One Last Chance: A Sports Romance

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One Last Chance: A Sports Romance Page 2

by J. A. Collard

  It’s not healthy to crave a man I can never have.

  Who am I kidding? He doesn’t even notice me because he’s crazy about Sophia. Plus, why would he ever want me, anyway?

  I’m brought back to the present when Mr. Silver asks, “Chloe? Did you hear me?”

  Feeling my cheeks flush, I sit up straight and twist my pencil in my hand. “Yes, Mr. Silver, I did.”

  Luckily for me, he mumbles something to himself, then continues to draw on the board.

  For the remainder of the class, I sit there sketching images of hearts in my book with initials beside them—yup, you guessed it. CM and DR. Chloe Mason and Domenic Reed. Ugh. I’m pathetic.

  The bell rings, bringing me out of my daydream state once again, and I quickly pack my books and get out of my seat.

  “Remember, students, you have an exam tomorrow.”

  I sigh and walk out of the classroom with Sam close behind.

  “Hey, you,” Sam says as he wraps his broad arm around my shoulders. “What happened to your head?” We walk to my locker, and I open it quickly, placing my books inside. As Sam removes his arm from my shoulder, I catch a glimpse of the lump on my head in my locker mirror and cringe at the sight of it—it’s turning all shades of purple and black.

  “Chlo, your head?”

  “Oh, that,” I state, shutting my locker, and touching the lump that now feels as big as a lemon. “Ouch!” I push my back up against the lockers, feeling around the bump.

  Sam quickly places his books in his locker and slams it shut. “Let’s get you to the school nurse, you need ice on that.”

  This time I don’t argue. It feels like my head is going to explode.

  We see the school nurse, and she immediately asks me to sit on the bed as she opens the refrigerator door and removes an ice pack.

  “Here, place this on your head, honey.”

  I do so immediately and then sigh in relief, already feeling much better.

  Sam takes a seat beside me on the bed, smiling.

  Sam and I have been friends since junior year. He’s the closest thing I have to a brother. He also lives next door to me, which is a bonus, and sometimes he scares the hell out of me when he climbs through my window into my bedroom, but I really don’t mind. I like having him around.

  We watch movies together and talk until late. He also knows about the crush I have on Domenic and constantly teases me about it. I wish I could tease him back. I’ve never heard him crushing on a girl, and he’s never even had a girlfriend since I’ve known him.

  At one stage, I asked him if he was gay—not that there’s anything wrong with that, but I just wanted to understand him. He assures me he’s not, so I constantly tease him about Megan now, who can never take her eyes off him when they’re anywhere near each other. Megan’s a cheerleader, also gorgeous like Sophia.

  Sam says he’s not into her and has asked me to stop mentioning her name, but I just don’t get it. I mean, he’s a fit, good-looking guy with blond hair and blue eyes, and he’s on the school’s lacrosse team and regularly works out.

  “How did that happen?” Sam asks, pointing to my forehead-egg.

  “Oh, you know…” I say, shrugging my shoulders, “… the usual, just me being clumsy.”

  “Did it have anything to do with Domenic?” he teases as he nudges me.

  “I’m not going to answer that,” I reply, feeling my face go bright red.

  Damn me and my blushing.

  “It does, doesn’t it? What did you do? Walk into the wall because you were too busy gawking at him?”

  He laughs, and I slap his arm. “No. I didn’t, you idiot.”

  “Aww, come on, Chlo, don’t be mad. Come here.”

  I accept his offer of a hug and lean into him as he wraps his arms around me. “I’ll look after you.”

  “I know you will,” I reply, smirking.



  Looking out the plane window, my stomach dips. The green trees and forest of Vixen Falls below come into view, and my mouth suddenly feels dry. My instructions are to go to my hotel, settle in, and then first thing tomorrow, I will meet with Tom, Director of Sleek Sports magazine, to discuss the photo shoot. I hadn’t even had a chance to call my parents and let them know I was coming home. I knew they’d insist on me staying with them, but I can’t. My parents’ house is a block away from Sophia’s, although I’m not sure whether or not she’s still living there.

  Memories of the last night I was in Vixen Falls come to mind.

  It had been an amazing night, the end of the school year finished on a high when Domenic invited everyone back to his house to celebrate. Sophia insisted on me going along. Usually, I didn’t attend their stupid parties—where everyone got drunk and did something they regretted by the morning—but seeing as I was leaving for New York the following week, and the fact I may never see Domenic again, it meant I had to go. I needed to tell him how I felt, even if it meant losing my best friend. What did I have to lose? I was leaving and never had to face Domenic again.

  Yeah, funny how things ended up—here I am in Vixen Falls once again, sent by my boss to take photographs of the Vixen Rapids football team, and it just so happens Domenic is the quarterback. Fuck my life.

  “Excuse me, Miss. Please place your seat in an upright position. We are landing in a few moments.” I turn my head, looking up at the flight attendant, and coming back to the present. She gives me a warm smile, her red lipstick matching her red uniform, and I smile back, doing as she says and setting my seat forward. Taking in a deep breath, I glance out of the window again and listen as the pilot describes the weather in Vixen Falls. As usual, it’s cold with some light showers. At this time of the year, Vixen Falls’ weather is constantly cold, colder, or freezing, and for that reason, I’m wearing jeans, a sweater topped with a jacket, and thick woolen beanie.

  The cold air assaults my face as I exit the airport terminal. I have my large suitcase in hand to hold my tripod and my precious Canon camera over my shoulder in its bag. Looking around at my surroundings, I spot a driver holding up a sign saying, Miss Mason.

  Smiling, I walk up to him. “I’m Miss Mason.”

  He smiles back at me. “Miss Mason, I’m Mr. Cole, your driver. Here, let me take your bag.”

  “Please, call me Chloe.” I wheel my suitcase toward his outstretched hand, then I take the camera bag off my shoulder and step in behind Mr. Cole.

  Opening the trunk to a black Mercedes Benz, he lifts my suitcase carefully and places it inside. He looks up from what he’s doing and holds out his hand to me again. “Here, I’ll take that.”

  Shaking my head, I reply, “No, it’s fine, I’ll keep this with me.” The camera is my pride and joy, my bread and butter, so I can’t afford for anything to happen to it.

  Feeling a little dampness hit my face, I look up at the sky and see it’s beginning to snow. “You’d better get in, Miss Mason. The news said it was going to snow this afternoon, and it seems like they were right for once,” Mr. Cole says.

  I smile as he opens the back door of the Mercedes, gesturing for me to enter. I take my seat, feeling the warmth from the car’s heater, glad he was kind enough to keep it on for me while he was waiting.

  “To Vixen Lodge, Miss Mason?”

  “Yes, that’s correct.” It seems Jim has organized everything for me.

  The driver heads out onto the main road toward the lodge. We pass the small town of Vixen Falls, noting that everything looks exactly the same. Patty’s Diner still sits on the corner, Mr. Black’s hardware store right next door, and Mrs. Cline has her florist store open and is standing outside, chatting away to Mrs. Wiggins.

  Yup, nothing’s changed.

  Walking the streets are some boys who look like they’re in high school, wearing the Vixen Rapids’ colors—yellow and blue. They’re passing a football to each other as they run down the street. The team’s colors and signs are everywhere in town, advertising the game this weekend.
br />   “Do you follow football, Miss Mason?”

  Do I follow football? I follow it all right. I don’t miss a minute when Domenic is playing.

  “Um, yes, I do. You can’t help but follow football when you’ve grown up in this town,” I admit, keeping the reason why to myself.

  Mr. Cole glances at me through the rearview mirror, and his eyes crease with a smile. “So, you’re from Vixen Falls, are you?”

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Are you home to visit your family?”

  “I’m here for work,” I reply, not really wanting to discuss my business and why I’m here. Not that I’m being a snob, I’m simply tired, and not sure I want to talk about the football team much longer when it’s reminding me of why I am here.

  “We have a great team this year, Miss Mason.”

  “Please, call me Chloe.”

  “Okay, I’ll call you Chloe if you call me Dan.”

  “Deal,” I say, fidgeting with my hands.

  “That quarterback, Domenic Reed, will bring us the win this season. I can feel it in my bones.”

  The mention of Domenic’s name has me glancing up at Dan in the mirror again.

  “He’s a fine man,” Dan continues. “It’s thanks to him we’ve gotten as far as we have this season. Did you see the touchdown he got us last month?”

  I shake my head and glance out of the window. “No, can’t say I did.”

  Liar, Chloe. Of course, you know how he scored the touchdown. Your eyes were glued to the television for God’s sake.

  “You going to the game this weekend, Chloe?”

  “I’m… not sure,” I reply honestly. The plan is to meet with Tom from Sleek Sports Magazine tomorrow to plan the photo shoot for the following day.

  “I’m here for work, and I plan to be back home by the weekend.”

  Dan catches my attention in the mirror again. “That’s a shame. I have a feeling it’s going to be a great game, one we’ll remember in years to come.”

  “I hope so, for this town’s sake,” I whisper under my breath.

  “What was that?”

  “Oh, nothing,” I say quickly. “I just said I hope you’re right.”

  He nods and turns his attention back to the road. The rest of the drive to the lodge is in silence, and I’m thankful for that.

  I have to get my mind together.

  I need a plan.

  What am I going to do when I see Domenic?

  What will I say?

  Will he even remember me? I mean, I did give my virginity to the man, so the least he can do is remember me.

  God, Chloe, you’re not the only girl he’s slept with.

  I’m shaking my head, trying to rid myself of these thoughts when the car comes to a stop. I look out the window and stare at the Vixen Lodge sign. Dan hops out, comes around, and opens my door. I thank him as I step out. After he takes my bag out of the trunk and hands it to me, I thank Dan again, handing him a generous tip before saying goodbye.

  I walk through the sliding doors of the lodge and make my way to the lobby. I’m waiting in line when the words, “Oh my God, Chloe? Is that you?” come from behind me.

  Did I mention this was a small town?

  Turning around, shock hits me when I see Sophia standing behind me.

  Really? Out of everyone I am going to see today, it has to be Sophia.

  “Oh my God, it is you,” she squeals and hugs me, causing me to drop the handle of my luggage. I hug her back, loving her familiar scent—Sophia feels like home.

  She pulls back and holds me at arm’s length. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming, Chlo?”

  Feeling guilty that I let our friendship fall apart, I lean in and hug her again. “I’ve missed you, Soph,” I admit, tears pricking my eyes.

  “Oh, Chloe, I have missed you, too.” I feel her hand run down my hair. She looks good. Still the same Sophia that I left all those years ago. Perfect hair, perfect figure, and looks like she’s just stepped out of a magazine shoot.

  “You know I love you, Chloe, but what’s going on with your hair?” She teases, giving me a cheeky grin. I’d taken off my beanie when I entered the hotel, so I can just imagine what it looks like.

  “Is it that bad?” I ask, patting it down.

  “Girl, you have seriously gotta get your highlights done. What are you doing now? I’m sure Megan can fit you in.”

  Oh no, not Megan, not the gossip queen of Vixen Falls.

  Megan went to school with us. She was one of the popular girls and had a huge crush on Sam.


  I should have called and told him I was coming.

  Ever since my last time here, at the party, I spoke to Sam when I arrived in New York, and we caught up now and then, but we haven’t been in touch for at least two years. I doubt he will want to see me.

  “I’m tired, Soph. I’ve got a big day tomorrow, and I want to nap.”

  “You can sleep when you’re dead. Come on, let’s get your hair done, then we’re having a coffee and catching up. It’s been far too long.”

  “Can I check-in first?” I ask with a smile.

  “Oh, yeah. Sure, hon. I’ll let you check in, and I’ll meet you over at Megan’s salon when you’re done. I’ll go tell her you’re not far behind.”

  “What are you doing here, anyway?” I ask.

  “I had a meeting with a client for my next project. I have so much to tell you! Don’t be long now, okay?”

  “Next, please,” the receptionist announces.

  “I won’t be. I’ll see you soon.”



  I’ve just finished getting dressed for the end-of-year party, which is going to be at Domenic’s house.

  After graduation and dinner with my parents and Sophia’s family, Sophia suggested we run home and change. She dropped me off at my house and said she’d be by in an hour to pick me up for the party, and she told me to wear something hot. Hot? I don’t own anything hot, so I decided to wear my comfortable denim jeans, a black and red Rolling Stones T-shirt, and my Converse. I brushed my hair out, allowing it to cascade down my back in waves, and applied some lip-gloss.

  “Chloe, you can’t go out wearing that. Quick, let’s go change.”

  “Why? What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” I ask Sophia, looking down at my clothes.

  We’re outside my house—I’d hurried out when I heard her car pull up.

  Sophia got out with a bag in her hand and met me halfway to my house.

  “What’s wrong?” Sophia repeats, raising her eyebrows. “Let’s go back inside, you are not coming out dressed like that.”

  She snatches my hand and leads me up the steps to my front door, wearing her ridiculously high heels and tight-fitting black dress. She looks amazing, of course. How did I ever think that Domenic would want me when he has Sophia? Guilt fills me because what I’m thinking is so wrong. Sophia is my best friend, and if she knew how I felt about him? Well, it would kill her and probably break our friendship.

  “Wait,” I gasp, coming to a halt. “I don’t have anything else to wear.”

  Sophia turns to face me, a smile reaching her lips. Raising her hand with the black bag held tight, she replies, “What do you think this is? I brought a dress for you to wear. I knew you’d need it.”

  I don’t argue with her because I know she’s right.

  It’s time I listened to her.

  “There, now you’re perfect.”

  I open my eyes when Sophia finishes her last touches on my mascara. Not only did she bring a dress for me to wear, but she also brought her whole makeup case. She’s taken an entire hour to get me dressed and dolled up.

  “Look how hot you are, Chloe.”

  I turn to face the mirror and gasp in surprise at my appearance. The short black dress Sophia brought for me is snug around my breasts and waist, and then flows from my hips. It fits me to a T. The black strapless sandals to go with it are a perfect size and the makeup? Wow! I ju
st can’t believe it’s me under there.

  I look over at my best friend with a smile. “Thank you, Sophia.”

  “Hon, you’re gorgeous, so flaunt it.”

  I giggle at that remark.

  Sophia looks at her watch. “Shoot, we need to go. I promised Domenic I’d be there early to help with the food prep, and I’m late.”

  “Sure, let’s go.” I grab my bag and denim jacket off the bed, and we head out.



  The bell chimes above the door as I enter Megan’s hair salon. Sophia was certain I had the address before she left the lodge, to be sure I would turn up.

  All heads spin when I push the door, the little bell sounds, and I suddenly feel my cheeks heat. I’ve never liked attention, and I guess that’s why I’m the one behind the lens and not in front of it.

  “Chloe, over here,” Sophia shouts, waving her hand at me.

  “Oh my God… is that you, Chloe?”

  I release the door, letting it close with a click, and plant a fake smile on my face as I walk over to Sophia and Megan.

  “Yes, it really is,” I reply, tucking my hands in my jeans, feeling quite awkward at the moment.

  I’m suddenly pulled into a pair of arms and am being squeezed tightly. “You look amazing,” Megan says as she pulls back and looks at me at arm’s length. “Let me get a good look at you.”

  “You see, Sophia, Megan thinks I look amazing,” I tease while grinning at her.

  Megan’s the one who looks amazing. She has beautiful red hair, tied up into a bun, and is wearing skinny black jeans with a jade green off-the-shoulder top. Her makeup was always flawless at school, and I see nothing’s changed. Her green eyes, touched with a tint of amber, shine back at me as she spins me around.

  “Where were you hiding that body, Chloe?”

  “Megan, will you just do her hair? You’re embarrassing her,” Sophia says, obviously noticing my pink cheeks.

  “I am just complimenting the girl, geez. Here, hon, have a seat.”

  I sit in the black leather chair Megan pointed to, and she covers me with the black, silk-like cape to protect my clothing. Running her fingers through my hair, she asks, “So what are we doing here today? Some highlights? A trim?”


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