Scandalous: A Filthy Office Romance

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Scandalous: A Filthy Office Romance Page 25

by Lola Darling

  “Thank you,” I stammer, collecting myself. “For answering my questions, Mr. Rexford.”

  He gives a little nod and moves away wordlessly.

  I resist the urge to watch him go. Instead, I take Shauna’s arm and thank her for the cookies, assuring her that I feel better. She smiles, but doesn’t otherwise reply. I don’t worry about how much she overheard.

  I can’t.

  My emotional rollercoaster has stalled at the top, and damn it, I have work to do.

  My first assignment is at the main reception desk with Shauna. I try my best to focus through the next two hours. Beth, the manager, walks us through the procedures of making reservations and handling phone calls, but I can’t concentrate on what I’m supposed to be learning.

  Dominic Andrew freaking Rexford.

  Hours ago, he was so deep inside me, I thought I was going to die from the pleasure. Hours ago, I’d been on my knees for him, taking him in and out of my mouth, caressing the velvety skin of his hard shaft…

  My boss. The man I’d helped a P.I. snoop on. The lover I’m aching to have inside me.


  I look up with a start into the watery eyes of an elderly woman across the desk. “I need fresh towels in my room.”

  “Of course!” I exclaim brightly. “Let me get them sent right up.”

  Which I have no idea how to do. Beth steps in, patiently showing me how to call for an attendant. Thankfully, the hours fly by and I find my stride, answering phone calls with ease and handling basic guest requests.

  “Not so bad for a first day, right?” Shauna remarks. “Although, remind me to wear flats tomorrow. My heels are killing me!”

  “You think they’d let us wear sneakers?” I joke.

  She snorts. “I can just picture the look on Edith’s face.”

  I wonder again how much of my conversation with Dominic she overheard. I have no desire to be the point of gossip with the interns, especially where our boss is concerned. The phone rings again.

  “Your turn,” Shauna says. “I can’t deal with that computer yet.”

  I move to answer it. “This is the Rexford, how may I direct your call?”

  After I take the reservation, I try to show Shauna how to input the information. “It’s no good,” she sighs, “I’m scared I’m going to crash the whole—”

  She stops talking, her eyes widening at something behind me.

  I turn. Dominic is at the desk, lounging casually – but his gaze is far from relaxed.

  “Can I help you, Mr. Rexford?” Beth asks, starting his way. He raises his hand to wave her off.

  “Just checking to see how the interns are enjoying their first day.” His gaze shifts to Shauna. She shrinks back a little, a blush spreading over her cheeks.

  “It’s going well,” Shauna assures him.

  “And for you?” He looks at me and I swear I feel his gaze like a caress. “Juliet.”

  My name sounds erotic, beautiful, the way he rolls it off his tongue. My nipples perk up. Mortified, I resist the urge to cover them with my arms. Aware that the other women are still behind me, I look back to the computer.

  “Very well, sir.”

  He moves around the desk and takes a spot beside me. Touching the computer screen, he opens a new program. His shoulder brushes against me and I get an exquisite whiff of his cologne.

  He smells so good—his naked skin imprinted that scent in my mind and I want more. My hands tremble, but I quickly control it.

  “You’ll want to pay particular attention to this tab.” Dominic looks over at the other women pointedly, and they skitter to the opposite end of the desk.

  “I’m not done with you.” His voice is low, his breath tickling my ear. Arousal floods my veins. Last night, I reminded myself not to get in over my head. I repeat that mantra now, even though I suspect it’s far too late.

  I keep my voice low, my eyes on the screen. “Unless it’s on a professional level, I am done with you.”

  “We’re going to meet in my office and talk.”


  A low growl escaped his throat. “Did I forget to compliment you on your obedience last night?”

  Oh, the bastard. The hot, wicked bastard. I don’t reply because I can’t be certain what will come out of my mouth.

  A woman approaches the desk, heading straight for me. Dom sees her, too, gives a polite smile.

  “I know how to make you obedient, Juliet,” he murmurs, dropping his voice. “I know how you taste, how you sound when you come.”

  I whip him a look. I can’t help it. My heart is in my throat. I should be enraged at his arrogance, but I’m not.

  I’m flustered.

  And completely, utterly turned on.

  Need and desire burn in his eyes, but he masks it as the guest reaches the desk. I tear my gaze away from him, my lips parting to greet the woman in front of me but I can’t make the words come.

  “Tomorrow.” Dominic softly pitches the word at me as he walks away. One word, full of innuendo and promise and secret things.

  Part of me wants to chase after him and give him a piece of my mind. But I hold back. He wants to talk, then we’ll talk. He’s my boss, after all. Tomorrow, I will set him, and myself, straight.

  I might want him. But I won’t have him again.

  I can’t.

  I have all night to convince myself.

  Chapter Six

  “You are such an unbelievable whore. I love it.”

  Callie hands me another slice of pepperoni pizza. We’re all lounged on the floor in the living room, celebrating my first day with cheap wine and takeout. But instead of bursting with excitement, I may have had a little meltdown and told them everything.


  Including the sinful details—at Callie’s insistence—about hotel sex with The Target Dominic Andrew freaking Rexford.

  “I can’t believe he turned out to be your boss!” Emily looks horrified.

  I pour myself another glass and drink. “Me either. God, when he walked into the conference room, I wanted the ground to swallow me up.” I turn to Callie. “I’m so, so sorry.”

  “For what? Getting laid?” She snorts.

  “What if it gets back to your boss?” I ask her. Until now, I haven’t had time to think about how my impulsive sexscapade might impact her. But I was standing in for her that night, which means not only does my fling make life complicated for me, but for her, too. “And what if Dominic finds out I was the bait, and the whole thing busts open? Your boss will know I slept with a target.”

  My dread settles in the pit of my stomach. If Dominic finds out, I’m fired for sure. I take another swig of wine and settle it between my knees, gripping the neck like a lifeline.

  “Wait a minute, Juliet. Just… back up.” Callie turns down the music. Hozier’s From Eden is playing in the background. It’s my favorite feel-good song. Hell, this bottle of moscato is my favorite wine, yet it’s not soothing me, either.

  “You were off the clock when you went upstairs with Rexford,” Callie insists. “The moment the photographer clears you, you’re free to do whatever the hell you want.”

  “Just like that?” I blink.

  “It’s not exactly a nine-to-five,” Callie laughs. “So, no worries about my job security, okay? I am mad at you, though,” she adds.

  I’m about to beg forgiveness, when I see the mischievous smile.

  “I mean, if I wasn’t sick, I might be the one barely able to sit down today. Not you.”

  I laugh.

  “Seriously, Jules,” Callie presses eagerly. “Was his cock really that—?”

  “You do have a problem though,” Emily interrupts, concern furrowing her brow. “What will happen when Mr. Rexford finds out you set him up?”

  When, not if. Which reminds me. “What is he being investigated for?” I ask Callie.

  Callie shrugs. “I never know. It would be really hard to face targets with full-on knowledge of whatever shit
they’ve pulled, you know?”

  She has a point. I don’t need to know the inner workings of my boss’ personal life. In fact, the less I know about him, the better. I’m tangled up enough with him as it is. There needs to be a clear separation between my job as an intern, and my sordid history with Dominic.

  “I have the worst luck,” I sigh miserably. “I let my inner bad girl out one time. One time!”

  Emily grins. “Tell that wench to keep her pants on from now on.”

  “Never mind pants, I need one of those old-fashioned chastity belts,” I say. “Locked up tight. Nothing’s getting between these legs from now on, at least, not until I’m manager of some fancy hotel.”

  “Are you crazy?” Callie exclaims. “You’re acting like it’s the end of the world. You had incredible sex with a hot, rich, dirty man. We’re not talking love and commitment here. We’re talking the God of All Orgasms. So, why not go again?”

  Emily shakes her head. “Think about it, Callie. This is Juliet’s dream at stake here. It’s risky.”

  “It’s Dominic Rexford!” Callie looks at us like we’re idiots.

  “Emily’s right.” I finish my food and crumple my paper plate. “It’s risky, and I don’t need that right now. When he finds out why I was at the Coq d’Or last night, he’s going to come unglued.”

  I wince at the thought. We went upstairs together with free will. What happened next was impulsive and mind blowing, but I can’t let him use it against me: not with my career on the line.

  It would help if I didn’t want him so bad.

  His touch on my lips today—the scent of his cologne. The way my breasts ached when he brushed against me are reminders that wanting him hasn’t changed. My sexual history is pretty limited, boring, if I’m honest with myself.

  My rational self has no clue how to deal with the pure lust I feel for Dominic Rexford.

  “So what are you going to do?” Emily asks.

  “The only thing I can,” I reply, determined. “My job.”

  Callie snorts.

  “C’mon,” I argue. “The whole reason it was so hot was because it was a fantasy. But the fantasy ended last night. I need to stay away from Dominic. He wants to talk tomorrow—fine. It’ll be the perfect opportunity to shut him down.”

  Callie sighs. “I guess that means no more sordid updates on the wonders of Rexford’s impressive anatomy.”

  “Nope. Sorry to disappoint,” I reply, then grin. “Just know, nothing you imagine could even come close.”

  As I head off to bed, I don’t allow myself to think about Dominic, or last night, or our encounters today. If I’m going to move on, I can’t dwell on any of it.

  At least, that’s what I tell myself.

  The next morning, I wake feeling just as determined. By the time I shower, dress and make the drive to the hotel, I’m confident that I can ignore any lingering desire for my boss. I stop in the employee locker room to find my new locker and try out the key. It feels so official, being assigned my own spot and swiping my employee card to clock in.

  Shauna is already behind the reception desk when I get to the lobby. She hands me a steaming mug of coffee. I take the mug gratefully, needing the caffeine to counteract the mild wine headache I gave myself last night.

  “Drink up.” Shauna smiles sympathetically and pats my arm. “Edith is looking for you. You’re supposed to call her as soon as you check in.”

  “I’m not late, am I?” I look to the large, black iron framed clock on the wall behind the desk. I’m ten minutes early.

  “She didn’t say what she wanted.” Shauna takes a sip and quickly sets her mug aside. “Here she comes now.”

  Dread fills me as Edith approaches, her severe bun a perfect brown circle atop her head. She smiles, but there’s no warmth in it. I’m not sure why I’m so nervous. I haven’t done anything wrong, as far as I know. Unless…

  I glance at Shauna, but she turned away to fiddle with something behind the desk. Worried now that she said something about my run in with Dominic in the alcove, I pull on the hem of my blazer to straighten it.

  “Good morning, Ms. Evans,” Edith says coolly.

  “Good morning.”

  She stares at me, her lips nearly white and I know without a doubt that I’ve done something to displease her.

  “Mr. Rexford requests your presence in his office. Now.”

  Disapproval is clearly marked in her words. I leave the desk to follow her. My legs are heavy and reluctant as we head to the elevator. She enters a code, presses the button and stands back, glaring at me as the doors close.

  Shit. I’m not even getting an escort.

  Alone, I try to brace myself to face Dominic. The sooner we get this over with, the better. I’m taking lust off the table. Temptation, too. Isn’t that the deal I made with myself last night? I need this closure so I can move on with my internship, entanglement free.

  The elevator stops and I wish I had a mirror to check my hair, but quickly chastise myself. Who cares? I’m not here to impress him. I walk the short distance to Dominic’s office and pause in front of the French doors. With a deep breath, I knock.

  “Come in.”

  The voice is distant, so I follow the order, but when I step inside, he’s right there. I’m not prepared for the sight of him: a crisp Oxford shirt fitting his torso just right. The top few buttons are undone. No tie. Casual dark jeans—I don’t dare take in any more.

  I don’t even get a chance.

  Dominic pulls me inside and slams the door closed. Before I can draw a breath, he pushes me against the wall, pinning my wrists above my head.

  His lips crash down onto mine. I arch against him on reaction, my breasts pressing against his hard chest. I open my mouth and tilt my head, giving him better access—deeper access—and he takes it, sliding his tongue along mine in a demanding kiss.

  What the hell am I doing?

  But the shock of it feels so good, so deeply satisfying that there is no way I can find the will to stop.

  My skin flushes hot, and pleasure makes a needy spiral between my legs. His hand trails over my collarbone, raising tingles everywhere he touches. My nipples are already hard, painfully aching to be touched.

  With a groan, Dominic cups my breast and squeezes it hard. I gasp against him, but the surprise quickly subsides into something… more desperate.

  “My beautiful little liar, you’re all I can think about.”

  His lips brush mine as he speaks. My breath is coming fast and I’m torn between asking him to let me go, and begging for more.

  My traitorous legs soften, my feet moving wider apart as my pussy throbs with anticipation. Dominic answers with a groan, sweeping his thumb over my nipple, pinching it through my shirt and bra.

  “Say my name.” His touch goes to the waist of my pants. I feel him move against me there, until suddenly, the button pops free. Slowly, the zipper goes down and I forget what he just said.


  He jerks me roughly to him, his teeth nipping my neck and then caressing it with soothing flicks of his tongue. In one smooth motion, his hand is inside my panties, cupping my pussy. I cry out, my hips bucking.

  “Call me by my name, Juliet.”

  He rubs a finger through my wetness, softly, teasing where I’m desperate for his touch. The heel of his palm presses low on my pubic bone, the pressure combined with his soft strokes turning me into a desperate, lustful mess.


  My thighs quiver with the need to spread my legs more, to welcome him in, but I resist. His finger slips further, nearly touching my clit. My body is screaming for release, even as my brain tempers me.

  I can’t do this.

  But I don’t move, I stay frozen, locked in his embrace.

  “It’s pointless to resist, but I like watching you try,” he murmurs.

  He pulls my blouse open, his mouth closing over my breast. Wrapping his lips around the stiff peak, he sucks. Shock of pleasure burst through m
e and a whimper escapes me.

  “I’ve never heard a woman sound like you when she comes. I need to hear it, Juliet.” He suckles again, harder, forcing me to arch against him. “Don’t you want to come like that again?”

  He touches my clit with a light caress before pressing hard against it, and my body lights up. With a cry, I turn my head to the side and bite my bottom lip. I need him to stroke me, to run his finger over my clit and send me into orgasm.

  Yes, I want it! But I can’t, I can’t, I can’t.

  He’s relentless, kissing my neck, grazing my ear with his teeth. But his fingers stay still between my legs.

  “If you don’t obey me, then I won’t help you come. Face it, Juliet, you’ve never had a lover like me.” He takes my lips hard, crushing and so damn delicious. “You’ve never been fucked as good as I gave it to you. Now say it. Say my name.”

  He’s right. I’ve never had a lover like him—one who can ruin my life. If I say his name, I’ll give in and let him fuck me. He’ll think my acceptance of his identity equals acceptance of our little game.

  It takes every last ounce of self-control to push him away. “That’s enough,” I tell him, gasping for air. “I need to get back to work. Mr. Rexford.”

  “Quit playing games,” Dominic chuckles, reaching out for me again, but I shake my head.

  “I’m not playing. This can’t happen. You’re my boss, and I’m your employee. I shouldn’t have… just now, but I mean it. We can’t do this again.” My breathing is erratic, my sex begging for more, my brain telling me I’ve equally done the right thing and also made it so much worse.

  He turns away from me, leaving me weak and panting against the wall. The seconds seem to drag on as I watch him walk to his desk. What’s he going to say? Does he hate me now?

  He doesn’t look back. “You’re dismissed.”

  I’m hugely disappointed and completely relieved at the same time, frantically buttoning my blouse back up as I turn away.

  Wordlessly, I manage to remember how to walk, and head for the door. I let myself out without another word, my heart still racing and my body still wound tight.


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