Prince Vampire

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Prince Vampire Page 8

by Amarinda Jones

  “Yeah well, talk is cheap and I’m seeing no action from you, prince.”

  He removed his fingers. “So I’m back to being the prince again?”

  “Until you prove yourself to me.” Aureliann liked this teasing banter with Valdemar. It made it so much more fun and exciting.

  “Would this do it?” His cock nudged at her anus.

  Aureliann was startled. She knew the size of his penis and suddenly the idea of all that in such a small area did not seem like such a doable thing.

  Valdemar seemed to sense her hesitation. He wrapped one arm around her waist. “This will work. Just push back on me, lovely.”

  She did as he said and slowly he pushed the head of his cock into her tight puckered hole.

  “Oh Val.” His entry was so slow and hot that it almost felt that time stood still. It was uncomfortable yet nothing would make her ask him to stop. She wanted him any way she could have him. Discomfort turned to another feeling that she knew slow-moving friction would make even better.

  “Oh indeed.” No further words were spoken as they both gave in to the moment for what it was. Once he was fully inside, Valdemar licked her neck. “May I?”

  That low, husky voice in her ear made her tremble. Aureliann knew what he wanted, what he needed and she remembered how it had made her feel. “Yes,” she breathed the word out. As his fangs sank into her neck, Valdemar started to pump inside her. Aureliann closed her eyes and gave in to the rush of heat that surged through her ass and veins. Their joining was so intense that she had no idea where she started and Valdemar ended. The sucking on her neck and the thrust of his cock made the orgasm that hit so intense that her arms shook and threatened to give way.

  Valdemar caught Aureliann to him. His mouth left her neck. His tongue stroked the pierced flesh like a balm.

  “Beautiful, lovely Aureliann,” he growled as his stroke increased and his balls slapped at her backside.

  She panted and closed her eyes, taking all that he could give her. When he groaned in satisfaction and his cock jerked hard within her body, Aureliann fell down on the bed. All her bones felt like liquid and she lay in a sensual daze.

  “Bloody hell.” Her words were barely coherent. Her ass was throbbing pleasantly. “We have to—” She stiffened and tilted her head. “I hear someone outside.” Who the hell could it be? And how embarrassing would it be if they walked in now. “Get off me.”

  Valdemar heard the sound of a man clearing his throat. He lifted himself from Aureliann and jumped out of bed, ready to defend his woman from this unannounced guest.

  “Do an old man a favor and put on some clothes, boy,” Thomas Gwyddein’s voice called out in amusement from the other room.

  “Thomas, what are you doing here?” Valdemar discarded the spent condom and reached for his trousers. He was surprised but not as much as Aureliann. Her mouth was in that cute “o” shape he loved. Valdemar did up the snap on his pants and kissed her quickly. “Button up, lovely. He’s an old man but he’s not dead.” He threw her his shirt.

  Aureliann’s hands flew to the task. “Thomas from the book?” She looked agog. The last button was in place as Thomas came into sight. “You’re not how I pictured you.” She jumped up to stand beside Valdemar. The smell of sex filled the room and she blushed.

  “Hello, my dear.” Thomas had a twinkle in his pale blue eyes as he grinned at her. “We rarely are as others see us but you know that.” He moved to her and reached for her hand, patting it with his own. “Pleased to meet you and while your bedroom is lovely I think we would all be more comfortable in the living room.”

  They followed the older man out. Aureliann did a double take as she looked at the people waiting for them. “Those are elves.”

  Valdemar was amused at her reaction. It was going to be exciting to show Aureliann even more new things. He smiled at how large and loose his shirt was on her much smaller frame. It covered all the beauty that only he was aware of. As pleased as he was to see Thomas, he really wanted to be back in the bedroom with Aureliann enjoying themselves as only they could.

  He arched his eyebrow at the three elves leaning against the furniture with a bored look on their faces. These pointy-eared weird little guys were incorrigible and nothing, not even vampire royalty, could change them. Elves were stubborn individuals who bowed to no one. They were dressed in the standard green uniform of their elven clan. Though they barely were at his waist level, Valdemar knew their strength could never be underestimated.

  “She’s quick but ugly,” one of the elves said as he looked Aureliann up and down in dismissal.

  “And I thought humans were dumb,” another one added sarcastically and they all laughed.

  Aureliann narrowed her eyes at them. “And I thought elves were sweet little pixies with girly voices and bells on their shoes and not short-assed little beings with small man’s syndrome.”

  “Hey!” the third one spat out. “We’re not pixies, lady. Pixies dance and skip and have high-pitched voices.” He shook his finger. “We don’t do any of that. And we’re not short. You’re just unpleasantly tall.”

  “Pixies are also obnoxiously nice.” The elves made that sound like a terrible thing.

  “Hmm, I see,” Aureliann replied, her eyes on theirs in challenge. “Whereas you lot appear to just be obnoxious and kind of grotesque.”

  Valdemar laughed as the elves stamped their feet as they were wont to do when things were not going their way. “Give up, boys, my lady is not in awe of you.” He knew elves enjoyed stirring people up. He was pleased to see after her initial surprise, Aureliann was cool and calm.

  The elves muttered under their breath and shot pissed-off glances at the woman in question.

  Thomas laughed with delight. “Aureliann, my dear, you are going to fit in nicely at the castle.” He winked at her. “Elves need a firm hand.”

  Valdemar shook his head in wonder. My life is crazy at the moment yet I love it, and her. My woman. “Thomas?”

  “Oh yes, why I’m here.” He reluctantly let go of Aureliann’s hand. “You’re in trouble, my boy.”

  “Yes, Victor showed up here.” Valdemar quickly filled him in on what had transpired so far. In a couple of days, he had lived more than he would have in a couple of years.

  Aureliann half listened as she traded pulling faces at the elves. In her defense, they had started it and she wasn’t about to be stared down by a trio of small green men.

  “So what do we do?” The elves rolled their eyes at her. “And why exactly are they here?” She pointed to them and they mimicked pointing back. Aureliann had to admit they were fun but she wasn’t about to share that knowledge with them.

  “They are our protection,” Valdemar explained.

  Aureliann snorted in amusement. “What? These little boys?” She was pleased when they scowled.

  “We’re not boys, we’re men,” an elf snapped at her.

  “Yeah? Wanna see?” They each grabbed their belts and started to unbuckle their trousers.

  “Cease and desist.” Valdemar’s tone was one of warning. The elves instantly removed their hands. “This is my lady and you will treat her with the respect that your people have always given all my ancestors’ ladies.”

  Thomas smiled at Aureliann. “It can take awhile though.”

  Valdemar pulled her close to his side. “They are here, lovely, because they have great power and have guarded my country for years.”

  “And we will need them.” Thomas sounded sure on that point. “As much as I am pleased you have found each other there is a kingdom in peril. There will be plenty of time for fun later. Have you found out what Victor’s plans are?”

  Aureliann gave Valdemar a significant look. “Told ya.” They had to work out the whole life and death thing before they enjoyed themselves. Added to that it gave her some breathing space to think about all that had happened to her. It had all been such a rush that she needed time to breathe.

  “I can see from the mark on your nec
k you have bonded. Valdemar gets his strength from you now and that is a power that is hard to destroy. Added to that Victor cannot harm you for to do so kills him.” Thomas saw her confusion. “If he so much as grazes your skin he will be poisoned.”

  “That’s right, lovely. My cousin and I cannot take each other’s mates as we are related by blood.” He nodded at Thomas’ words. “And yes, you are what makes me strong.”

  This was a complete head spin. That she was, as a woman, considered powerful, she always knew. All women were, but prejudice against her gender was always there somewhere below the surface. “Some men still think women are weak.”

  “They are,” one elf murmured, then tried to look innocent when Valdemar shot him a look to silence him.

  Aureliann chuckled. “I like Bob, Bill and Binky here.” The elves looked at her in surprise.

  “They’re not our names.” The elves stamped their feet in unison. “You couldn’t even pronounce our real names.”

  “Maybe, maybe not but I know you are pissy little things and I like that.” She was surprised when they blushed and shuffled their feet, seemingly taken aback by her words. Elves—like all men they were easy to work out.

  Thomas nodded his head in approval of her. “Women in Serawych have quiet, unbreakable power over all men regardless of race or species. The bond is so great no one can break it.” He then listened as Valdemar filled him in on what Marlow had found out.

  “We must go back to Serawych. We cannot have this played out on the streets of this innocent city.” Valdemar was adamant on that.

  Thomas nodded in agreement. “Yes and you need to rally the people.”

  “What about the people? The castle?” There was great concern in Valdemar’s voice.

  “Everything is under control,” Thomas assured him. “As you know they are strong and do not need to be led by the nose but if this dark force approaches—”

  “You need to be there.” Even Aureliann could see that. A good leader always thought of his people and she could tell by the look in his eyes Valdemar wanted to go home.

  “Come with me.” Valdemar spoke the three simple words to her.

  Aureliann took a deep breath. She could feel all eyes upon her. There were so many reasons for not jumping into whatever this was she was mixed up in. She had her house, a job and bills to pay. No one Aureliann knew would consider this a normal thing to do. Though she was scared, she could not let go of Valdemar now. “Yes.”

  “Good woman,” Thomas said with approval.

  Chapter Nine

  “Okay, so I didn’t tell you,” Valdemar said as he stood before her.

  “You should have.” It was not a small detail that he should have left out. It was life- changing stuff and to forget to mention it was dramatic.

  “Would it have made a difference?”

  “Well…yes…no…I don’t know, but the thing is you should have told me, prince.”

  Valdemar raked his hand through his hair. “You are the most frustrating woman, Aureliann.”

  She rolled her eyes at his words. “You’re no walk in the park either. Besides, if you love me as you say you do, then you’ll put up with me.” Aureliann was aware how totally selfish that came across but his news had caught her off-guard.

  “As will you.”

  They stared at each other. Both wrong, both right and both in love and apt to say or not say something they should.

  “I’m sorry, lovely.”

  The look in his eyes made her melt. Valdemar was so damn sexy and sweet. Aureliann found it impossible to remain angry with him. “Well…”

  “I was scared you would not come.”

  Before they left Brisbane she had suggested inviting the vampires they had met along to aid them in the upcoming struggle with Victor.

  “No need for that. We have a strong power base in Serawych,” Valdemar had said.

  “But Marlow and Asher seem pretty switched on and—”

  Valdemar interrupted Aureliann. “They may not be able to go back, lovely.”

  She had stood gobsmacked as he explained in some cases people from other worlds had been trapped in Serawych. Apparently, as dimensions went, it was sometimes reluctant to let travelers passing through leave. Aureliann may not have come with him if she had known there was the chance she would not get back home. She looked at Valdemar. Despite his momentary lapse, the man was strong, smart and loving. So where was home now? In Brisbane or with him?

  “What?” He reached for her hand and linked it with his own.

  “I don’t know.” I thought I used to know stuff but more and more I am out of my depth.

  Valdemar pulled her to him. “It will work out.”

  Aureliann knew she should have been more upset at him but she was helpless to do anything but mold herself to the heat from his hard body.

  “It had better.” She stopped when she realized how that sounded. Aureliann did not want to come across as a harpy but she was scared of not being in control. She seemed to be losing it a lot with Valdemar around. “I’m sorry, Val.” Aureliann reached up and stroked his face.

  He caught her hand and kissed it. “Lovely, you never have to be sorry. Damn…”

  “What? Did I stand on your toe or something?”

  “When you call me Val and look at me that way…”

  Aureliann knew what he meant. There was a fierce hunger for him that she doubted would ever be quenched. “You have to go do prince stuff, remember? The whole ‘save your people and the kingdom’.” A week ago that statement would have made her snort in amusement. It was so soap opera. And yet I seem to have walked into one.

  “Yes, I do.” Valdemar’s mouth descended onto hers and kissed her with the hot, needy passion of a man in love.

  They walked out to the forecourt of the castle. Aureliann had not seen much of her surroundings but what she had seen was mind-boggling. The building they were in was a huge gothic castle set on the rise of a hill. The city below seemed to spread out for miles. She had to admit she was eager to further scope out new surroundings.

  “Wow.” She watched in amazement as what seemed like a battalion of elves stood ready, waiting to serve the heir to throne.

  “They are very loyal men.” The original three elves who Aureliann had taken to calling Bob, Bill and Binky appeared. “They will look after you.”

  Aureliann liked these men and enjoyed battling wits with them. “What do you do?” She arched her eyebrows and looked at them with mock interest. “Bite people’s ankles if they attack? Maybe gnaw on an enemy’s toe?”

  “You’re a bitch,” one of them retorted with a reluctant smile.

  “But we kind of like you,” another one added.

  “Ah, you’re just saying that to get on my good side.” It was nice to have someone other than Valdemar in this strange land. While she loved him, she knew he had his duties to perform. She expected no less of him. But having someone else to talk to, albeit a challenge, was a bonus.

  “Maybe we are, maybe we aren’t.”

  Aureliann put her hands on her hips and looked down at them. “Listen, don’t try to do inscrutable with me.” They stamped their feet. She stamped hers back. “You’re not going to rattle me, lads. I’m a bigger pain in the butt than all three of you combined.”

  Valdemar shook his head in amused confusion. “Are you all going to play nice?”

  “The gnomes—I mean elves—and I are just having some fun.” Aureliann stuck out her tongue at them.

  “Yeah, she’ll be fine with us, your highness.” All the elves nodded. “We’ll show her where she can swim in the tar pits and maybe let her play in the snake house—”

  “Oh boy,” Valdemar murmured in concern. “Maybe I had better stay.”

  Aureliann put her hand on his arm. “Bill, Bob, Binky and I will be fine, Val.” She leaned in and kissed him, savoring the taste of pure male on her lips.

  “Oooh Val,” the elves all cooed in girly-sounding voices as they made smooching noi
ses and hugged themselves. Aureliann pushed him away. As she watched him go, she wanted him back already. Yeah, I’m in love. She turned to the trio. And I have smart-ass elves. What more could a girl want?

  Valdemar did walk away but stopped and turned back to stand behind a pillar. While he trusted the elves, if anything happened to Aureliann it would kill him. He smiled as he heard Aureliann’s voice.

  “So, do you lads have girlfriends?”

  Valdemar smiled. Few people understood elves straight away but she did. Elves liked to test people. They came across as nasty and a pain in the ass to some. But others, like Aureliann, understood right from the start that it was all an act on their part. Once an elf gave you loyalty, it was forever. Valdemar admired her more than he could put into words. He had given her the shock of her life and yet here she was ready to stand beside him and face whatever would come.

  “We have hundreds of women.”

  “Of course,” Aureliann responded cynically.

  “Elves are highly prize for their sexual prowess.”

  “Wanna know why?”

  “Gee, no thanks.”

  Valdemar could almost see the look of amusement on his beloved’s face. He suspected Aureliann was unaware of how expressive her features were and how they often gave away what she was feeling. That was how he knew she loved him.

  “So you read the book and fell in love with the big guy.”

  Valdemar was about to move off but stopped when he heard the elf’s words. He needed to hear her response. In fact he longed to hear the words from her lips. That Aureliann loved him he did not doubt. Women like Aureliann did not throw themselves at any man. They had too much pride and class to be with just anyone. Women like Aureliann wanted more than a meaningless fling.

  “Why do you want to know?” Aureliann asked.

  “Because he’s our prince and if you mess with him you mess with us.”

  “Well that just scares the crap out of me—not.”

  Valdemar held back his laughter.

  “You talk tough,” an elf pointed out.

  “So do you,” she responded.


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