Defender's Blood The Return (An Urban Fantasy)

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Defender's Blood The Return (An Urban Fantasy) Page 4

by A. K. Michaels

  Zach's feelings must have shown in his face because the man started talking – the first thing out of his lips made Zach still. His breath was taken away and he shook as the words poured out of the humans mouth, “His name's Daniel and he said if we were ever caught to ask the main vampire – which I take is you – his name first – then if it's the right name to give you a message.”

  Daniel?! No, surely it's not the same Daniel? Zach spat out, “Zach – my name's Zach.”

  The Doctor nodded, “That's the name – Daniel says to say hello and fuck you. He says he's going to get your human and he's going to fuck her til she bleeds then he's going to rip her heart out. Please don't hurt me – he told me to say that – it's his words – not mine!”

  Zach heard Alex behind him – he assumed she had heard - “So Daniel's behind all this? What the fuck Zach – and what's he talking about – your human – doesn't he know then?”

  He shook his head, “Obviously not – though I would like to see his face when he finds out!”

  Alex laughed, “I'll try and take a picture honey – so you don't miss out.”

  Zach nodded and returned his attention to the Doctor - “So little man tell me everything and I mean everything – if not well I'll hand you over to her!” and nodded to Alex.

  Alex was staring at the man and she had blood on her – on her hands, on her face – and her nails were out like long claws, her eyes burning bright red. She looked demonic and the sight scared the human more than Zach had.

  He started talking and once he started he didn't seem able to stop. The information was all recorded so they could go through it in more detail the next day. Daniel was indeed behind all this – that fact made Alex feel sick. Here in this warehouse he had got a whole family of Wolves – minus the father – and Daniel was a Wolf. He had done this to his own kind.

  Alex broke into the Doctor's dialogue, “What about Kate?”

  “Do you mean his mate? He never told us her name – he – well – he –doesn't treat her very well. Every time I caught a glimpse of her she was hurt in some way – black eye, split lip and that's only what I could see – obviously there were other injuries covered by her clothing – he would lash out at her for no reason. I thought he had killed her one time but he took a silver chain off her and she changed to wolf to heal. He's crazy – truly crazy.” The doctor broke down again – and his next words shook both Zach and Alex.

  “I didn't do this willingly – he has my family – my wife and two daughters. He took all of us – we were all tied up – he then took one of my daughters and raped her in front of us all. She's only twelve – she's only fucking twelve! He'll kill them now – now you've got me – he'll kill them!” and he started sobbing – deep racking sobs and Alex pushed Zach's arm away to allow the man to get up.

  Once he was sitting up Alex took him in her arms – he flinched at first but realised she wasn't going to hurt him so relaxed a little, sobbing about his wife and girls.

  Dmitri joined them – his hearing making it possible to have heard everything. He shook his head, “What a fucking mess Zach – the other two – the Guard has them tied up in a van – they're guarded so not going anywhere any time soon.”

  Zach's mind was reeling – Daniel – he had been put out of Unity after several instances where he had verbally attacked Alexina – even turning up at the wedding reception to cause a rucus.

  Zach knew Daniel had seemed to flip out but he had no reason to think he would go completely rogue like this. Shit – wait 'til Vlad heard – he would want in on the hunt for him – after all Daniel had been one of his Guards.

  Firstly, they had to try and rescue this man's family. The thought of Daniel raping a twelve year old human girl made him sick. Daniel was a very large Wolf and he must have really damaged a small human.

  WTF was wrong with the guy – he must've gone insane – Zach wanted to get his hands on him – real bad.

  Alex's voice drew his attention, “So David – do you have any idea of where they're being held?”

  David pulled away from, “No – but one of the guys you have outside knows – he was the one that would come get me and bring me to these hell holes – make me do these things and then take me back. If he says he doesn't know he's lying!” His voice had risen and they could all see anger in the man now.

  “Which one?” Zach asked coldly.

  “The one with the dark hair – I'm not certain of his name – but the one with the dark hair – it was him.” David told them and Dmitri left to retrieve him from the van.

  Dmitri returned quickly pulling the dark haired Wolf by the hair along the ground – the Wolf was kicking and shouting but Dmitri just kept on moving. When he entered the area where Zach and Alex were he threw the Wolf forward – he slid and landed at Zach's feet.

  The Wolf tried to get up and Zach kicked him in the face – everyone heard bones breaking and blood erupted closely followed by a scream. Zach kicked him again – in the ribs – with all his strength and the Wolf rose up into the air and landed a good thirty feet away – trying to crawl away.

  Zach stalked him and the Wolf's eyes never left him – Zach didn't say a word – when he reached him he kicked him again. This time it was firmly between his legs and the noise that tore from the Wolf's throat spoke of the extreme pain he was in. Once more Zach kicked him and he flew another twenty feet away. This time he started howling and shouting - “What?!! What do you want? Stop – just stop!”

  Alex moved over and bent down, “Do you know what he's going to do to you?” she said nodding towards Zach.

  The man looked at Zach and shook his head - “No please – I don't know where Daniel is – I swear it!” he pleaded.

  Alex shook her head, “It's not Daniel we want right now – you are going to tell us where this man's family is.” she spoke coldly and pointed towards David.

  The Wolf shook his head, “I can't – don't you understand – do you know what he'll do to me?!” he shouted.

  Alex shook her head at him again, “So not the right answer.” and she moved back – Zach stalking forward.

  Zach kicked him again – in his thigh area and a loud crack reverberated in the warehouse – a loud scream tore from the man's throat.

  His thigh bone was broken and badly – it was pressing on his skin trying to break through. Zach walked over and placed a foot on the area and pressed down. The Wolf moved his head and vomited – and Zach pressed some more - “OK!” the man shouted.

  Zach removed his foot and took one step back – Alex came forward and bent down next to the man, “So are you going to tell us where the family is or do I walk away – this time for good!” He nodded his head and then turned and vomited again.

  Alex motioned for Dmitri, “Get the details and then we'll go and get the family – we need to go now before Daniel realises something's off and kills them.”

  Dmitri grabbed the man from the floor and shouted, “Details now shitface and you'll be coming in the van – if you give one wrong direction I'll let my friend Zach here finish the job on you!”

  They all made their way outside – the Council Guard in charge waiting on them. They told him what was going on and he nodded - “Ok get in.” and he motioned to a large van behind him.

  Chapter 4

  Dmitri gave the driver of the van the directions – the Wolf lay on the floor of the van – and Dmitri would give him a kick every few minutes – to which there would be a loud moan. Nobody in the van had any sympathy for him so they left Dmitri alone to administer his own form of punishment.

  Soon they were near to the building they had been told about – and the van stopped. The Guard spoke, “It's just up that alley – how do you want to do this?”

  “Okay Alex looks the less threatening so she can go and wander up – find the door and get it open – there's a padlock on the outside but she can have that picked and open in seconds. Once the door is open you, Dmitri and I will get in
behind her as quick as we can. Your driver can stay here with the Doctor and this piece of shit.” Zach finished by giving the Wolf on the floor another kick.

  David tried to get up, “No – I want to go with you ….”

  Alex cut him off, “No not happening – we've a job to do and we can do it a lot easier and safer without you. Trust us – if your family is in there we will bring them to you.” her voice brooked no argument so David sat back down.

  Alex got out and walked up the alley – the rest getting out and staying at the corner watching, as soon as she reached the door she started work on the padlock. Her picks were already in her hand – she could easily break it with her strength but picks were quieter. The lock was open and the door was next – all in the space of less than a minute.

  As soon as she pulled on the door the men moved forward – fast. She had only taken one step inside when she felt her Vampire at her back – and she knew Dmitri and the other Guard would be right behind him.

  Inside was dark but with their enhanced senses it didn't pose a problem – Zach tapped her shoulder and she stopped. Zach released his powers out and then moved in front of Alex – motioning the rest to follow him. After a couple of turns he stood in front of a door – again a padlock was on it but as he had not sensed any other people inside the building he yanked it off and threw open the door.

  Alex moved in first – and she stood still – Zach having to push her forward a bit to get in. The three bodies in the room were curled up on a dirty mattress the mother in front of her girls. Their hands and feet were bound but the mother had shuffled to try and shield her daughters. One of them was about fifteen and the other was the smaller, twelve year old, she was lying on her side sobbing and the smell of blood was rank in the air.

  Alex moved forward, her hands in front of her - “It's ok – we're here to help – we've got David outside – it's going to be ok.” she spoke in a calming voice and her words hit their mark – the mother and older girl started crying.

  Alex pulled one of her knives out and firstly cut the mother's ropes then the older daughter's – as she moved to the smaller girl she clearly saw the blood. Dried blood was on her legs and thighs – obviously from the rape – but there was also fresh blood and Alex didn't like the look of that at all, nor the smell of corruption that radiated from the girl.

  None of the females spoke and Zach picked up the mother and cradled her gently in his arms while Dmitri did the same to the older girl. Alex motioned for the Guard to come and lift the smaller child but as soon as she saw him she screamed. Alex tried to allay her fears - “It's ok – he won't hurt you – I promise....” but the girl screamed louder and Alex motioned the large vampire back.

  Alex bent over and picked the small girl up and carried her out – the child all the while holding tightly to her and crying. Alex could smell fresh blood together with the rankness of infection and she wondered what kind of internal damage Daniel had done.

  As soon as they got round the corner of the alley David jumped out and ran to his family – all the while crying and saying 'thank you' over and over. Alex grabbed him, “David – I need your attention – this little one is still bleeding – how long ago did Daniel hurt her?”

  David's eyes were full of pain as he turned to her, “It was weeks ago – I know he's damaged her but I couldn't help ... I was always tied up. Oh God – we need to get her to a hospital!”

  Alex nodded and the Council Guard took over, “Okay, I'll get you there now – get back inside the van – it'll only be a few minutes and I'll make sure you're all guarded, nobody will be able to get to you.” David nodded and soon they were all in the van on their way to the hospital.

  Before they arrived Zach spoke to David, “David – if you can think on anything – anything at all that will help us catch Daniel please contact me – here's my card – it's got my cell on it. Any time, day or night – call me okay?” Zach finished and David took the card and nodded then his attention was back on his daughter – taking her pulse and checking her over.

  The Guard placed a call to his office and ordered two more Guards to watch over the family. Then he turned to Zach, “Once they get the all clear from the hospital we will need to relocate them – if not, Daniel will get to them – so I'll get that set up. I'll also let you know what happens with the girl – okay?”

  Zach nodded his head, “Thanks – we'll go when we get to the hospital, I don't like moving in a sitting position – usually means we'll fall on our asses at the other end.”

  The Guard laughed, “Yea I've heard about how you get around – wish I could do that!”

  Dmitri snorted, “Yes you and a host of others my man – we all wish we could do it!” Zach smiled and relaxed slightly – the family was safe and they knew who was behind this – Daniel.

  They were going to catch the bastard and Zach was going to make him pay.

  Soon they were in front of a large hospital and already there were several large Guards hanging around the emergency entrance. Zach watched as they all came forward to help the family get inside. He looked down at the Wolf on the floor – gave him another kick and spat out at him, “You better hope I never see you again – if I do I will end you Wolf!”

  He waited outside for his mate and Dmitri when he heard another moan from the Wolf and Alex got out with a smile on her face then another louder moan and Dmitri joined them.

  Zach grasped onto Dmitri and disappeared – appearing outside Dmitri's house, he said goodnight and promptly disappeared again. Dmitri snorted again, “Yea we all so wish we could fucking do that!” he spoke to himself and made his way to his door.

  Zach appeared beside Alex and gently pulled her to him – cuddling her tight and Moved them both straight to their bedroom.

  Alex looked around but before she could say anything Zach spoke, “I know the car's at the offices – I just wanted to get you home meine Kleine. I need you tonight and I couldn't wait.” Zach's eyes had started to shine and Alex smiled up at him – moving to pull his head down so their lips met. She needed her man too.

  Zach started to take Alex's clothes off and she stood still and let him – but as soon as he was done she moved to remove his. “I told you I was going to get you undressed my Vampire,” she teased him – licking any skin that appeared as she removed items of his clothes.

  Zach gasped, and as she got lower and removed his jeans his erection popped out, she continued, taking his jeans to his ankles. She removed his boots and then his socks then pulled his jeans off completely. She then knelt down and took her man in her mouth – looking up at him through her hair which had came loose.

  Zach watched as Alexina covered his manhood with her lips and he sighed – it was a sight he never got tired of seeing. It was so erotic – she always kept eye contact and it made him even harder. To think when they first met she hadn't really done this act – now – well she was a bloody expert.

  “Honey – you know what'll happen if you don't stop.” he whispered and she nodded her head and continued. Zach realised she wanted to do this to completion so he relaxed a bit and let the sensations run through his body.

  God she made him feel good – and he fisted his hand in her hair – starting to thrust into her. She had learned, quickly, how to take him deep – and the feeling was like nothing else on this earth – it drove him wild.

  His breaths came quicker and he fisted her hair harder – thrusting with abandon now – going deep, deep down her throat. “FUCK!” he shouted as he came hard – his seed erupting down into his mate's throat. She continued until she had milked him and then slowly got up and kissed him. He could taste himself on her mouth.

  “You are such a little minx – you know that?” Zach spoke down at her and she nodded with that dirty little smile that she did. Zach picked her up and placed her on the bed and she scooted back towards the headboard – Zach stalked after her – hardening once again as he went. He towered over her and lowered his head
to kiss her – it was a demanding kiss – hard and rough – and she returned it with fervour.

  Zach moved back slightly and moved down to her apex – his tongue darting out and licking her. She squirmed under him and made that sound that literally drove him mad. A little mewling sound – deep in her throat and he moved quickly – grabbing her and flipping her over. He positioned her with her knees up underneath her body and her head low down – and entered her already wet folds.

  “God Alexina – do you know how good that feels?” he spoke and she could only nod – words wouldn't come. He moved faster – a hand snaking round to play with her clit and she mewled louder.

  He felt her climax near and stopped moving – concentrating on making her come with his hand – she did so - hard, clenching hard around him and he grit his teeth trying to hold on. When she was finished he started moving again, “Jeez Zach – you're insatiable!” it came out as a whimper and moved Zach ever closer to his own release.

  As it came nearer he bent over her back and moved her hair – his fangs erupting and sinking them into her neck. She screamed – loud and long and Zach released into her with a long groan.

  He released his fangs and fell to the side and then pulled Alexina to him, “Christ I don't think I can move – I'm tired and satiated and just want to lie like this for a while.”

  Alex laughed, “Ok but I need go to the bathroom and clean myself up Zach – be back in a sec.” and she bounded over him and into the ensuite. She was back very soon but Zach's eyes had closed and she could hear his even breathing – he was asleep.

  She climbed back into bed and moved over so that they were close – she pulled a comforter up and over them – she hated to be cold. Soon she joined her mate in sleep.

  She didn't sleep well – nightmares dogging her mind all night long. Ones in which her little ones had not been taken by God or Angels but by Demons and they had been eaten alive. She woke to Zach shaking her, a scream tore from her throat and she sobbed into his arms.


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