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Her Colorado Sheriff

Page 14

by Patricia Thayer

  Soon Neal came out of the barn leading Cloud, saddled and ready to ride. He walked over to them. “I know the railing isn’t up yet, but I thought Ryan could try out the ramp.”

  The guys looked at her. Shelby found she was excited for Ryan to try it, too. “Sure.”

  Neal led the horse over to the ramp, and everyone else followed with an excited little boy. Cullen took the time to explain the reason for the location. “We placed the ramp close to the corral gate. Also, it’s out of the way, and Jeanie can park her van closer.” He pointed at the area just past the driveway. Cullen turned to her. “Did you talk with Luke’s mother?”

  “Yes. She was excited about the idea, but wants to discuss it with her husband.”

  “That’s understandable,” Cullen said. “We’re probably overstepping to go ahead and do this, huh?”

  She didn’t agree with that. “I’d say you guys are pretty special to go to all this trouble so a little boy could have a chance to ride.”

  Cullen shrugged. “I always enjoyed working with kids. I discovered after being a cop, doing things like this is the best kind of downtime.”

  She nodded. “I can understand that.”

  Ryan tugged on her hand. “C’mon, Aunt Shellie.”

  She loved his excitement. “Okay, let’s go.”

  With Cullen right behind them, the child hurried up the new ramp to the platform. Cloud was waiting for him. Neal held on to the bridle as Cullen instructed Ryan on how to mount by himself. Trent was standing on the other side in case something went wrong.

  Cullen knelt down beside the boy. “You can do this, Ryan,” he coaxed and guided his small foot into the stirrup. “Now reach for the horn and pull up. That’s it. Now swing your leg over.”

  Ryan worked at the task, but struggled until Cullen gave the child’s rump a little nudge upward. Once in the saddle, Ryan pumped his fist in the air. “I did it.”

  Neal began to walk the horse toward the corral to begin the trip around the arena. “He’s going to be riding on his own before long,” Cullen told her. “Are you ready for that, Aunt Shellie?”

  “I’m never ready, but I was riding by myself at his age.” She looked up at Cullen. “It’s hard being responsible for a child.”

  “You became an instant mother just a few months ago.” His hazel gaze locked on hers. “You’re doing great. I just wish you had more free time, not only to spend with him...but with me.”

  She was taken aback. What did he mean by that? Did he want to date? A relationship? Important question was, did she want to take the chance?

  * * *

  AFTER CLOUD WAS back in the barn, his dad brought in the other horses from the pasture and fed them. Trent took off for home. Neal had Ryan with him and was finishing some things up in the barn. The two seemed to have bonded in a short time. It was odd Neal Brannigan was so attentive, but Cullen wasn’t going to question it.

  He followed Shelby toward the house, but she started off toward the cottage. Funny, they’d been spending so much time together, it seemed strange to not have her and Ryan with him.

  He called to her and she turned around. He caught up to her. “Since you’ve been cooking so much for me in the past week, I wonder if you’d like to go out to dinner for a change.” Damn, if he didn’t sound like an awkward teenager. “Nothing fancy, but I know this great hamburger place in town.”

  She seemed at a loss for words. “I don’t know. Maybe Ryan should get an early bedtime.”

  He caught his father coming out of the barn with Ryan and got an idea. “Hold on a minute.” He rushed off to his dad. “Will you do me a favor, and watch Ryan tonight?”

  Neal beamed. “Wouldn’t mind at all.” He looked down at the boy. “How would you like to hang out with me tonight, bud?”

  Ryan’s blue eyes lit up. “Can we play video games?”

  “Sure.” Neal looked at Cullen. “Do you have any appropriate games for a five-year-old?”

  “Of course.” Then Cullen decided he might need to purchase a few more for the future.

  Neal smiled. “Okay, we’ll hang out together.”

  Cullen went back to Shelby, Neal and Ryan close behind. “Looks like we have a babysitter for the evening, so Ryan can be in bed early.” He smiled. “If it’s okay with you that Dad watches him?”

  She looked surprised at his suggestion, then she glanced at her nephew. “If Ryan doesn’t have a problem, I don’t, either.”

  “Good. And since it’s only us, how about we go to a grown-up restaurant? There’s a steak house just out of town on the highway.”

  “You mean the Cliff’s Edge Steakhouse?”

  He nodded. “What do you do, check out all the competition?”

  “No, when I stopped by with some food to see the twins today, Laurel told me about it. That was where Kase promised to take her as soon as the babies can be left with a sitter. I hear the food is very good.”

  “So you’ll go?”

  “You mean a real date?”

  This was his chance to keep a distance. He couldn’t help it, he wanted more time with Shelby. “Yeah, like a real date.”

  * * *

  TWO HOURS LATER, they walked into the steak house. The rustic decor was casual, but nice enough to impress with the rough beams and high ceilings. He went to the hostess station and told her his name. The young girl smiled, picked up two menus and said, “Follow me, Sheriff.”

  She led them across the carpeted floor, where a big river rock fireplace took up most of one wall. The sun was just descending behind the mountain peak as they sat down at a table in front of the picture window.

  She gasped. “Oh, this is an incredible view.”

  It was pretty close to perfect because she was here. “I hope the food is as good as the view.” He grinned. “It’s a challenge to take a chef out to dinner.”

  “So you’ve done this before?”

  “What, eaten at a steak house, or dated a chef? It’s yes and no.”

  She smiled, and her striking blue eyes were mesmerizing. She wore her rich brown hair down against her shoulders. She had on black trousers and a pretty blue sweater that showed off her trim figure.

  She frowned and leaned forward. “Is there something wrong?”

  “No, you just look so pretty.”

  A blush covered her cheeks. “Thank you.”

  Suddenly he realized how long it had been since he’d been on a date, or even given a woman a compliment. He took her hand. “I’m glad you came with me tonight.”

  He saw her hesitation, but then she said, “So am I.”

  The waitress came to the table. “Good evening, I’m Tracy. Is there anything I can get you from the bar?”

  They both ordered nonalcoholic beverages, and the waitress walked away. Cullen leaned forward. “You could have ordered something. I just don’t want to drink in case I’m called in.”

  She shook her head. “I’m not much of a drinker, either. Maybe it’s because my mother had alcohol and drug issues. And I have a child now to think about.”

  He nodded in agreement as his fingers wove between her slender ones. He got a rush just holding her hand. “It’s instant responsibility, but there are so many bonuses, too. Ryan’s a great kid.”

  “I hope your dad is okay with him tonight.”

  “The man handled twin sons. I think he can deal with Ryan.” He grew serious. “And I get to spend some time with you...alone.”

  She lowered her eyes coyly, and said, “As my grandmother would say, ‘Are you trying to say you want to court me, Mr. Brannigan?’”

  And a helluva lot more. “Yes, I do.”

  “Even knowing our situation is temporary?”

  He squeezed her hand. “Maybe that’s a good reason we shouldn’t waste any time.�

  Their beverages arrived, and the waitress discreetly went away.

  “That sounds good, except that I have to be worried about Ryan.”

  “I’m already connected to the boy, and to his aunt. So whether we take this a step further is up to you.” He leaned closer to her. “No matter what you decide, Shelby, it won’t change our...friendship.” Now that the sun had gone down, the candlelight enhanced her beauty. He couldn’t help but desire her. What scared him was his feelings going deeper.

  “I don’t know,” she said. “A girl could get hurt.” She lowered her long lashes. “What if she comes to care for the guy?”

  He decided to put himself out there. “And what if the guy already cares about the girl?”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Later that night, on the drive back to the ranch, Shelby leaned back against the headrest and closed her eyes. Even though she hadn’t had anything to drink, she felt a little light-headed, and nervous about what would happen when they got home.

  Neal had called, stating that Ryan had been bathed and he was taking the child to the cottage so he could sleep in his own bed.

  Not good. She’d hoped to have the distraction of caring for her nephew to help break the intimacy that had been building between her and Cullen all evening. With Ryan tucked securely in bed, she couldn’t help but think about what might happen once they were alone at the cottage.

  She glanced across the bench seat at her handsome date, and her heart sped up. She turned her attention back to the road. She had to. She’d never believed in casual sex, and tonight wasn’t the time to start.

  She tensed as Cullen reached for her hand and placed it on his thigh. Every cell in her body suddenly came alive. Oh, dear. How could she keep resisting the man when back at the restaurant he’d admitted he cared about her?

  And, yes, she cared about him, too, but it wasn’t just the two of them. There was Ryan to consider in all this. Yet, with Cullen’s hand caressing hers, she wondered if she could stop this fast-moving train.

  A crazy thought. Maybe she didn’t want to.

  Cullen pulled into the drive beside the house.

  He raised her hand to his lips and kissed it. “Are you asleep?”

  She shivered. “No, just relaxed.” She raised her head. “Thank you for a lovely evening.”

  He leaned closer. “No, thank you.” He brushed his mouth across hers, once, twice and a third time. He was a big tease. She wanted more, so much more.

  Cullen pulled back. “Maybe we should relieve Dad of babysitting duty. But this first.” His head descended toward hers, and this time she wasn’t disappointed. He claimed her mouth with a hunger that had her aching to get closer. He hauled her fully against him and she surrendered to him, and opened for him to deepen the kiss. He was like fire burning in her soul.

  He tore his mouth away. “After a kiss like that, I might have to wait a minute before I go face my father.”

  They both laughed, then Cullen got out and walked around to open her door. He lifted her out, but held her close so her body slid down the front of his. With a groan, he took her mouth again and pinned her against the truck as desire nearly swept her away.

  With a groan of frustration, he grabbed her hand and walked her to the cottage. Inside they found Neal on the sofa watching television.

  Smiling, he stood. “You’re home early.”

  “I have to work in the morning,” Shelby said. “How was Ryan?”

  “He was great. We played video games for an hour, then came back here and he took a bath, then we watched one of his movies, Toy Story.”

  She went and hugged the man. “Thank you, Neal. I know Ryan enjoyed himself.” She glanced at Cullen. “It’s just sometimes he has nightmares about his mother.”

  Neal sobered. “Cullen explained about your sister. I’m sorry for your loss.” A smile brightened the older man’s face. “Maybe the horseback riding will help him with his sadness.”

  She was beginning to realize that Ryan was getting attached to so many people here. She didn’t want to think about having to leave. “You help, too, Neal. Thank you.”

  He nodded. “Well, I’m headed back to the house. Good night.” He walked out the door and quickly closed it.

  Shelby wasn’t sure what to do next. She couldn’t look Cullen in the eye. The last thing she wanted was for him to see her vulnerability when it came to him. “I should go and check on Ryan,” she announced and quickly raced down the hall.

  Inside the bedroom, she covered the small child in the bed. He probably had a great time with Neal... Pops. She smiled at the nickname. With a kiss on his forehead, she left the room. She’d just shut the door when she felt Cullen’s arms slip around her waist.

  Unable to resist, she leaned back against his broad chest, giving him access to her neck, and he took advantage. His lips moved along her sensitive skin, causing the most wonderful shivers.

  “Cullen...” she breathed. “What you do to me.”

  He turned her in his arms, and kissed her again and again. “I know I should leave, but you are making it so damn difficult.”

  She couldn’t speak, mostly afraid of what she’d admit. Instead, her arms circled his neck as his hands tugged her sweater from her waist and slipped underneath to touch her bare skin. She shivered again.

  “I want you, Shelby,” he breathed. He pulled back and his gaze met hers in the dim light. “It’s been a long time since I’ve let myself care about someone.”

  She loved hearing his words. “Oh, Cullen...we shouldn’t get involved.”

  His ragged breathing caressed her cheek. “Darlin’, we’re already involved.”

  Darn the man for being right. Throwing caution away, she reached up and offered him her mouth. He didn’t hesitate and quickly deepened the kiss and began to back her up toward her bedroom. Double darn if she wasn’t going willingly. That was until she heard a cell phone ringing.

  “Damn.” He pulled the phone from his pocket and walked into the living room to talk to the dispatcher.

  Reeling from Cullen’s kiss, Shelby sagged against the wall. Oh, boy, that was close—too close. Once her legs regained some strength, she made her way into the living room.

  He hung up the phone and looked at her. “There’s been a bad accident on the highway. I need to go help out.”

  He came to her, pulled her into his arms and kissed her. When he broke away, he said, “This between us isn’t over, Shelby.” He kissed her again, then walked out, saying, “Dead-bolt the door.”

  She called out a good-night, then turned the lock and leaned against the door. She couldn’t lock the man out of her heart much longer.

  * * *

  THE NEXT MORNING, Shelby didn’t see Cullen’s truck when she drove off for work, nor did he show up at the café’s back door to take Ryan to school. She was a little concerned, especially after hearing about the pursuit and accident on the highway. And she missed seeing him.

  With the breakfast rush over, Shelby took her break and carried her plate of scrambled eggs, toast and coffee out to the counter. Bill could handle kitchen duties and Bess the cash register while she took a few minutes.

  “So you do take a break.”

  She looked up to see Cullen. Dressed in his sheriff’s uniform, he looked official, handsome and tired. “Hi. I’ve been worried about you. I heard about the crazy man who gave chase last night.”

  He hung his hat on the coat rack and sat down on the stool beside her. “Yeah, crazy explains a lot. Luckily, no one got seriously hurt. But there was a mess of metal slung all over the highway. It took nearly all night to clean up.”

  “Have you been home?”

  Cullen shook his head. He couldn’t help but wonder if he hadn’t gotten the call if he’d be waking up beside Shelby this morning. Nic
e dream. “I plan to head there real soon. I have some paperwork to finish up first. That’s why I’m here. I need some food to sustain me for a few hours.”

  “Oh, let me get you something.” She started to get up, and he stopped her with his hand on her arm.

  “No, you finish your breakfast. Bill can make me some eggs and bacon.” Just then the owner walked out of the kitchen and took his order. When Shelby again tried to get up to help, Bill told her to stay and eat.

  Cullen looked at Shelby. He was glad that he could steal a few minutes alone with her. “Sorry I wasn’t around this morning.” He kept his voice low. His gaze met her pretty blue eyes. “The main reason I came was I wanted to see you.”

  She glanced away. “I’m glad.”

  He got a kick out of her shyness. “You have no idea how much I want to kiss you right now.”

  She jerked her head up, her eyes wide. “You can’t.”

  “I didn’t say I would, only that I want to. How about I come by the cottage tonight? I’ll bring pizza so you don’t have to cook.”

  “What about your dad?”

  He liked that she worried about everyone. “He’s been invited to supper at Trent’s house. So he’s not being left out.”

  She nodded. “Then I think pizza sounds good. Heads up, Ryan only likes pepperoni.”

  “What do you like?” he asked.

  She smiled. “More veggies than meat. But I can eat pretty much any toppings.”

  “How about six o’clock?”

  “That’s perfect.”

  Bill brought out his food just as the café door opened and customers filed in. “I need to get back to work.” She stood and picked up her plate and cup. “I’ll see you tonight.”

  He nodded and his gaze followed her as she walked back to the kitchen. Okay, he liked her. A lot. For the first time in a long time, he wanted to fit a woman into his life. The timing couldn’t be worse. In about a month, he’d be out of a job.

  After he finished eating, he got his second wind and walked back to the office. Inside, he found his deputies gathered about the dispatcher’s desk along with a stranger. The man in his late fifties stood about five foot ten, with a stocky build and thinning gray hair. Sheriff Ted Carson.


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