Zach, I check my messages. Why did Nate have to visit this weekend, I wouldn’t be confused if he wasn’t going to be in town.

  Nate’s texted me. I’m not that familiar with your area. Do you have something you enjoy doing, if not we can head up to San Francisco for the afternoon.

  Texting him back, I write: SF works, or we can hike and wine taste here. Your choice.

  Chapter 40

  First thing the next morning Nate’s gotten back to me. Hike and Wine taste. I’ll text you when I land.


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