From Best Friend to Daddy

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From Best Friend to Daddy Page 3

by Jules Bennett

  Kate was stunned at the way her body still tingled. Gray had awakened something inside her, something she hadn’t even known existed. But she’d made him promise just one night and that’s exactly what she was going to hold on to.

  She couldn’t afford to lose him as a friend simply because she’d just experienced the best sex of her life. Gray was the one constant male in her life. He had been in that role since they were in junior high, and he’d come to rescue her from some bullying jerk who was new at the school. Not that she’d needed rescuing, but she’d appreciated it at the time, and he’d been her self-appointed white knight since.

  So who was going to save her from him? Because now that she’d had him, Kate knew he’d ruined her for other men.

  Gray Gallagher had infiltrated her, body and soul, and she’d better just live with the tantalizing memories, because they were definitely one and done.

  She couldn’t emotionally afford to have it any other way.

  * * *

  Gray took a minute longer than necessary in his private bathroom attached to the back office. The second he’d come back to reality and looked down into Kate’s eyes, he’d seen her withdrawing. He’d instantly wanted her to reconsider that one-night rule. But he hadn’t even gotten her completely undressed. He’d ripped her panties off, and they’d had a quickie on his bar.

  Yeah, real smooth. Perfect way to show her she was special and he wanted to do it all over again. He’d be lucky if she didn’t haul off and smack him when he walked back in there. Hadn’t he always told her she deserved better? That she deserved to be treated like she was the most valuable woman in a man’s life?

  Gray slammed his hand against the wall and cursed himself for being such a jerk to the one woman he cared most about. Now he was going to have to go out and face her, make some excuse as to his behavior, and then drive her home in what he was sure would be uncomfortable silence.

  What a fantastic way to end an already crappy day. He’d already been in a bitch of a mood when he’d seen that best man flirting with her. He shouldn’t be jealous, but damn it, he couldn’t help how he felt.

  He’d faced death when he’d lost his mother at the tender age of five. He’d faced the enemy when he’d been overseas in the army. He faced his father, who was disappointed because Gray hadn’t settled down and started a family. But Gray was not looking forward to facing his best friend, because if he saw even the slightest hint of regret or disappointment in her eyes, he would absolutely be destroyed.

  Knowing he couldn’t stay hidden forever, he made sure his clothes were adjusted before he headed out. The second he rounded the corner from the back hallway, he stilled.

  Kate stood frozen just where he’d left her. She clutched her shoes, worried her bottom lip with her teeth, and stared at the spot where he’d taken her like some horny teen with no experience.

  But it was the pale pink bite mark on her shoulder that had him cringing and cursing himself all over again.

  Damn it. What the hell was wrong with him? His Kate was a lady. She was classy. She was so far above him and he’d treated her like a one-night stand.

  Oh, wait. That’s exactly what this was, per her last-minute request. It wasn’t like he gave her ample time to get used to the idea of the two of them together.

  Still, Kate deserved better and he damn well was going to show her. Screw the one-night rule. If anyone should be proving to her exactly how she should be treated, it was him.

  “I’ll take you home.”

  Kate jumped and turned to face him, her eyes wide. His voice came out gruffer than he’d intended.

  With a simple nod, she headed toward the back door. Gray didn’t move from his position and ultimately blocked the opening to the hallway. He waited until she stopped right before him. He shouldn’t touch her, shouldn’t push this topic, but damn if he couldn’t help himself. There had to be something he could do to redeem his actions.

  Reaching out, he traced one fingertip over the faint mark on her shoulder.

  “We good?”

  Wow. He’d had several minutes to think of something tender, kind, and apologetic to say, and that’s the best he could come up with?

  Yes, he saw confusion looking back at him, but there was more. Kate wasn’t upset, not at all. She had questions, of that he was sure, but she wasn’t angry. Thankfully he hadn’t botched this night up too much.

  Kate attempted a smile. “We’re good,” she murmured as her eyes darted away.

  She may not be angry, but she was no doubt wondering what they should do next. Kate planned everything and this whole experience had definitely not been planned.

  Enter the awkward tension he swore wouldn’t be there. He promised her they wouldn’t change. He promised they’d be friends just like before.

  Yet she couldn’t even look him in the eyes.


  Her focus darted back to him, but he didn’t see regret. Kate’s pretty blue eyes were full of desire... Damn if that didn’t just confuse the hell out of him. She might be wanting to ask him about what just happened, but she also wasn’t sorry.

  Gray didn’t know what else to say at this moment. The dynamics had changed, the intimacy too fresh. Maybe once they had some time apart and saw each other at the wedding tomorrow they’d laugh and joke and go back to the Gray and Kate they’d been hours ago.

  Or maybe they’d find the nearest closet and rip each other’s clothes off. Things could go either way at this point.

  Gray moved out of her way so she could pass. Her hair hung down her back in dark waves, her dress was slightly askew, and she still clutched her shoes. He’d turned a moment of intimacy with his best friend into forcing her to do a walk of shame from his bar.

  He was no better than the prick who’d cheated on her and broke her heart. But Gray would make this up to her. He had to.

  * * *

  Kate adjusted her one-shoulder bridesmaid’s dress for the fifth time in as many minutes. Thankfully Lucy hadn’t chosen strapless dresses. Kate needed this chiffon strap to cover Gray’s mark. She didn’t know what she would’ve done had he chosen the other shoulder.

  Part of her loved the mark. She’d be lying if she said otherwise. She’d never had a man lose such control, and the fact he hadn’t even been able to get them out of their clothes was thrilling. Sex should be thrilling, or so she’d heard before, and she’d always wondered if that was a myth. Now she knew.

  Analyzing this over and over wasn’t going to change the future. Gray wasn’t going to happen again. On that they’d agreed, so now she had to figure out how to not compare any other man to her best friend. But at least the standards were set and she wasn’t going to settle for someone who didn’t at least give her a little spark.

  Kate had definitely had a happy birthday. At least she had until he’d come from the bathroom and couldn’t get her out of the bar fast enough. Did he regret what they’d done? Or worse. Was she a disappointment?

  “Hey, you okay?” Tara whispered.


  Kate smiled for the camera and hoped they were nearly done with all the photos. What did it matter if Gray found her lacking in the skill department? They weren’t doing anything again anyway.

  He’d barely said a word when she’d picked him up this morning and she hadn’t seen him at the wedding. But the church had been packed, so that wasn’t a surprise. She’d see him at the reception for sure. He was in charge of all the drinks and had brought a few of his employees to serve as waiters.

  She felt a bit odd not sharing her epic, mind-blowing, toe-curling experience with Lucy and Tara. If this had been any other man she’d had wild sex with late at night in a closed bar, she would’ve texted them immediately after, but this was Gray. He was different and what they shared was...well, it was something she still couldn’t describe.

  “I think we
got them,” the photographer announced. “We’ll do more at the reception.”

  Kate resisted the urge to groan. This was Lucy and Noah’s day. She shouldn’t be so grouchy, but smiling and posing and pretending to be in a good mood was not working for her. All she could think of was Gray: what they’d done, what she had missed from him that led up to that moment, how he’d react seeing her again.

  Kate lifted the long skirt of her dress and stepped off the stage. A hand slid over her elbow.

  “Wait a second,” Tara said.

  Turning her attention to her friend, Kate dropped her dress and clutched the bouquet. “What’s up?”

  “That’s what I want to know.”

  Tara’s questioning gaze held Kate in place. “I’m just going to hop on the shuttle to take me to the reception so I can get some food. I’m starving.”

  Rolling her eyes, Tara stepped closer. “You’ve been acting weird all day. What happened from last night to this morning?”

  What happened? Oh, just a quickie on the bar top at Gallagher’s, third stool from the left. Well, Gray had shoved the stool out of the way when he’d climbed up to her, but still. She’d never be able to look at that space again without bursting into internal flames. Her panties would probably melt right off.

  “I just had a late night.” Kate opted to go with some form of the truth. “Gray and I left the rehearsal and headed back to the bar so he could pull more champagne and wine from the back stock. I just didn’t get much sleep before we had to be up and ready.”

  Tara’s bright blue eyes studied Kate a moment longer than she was comfortable with. Gathering her skirt in her hand once again, Kate forced a smile.

  “C’mon,” she said, nodding toward the front of the church. “Let’s go get on the shuttle so they can take us over to the food and dancing. I’m ready to get rid of these heels.”

  Tara nodded. “Will you get some pictures of me dancing with Marley?”

  Marley, Tara’s five-year-old daughter. She shared custody with her ex, Sam Bailey. Sam had brought Marley to the wedding since this was his weekend to have her. Tara had been surprised that Sam had taken Marley to get her hair done and her nails painted.

  Kate knew Sam had some issues several months ago, but she saw the man was trying. Okay, using the word “issues” was really sugarcoating things. But addiction was such a delicate topic and Kate still wasn’t sure how to approach it with Tara.

  But Kate saw Sam fighting to get his family back. The man had gone to rehab, he’d gotten a new job, he’d gone to counseling. There was a determination in him now that Kate hadn’t seen before. Tara wasn’t ready to see it and Kate worried irreparable damage had been done and their marriage was over for good.

  None of that was Kate’s business and she had her own issues to worry about right now. Like seeing Gray at the reception. She didn’t like the silence that had settled between them this morning. That wasn’t like them. They were always bantering or arguing or joking about something. It was their thing. They lived to annoy the hell out of each other and for some strange reason, it worked for them.

  Damn it. She knew sleeping with him would change things, but she’d been unable to prevent herself from giving in. One second they were friends, and the next he’d kissed her against his truck and made her want things she never realized she was missing.

  Well, she had to just suck it up and get over this awkward hurdle. She wanted her friend back and she wasn’t going to let great sex stand in their way.

  Chapter Four

  Gray checked on the status of the bottles, confident they’d be just fine with the extras he’d brought. He asked around with his staff to see if they were doing okay or if anyone needed a break. None of them took him up on his offer.

  He had such amazing, loyal employees at his bar who would work any venue when he asked. Honestly, they could run the whole place themselves and probably didn’t even need him around.

  Damn it. He was out of things to do other than watch Bryan try to hit on Kate again. Didn’t the guy take the not-so-subtle hint from the rehearsal dinner?

  Gray had been jealous last night, but seeing him make a play again tonight had him feeling all sorts of rage. Which was absurd. Kate was a grown woman and they were just friends. They’d slept together and now he was letting that incident cloud his judgment.

  Actually, he didn’t care. Kate was better than Bryan and Gray didn’t like the way the guy kept looking at her.

  Gray walked around the perimeter of the country club dining area and glared at Bryan as he stepped in behind Kate on the dance floor. What the hell was wrong with that guy?

  Kate turned and glanced at Bryan, then shook her head and held up her hands as if to ward him off. Bryan smiled and reached out to touch her bare shoulder. Seeing that man’s hand against Kate’s creamy skin had Gray making his way across the floor.

  The jerk stepped into her when a slow song started and the tension on Kate’s face made Gray’s anger skyrocket. He was sure his face showed his every emotion but right now he didn’t give a damn who saw him or what others thought. He was putting a stop to this now.

  “Go have another drink, Bryan. This dance is mine.”

  Gray instantly wrapped an arm around Kate’s waist and took her hand in his. From the corner of his eye, Gray saw Bryan still standing there. Spinning Kate in a circle, Gray stepped on Bryan’s foot and was rewarded with a grunt.

  “Still there?” Gray asked over his shoulder.

  The guy finally disappeared through the crowd of dancers.

  Kate’s eyes were wide, but Gray would rather she be uncomfortable with him than with some idiot who didn’t know what a treasure Kate was.

  “He’s harmless.”

  Gray narrowed his gaze. “And I’m not?”

  She merely tipped her chin in defiance. “I could’ve handled it myself.”

  Gray offered her a smile. “You always say that.”

  “Because I can.”

  “I’m aware.” He spun her around again, keeping his firm hold on her. His Kate was extra prickly today. “But we haven’t danced yet and I had a few minutes to spare.”

  Her eyes continued to hold his. “And what were you doing those few minutes you were glaring this way?”

  Damn if she wasn’t adorable when she was fired up. “Some people take a smoke break. I don’t smoke, so I take a glare break.”

  Kate stared for another moment before she finally shook her head and let out a soft laugh. “You’re incorrigible. You know that, right?”

  A bit of tension eased from his chest at her sweet laugh. “It’s only because I care and Bryan is not the guy for you. Not even as a dance partner. Hell, he’s not even your drink provider.”

  Kate arched a brow. “So now you’re screening my guys?”

  Screening them? Hell, if that was a possibility he damn well would be first in line to sign up for that job. If he hadn’t been overseas during her ill-fated engagement, perhaps he could’ve prevented her heartache. But Gray hadn’t even met the ex because he’d come and gone while Gray had been serving. So, yeah, perhaps he was looking out for her. Isn’t that what friends did?

  “Maybe dancing with a guy like Bryan made my list.”

  Here she went with that damn list again. He’d like to see exactly what was on that thing.

  “Tell me more about this infamous list.”

  He spun her around again, slowly leading the way toward the edge of the dance floor, where there weren’t as many people. He found he didn’t want to share Kate right now. He wanted to keep her talking, keep her dancing. Though dancing wasn’t his thing, it was an excuse to get her in his arms.

  He glanced around as he led her. He recognized many people from town. The St. John brothers and their wives were all dancing. Several other couples who frequented his bar were also dancing and having a good time.r />
  Gray actually hadn’t seen the bride and groom for a while, though. Perhaps they’d already slipped out once the bouquet and the garter had been tossed. Most likely they’d been in a hurry to get to their honeymoon.

  “I’m keeping my list to myself for now,” she replied.

  Gray stared down into her blue eyes. She hadn’t brought up last night and he wasn’t about to, either. They hadn’t wanted things to change between them, but the tension had become palpable and he wasn’t sure how to erase it.

  Eventually they would have to discuss what happened. Might as well be now, while he had her undivided attention. Maybe having everyone around would help ease the tension. If they were alone again and trying to talk, Gray wasn’t so sure he could prevent himself from touching her again. Touching her now was safe, smart.

  “About last night—”

  Kate’s eyes widened a fraction. “I need to find Tara,” she said, breaking from his hold. “We’ll talk later.”

  And then she was gone, leaving him all alone with a slew of couples dancing around him. Gray fisted his hands at his sides. He hadn’t expected Kate to run. He hadn’t expected their night to scare her away. She’d always been comfortable with him.

  But then he’d turned into the guy who had sex with his best friend on top of a bar.

  Raking a hand through his hair, Gray left the dance floor and went back to what he could control. The alcohol and the servers. Right now, Kate was utterly out of his control. Perhaps they needed space. Maybe she needed a breather after what had happened.

  One thing was certain, though. He’d had her only one time and he knew without a doubt he wanted more.

  * * *

  Kate sank onto the chaise in the seating area of the women’s restroom. She slid out of her heels and resisted the urge to moan. Between all the food she ate and dancing and the lack of sleep, she was ready for bed.

  It was that whole lack of sleep—or the reason behind it—that had her escaping to the restroom to hide for a bit. She’d known Gray would bring up their situation, but their friend’s wedding was sure as hell not the place she wanted to hash things out.


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