SAVAGE POET: A Dark, New Adult and College Romance

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SAVAGE POET: A Dark, New Adult and College Romance Page 6

by Jax Hart

  “D? The party is back there,” Tati pointed behind her.

  “I know. But I don’t want to get blocked in. Besides, a short walk in the cold will help kill my buzz if I get one by accident.” My excuse sounded lame as heck, but she went with it.

  The campus was sprawling with timeless elegance. The large trees lining the streets were still full of turning leaves. The night air was crisp and filled with excitement. I carefully parked three streets over and got out. I sniffed the air, breathing it in. The front yard was packed. Sparks from a bonfire shot up to the night sky as students gathered in clusters holding red solo cups and danced around the flame.

  I lifted my chin. I’ve never been to a frat party. But if being on the doorstep of death didn’t scare me, neither will this. Even if he will be here.

  I grabbed my hoodie and put it on.

  “At least leave it unzipped.”

  “I didn’t come here looking for love.” I shrugged, zipping it up high.

  “Then you’ll fit right in.” She smirked, swinging her hips to the beat dropping from massive lawn speakers.

  Leaves crunched under our feet as we walked forward with our chins lifted high. My senses were on high alert. The bass of the beat competed with the pounding of my heart. He was here. I knew he was. I flicked my hair over my shoulder and flirted with my eyes. I needed to act like just a girl here to party, not a black angel hell bent on revenge.

  A few guys eyed us appreciatively as we walked past them and up the few steps onto the wide planked porch and entered the garden of evil. People were everywhere. Tati went in first, winding her way through to the kitchen.

  “Hey gorgeous.” A guy wearing a hat backwards grinned at Tati as she brushed past him and filled a cup from the keg on the floor. She passed the foamy beer to me before pouring herself one. Instead of cheap beer, I eyed an unopened bottle of red and uncorked it. No one has messed with it, so I poured a bit into a cup.

  “Nothing to say?” He quirked a brow.

  “Not to you.”

  “Damn, girl. You’re cold.”

  “Freezing,” she replied, grabbing me by the elbow and steering me out the backdoor. Another bonfire blazed in the back lawn, its smoke billowed high until it disappeared somewhere beneath the stars. My eyes scanned the yard searching for a set of broad shoulders, raven hair, and laser like bright eyes.

  But wasn’t there. At least not yet.

  “Hey girl. Haven’t seen you here before.” Tati rolled her eyes at another guy who tried to make a move on her. I wasn’t surprised no one approached me. My small tits and slim frame only appeal to a certain type of guy whom I’ve yet to meet.

  But the guy who came out of the shadows he was attractive if you liked the boxer type. He was beefy, stocky, and walked with a certain type of swagger. His Brooklyn accent and street eyes went right through us. We’re busted. I just knew it.

  “Come on. Let’s go.” I grabbed Tati’s hand.

  “Not so fast.” The guy stopped us.

  “Look. I’m sorry, okay. Just let us go.”

  He smiled almost cruelly as I watched his lips twist into a wolfish grin. “Every choice has repercussions. It’s time to face yours.”

  “What in the hell is he talking about?” Tati cocked her hip while looking at me. “Is he on oxy? You trippin’?” She turned to face the handsome man. The light from the flames in the fire behind him danced in the dark.

  “Nah. But you girls shouldn’t be here. Parties like this can get out of control. The demons that walk in the dark can be unforgiving.”

  My eyes snapped to his as I studied his face.

  “Holy shit,” I breathed low. I recognized him. Johnny Lamatti, heir to the New York Underworld. We were in big shit if he didn’t lose interest in us.

  I yanked Tati to me. “I’m sorry, Mr. Lamatti. It won’t happen again.”

  He swung his gaze to my face. I cringed knowing I just made an even bigger mistake.

  “You know me?”

  “… I grew up in the city.”

  He smiled, stalking closer until the tips of his shoes almost touched mine. But I didn’t back down. I met his stare. I’ve faced down a monster worse than him. Although some people might debate who’s worse: Roque or Johnny? Back in New York, word on the street was Johnny chopped a man’s hands off for shorting his payment to the Lamatti outfit by two hundred bucks. He doesn’t fuck around.

  I squared my shoulders and lifted my chin.

  “Damn, little girl you got no meat on your bones. But my friend has weird taste in women. He might like you.”

  “I didn’t come here for dick.”

  Johnny’s eyes widened then he threw back his head and laughed. “What did you come here for then?”

  I shrugged, “To piss off my old man. I’m a bit rebellious like that.”

  “I bet you are. Come on rebel, we have somewhere to be.”

  He laid a beefy arm around my shoulders not giving me or Tati a choice as he led us back to the house. I wasn’t afraid of Johnny since his eyes were glassy and it was clear he was drunk. While I was a sober, silent killer. One kick to his balls and an elbow to his windpipe would free us. I just needed to find an opening. I slid my hand down to my pocket, feeling the fob key to the Explorer safe. We needed to get out of here. Fast. I’d find some other way to stalk Roque if I couldn’t find a good spot to hide my spy devices.

  Tati tried to hide her fear behind a fake smile as we reach the base of a back set of stairs.

  “After you,” Johnny gestured.

  Tati and I exchanged looks as we reluctantly climbed the stairs. She reached out and held my hand. I squeezed hers back. I’d slay anyone who tried to hurt the only real friend I’d ever had.

  “Turn left.”

  I flipped my hair and popped a shoulder, shooting Johnny daggers from my eyes.

  He smirked, pushing me forward toward a closed door at the end of the hall, and blocked our exit as he fired off a text. Then he took a key from his pocket handing it to me.

  “Open the door.”

  I gripped the key hard in my hand, held it like a weapon as I prepared to pivot and strike him hard when the door suddenly swung open from the inside.

  Tati dropped my hand.

  My eyes were on the same level as a pair of hard pecs outlined by the thinnest shirt. The smell of men’s body wash and warm cotton wafted to my nose. He was divine. All light latte colored skin, laughing brown eyes and hair that’s not short or long but just that perfect in the middle. He was also kind. I just knew it. I knew he wouldn’t let Johnny fuck with us. I’d be impressed if I was interested in romance while Tati’s whole demeanor changed.

  “Lamatti what’s up?” The new guy crossed his arms over his massive chest blocking the doorway. Tati and I were sandwiched between the up and coming New York gangster and the hot athlete.

  “Nothing. Just some party games. You in?”

  “With these two?” Hot athlete looked us both over.

  “I’m gathering more.”

  He shrugged and moved out of the way and I let out a breath not seeing a bed. Instead the room was filled with books, a couch, and a blazing fire. The only strange thing was a door made of rough wood and iron so large it went from floor to ceiling where it rounded at the top. It was straight from a medieval castle. And out of place.

  I took a seat on the couch. “It’s Le Blanc. The baller I was telling you about,” Tati spoke in a hushed whisper as she sat next to me.

  “We need to leave. We’re trapped in here.”

  “Nah, he won’t mess up his chances of going pro by doing anything illegal at a party. Just stay close.”

  I disagreed. I didn’t trust anyone except Zio and I knew shit was about to go down, but couldn’t say much as the door banged open and a group tumbled in. The air around me changed in an instant.

  It was him. He waltzed in with his arms around two giggling blondes with boobs a million times bigger than mine and hair the color of straw. Their makeup was on
point and so were their designer clothes. It was so cliché I wanted to hurl. Instead, my fists balled so hard my nails bit into my own skin.

  Our eyes met.

  My heart beat like a war drum.

  His brow lifted sardonically, “Is she the best you could find, Johnny?” Before the beefcake mob bosse’s son could reply, the door banged open again.

  Hot damn.

  The man who walked in was almost as terrifying as Roque in a completely different way. This guy… was tall, built, lean but with wide shoulders and eyes that matched the warm whiskey Zio likes to nurse on cold nights.

  His eyes gleamed with appreciation as they took me and Tati in. His lips curved wickedly as he winked and sauntered closer. He bowed and his long, tan fingers wrapped around my slim wrist as he tugged me forward. “And what could your name possible be besides… perfect?”

  Rolling my eyes, I yanked my arm away. “You’ll have to do better than that to impress me,” I drawled, yawning.

  Roque and Johnny burst out laughing. Tati leaned forward, “Go for him. That’s Rafael a.k.a Rafe. His dad practically runs Wall Street.”

  “Not impressed,” I shrugged.

  “Come on, Let’s go. This party is boring as fuck.”

  “Oh sweetheart,” the devil grinned. “You’re wrong. It’s just about to get started.”

  Startled that Roque actually spoke to me, I popped a shoulder and nonchalantly focused my eyes directly above his head. I felt his powerful gaze on me. He knew there’s something off about me and I could practically see his mind working, trying to figure out what it could be.

  “Are we playing or what?” One of the blondes hanging on his arm asked as she trailed her fingers up his chest.

  He grabbed her hand sharply, flinging her off. “Oh, I’m playing tonight, baby girl, just not with you. Out.”

  She shrunk away as if slapped, “…but—”

  “Out. Now.”

  Johnny opened the door. She knew better than to talk back and left. I knew we were trapped in a den full of lions and Tati and I were their next meal. I just had to find a way out.

  Johnny slid a bolt across the door. Rafe flicked off the lights. Moonlight and the soft glow from a streetlight filtered through the room. It was on. My heart beat in overdrive. My breath became shallow. I was tense and on alert while also fighting some serious hormones waking up to scream at me that these dudes were a trifecta of sex and sin too good to pass on.

  “What kind of game is this?” Tati asked trying to sound confident.

  One by one the guys moved chairs into a circle. Rafe dropped an empty bottle in the middle of the wood floor pointed to me and said, “Spin.”

  “Are you kidding me? Frat boys playing spin the bottle? Lame.”

  The guys pinned their hard gazes on me. “You came to our party. Broke our rules,” Johnny crossed his arms looking almost bored as he stated our punishment. “Now you must pay to play.”

  “This is so stupid…juvenile….,” I muttered. Huffily, I tried to ignore the sweat on my palms as I reached out and flicked my middle finger up before hitting the bottle in protest. Everyone watched it spin and spin, rolling across the floor like a car spinning on black ice… out of control and careening as gravity forced its course of direction.

  Fate is cruel and twisted. Just as it always was meant to be for us. The bottle finally halted its momentum and of course could only point in one direction.

  His eyes gleamed in the dim light, giving away the truth he tried to hide earlier. He wanted it to be him. Carefully, we assessed each other, mentally sizing one another up in this new game of play.

  “Ten minutes.” Johnny announced, taking a long, old-fashioned key out of his pocket. Obviously one that fit into the keyhole lock on the solid wood door across the room.

  “Ten? Can he even last that long?” My wit drew quick howls of laughter. But my bravado was all faked. Roque straightened and pointed to the arched wooden door. “Get in and wait.”

  I lifted my chin. “I wait for no man. You get in and wait.”

  Tension ran thick and hot. I felt it just as strong as I did that day in the woods a lifetime ago, and yet it rushed back as if the two of us never left that moment.

  His lips thinned; his jaw clenched—his eyes promised payback. His left cheek ticked as he stared me down. Wordlessly, he cut through the circle, yanking me into his arms. My chin tipped up, despite my every effort not to gaze into the handsome face of the man I loathed. His breath had mint with a hint of the gin and tonic on it. “You shouldn’t have entered the lion’s den tonight high school sweetheart.” His fingers circled my wrists.

  I wanted to fight, take out the blade in my back pocket and feel it slide between his ribs, cutting him deep. So deep the pain would never go away.

  But I couldn’t.

  Not yet.

  The pain I wanted him to feel wouldn’t be quick. I wanted my slow burning vengeance to come on slow and build until this man begged for mercy that I’d never give.

  I lowered my head and played submissive, desperate to hide the fury simmering under the surface. It was a good thing the closet was dark because I knew my eyes would give me away.

  “Good girl,” he muttered huskily as he led me toward the door of doom.

  “Tame her!”

  “Make sure she has something left for me! I want a taste!” My cheeks heated at the hoots and crude remarks flying at us from all directions.

  Did he really think I was going to fuck him? In a closet? I heard these parties could get crazy, but I never really thought I’d ever get myself into a situation like this.

  He opened the door. My hands trailed over the thick wood, grabbing it as if I could stop the inevitable. The heavy oak door was at least five inches thick. It swung shut behind me. Then the key was inserted into the lock, the sound of it clicking sealed my fate.

  It’s always the dark with him. He brings it out in me. And as I stood there waiting for him to make his move, I realized I’m so tired of dwelling in the dark with him. All these years…he’s never left me. His presence. His spirit. He permanently left his mark on me and I wished my fate wasn’t determined by it. I wished I never went with Papa to the funeral that day.

  He stood between the only exit. My only escape.

  “I’m into girls.” I shrugged in the dark, squared my shoulders with a huge smirk on my face I knew he could feel.

  He was silent. His stare heavy. I could barely make out his shape. “I’ll still make you scream,” he uttered low. His words curled around me like a cloak.

  “You get off by hurting women?”

  “Sometimes. But you’re hardly a woman. You’re more girl. Angry and hurting and out tonight trying to prove someone wrong… am I right? So, who is he? A stupid ex-boyfriend who dumped you for the head cheerleader? A step-daddy who thinks he can order you around?” He moved closer as he questioned me and I found myself backing up until I hit a wall.

  “None of the above.”

  Up close, he was one big shadow looming over me. A huge presence you couldn’t see only feel. Like the worst nightmare you’ve had where your trapped by some unseen presence locking you in place.

  He pressed closer. Hips met mine. Arms caged me in. My chin was yanked up and warm, determined lips landed on mine. His tongue was surprisingly tentative as it lightly teased past my lips. “Mmm, you taste like sin and wine.” He paused before thrusting deeper into my mouth.

  I let him kiss me.

  Let him think he was winning.

  I moaned under his assault of my senses. His hand moved down over my back, lifted my butt flush to his shaft pressed hard against his pants. His hand moved up my front to palm my small breast and he moaned deeply into my mouth. “High school sweetheart, you’ve got a body I could break. So soft. So small. So completely delicate.”

  He wanted me. Desired me. Maybe Zio was right. A woman can burn a man, bring him to his knees simply by just being a her.

  “Break me, then.” I taunted aga
inst his mouth as we panted in the dark. My legs were brought up hard and wrapped around his torso. He dry fucked me into the wall while his teeth scraped along my neck before nipping down on my collarbone.

  My hands roved over his shoulders to the back of his head. My nails scraped his neck, drawing blood.

  “Fuck,” he hissed, dropping me.

  I brought my fingers to my lips. Then kissed him so he could taste the tang of his blood with my kiss.

  He answered by pulling back and biting my lip. So, I bit his.

  We growled and hissed and kissed like lost, jealous lovers finally reuniting after years of pain and heartache.

  It was just a show I was acting in, I kept telling myself as we both became lost in lust. The tang of our blood coated our tongues as we kissed in the dark. He was drowning in me. I’d finally pulled him under, dragging him into the middle of my storm. While his mouth was fused to mine, I struggled to clear my senses enough to remember what I was there for. Running one arm down his back to my ankle hooked around his waist, I reached inside the top of my sock for the bug device and grasped it tightly between two fingers. Then my hand found his back again and ran down his firm ass, dropping the fucker right into the back pocket of his pants.

  He grunted with surprise at my bold touch. I kneaded his ass as he kneaded mine.

  That’s right baby. Burn for me. I thought, although I was the one going up in flames. “I hate you,” I breathed, unable to stop the words from spilling past my lips.

  He lifted his head a few inches from mine and stroked the back of my head with his hand. His fingers brushed through my hair until his hand settled on the small of my back. “Liar.”


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