One Last Chance: A Sports Romance

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One Last Chance: A Sports Romance Page 12

by J. A. Collard



  Yes, I did it. I got her back.

  The next thing I need to do is to see Cassandra and end it before the game tomorrow. Cass always comes to the games, especially considering her dad owns the Rapids. The last thing I need is for Chloe to turn up and notice Cassandra is there. Tomorrow’s game marks thirty years since Casandra’s father, Timothy Miles, took over ownership of the team. So, tomorrow is a big deal, and I know Mr. Miles will be out on the field with us as we make our entrance before the game. If I know Chloe, she will be right there beside him—anything to get some attention on her. It never bothered me before, but I’m only starting to realize now how she likes to be in every photo that’s taken of me and is always around her father whenever he makes himself known to us.

  “Good evening, Mr. Reed, here to see Miss Miles?”

  Giving Robert a curt nod, I reply, “Yes, please. Can you let her know I’m here?” Robert is the Grand View Hotel’s Manager, who works the night shift. He and I have become acquainted over the couple of years I’ve been dating Cassandra.

  “Of course, sir.”

  Tapping my fingers on the desk, I wait patiently as Robert speaks to Cassandra on the phone. A few moments pass, and after a brief conversation, I hear, “Of course, Miss Miles.” Then Robert tells me I can head up to her floor.

  My hand hesitates as my finger pushes the button in the elevator, which takes me up to her penthouse suite. Her father owns this building, and of course, Cassandra was given the best suite in the building.

  Timothy Miles, her father, lives on the other side of town. His white mansion stands out amongst the other homes in Vixen Falls. Black iron gates open to a long driveway that has a water feature sitting in the middle of a massive horseshoe driveway.

  I met Cassandra when the team was invited to Timothy Miles’ cocktail party after a game one evening. Cassandra introduced herself to me as his daughter, but I already knew who she was. I’d noticed her at the games and once at training when Mr. Miles decided to make his way down to the field to talk to Coach. That’s when I saw her, and I didn’t miss the way her eyes followed me on the field.

  She’s beautiful, and I was flattered that she spent most of the evening talking to me. She chose me that night, even with all my teammates there vying for her attention, but she never drifted too far away from me.

  We hit it off. She told me about her career as a model and how she loves traveling the world for her job. After a while, we walked outside and continued our conversation in the garden. It came to me that we had a bit in common—we both loved football, we both grew up in Vixen Falls, and we also loved traveling.

  Timothy Miles seemed to approve of our relationship, but not before he had words with me one night at his home when he asked me to meet him at his office. I was nervous, worried that I had done something wrong in the game, but then the topic of conversation went from the team to Cassandra. Mr. Miles made it clear that he loved his daughter, and that if I were to hurt her in any way, that I would pay for it with my career. He wanted me to be clear that I knew what I was getting myself into because he had the power to mess up my career. Even though I’m the star quarterback for Vixen Rapids, Cassandra will always come before the game.

  I had promised him that I would look after her and would do my best not to break her heart. He was content with my answer, so I decided to take her out on a date.

  Cassandra had told me she was going to be mine if I wanted her or not. I loved her confidence and strength, and the fact she was an independent woman was a plus. She was a breath of fresh air for me, and I hoped she would be the one to help me forget Chloe Mason.

  Now, here I am, ready to break things off because Chloe has come back. I know it’s an ass thing to do to break up with her because of Chloe, but it would be worse if I kept her hanging on when my heart belongs elsewhere. I just have to make sure she understands and that she doesn’t go running to daddy.

  Soft music sounds within the elevator as it heads up to Cassandra’s penthouse. Closing my eyes at the same time, it occurs to me how exhausted I am from today’s events. First, from the hot sex in the shower this morning which, as it turns out, was the best morning sex I’ve had in years, followed by the photo shoot. Not to mention the drama in Coach’s office and the running around I had to do afterward.

  The last thing I want to do tonight is have this conversation with Cassandra, but it needs to be done. I can’t have two women at the game tomorrow. Cassandra normally sits in the wives and girlfriends’ seating area. What would Chloe think if she turned up and saw her there? I can’t risk that, not after everything I have done to get Chloe back.

  My mind drifts to Chloe and how incredibly hot she looked tonight in her short black dress. If I didn’t need to have this conversation with Cass tonight, I would have gone out dancing with them to make sure no other man tries to take what’s mine. The last thing I need is some ass drooling over her. Let’s face it, no man can resist her. She’s too perfect.

  Right now, I would love to be in her bed with her in my arms as we fall asleep after another night of incredible sex, but that’s not happening. Well, not tonight, anyway.

  The elevator announces I’ve arrived at the penthouse suite, and I straighten my body and walk into her penthouse. The elevator is private for the penthouse suite only, so unless Cassandra gives the okay to visitors, no one is able to use it.

  She stands there, waiting for me in a black and white lace G-string and a matching bra.

  Damn! This is going to be harder than I thought.

  Hi, baby,” she coos walking over to me seductively.

  I have to admit she is attractive, and every man knows it. All eyes turn when she enters a room, and I don’t blame them for looking. She is gorgeous.

  But she’s not Chloe.

  Chloe has my heart and always will.

  “You’re not angry with me anymore?” Accepting her hand, she leads me to the nearby couch and pushes me back, so I fall onto the couch.

  Unclasping her bra, she allows it to fall down her arms and land on the floor beside her feet. Her perky breasts are so close to my face that all I’d have to do is lean in, flick my tongue, and it would land on one of her nipples.

  But that’s not going to happen.

  I don’t want Cassandra.

  Not as much as I want Chloe, and I’m not willing to lose her.

  Moving my eyes up to hers, I sit back and run my hands down my thighs. “Cass, we need to talk.”

  She leans over and places her finger on my lips to quieten me. “No talking.”

  Tilting my head back, I repeat, “We need to.”

  Shaking her head, Cassandra straddles me and begins to rub her pelvis against mine. The sensation feels so good, but I can’t let this continue.

  I’m here for one thing, and one thing only, and that’s to tell Cassandra we’re over.

  “Please, Cass, stop!” I ask as I grip her hips to keep her still.

  Sighing, she pulls back and frowns. “What’s up with you, Dom? I’m the one who should be angry here. Yet, I’m all over you, and you’re rejecting me. Is it about that girl… Chloe?”

  Not liking the sound of Chloe’s name on her lips, I look away for a second to try and calm down. I need to be clear and concise about my intentions tonight.

  “Dom, is it?” she asks again.

  “Yes, it is,” I state, but before I can continue, she’s sliding off me and walking away.

  “Cass… wait! This conversation isn’t over.”

  She turns around and glares at me. “How dare you. I’ve given you two years, and now you’re here to what? Break this off? I don’t think so, Domenic Reed, you don’t get to break up with me. Do you understand me?” she spits while pointing her finger at me.

  Rubbing on my jaw, I stand and take a couple of steps toward her. I feel like shit, this is such a crappy thing to do, but I have to do it. “Cass, please, don’t make this harder than it is.”

bsp; “Ha! Make it harder than it is? I’m sorry, I thought we had a good thing going. Don’t try and tell me that our relationship didn’t bring us both benefits.”

  “Wait… what? What are you talking about?”

  “Come on, Domenic. Don’t act all innocent. You think I didn’t know that by dating me meant my father would be your future father-in law, and we both know what his money could bring you.”

  Stunned and confused, I ask, “Cass, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  She takes a few steps toward me and smiles. “You used me, and I used you. By dating the famous quarterback player for Vixen Rapids meant I got noticed and was offered more modeling jobs. People wanted the girlfriend of Domenic Reed to represent their next perfume or clothing line.”

  I can’t believe this. Am I hearing correctly?

  “Oh, look at you. It’s not as if I don’t love you, Domenic, because I do. It’s just an added bonus that you were famous when I met you. And now some girl from your past is back, and you’re throwing us away, just like that?” She clicks her fingers, the anger now coming back in full force.

  She swipes a stray strand of hair behind her ear and says in a defeated tone, “I’ve lost you to her, haven’t I? You’re going to throw everything we built together just because of her?”

  Is she serious right now? Did she not just admit that she used our relationship to get noticed for work? All this time, she was using me to get what she wanted—fame.

  Taking a few steps toward her again, I try and explain what Chloe means to me. “Chloe and I have known each other for years. She was my first…” I let out a husky laugh and run my hands through my hair, trying to work out how I can explain what I feel for Chloe, “… real love, I guess you could call it.”

  Cass folds her arms and narrows her eyes. Taking the last couple of steps to her, I hold Cass by her arms and run my hands down them. “You’re a beautiful girl. Any man would be lucky to have you. I’m just not that man.”

  She flinches at my honesty. Tears pool in her eyes, and I’m not sure what to say or do. It kills me to know that I’m hurting her like this, but did she not just hurt me when she explained she was with me because I am famous? She says she loves me, and maybe she does in her own way, but I’m not in love with her, and I don’t know that I ever was. Because being with Chloe proves what love really feels like, and I never felt like this when I was with Cass.

  Something must click inside of her because suddenly I see the switch in her eyes, and as her tears fall, she swipes them away angrily. “Well, wait till Daddy hears about this.”

  She turns to storm away, but I keep her from doing so. “What are you saying, Cass? This has nothing to do with your father. This is between you and me. Your father has nothing to do with it.”

  Again, she pulls away, her eyes now wide and full of emotion. I don’t know if she wants to cry or slap me.

  “Remember, Domenic, I’m not the one who ended this, you are.” She lets out a bitter laugh. “Can’t wait to see what Daddy does to your career when he hears about what you did.”

  Before I can say another word, she’s storming off down the hallway and out of my sight.

  Feeling frustrated, I grip the top of my hair and pull hard.

  “Shit! Shit! Shit!”



  “Game day, baby.”

  Tracker’s driving Sophia’s car again as we head to the stadium for the game. Tracker is so excited that he wore a Vixen Rapids’ jersey.

  Now and then, he looks at me through the rearview mirror and says something like, “It’s game day.”

  Last night was so great. It was good to get together with the girls and let our hair down. It has been a while since I’ve had a girls’ night out other than a drink after work with my fellow colleagues. With me traveling for work, making friends was something I struggled with. So last night was so much fun that I decided I was going to make an effort and make sure I keep in touch with Sophia and Megan once Domenic and I decide what we’re going to do with our relationship.

  I’m not sure how we are going to juggle our lives so we can be with one another, but I want to work on it. It’s time I put myself first and be with the man I love.

  I hope everything went well with Cassandra.

  Last night when I arrived back at the lodge after a night of dancing, I was disappointed that Domenic wasn’t there waiting for me. I was desperate to find out how it all turned out with Cassandra. When I tried to call him, he didn’t answer me either.

  This morning I decided to visit my parents. It’s been a while, and I would have hated for them to find out I was here in Vixen Falls and didn’t take the time to visit them—they would never forgive me if I didn’t make an effort.

  I filled them in on the photo shoot and that I had met up with Domenic, and my dad was over the moon about it. He mentioned again about the day I left to go to New York and how Domenic was trying to find me. He raves on about how Domenic would be a good catch and how I should move back to Vixen Falls, but I know it’s because my dad loves football, and he’s been following Domenic’s team and career like everyone else in this town. He’s such a huge fan, so much so that he never misses a game when they play in their hometown.

  My father offered to drive me to the game today, but I had already organized with Sophia and Tracker that I would go with them, so I told my parents I’d find them at half-time.

  Taking another glimpse at Tracker through the rearview mirror, I can’t hold back my smirk. He’s so tall that his head is hitting the roof of Sophia’s car.

  “What are you smiling at?” Tracker asks.

  Looking out the window, I giggle. “Oh, I don’t know, maybe the fact that a bad-boy biker is wearing a Vixen Rapids’ jersey and is driving Sophia’s yellow Jeep.

  Sophia and I both break out in laughter as she looks at me over her seat. “You read my mind, Chloe.”

  “Hey, girls, don’t go dissing me. A man can’t pay to look this good.”

  “Yeah, babe, you’re right there.”

  Sophia leans into Tracker and places a kiss on his cheek.

  “You’re absolutely right,” I add but look away, hoping he won’t see me trying to hold back my laughter.

  Ten minutes later, we arrive at the football stadium.

  Butterflies form in my stomach at the thought of seeing Domenic again. I hadn’t had a chance to speak to him properly since last night when we kissed, and he promised he was going to work everything out. We spoke briefly this morning, but it was to discuss our ticket arrangements for today and that he had left them with the cashier, but then he abruptly told me he had to go because he was running late for a meeting.

  I don’t know why, but part of me felt like he was using the meeting as an excuse to end the call. I’m probably being silly and overreacting, which I tend to do, but something is off, and I hope it doesn’t have anything to do with Cassandra.

  “Wow! These seats are the best in town. Chloe, have you seen the seats that your boy got us?”

  Tracker stands there, pointing at the seats that are lined up behind the partners of the players’ seats.

  “Yeah, they are great,” I agree and take a seat beside Sophia, who’s sitting between Tracker and me.

  The sound of a whistle trails behind me, and I turn around and spot my parents sitting behind me, so I wave at them.

  “Looks like your folks made it,” Sophia says, and she gives my parents a little wave. There was a time that Sophia was like a second daughter to my parents. She was always at my house and having sleepovers, and she used to walk into the house whenever she pleased. My parents told her that she was welcome anytime. It was nice to hear from my parents that Sophia still visits them now and then.

  “Yeah, looks like it.”

  “I’m gonna get some food, want anything?” I ask Sophia and Tracker, but instantly regret it when Tracker gives me a list of what he wants to eat.

  “I’ll come and help you,” S
ophia offers, and we take the steps that lead to the food stalls.

  As we’re waiting for the two hotdogs, French fries, and Coke order for Tracker, I tell Sophia that I’m just going to go and grab an ice cream. She nods and tells me that she’ll come find me when she’s done.

  As I pay for my ice cream, I turn to walk back to Sophia when I bump into someone and drop my chocolate and vanilla ice cream on the ground. “Shoot,” I bend to pick it up and throw it in the bin.

  “Sorry,” a sarcastic voice says.

  My eyes travel from the ice cream, to heels, then up long, lean legs dressed in a black business skirt and jacket. A pin catches my attention that’s on her shirt showing the colors of the team along with the number forty-eight—Domenic’s number. She looks out of place standing here while around her are the fans dressed in jeans and the team’s jersey. I mean shouldn’t she be up there in the viewing box with the other rich people?”

  “Cassandra,” I reply. “I didn’t know you would be here today.”

  She lifts a brow. “I could say the same about you.”

  Leaning over to grab a napkin from one of the nearby tables, I wipe my hands from the sticky ice cream mess that was knocked out of my hands.

  “Right. Well, it was nice to see you, Cassandra,” I say, planting a fake smile on my face. I take a couple of steps to head back to Sophia, but I stop when she says, “He’s mine, you know, Chloe. We stayed up in bed after we made love last night while making our arrangements for our engagement party. You see, Domenic proposed to me last night.”

  Breathe, Chloe, breathe.

  Slowly turning around, I lick my suddenly dry lips and reply, “Sorry, what did you say?” Not being sure if I heard her correctly, I want her to repeat it.

  “She smiles wide. “That’s right. We’re getting married. So, you can run off and go back to where you came from. Domenic doesn’t want you here. He’s too nice to tell you himself.”


  Oh, God, I need air.

  “Chloe… Chloe.” My name is being called in the distance as I blink my eyes a couple of times, trying to gain my composure.


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