The Boy Next Door

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The Boy Next Door Page 10

by Jennifer Sucevic

  As I shoulder my way through the throng, I prop my elbows on the smooth surface and catch sight of a smoking hot bartender mixing cocktails with the precision of a professional. His hair is inky black in the dim lighting, and his eyes are dark, almost onyx in color. He must feel my perusal because he glances in my direction and flashes an easy smile before handing over two bottles of beer and making his way toward me.

  The closer he gets, the sexier I realize he is. Physically, he ticks all the boxes.


  Easy on the eyes—check.

  Large hands—check.

  Knows how to make a cocktail—double-check.

  If I were in the market for a one-night stand, this guy would fit the bill perfectly. And with his dark hair and eyes, he doesn’t remind me of—

  Nope. Not even going to go there.

  I refuse to let him ruin my night.

  The sexy bartender lays his palms on the counter before leaning toward me. “What can I get for you, birthday girl?” His voice is deep and smooth but does nothing for me.

  “Birthday girl?” I echo, wondering if he has me confused with another chick. There are certainly enough of them vying for his attention. Looks like he has a lot of options for the evening, although I’m not one of them.

  “Sure. People have been buying you shots all night long.” He flashes a beguiling set of dimples as he grins. “Props to you. I’m surprised you’re still standing. You must have one hell of a tolerance.”

  “Oh.” I laugh and shake my head, realizing that he’s had his eye on me for a while. “It’s not my birthday. Just a little party to celebrate my return to Wesley. I spent last year studying abroad.”

  “Well then,” his dark eyes sparkle as they rove over me, “welcome home.”

  “Thank you.” While his attention is flattering, I’m still not interested. Even though Jack and I parted ways as friends, I’m not looking for a relationship anytime soon.

  “Sounds like it might be my turn to buy you a shot.”

  “No more shots,” a deep voice grumbles, interrupting our conversation. That’s all it takes for my good vibes to disappear. “She will, however, take a bottle of water.”

  I stiffen and swing around. Even though I know exactly who I’ll find standing beside me, it’s still a surprise when my gaze collides with his bright blue eyes. A reluctant shiver of awareness scuttles down my spine at his proximity.

  The last time I saw Colton outside our apartment building, I was too damn furious to notice all the little changes a year of separation had wrought. As much as I loathe to admit it, he looks better than ever. The maroon T-shirt he’s wearing hugs his biceps before stretching tautly across his chest. Somehow, his shoulders are even broader than they were a year ago. My mouth dries as an avalanche of unbidden memories crash over me. I remember what it felt like to slide my fingers across all that steely strength. I tighten my hands in an effort not to reach out and touch him.

  What the hell am I doing?

  It takes effort to jolt myself out of those insidious thoughts. For as long as I can remember, Colton has had this effect on me. I lose all conscious thought when he’s nearby. I’d hoped my year spent in London would help me to forget about him—or, at the very least, get over him—but that doesn’t appear to be the case.

  When it comes to Colton Montgomery, my heart and body have a mind of their own. With punishing force, I crush the fragile emotions attempting to take root inside me.

  Never again.

  I will never willingly give my heart to another man who is unable to hold it carefully in the palms of his hands.

  You know that saying—when someone shows you who they are, believe them?

  Yeah...I need to take that expression more seriously.

  Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, and I deserve everything I get for being a naive dumbass. I’ll be damned if I allow Colton to ruin this night for me. He no longer has a place in my life. He made sure of that when he dumped my ass and walked away.

  “You don’t get to tell me what to do,” I snap before turning my full attention to the guy behind the long stretch of counter. The hunky bartender’s gaze bounces cautiously between us. I grit my teeth, hoping my ex-boyfriend will slink off now that I’ve put him firmly in his place.

  “Hey, Shane,” Colton says. “How’s the knee holding up?”

  “It’s better. Went under the knife at the end of May and have been rehabbing it ever since.” He adds, “Pretty sure my football days are long gone.”

  “That sucks, man. Sorry to hear it.”

  I press my lips together until they feel bloodless as Colton continues to commiserate with the bartender. Even though I had zero interest in a hookup, I suspect my ex is attempting to cock block me. It’s almost enough to make me snort, except...he has no right to interfere in my life.

  Hunky bartender shrugs. “It is what it is.”

  “Truth,” Colton agrees.

  This is the point where I wonder if there will be a moment of silence in memory of Shane’s knee.

  Instead, the bartender slants a tentative look in my direction. “Is she with you?”

  I open my mouth to tell him that I’m my own person and can answer that question for myself when Colton beats me to the punch.


  Is this guy being serious right now?

  We aren’t together.

  We will never be together again.

  “Got it.” Hunky bartender doesn’t bother to spare me another glance. All flirty banter has now ceased. “One bottle of water coming right up.”

  My mouth hangs open. Before I’m able to gather my wits, the drink is set in front of me, and then he’s moving on to greener pastures. Or, in his case, readily available one-night stands.

  Anger bubbles up inside me like a geyser.

  Who the hell does Colton think he is?

  He can’t just saunter in here and attempt to jack up my night. He wasn’t even invited to the party! It’s a struggle to keep all of my riotous emotions in check. The last thing I want is to lose my shit and create yet another spectacle.

  Been there, done that. Not interested in a repeat performance.

  A week later and there are still a few apartment residents throwing cautious glances in my direction when our paths happen to cross in the lobby or elevator. I’ve been dubbed the psycho chick who should be avoided at all costs.

  When I finally have a thin veneer of civility in place, I growl, “What are you doing here?”

  Colton shifts his stance, angling closer. “I came to see you.”

  “Why?” Did I not make myself perfectly clear the other day? We have nothing more to discuss.

  “I hate what happened when we ran into each other. It shouldn’t be like that between us.”

  A gurgle of disbelief bubbles up in my throat as my eyes widen. “Did you really think it would be any different?”

  Guilt flickers across his expression before he plows his fingers through his blond hair. “I don’t know. Maybe I’d hoped that enough time had passed, and we could start over with being friends.”

  You know what I think?

  That he’s lost his damn mind. A year isn’t nearly enough time to dull the pain he carelessly inflicted. I had loved him with all my heart, and he’d stomped it to smithereens as if I hadn’t meant anything to him. The painful truth is that I probably hadn’t. Him settling down had been an experiment—an epic failure, at that.

  Why bother pretending? So he can absolve himself of guilt?

  No, thanks.

  Hard pass.

  “You and I will never be friends.” The air gets clogged in my throat, making it difficult to breathe. I take a hasty step away, needing distance. I’m not usually one to retreat from a skirmish, but in this instance, it’s all about self-preservation. I’m making a tactical decision. The sooner I get away from Colton, the better off I’ll be. The sight of him dredges up too many unwanted emotions.

  Just as a breath o
f relief slips from my lips, Colton’s hand shoots out. His fingers wrap around my forearm, halting me in my tracks, making escape impossible. His touch sends a jolt of electricity sizzling through my veins.

  There used to be a time when I melted beneath his calloused hands. All he had to do was flick those gorgeous blue eyes my way, and my insides turned to jelly. It takes every ounce of resolve to fight the unwelcome desire growing inside me and remain strong. Even though he’s sent me spiraling into chaos, I’ll be damned if I give him the satisfaction of seeing how easily he’s able to affect me.



  It’s disheartening.

  When Colton’s tongue darts out to moisten his lips, my core clenches in response. I’m like one of Pavlov’s dogs salivating at the dinner bell. The amount of pleasure he was capable of giving with that mouth...

  My guess is that he took the year I was gone to further hone those skills.

  That disturbing thought is like a bucket of frigid water dumped all over my libido.

  “Isn’t it possible for us to sit down and hash this out?” He tugs me closer, reeling me toward him. “What I did to you was wrong. Give me a chance to explain what was going on inside my head.”



  I have zero interest in hearing any of his lame-ass excuses.

  My gaze drops to his fingers. It feels as if the imprint of them is being singed into my flesh. I don’t understand how I can still have feelings for someone who threw away our relationship like it was nothing more than a dirty Kleenex. I need to cut this off at the knees. I’m all too aware that an innocent conversation with Colton has the potential to lead to other things, and I can’t take a chance of getting sucked back into his orbit.

  “There’s nothing for us to discuss. You broke up with me sophomore year.” I throw in a careless shrug, wanting him to think that I’m indifferent. “We’ve both moved on.”

  If only that were true.

  Emotion flares to life in his eyes. He drags me so close that I have to crane my neck in order to meet his gaze. “You sure about that?” Tension ratches up in the air. “Because it kind of feels like we might have some unfinished business to take care of.”

  “You’re mistaken. There is absolutely nothing between us.” I gulp down the rising turmoil attempting to break loose inside me. “You made damned sure of that.”

  A soft puff of breath leaves his lips as sorrow wells in his eyes. “I’m sorry, Lys. I got scared and hurt the one person I shouldn’t have.”

  No, no, no.

  I refuse to listen to his bullshit. More than that, I won’t allow him to burrow beneath my skin again. He had his chance, and he blew it.

  It takes all of my strength to twist out of his hold. Relief floods through me when his hand falls away, sinking back to his side. Aware of his ability to spring forward and detain me at any moment, I take a hasty step in retreat. When he remains still, eyes locked on me, I take another. And then a third. The more distance I put between us, the better off I’ll be.

  “It doesn’t matter. None of it does.” Even though my whispered words are drowned out by the music and chatter that surrounds us, I know he hears them loud and clear. I see it in the sadness that flickers across his expression.

  Before he can take up any more of my time, I swing around, shoving my way through the thick press of bodies. I need to get as far away from Colton Montgomery as possible.

  But will it be enough?

  Somehow, I don’t think so.

  Chapter Eighteen


  That went about as well as I expected it to—straight down the tubes.

  Although, she didn’t lose her shit like the other day, so I guess that’s progress.

  If I had any brains whatsoever, I’d chalk this endeavor up as a lost cause and walk away before I make matters any worse. Hell, had I been thinking clearly, I wouldn’t have crashed her party in the first place. I’d leave the past where it belongs and allow Alyssa to move on with her life which is what she insists she’s trying to do.

  But I can’t. Not when I sense that buried beneath all the hurt and anger are emotions fighting to break free. Until I make sure that there’s nothing I can do to rectify the situation, I won’t be able to let go of our past.

  Decision made, I hang out at the bar. Shane keeps me well stocked with water. As tempting as it is to guzzle down half a dozen beers, or a few shots, I’ve become enough of a shitshow without inviting more problems.

  Two hours later, Alyssa is still on the dance floor, getting her groove on. I can barely take my eyes off her. She’s mesmerizing. That girl has enough moves to give a corpse major wood. The lights flicker, and the music continues to pump as she rolls her hips and lifts her hair with slim hands as if putting on a private show for some lucky bastard.

  Just to be clear, I’m not the lucky bastard.

  I drag a hand over my face. It’s killing me to watch her out there. And yet, looking away isn’t possible. Every time some asshole slides in front of her, I have to grit my teeth and talk myself out of stomping over and ripping her away. I’ve lost track of how many shots she’s tossed back, but it’s a lot—too many. It’s a surprise that she’s still able to stand upright, let alone twerk in that tiny silver dress that barely covers her ass.

  Alyssa hasn’t glanced at me once since stalking away. It’s like I don’t exist. A large pit settles at the bottom of my gut at the realization that there might not be anything I can do or say to mitigate the damage I inflicted.

  “You want another?” There’s a pause. “Although, I’ll be straight with you, man—you toss back anymore drinks, and I’ll have to take your keys away. I can’t allow you to drive home in your inebriated condition.”

  I snort out something that barely passes for a chuckle. “Nah, I’m good.”

  Shane leans against the bar as his gaze cuts through the crowd to Alyssa. Her blond head is like a halo glowing under the strobe lights. I reluctantly pull my attention away from her and glance around the club. Unfortunately, I’m not the only one who has taken notice. Dudes are circling like hungry sharks.

  “How long have you two crazy kids been together?” he asks casually, breaking into my thoughts.

  Instead of admitting the truth, I narrow my eyes and glare. “Long enough.”

  Shane played football until an ACL injury knocked him out of commission last season. He’s always been a fan favorite with the ladies. As much as we’re friends and teammates, I’m not an idiot. The interest was apparent in his eyes when he was talking to Alyssa earlier.

  He nods toward the dance floor. “You sure she knows that?”

  “It’s complicated,” I grumble, not wanting him to get any ideas. By the looks of the guy, it’s much too late for that. I don’t want to knock them from his head, but I will if I have to.

  “It always is, brother.”

  Before I have a chance to respond, he takes off, heading down to the opposite end of the bar to help a customer.

  Alyssa’s friends come and go. There’s dancing and more shots. I caught sight of Beck earlier in the evening, but now he’s nowhere to be seen. I look around and realize Mia is also conspicuously absent from the festivities.

  Hmmm. Interesting.

  An hour and two more bottles of water later, Alyssa hugs a few girls and gives them a quick wave. A happy light fills her eyes as a smile stretches lazily across her face. She looks pleasantly buzzed as she saunters past the bar. Her feet grind to a halt as her gaze collides with mine, and all of the lightheartedness filling her expression dissolves. The edges of her pink slicked lips sink into a frown as her brows jerk together. “You’re still here?”

  I straighten to my full height before closing the distance between us. Alyssa might be tall, but I’ve got a good ten inches on her. The closer I get, the more she has to lift her chin to maintain eye contact. “I wasn’t sure if you needed a ride home.” And it sure as shit wasn’t going to be with another guy.

  “I don’t. There are plenty of friends I can catch a ride with.” She waves toward the people still filling the club. “So, feel free to take off.”

  I shake my head. “I’ll head out when you do.”

  A puff of exasperation escapes from her lungs. “Then you can go now because I’m leaving.”

  The physical pull is more than I can withstand, and I take another step in her direction. We’re so close that I could reach out and yank her into my arms. The temptation to do exactly that pounds through me like a steady drumbeat. Except I know exactly how it’ll end. And that’s not well. It’ll only piss her off more than she already is. “I’ll take you home.” I just want to get her into my car and away from all the dudes scoping her out.

  “No, thanks.” She searches the crowd for an alternative. “I’d rather Uber it.”

  Sorry, that’s not happening.

  “We’re headed to the same place. It’s a ten-minute drive. I think you can withstand that much time alone with me.”

  “Wanna bet?” When she attempts to slip past me, I mirror the movement and block her escape.

  Anger sparks to life in her eyes, banishing the mellowness that had been filling them minutes ago. “Get out of my way, Colton. I’m serious!”

  “We can do this the easy way or the hard way. It’s your choice.” Already I can tell how this interaction will unfold. Although, I’m still holding out a glimmer of hope that she’ll surprise me.

  Her lips form into a snarl. “You’re out of your damn mind if you think I’m going anywhere with you! I’d rather—”

  “The hard way it is,” I say with resignation, stepping closer before hunkering down and hoisting her up. She grunts as my shoulder connects with her midsection.

  For one blissful moment, she falls into silence as her slender body hangs stiffly over mine. Knowing the surprise will wear off quickly, I hightail it to the exit. Two steps later, all hell breaks loose.


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