Ancients and Old Ones : Book 8 of the Heku Series

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Ancients and Old Ones : Book 8 of the Heku Series Page 57

by T. M. Nielsen

“We get time together.”

  He chuckled, “We don’t need to be in prison to get time together.”

  She gently ran her nails up his forearm, “My bet is 2 days.”

  “Til the Equites spring us?”


  “I say 2 weeks.”

  “Why so long?”

  “Well the Valle will offer to exchange me for Sotomar… but the Equites want you back… that’s harder.”

  “So I ash them and we leave.”

  “They know I’ll try to stop you.”

  She rolled her eyes, “Like you’ve ever been able to stop me from anything.”


  Chevalier moved Emily’s hair aside and lightly kissed the nape of her neck. She shivered and spun in his lap to face him and pressed her lips to his.

  “Hey! You two knock it off!” someone yelled from outside the door.

  Emily’s eyes narrowed, “They can hear a kiss?”

  Chevalier nodded, took her face in his hands, and kissed her again. She melted into him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “Stop it!” the guard said again, and hit something up against the door.

  Chevalier chuckled and looked to the cement door.

  Emily sighed, “You never told me the entire palace could hear us kiss… which means… anything else too.”

  “They don’t care,” he said, and brushed the hair away from her face.


  “Honestly… it’s something you’d have to try to hear. The Valle are just being a pain in the ass.”

  She looked toward the door, “Why are we even in a cell together?”

  “They know I’m going to try to stop you from ashing their city. If we are separated, you’d do it out of sheer annoyance.”

  Emily smirked, “Well that’s true.”

  Chevalier kissed her again and then grinned when they got yelled at through the door.

  “Just because you haven’t gotten laid in the last century, doesn’t mean you have to ruin our fun,” Emily said toward the door.

  Chevalier laughed, “Nice.”

  “Knock it off or I separate you two,” the Valle said through the door. “You’re in custody for hell’s sake.”

  Emily looked at Chevalier, “Yeah… Encala it is.”

  Chevalier sat back and took her hands, “Well beings how that’s out of the question… now what do you want to do?”

  She shrugged and again looked around the dull gray room, “I could pick off the Council, just for fun.”

  “Let’s not… let the Equites step in.”

  “They’re probably already on the way.”

  “Probably, this was very predictable.”

  Emily studied his eyes while he wondered what she was thinking. Finally, she broke the silence, “What was your name before you turned?”


  “I just want to know… was it Equitis?”

  “So do I finally get to find out why you pop off with Equitis once in a while when you’re mad?”

  “Maybe… was that your name?”

  “Not until I turned, no.”

  “So what was it?”

  “Why does that name make you mad?”

  “The name doesn’t.”

  “Ok, so why do you say it when you’re mad at me?”

  She thought for a moment before speaking, “I know you were the first non-Ancient on the Council.”


  “I also know that the Chief Enforcer started out punishing mortals.”

  “That was a long time ago,” Chevalier said softly. He was trying to see where this line of conversation was going.

  Emily watched him for a moment as she bit at her bottom lip.

  “We’ve got nothing but time. You might as well tell me what this is all about.”

  “How many Dads sought you out to marry their daughters?”

  He sighed, “How do you even know about that?”

  “How many?”

  “I didn’t count.”

  “More than 10?”

  Chevalier debated lying, but figured it wasn’t worth it, “Yes.”

  “So you hated mortals.”

  “Em, that was a long time ago.”

  “Then you turned and the Ancients were so proud of you for viewing mortals like they did… that they made you Chief Enforcer.”

  He nodded.

  “Some are shocked you married me because I was mortal. That tells me your mortal hating was long-term.”

  “I don’t hate mortals.”

  “You did.”


  “Until you met me?”

  “You were different.”

  “Right, I’m only 49% mortal.”

  “I didn’t know that at the time though.”

  “You sure?”


  “No… Ancients can tell from my scent that I have Ancient blood. So you could tell too.”

  “No, I couldn’t. Ancients senses are a lot stronger than mine.”

  “But why else fall for a mortal when you hated us?”

  Chevalier tried to pick his words carefully, “It’s not natural for a heku to fall for a mortal. I didn’t know why I had feelings for you, they were abnormal and uncharacteristic. However, I did fall for you.”

  “So you hated mortals until you met me?” she asked, trying to understand.

  “Hate is a strong word.”

  “What word would you use?”


  “How can a Chief Enforcer protect mortals if you hate them?”

  “I thought we just covered that I don’t hate mortals.”

  “Not now maybe… but you did.”

  Chevalier took her hand, “I did hate mortals… I hated myself for being one even before I knew what a heku was. I liked fighting, and war, and conflict. Then when I was forced to turn, I realized how much mortals complain and whine about everything. I admit to hating them and punishing them as Chief Enforcer.”

  She watched him, trying to understand.

  “What I didn’t agree with was how the Ancients treated them. I didn’t think any creature of intelligence should be tormented and tortured just for fun. We banished the Ancients, the Chief Enforcer’s role changed, and I accepted the change.”

  “But you still hated mortals at that point?”

  “By then it was more disgust. They were not a civil species, and I hated how they complained and lied. When I met you I still felt some loathing for mortals, I’ll admit to that. You though… when I saw you sitting in the bath tub reading, I was hit with something I’d never felt before and I wasn’t sure how to react, so I put my feelings on the back burner and went about my job.

  “In Colorado when I finally allowed myself to feel, I realized I was falling for you and didn’t know why. You though, didn’t complain or cower, you were strong and intelligent. I think you opened my eyes to what some mortals were like. When we found out you were mostly heku, I thought maybe in some way I sensed that. There’s no way to be sure.”

  “You hated mortal women more than the men,” Emily said.

  “Yes, I did. The men at least fought for what they believed in. The men weren’t as gossipy and didn’t complain nearly as much as the women. No I didn’t marry, I couldn’t see being tied down to someone who nagged and made my life a living hell.”

  “I’ve done that.”

  He smiled, “No, you haven’t. I was focused on wars and keeping my village safe. I didn’t have time to cater to the whims of an over-emotional wife.”

  “You married an over-emotional woman though.”

  “No, I didn’t. I married the strongest woman I’ve ever met. I married someone who compliments my strengths and fills in for my weaknesses.”

  She frowned, “You don’t have any weaknesses.”

  “In the realm of emotions I do,” he explained. “I’m maybe not the most compassionate person…”

  “You don’t have a compassionate bone in yo
ur body.”

  “Exactly, so you make up for that.”

  “I just don’t see how you fell for someone you thought was fully mortal.”

  “I don’t either… but I did.”

  “Do you swear to me that you didn’t know I was part Ancient when we met?”

  Thoughts ran quickly through his head and he decided to voice them, “Had I walked into that house knowing you were half Ancient… I would have killed you instantly.”

  She gasped, “What? You told me you wouldn’t have!”

  “It was the code… and I didn’t know you.”

  She crossed her arms, “I wouldn’t have let you kill me.”

  “So are we good?” he asked, watching her eyes.

  Emily raised her eyebrows, “You think you could kill me?”

  “Yes,” he said quickly, and then grinned.

  “I wouldn’t even need to ash you to stop that.”

  Chevalier blurred forward and pinned her to the hard cement, “How exactly would you stop me?”

  “I have my ways.” She brought her knee up quickly toward his groin, but he dodged and straddled her hips.

  “That all you got?”

  She squirmed to get out of his firm grip, “No… I just don’t want to hurt you so it’s not fair.”

  Chevalier reached down and lightly ran his lips along hers. They both looked over when the door flew open and four Prison Guards stormed in.

  “Oh good, did you come to save me?” Emily asked, still pinned to the cement.

  “No, you’re to be separated,” the closest guard said with disgust. “You’re incarcerated! Act like it!”

  Emily stood up when Chevalier let go of her and she brushed herself off, “Fine… no more little Winchesters for now then.”

  Chevalier grinned as they took Emily out and put her in the cell across from his. He peered out of the tiny barred window and looked into her cell when the guards left, “Can you see out the window?”

  Emily’s hand appeared in hers, “This one?”


  “Are you kidding? You’d have to be a giant to see out that thing.”

  “I can see out it.”

  “Point proven.”

  “Just hang tight… the Equites will get us.”

  “I can’t believe we were sequestered for making out in prison.”

  Chevalier grinned and returned to the hard cement floor. Emily looked around her room and then sat down on a cot in the corner. At least it was better than sitting on cement all day.

  It was only a couple of hours later when Emily got bored enough to get into trouble. She pushed the cot over to the door and then stood on it to look out the window. She quickly slipped her bra off under her shirt and then took aim. When Keith had been in a good mood, she often shot her bra at him and had become adept at hitting her mark. She hoped that hadn’t gone away.

  With one quick flick, her bra sailed through Chevalier’s window and she ducked down when she heard him laugh.

  “Would you stay dressed?” he said, amused. The entire prison suddenly fell silent. Emily hadn’t noticed how noisy the Valle prison was until everyone stopped talking, and she blushed when she realized why.

  “Well you didn’t have to announce that I’m undressing,” she said, blushing deeper.

  “You can’t have your bra back.”

  She gasped, “What? No way… send it over.”


  “If you don’t send it over, I’ll send my panties over next.”

  “I’d keep those too.”

  She grinned and climbed down off of her bed when she heard guards approaching.

  “The Council wants to see you two,” one of them said as they opened their doors.

  Chevalier carried her bra in his hand as they walked out of the prison.

  “Give it back,” she whispered, laughing.


  Just after walking into the council chambers, Emily bumped Chevalier with her hip and then dodged when he tried to slap her butt.

  “My God!” Ryan screamed. “We’ve never had such inappropriate conduct from a prisoner before.”

  Chevalier shrugged.

  “Do you realize how serious this is?”

  “Apparently not,” Emily said, and then smiled.

  “Return her brassiere,” the Chief of Defense said.

  “No, it’s mine,” Chevalier told him.

  “You two are acting like children,” Randall snapped. “Do we have to put Chevalier into interrogation to get you to take this seriously?”

  Emily nodded, “I’m ok with that.”

  Chevalier looked at her with raised eyebrows, “You’re ok if they torture me?”


  “Now you’re really not getting your bra back.”

  “Want the matching panties?” she asked as she undid the top button on her jeans.

  “Stop!” Ryan roared. “Enough of this.”

  Emily looked up at him, suddenly serious, “Touch one hair on his head and I’ll obliterate your city and you know it.”

  “Do not threaten me.”

  She broke out laughing and looked at Chevalier, “I can’t keep a straight face…”

  “Return them to their separate cells,” the Chief Interrogator said angrily.

  “Aww man, well… remember me by my bra,” Emily said, returning to laughter when she was escorted out.

  Chevalier grinned at the Valle Council and was walked out by six Imperial Guards.

  Chapter 22

  “They’ll come for us,” Chevalier said through the tiny barred window on the door of his cell.

  Emily shrugged, “It’s not fun anymore.”

  “I know. I’m sure they’re trying.”

  “I give the Equites 2 more days and I’m getting us out.”

  “They have to have prepared for that. I’m thinking it wouldn’t work somehow.”


  “I don’t know.”

  Emily disappeared from the window to her cell when she climbed down off of the hard cot. She was just pushing it to the far wall when the door opened.

  “Emi, it’s time to go,” Charles said.

  Emily turned to him, “Go where?”

  “You’ll see. Come on.”

  She crossed her arms, “No.”

  Charles hissed softly, “Don’t give me any trouble… you’ve always been nothing but one big problem and the Valle are done with you.”


  “Meaning… I worked with Keith. He told me what a bitch you are, how you stole from him, cheated on him, and how you spent all of the money he earned…”

  “And you believed Keith?” she asked, irritated.

  “Of course! He tried to get a handle on you but couldn’t. Keith was a good guy and you made his life a living hell… then you allowed your heku to kill him.”

  “I’m not going with you.”

  “Leave her alone,” Chevalier growled from behind them. He watched from in his cell as Charles and another Valle advanced on Emily. She fought against them but was forcibly dragged from her cell.

  Once in the hallway, the two Valle turned to ash and Emily looked up at Chevalier fearfully, “I’ll cut the power.”

  “No,” Chevalier said hurriedly, “Listen to me… I don’t know where they were taking you. You have to get out of here. Ash who you have to and run…”

  “I’m not leaving you here.”

  “You have to! The Equites can get me back. They might be taking you to interrogation. Ash them and get the hell out of here.”

  Emily spun and ran down the hallway. Chevalier watched her go and his heart sank. He felt the intense fear emanating from her and silently urged her to run.

  “Stop!” someone shouted.

  Chevalier tried to see down the hallway, but couldn’t.

  “You’re not turning off the current,” another voice said. There was a loud scuffle followed by Emily’s scream as it echoed through the palace.

>   Chevalier slammed up against the door, hoping to break it down, but it was reinforced against even an Old One. When her screams died down, he heard Valle Guards talking about the sedative and when it might wear off.

  “Hurt her and you’ll have to deal with me,” Chevalier called out.

  “She’s no longer any concern of the Valle,” a voice said.

  “What does that mean?”

  “Mind your own business, Prisoner.”

  Chevalier heard the guards talking, one of them finally agreed to pick Emily up and she was carried out of the prison.


  Chevalier hadn’t heard from anyone in four days. The Valle didn’t come, nor did he get the Council summons indicating the Equites were there to get him back. He knew wherever Emily was she was not only afraid, but was in pain and seemed to suffer continuously.

  He sat and made plans to exterminate the Valle, even going so far as to enlist the help of the Encala if he had to. While the Encala had backed off of Emily and had become a friend, the Valle continued to harass her and he was tired of it.

  At twilight on the 15th day, Chevalier heard someone coming and he stood up and watched the cell door open.

  Charles, Emily’s childhood friend, entered, “The Council wants to see you.”

  “Where’s Emily?” Chevalier asked, glaring at the young heku.

  Charles didn’t answer, but moved aside so Chevalier could exit. He growled softly, balled his hands into fists, and then followed seven Imperial Guards out of the prison and into the council chambers.

  He wasn’t surprised to see Sotomar at his seat, and Kyle, Zohn, and Kralen standing in the trial area.

  Chevalier moved quickly to the Council, “Where is she!?”

  “Wait,” Kyle said. “You said you were returning both of them.”

  “Emily is no longer ours to give. You may take your Elder and go,” Valle Elder Randall said to them.

  “I’m not asking again,” Chevalier told them. “Where is she?”

  Sotomar smiled, “She’s been turned over to the true Equites Council to be tried for crimes against the Equites and the species.”

  “What!?” Chevalier roared. “They torture her!”

  “Maybe it’s what’s needed in this case,” Valle Elder Ryan said.

  Kyle put a hand on Chevalier’s arm, “Elder… we’ll get her back.”

  “No, you are to be banished so the true Council can resume their positions,” Sotomar said. “For now though, you may go.”


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