One Last Chance: A Sports Romance

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One Last Chance: A Sports Romance Page 14

by J. A. Collard

  Standing, I wipe away my tears and unlock the door once again. When I open it, Domenic falls back on the floor.

  “Oh, I’m sorry.”

  He smiles and stands. Facing me, he rubs the back of his neck with his hand. Domenic looks tired. He hasn’t shaved, showing a couple of days of hair growth. He has dark circles around his eyes, probably mimicking mine, and his hair looks as if it needs a trim or, at the very least, a good comb.

  “Sorry, was I interrupting something?”

  Tightening my robe further, I open the door wider and reply, “No. I was just headed for a bath. Come in.”

  “Thank you.” Stepping into my apartment, he walks to the center, looking around at my space. Suddenly, my apartment seems so small with him inside it. Marble white floors lead to the kitchen with a matching island and fitted with stainless steel appliances. To the right is my living room, where I have a smart television attached to the wall and plush couches. Wide floor-to-ceiling windows line the walls of the apartment. With the windows being tinted, there’s no need for drapes or curtains.

  My apartment is new, and I was glad I was able to afford the luxury of living opposite Madison Square Garden. If you step out on my balcony, you can see people walking their dogs, jogging, or just people having lunch. It’s a beautiful scene, and I love spending time out there.

  He picks up a picture frame from the side table, which is of my parents and me at one of our camping trips. He turns with the photograph in his hand, saying, “I remember you like this.”

  Nodding. “Yes, that was junior year,” I reply, walking over to him and placing the picture frame back on the side table.

  Folding my arms, I ask, “What are you doing here, Domenic?”

  His smile fades as he straightens and clears his throat. “May I sit?”

  Nodding, he walks over to the couch and sits, his knees almost touching the coffee table. Sitting opposite him, I cross my legs then uncross them when I see that my legs are showing through the split of my robe.

  “Okay, I let you inside, so talk. Tell me what dragged you all the way to New York?”

  Domenic clasps his hands together and lays them between his thighs. Hesitantly, Domenic looks up at me, and our eyes lock for the first time. Tingles run through my body, and my heart melts for him. I love him, and I doubt I’ll ever stop.

  “Chloe, I… I don’t know where to begin.”

  Rubbing my lips together to try and put some moisture in them, I take him in and respond, “You can start by what you said outside… about Cassandra’s father.”

  “Right,” he replies, getting up off the couch and starting to pace the floor.

  It occurs to me that he does this when he’s nervous. He stops and turns to me, his blue denim jeans low on his hips with a white linen shirt tucked into them. He’s also wearing his white Nike sneakers. The cuffs of his shirt are folded to his elbows, accentuating his muscular arms.

  He stops and faces me. “Chloe, you need to believe me that my intention was to break up with Cassandra the night we went out to dinner with your friends. I went to her apartment, and she threatened that if I broke up with her, she would run to her dad and most likely get me off the team. At first, I was shocked. I couldn’t believe she do such a thing, but her father warned me when I started going out with her that if I broke her heart, then I would pay for it with my future in football. I didn’t think he really meant it. But when Cassandra threw those words at me, I got scared. I’ve worked so hard to get where I am, and to think I could lose my position on the team because of her, I guess I hurt her pride.”

  He starts pacing again and continues, “She wouldn’t accept that I wanted to break it off and walked away from me. The next day was the game, and well… you weren’t there.”

  “I was,” I whisper under my breath.

  He stops and freezes.

  “You were? But Sophia said you had a headache.”

  “No,” I reply, shaking my head.

  “I was there, that was until Cassandra surprised me and threw in my face that you two spent the night together discussing your engagement plans.”

  Domenic’s eyes turn to rage, and he storms toward me. Placing his hands in mine, he begs, “Chloe, you have to believe me, that is a lie. I did not sleep with her. I went there to tell her it was over, and that was that. I left as soon as I could.”

  “But what about the kiss between you and her on the field? I saw it with my own eyes. I felt betrayed, I felt lied to, and I couldn’t be with someone who lied to me.”

  “So that’s why you left?” he asks.

  Looking outside, the memory of the hurt I felt when I saw them kiss and how I had to get out of there as quickly as I could, returns full force.

  Soft fingers lift my chin, forcing my eyes to look at him.

  “She kissed me, and if you stayed around long enough, you would have seen me reject her.”

  Could it be true?

  Did he really reject her?

  Domenic squats in front of me, placing a strand of hair behind my ear. “That’s right, Chloe. I rejected her. After our win, I went to Coach’s office and told him that Cassandra and I were over and to expect a call from Mr. Miles because I might be off the team.”

  Widening my eyes, I place my hands up to my mouth in shock. “Oh, Domenic, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know.”

  He shrugs. “How could you?”

  “Wait,” I reply, placing my hands on my lap. “What did Coach say when you told him?”

  He looks away when he says, “He told me he will do what he can to help.”

  Standing in surprise, Domenic grabs my hand in his.

  “Please tell me I’m not the reason for you possibly being kicked off the team.”

  “Chloe, please sit.”


  “But nothing. Just sit,” he demands.

  I do as he says and sit back on the couch, anger running through me at the thought he might have lost a spot on his team because of me.

  He squats in front of me again. “Chloe, you are not to blame. I want to be with you, and if that means moving to another team, then so be it. I can play anywhere. Actually…” he adds, smiling warmly. “I’ve just accepted a position as quarterback for the New York Giants next season.”

  “Wait… did you say the New York Giants?” I ask in disbelief.

  Nodding. “That’s right,” Domenic confirms. Then he gets up and walks toward the window where he looks out over Madison Square Garden.

  “I could get used to this.” He smiles as he looks at me over his shoulder.

  “Wait… Domenic?” I ask, confused, standing, and padding my way to him. He turns around to face me and places his hands on my waist. “Are you saying you’re moving to New York?” Hope fills me, and my heart beats rapidly.

  “That’s right, baby. I’m officially a New York Giant.” He flashes his white teeth, and I jump into his arms. He laughs and wraps his arms around me. Pulling back, I look deep into his eyes. “You’re serious?”

  “Yes, baby, I am.” He leans in and kisses me softly.

  My hands run through his hair, and I pull my legs up to wrap around his waist.” Suddenly, a thought comes to mind. So, I pull back and look down at him.

  “Where will you live? We need to find you a place?”

  Raising a brow, he suddenly turns serious, concern written over his face. “I… I was hoping…”

  “What is it, Dom?” I ask, cupping his cheek.

  “Well… I was hoping I could move in here… with you.”

  Stunned, I drop my feet to the floor and wrap my arms around his neck, keeping him close to me. Smiling, I decide to make him sweat a little, so I remove my hands and walk away and back to the couch. Turning to face him, I say, “Domenic… I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Your right, I’m an idiot. Sorry, I don’t know what I expected.” He drops his head and runs both hands through his hair in frustration, then looks back at me, his chest moving with each brea
th he takes. “I’m sorry, Chloe, I—” His words become caught in his mouth as I undo the belt to my robe and let it fall over my shoulders and to the floor.

  I stand there naked with my hands on my hips. “You were saying?”

  His Adam’s apple bobbles as he swallows hard. “Wait… what’s going on here?” he asks, taking a couple of steps closer to me.

  With my fingers, I pull my hair to the side, exposing my neck. I reply, “I say we celebrate. I mean… with you moving in and all.”

  Domenic’s mouth twitches, and then a wide smile lights up his entire face. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

  Walking the last few steps to him so that our bodies are touching, I begin to unbutton his shirt with my eyes never leaving his. He stops my fingers, and I frown. “What is it?”

  “I need to hear it from your lips.”

  “Hear what?” I act all innocent.

  Domenic licks his lips as he looks down at my breasts, then back up to my eyes. “I need you to be clear and tell me that you want me here.”

  Tilting my head to the side as I place my finger on my lips in thought, I reply, “Mmm… I guess I could do with a roommate. I mean with the rent on this place—”

  My words suddenly vanish when he smashes his lips to mine and kisses me deeply.


  One Year Later

  “Please, Domenic, can you tell me where we are going?”

  “Nope, it’s a surprise.”

  Sighing, I cling onto Domenic’s hand as he leads me to a surprise he’s organized.

  It’s been a year of heaven.

  Domenic moved in that very same night, and since then, life has been perfect. Don’t get me wrong, we have our disagreements now and then—stuff like he leaves his wet towel on the floor, or he constantly leaves the toilet seat up—but it’s things I can get over because being with Domenic is like a dream come true.

  Who would have thought I would have ended up with Domenic Reed?

  Who is now a star quarterback for the New York Giants.

  The Vixen Rapids have lost most games this season and have even contacted Domenic to see if he would return to them. It’s obvious that Domenic played a huge part in their wins, but Domenic wasn’t having it. He says he’s happy playing for the Giants’ and living in New York with me. I must admit, I’m over the moon about it because it means I get to see him every day. Well, when he’s not at an away game.

  Tonight is exactly one year since Domenic flew to New York to be with me, and tonight he said we are going to celebrate. When I asked him where we were going, he simply smiles and says it’s a surprise.

  Now here I am, blindfolded and in a cocktail dress and six-inch heels being led forward as we take small steps.

  Squealing, Domenic surprises me when he lifts me in his arms and carries me to wherever we are going. The breeze hits my face, and the scent of fresh grass is in the air.

  We must be outdoors.

  Finally, he stops and places me on my feet.

  “Are you ready?”

  Smiling, I nod, feeling excited at the same time.

  “Yes, I’m ready.”

  Domenic unties the knot behind my head, and once the blindfold is taken off, my eyes adjust to my surroundings.

  “What the? Are we at the stadium?”

  Red carpet leads to a table positioned in the center of the football stadium. Some of the stadium lights are switched on, giving me a clear vision of the table where flowers and lit candles are sitting.

  Surprised, I turn to Domenic, who has a huge smile on his face. “All this is for me?”

  He turns and cups my face. “Yes, baby, you deserve it.” Domenic removes his hands, then takes my hand in his and leads me to the table. Once we arrive, he pulls out my chair, and I take a seat loving the way the table looks so romantic.

  Domenic walks around the other side and sits opposite me. He brings his hands up to his mouth and runs his thumb over his bottom lip. He seems nervous.

  I’m surprised when soft music sounds, and looking over my shoulder, I find a violinist playing. Suddenly, a waiter walks toward us with a bottle of champagne.

  “Mr. Reed. Champagne, sir?”

  “Please,” Domenic replies, and the waiter fills my glass first and then Domenic’s.

  Leaning over the table, I whisper, “Domenic, what’s going on? What is all this for?”

  He doesn’t reply. He simply smiles, and it lights up his face.

  “You’re acting weird.”

  He points a finger to his chest as he takes a sip of his champagne. “Me, acting weird?”

  Giggling, I take a sip of my champagne, but something catches my eye. Freezing mid-sip, I look into the glass and ask, “What in the world is—” My words are caught in my throat when I see what’s in my glass. Placing my fingers in there, I reach for the object and bring it into my line of sight. With all my attention focused on the ring, I hadn’t noticed that Domenic had gotten off his chair and is standing beside me.

  “Domenic, what’s going on?” I ask, looking up at him with the ring in my hand. He gently takes the ring from my fingers and kneels on the ground.

  “Oh my God,” I say as my body begins to tremble. Domenic smiles, his eyes glistening with unshed tears.

  Is this really happening?

  Placing the ring halfway on my wedding finger, he looks up at me and says, “Chloe, I love you. I think I’ve loved you since the day I saw you at school that morning in the cafeteria.” He smiles at the memory. “You have made me so happy. Being with you over the last year has made me realize how much I love having you in my life and how I never want to be in this life without you.”

  He looks down and inhales. With my vision blurred by tears, I run the back of my fingers down his cheek, giving him the courage he needs to continue.

  “I love our life together. You make me happy every single day, and I want to be with you for all the days to come.” He clears his throat as emotions take over. “Chloe, will you do me the honor of being my wife?”

  With tears now streaming down my face, I smile and say, “Yes… yes… of course, I’ll marry you.”

  Domenic smiles in return, and when he places the large diamond on my finger, he picks me up and twirls me around while we both laugh out loud.

  When he finally stops, he plants my feet on the ground, saying, “I’m going to make you so happy. This, I promise to you.”

  “You already do.”


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