Ancients and Old Ones : Book 8 of the Heku Series

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Ancients and Old Ones : Book 8 of the Heku Series Page 1

by T. M. Nielsen

  Ancients and Old Ones

  Book 8 of the Heku Series

  By T.M. Nielsen

  Published by T.M. Nielsen at Smashwords

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  Copyright © 2011 by T.M. Nielsen

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  Chapter 1

  “You spoke in front of the entire Council just last month, why not now?” Chevalier asked. He watched from beside Emily as she stood in the council chambers and scanned the Council.

  Quinn smiled, “We just want to hear it from you.”

  Emily looked up at Chevalier. He realized that her silent innocence made his heart melt, and he had to remember that she would have to start speaking again before they could fully help her recover.

  “Lori feels that if you were to tell the Council exactly what was said about them, it might help you realize that it was all a lie,” Chevalier explained.

  “It’s obvious to us all that you only feel comfortable with Chevalier and Kyle,” Zohn told her. “It’s important to us as a faction that you trust the entire Council.”

  “It’ll be easier now that Dustin is gone,” Kyle told her, and then smiled.

  Emily sighed and looked up at Chevalier again. He smiled and marveled at her green eyes as he waited for her to speak. As most heku had dark eyes, her vibrant green was just another charming characteristic that set her apart from the immortals she lived with.

  “Maybe we should start with a question,” Akili suggested.

  “Good idea,” Quinn said. “Let’s start with this… did Salazar specifically talk about the Chief of Finance?”

  The Chief of Finance frowned, “Why would he?”

  “We’re just asking,” Zohn told him.

  Emily again looked up at Chevalier and ever so slightly, nodded.

  “What did he say!?” the Chief of Finance yelled.

  She gasped and grabbed Chevalier’s arm.

  “Would you not!” Quinn yelled at him.

  The Chief of Finance’s eyes grew wide and he nodded, “I’m sorry, Elder.”

  “What was said about him?” Kyle asked her.

  Emily leaned up and whispered in Chevalier’s ear.

  “Yes, he’s from Uintah Coven.”

  “He spoke badly about my coven?” the Chief of Finance asked.

  She again whispered to Chevalier.

  He sighed, “Yes, I guess Salazar was right about that, but that was a long time ago.”

  “What did he say?” Zohn asked.

  “He just told her about how Uintah Coven was the last Ancient supporting coven, and how they fought to keep their Coven Lord alive when orders were sent out to destroy them.”

  The Chief of Finance sighed, “That was thousands of years ago.”

  Kyle nodded, “I completely understand how that can make you leery of him. We all know that you’ve had numerous run-ins with Ancients, however, the Uintah Coven is probably one of the more mortal friendly covens I know. They make huge donations to local charities and almost entirely fund a high-profile children’s hospital.”

  Three hours later, most of the Council had been covered, but she still held tightly to what she was told about the Records Keeper, Jerry.

  “It’s amazing how much he knew about this Council,” Kyle sighed. “I mean, he had information… true information, about each of us.”

  “I still want to know what I did that’s so bad she won’t say,” Jerry said.

  Quinn studied Emily for a moment and couldn’t help but notice that she was still visibly uncomfortable being with the Council, “I don’t suppose you would just tell Chevalier everything in private and he can relay it?”

  Emily looked at him and then began to wring her hands again.

  Chevalier smiled, “Let’s take a break. I think we’ve done enough for today.”

  Jerry sighed, “I still don’t know what he said about me.”

  Chevalier nodded, “I’ll try, but she’s still not very chatty, even with me.”

  She looked up at him.

  He smiled, “You want to go back to the room?”

  Without a word, she headed for the door quickly.

  “Do you want me to walk you up?” he asked as she disappeared out the door. “Or not.”

  Kyle chuckled as Chevalier returned to his seat.

  Emily hurried up the stairs with four members of the Cavalry behind her. They didn’t know her well, so followed her in silence, something she preferred with strange heku. Suddenly, she remembered she was going to go to the infirmary and get some cough drops. She’d had a sore throat for a few nights.

  She opened the door and then smiled when she saw two heku in a loving embrace. Silas turned suddenly and let go of Lori, his eyes wide. Emily backed out and started to shut the door, but Lori came and held it open.

  “I’m… I’m sorry… we…,” she stammered.

  Silas looked nervous, “Em, we can explain…”

  Lori glanced nervously at the Cavalry standing behind Emily, but they were too busy talking among themselves.

  “It’s… I’m sorry,” Silas said softly.

  Emily smiled broadly and then hugged him.

  “I’ll take it that this isn’t upsetting you then?” Lori asked skeptically.

  Emily moved over and hugged Lori, and then stepped out of the infirmary and shut the door.

  She smiled all the way to her room and then pet Devia as she stepped in and shut the door. Chevalier was already in the room and sitting in a chair by the fire.

  “I heard…,” he told her, and she could tell he was waiting for a reaction.

  Emily moved over and sat on his lap, then leaned back against his chest.

  “Are you upset about it?” he asked as he wrapped his arms around her.

  She shook her head and gently ran her nails along his forearms.

  “We were afraid to tell you. I guess we were wrong.”

  “Why?” she whispered, and then looked up at him.

  “To be honest, we aren’t sure what will set you off.”

  She frowned and then crawled off of his lap.

  “Don’t be mad,” he said, gently taking her hand so she wouldn’t leave. When she pulled against him, he sighed and let her go. She walked into the bathroom and shut the door behind her, and then locked it.

  Emily ran a hot tub and then crawled in. She was freezing from being in the cold council chambers all day and irritated that Chevalier made it sound like the entire palace was walking on eggshells around her.

  She’d just put a cold rag over her eyes to calm her headache and as she turned on the jets, she heard a knock on the door. Without waiting for an answer, Chevalier came in.

  He sat down beside the tub, “I don’t think that came out right.”

  “I’m not as frail as you all seem to think,” she whispered. She found it easier to talk with her eyes covered, but wouldn’t tell that to Chevalier or he would involve Lori.

  “It’s really hard to see that when you won’t talk.”

  She shrugged.

  Chevalier moved to the head of the tub and began rubbing her shoulders, “You just aren�
�t quite… well… you yet. Until you come completely out of your shell, we still fear that something will put you back into it.”

  “You don’t have to coddle me,” she whispered.

  He kissed the top of her head, “I know that. The others may not, but it’ll all work out in the end, I promise.”

  After a few minutes of silence, Chevalier spoke, “It’d really help if you would talk to Lori in a regular session.”

  “No,” she whispered, and then adjusted the washrag on her eyes.

  “So tell me why you won’t talk to the Council and when you’re near them, your fear level goes so much higher.”

  She shrugged.

  “I’m feeling emotions now, but every emotion has fear under it and I worry about that.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Then what are you afraid of?” he whispered, and moved so he could look at her face.

  Again she shrugged.

  He sighed, “It’s just strange. When you’re out horseback you feel free and alive, but fearful. When you’re sleeping you are afraid. I just can’t help but worry.”

  Emily pulled the wash rag off of her eyes and looked tearfully at him.

  “Tell me.”

  “They… aren’t like you,” she said, soft enough that no sound came out.

  “Who are they?”

  She shrugged.

  “Do you mean all heku?”

  When she didn’t answer, he whispered, “Or is it the Council that’s not like me?”

  “Kyle is.”

  “I think most of them are, if you knew them better.” He frowned when he noticed her hands shaking, “The Council is worried about you. They care about…”


  “No to what part?”

  She turned her swimming green eyes up to his, “If you were gone…”

  “If I were gone, they would still keep you here and watch over you.”

  She shook her head.

  “Yes you’re my wife… but I’ve told you, you’re important to this faction and each member of that Council has become quite attached to you.”


  “Yes, besides, Kyle wouldn’t let anything happen to you if I weren’t around.”

  “He’s not…”


  Emily reached over to add more hot water to the jetted tub.

  “Don’t mistake his calm temperament for weakness. If Kyle’s mad, no one will mess with him, not even me.”

  “The Valle…”

  He waited for a moment before asking, “What about them?”

  “They will use you to get to me,” she said, her voice cracking.

  He smiled, “No, they are too afraid of you to do that.”

  “Something’s going to happen.”

  “Like what?”

  She shrugged.

  He reached over and kissed her lightly, “Things will be ok, they always are.”


  “Good morning,” Chevalier said, smiling.

  Emily looked up at him and then curled against his chest.

  He softly kissed the top of her head, “I ordered you some breakfast, but now I have to go to trials.”

  She nodded slightly and pulled the covers up over her shoulders.

  “It’d be nice if you would start ordering your own breakfast.”

  Without a word, she shut her eyes and he smiled and left for the council chambers. Once seated, Zohn called for the first prisoner to be tried.

  When Derrick opened the door, a gray and withered Valle was escorted in by two Equites Prison Guards. Once he was on his knees, he looked fearfully up at the enemy Elders.

  The Court Reporter grabbed a file and then read, “We don’t know his name. He was caught in the trees west of the city and we suspect there were others with him at some point, as the smell of the Valle was pretty strong. We’ve not gotten a lot out of him other than he was waiting to talk to… well… looks like he wanted to talk to Mark.”

  Zohn frowned and looked down at the Valle, “Why did you want to talk to Mark?”

  “I don’t have to tell you,” he scowled.

  Chevalier smiled, “Do you honestly think we’re going to let it go at that?”

  “I’m very much aware of what I have coming. I also know it’s nothing compared to what I would get from Elder Sotomar if I do tell you,” he said bluntly.

  “Sotomar’s a pussycat compared to Chevalier,” the Chief of Staff said, laughing.

  “Still not telling.”

  “Fine, Mark?” Quinn called out.

  Within just a few seconds, the General came in and looked down at the kneeling Valle, “Yes, Elder?”

  “Take him into interrogation and see what he’s doing in our trees.”

  Mark nodded and then hauled the Valle out of the council chambers by the collar on his gray shirt.

  “Now what?” Chevalier asked, looking down at the others.

  “We have three turnings waiting for approval,” the Records Keeper said. “One here, one in Johannesburg Coven, and one in Galwait Coven.”

  “Isn’t the one in Galwait still waiting for medical clearance?”

  “No, he cleared.”

  “Ok then, stats on Galwait’s mortal?”

  “He is a 78 year old, former school teacher. Lord Galwait’s reasoning is that he also did some metallurgy on the side.”

  Zohn frowned, “Why does Galwait need a metallurgist?”

  “They didn’t say, Sir. That was just what the petition said as a reason.”

  “No other reasoning?”

  “No, Elder.”

  “Denied, then.”

  Chevalier nodded, “Denied.”

  Quinn looked down at him, “State reasons as insufficient purpose. There’s no way a metallurgist can benefit the Equites.”

  “Yes, Elder,” he said, and then pulled out another file. “Johannesburg coven’s petition is for a 67 year old female. She was a Psychiatrist.”

  Chevalier sighed, “Why is it that since Emily needed a Psychiatrist, every coven thinks they need one?”

  Zohn chuckled, “Because they want their Psychiatrist to cure Emily to get on our good side.”

  “Denied, we have enough Psychiatrists in the faction now.”

  “Denied,” Quinn said.

  Zohn shrugged, “Fine, tell them insufficient purpose.”

  The Records Keeper nodded and pulled out the last file, “Sierra and Arion from here in the city want to turn a 72 year old male. He was a TV repairman, but is former Air Force. He’s a pilot with experience in mechanic work on both helicopter and airplanes.”

  Chevalier nodded, “Now that we do need. Since Crocker moved back to his coven, we only have the 2 mechanics.”

  Zohn nodded, “Agreed.”

  “It’s unanimous. Get him set up,” Quinn said.

  “When is Kyle due back in?” Zohn asked.

  “He sent word last night that he’s almost finished,” Chevalier explained. “I’d say he’ll be back by tomorrow night.”

  “Shall we get our morning Valle report?” Quinn asked.

  Zohn sighed, “Let’s get it over with.”

  “Copko Coven was attacked by 14, the Valle were driven off, but only 2 were killed,” the Records Keeper said. “DRV Coven killed 11 attacking Valle. Malay Coven lost 14 and drove off 152 Valle, with only 2 Valle dead.”

  “They’re just being pests,” Chevalier growled.

  “We could go ahead with the plan to send Powan and Thukil to Wright Coven. It’s the Valle’s largest, but we would outnumber them,” the Chief Interrogator suggested.

  “Tell them to get ready. I plan on sending Emily to Thukil during the turning and we’ll send them to attack after that.”

  “Yes, Elder.”

  “We actually can turn him this Friday,” the Records Keeper said.

  “Schedule it then,” Zohn said. “You attend. I don’t think any Elders are warranted.”

  He nodded and then called out for the next prisoner o
n trial. A heku was brought in, scowling at the Council. He had the signature tattoo of the Encala. As he was forced to kneel down in front of the Council, he growled slightly. Derrick smiled at the Council and then returned to his post.

  The Records Keeper opened a file and turned to the Council, “This fine Encala was staking out Powan.”

  “Why would you do that?” Chevalier asked him.

  “I do what I’m told,” he snapped.

  “Who told you to spy on Powan?”

  The prisoner grinned evilly, “I’m not going to tell you that.”

  Chevalier shrugged, “Kill him then.”

  Zohn shook his head, “I vote for banishment.”

  “500 years, as soon as Kyle returns,” Quinn said.

  “We can’t kill everyone,” Zohn said to Chevalier.

  “Why not?” he asked, grinning.


  “It’s only for a week and then we’ll send for you, ok?” Chevalier said when Emily looked at him fearfully.

  She didn’t speak or nod, but looked at the heku in the helicopter with her.

  “Em… talk to them. You can trust Lord and Lady Thukil and Captain Darren.”

  Emily started to crawl out of the helicopter, but Darren took her arm gently and kept her from leaving.

  Chevalier motioned for the pilot to leave and then watched as one of the Thukil Captains shut the helicopter door and then the helicopter took off for Texas.

  Kyle smiled, “She’s not going to say a word to them.”

  “Nope,” Chevalier chuckled. “I trust her more with Thukil though.”

  Kyle looked back toward the door, “We better go, Farlane Coven is causing problems.”

  Kyle and Chevalier sat down just as the Lord of Farlane was screaming at the Council, “It’s unacceptable and if it were up to me, you would all be replaced!”

  “Do not talk to us like that!” Zohn growled, and then called for the Cavalry. Lord Farlane turned and glared as all 102 of the Cavalry filed into the trial area.

  “It’s things like this that point to new leadership in this faction,” Lord Farlane yelled, after turning back to the Council.


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