Cave Man's Captive

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Cave Man's Captive Page 3

by Juliana Conners

  I didn’t laugh at all, though. I had a pretty good idea of why he was so shocked.

  For as long as I could remember I had always been kind of a loner. Even when we were in the SEALs, I would often pass on the group outings. And if by some rare chance I did go, I would sit there silently nursing a steady stream of beers until the night ended. I’ve always been more of an introvert and I’m sure that Harlow remembers vividly how much I preferred to stick to myself because of an incident that happened some years ago.

  One night all the guys were headed to a local bar for another night of debauchery. Harlow came into the barracks and saw me laying on my bunk sleeping. He came over and playfully started slapping me, trying to wake me up. I reacted before I realized what was going on. I sprung out of bed, slammed my body on him pinning him down, and almost breaking his neck. Thankfully I woke up in time to realize that I was not in combat but was having an encounter with some poor schmuck who thought that it was a good idea to wake me up while I was sleeping. He jumped up from the ground, leaned over and threw up.

  “What’s your problem, man?” asked Harlow, gasping for breath in between each word.

  I was pissed that I’d almost seriously hurt him and probably equally as pissed that I had been awakened from my sleep.

  “What are you waking me up for?” I asked, angrily.

  “Man.. chill,” said Harlow. “The rest of us are heading out to the bar to see some tail and grab some drinks. I didn’t want you to get left behind if you wanted to join us.”

  “Let me clue you in, Bozo,” I said, icily. “I don’t like people, but I really love my sleep. If you ever attempt to disrupt my sleep for any reason ever again, I will rip off your fingers and feed them to you one by one. You SOBs are always going out and getting drunk. That is not an event to celebrate. If any of you had half a brain, you would be doing like I’m doing and getting as much rest as possible before we have to break camp in the morning. But I digress from my point, the main point that I want you to come away with. Come close.”

  Harlow leaned in, with me beckoning for him to come closer.


  Harlow jumped back, cupping his hands over his ears which were ringing from my unexpected yelling.

  There was another night when Harlow had somehow snuck a girl from the bar back to the barracks. Everyone else had been out or asleep, but the way that he stumbled in with her, knocking things over and acting like a complete lunatic, I have no clue how more people didn’t know that he was there.

  I heard her first, the high-pitched laughter echoing all around us. All I could do was shake my head and hoped that the idiot didn’t get caught.

  His bunk was just steps away from mine.

  They both threw themselves on the bed like they needed to rest or get their bearings. They looked like they were dizzy and going to be sick at any moment.

  Then they turned toward each other and started making out like two horny teenagers. They undressed each other with such wild passion, throwing loose articles of clothing all over, not caring where they landed. Once they were both completely naked, Harlow turned the dark-haired, petite girl around and entered her. She moaned loudly, holding her breath as he pushed deeper and deeper into her. He moaned right along with her. I turned my back to them, uncomfortable to just be sitting there watching them. I cleared my throat after a few minutes hoping it would clue him in on the fact that they were not alone and they were being incredibly loud. Harlow turned his attention to face me but he didn’t slow or stop his stroke.

  “I hope that you’re enjoying the show,” said Harlow--laughing. “You may not remember it, but this is what fucking looks like. The way that you hate people, you probably have never even seen this except maybe in a porno. Enjoy it while it lasts.”

  He continued pounding her pussy, covering her mouth every time she attempted to let out a scream. It was like he started to put on a real show because he knew that I was there.

  The next day, when it seemed that he had a chance to sober up he waited until we were out in the field running drills. He cornered me and hemmed me up.

  “I know that you were watching me last night, creep,” he scowled, menacingly.

  “No, I wasn’t..” I said, trying to defend myself.

  “Yes, you were, weirdo. And honestly, I don’t even care about any of that. The only thing that I care about is keeping my place in the SEALs. See you and I are very different. You probably are here because you come from a shitty home and were drawn in by some steroid-driven recruiter who made promises to you about seeing the world and having your education paid for. Me, I was made for the SEALs. I bleed SEALs. There is no doubt in anyone’s mind that I have earned my place here.”

  “Okay,” I said, confused. “But what does any of this have to do with me?”

  “I just want to make sure that we have an understanding of things before you get the bright idea that you want to get me out of here by ratting me out.”

  He was trying his best to be threatening, but I knew that more than anything, he was afraid of me. I pretended to be intimidated by him and told him what he wanted to hear: that I wouldn’t tell on him for having the girl in the barracks.

  The truth was I didn’t care enough about him or any of them’ Why would I invest time and energy into finding someone who would escalate things to have him kicked out? True, he was a pain, but to me he was no different from anyone else.. I didn’t exactly hate the other SEALs. They simply had no bearing on my life and didn’t get much more thought than was necessary.

  After that it was like he took every moment that he could to throw it in my face about the fact that I didn’t like people. And he’d also tell me that I was probably going to die alone.

  I didn’t know what it was about me that seemed to rub Harlow the wrong way, but from that moment on it seemed like he had it in for me. He would call me names and hit me whenever he saw me, taking pleasure in leading the rest of the guys in teasing sessions against me. It was annoying, but I just learned to deal with it.

  I’m sure that the look of confusion on Harlow’s face must have brought those memories back, especially when he heard me invite everyone back to my cabin. But the invitation gave me the chance to wipe that self-satisfied grin from his face which appeared right after I turned down Darren’s offer to go back to his cabin.

  The real truth was that I really didn’t want to spend any time with any of them.

  Except Michelle. In fact, she was the only reason why I had invited any of them at all. Considering that I didn’t know her and she had been traveling with their group, it would have seemed a bit odd for me to send her an exclusive invitation to my house, someone who was a complete stranger to her. So I took what I thought would be my best chance at spending time with her by inviting all of them to my cabin. And I was doing a happy dance inside because it worked. They were going to hang out at my cabin and give me more time to see Michelle. I just couldn’t take my eyes off of her. She was incredibly beautiful. Her beautiful eyes, stunning smile, and curvy body seemed to pale in comparison to who she really was on the inside. Just in our short walk back to my cabin I caught a glimpse of her vibrant and welcoming personality and it made me want to be near her even more. Being near her was like drinking in the warmth of the sun on a nice day, or that rush of adrenaline I get when I’m hunting for my meals.

  After walking into my cabin, I wasn’t quite sure where everyone was going to sit. I had never planned on entertaining guests, so I didn’t have the slightest idea of how this was going to go.

  “Come on in. Make yourself comfortable,” I said, not really sure myself what that meant.

  Everyone stood in the foyer, awkwardly looking around the house. There was hunting equipment strewn everywhere. The couches in the living room were covered with all of the random things that I came across in the course of a random day. I had brought down some newspapers to use to wrap the meat that I had planned on bringing back to the ca
bin. The meat never made it here because my hunting trip had been ruined by my current houseguests. The house smelled of mildew from a pile of wet blankets that lay in the middle of the hallway, discarded from a previous hunt. I had used the blankets to lay a dear on it and drag it back to the house. So the blankets reeked of blood and mud drug in from the woods. Having house guests was the furthest thing from my mind at the time that I had brought in the animal. I was so used to being alone that I had left the blankets there for days, not really planning to clean them up at a specific time.

  Instinctively I went over to pick up the dank smelling blankets and threw them into a closet to deal with later.

  “Which way to the coffee and hot cocoa?” asked Michelle, cheerfully. I waved in the general direction of the kitchen and she bounded off in that direction. Everyone followed. The women chattered happily about the dinner that they had left and how good it was.

  “Not much of a guest-friendly spot,” scoffed Harlow, not budging from his place at the door where he stood looking around the cabin disdainfully.

  “It’s fine. Definitely a nice shelter from the cold and wind that was starting to make little clouds of snow drift up,” said Michelle. There were voices of agreement and silent nods all around.

  “I just don’t understand,” continued Harlow. “Why would you invite people to your home and then not have a home fit for people to be visiting. We should have just gone back to Darren’s house where we know that he is ready and prepared to host. Who’s with me on heading back there now?”

  He raised his hand and turned to look at the rest of the group. No one said anything.

  Almost like they were ignoring him altogether, the group made their way to the kitchen and began looking for goodies to eat to warm up with.

  I watched in silent awe as Michelle made her way around the kitchen. I rarely ever drank warm beverages. I just blurted out an invitation that I thought would be welcomed on a cold day like today. To be completely honest I was almost surprised when she found some coffee and figured out how to work the coffee maker. I don’t think that she found hot cocoa but everyone seemed pleased regardless. They raided my pantry, with my blessing of course, and found chips, crackers, and some assorted chocolate that I wasn’t too sure was even edible at this point. But they laughed and talked easily, just happy to be in each other’s company and out of the cold. Michelle took the lead in serving everyone and making sure that they were comfortable. She even made it a point to ask me a few times in the sweetest, softest voice if I was okay or if I was going to need anything. I graciously told her no but felt honored that she even asked.

  “Do you have any clean blankets for the kids?” asked Michelle once she made sure that everyone had a piping hot cup in their hands and were sitting comfortably at the kitchen table and breakfast nook.

  “Yes, I do,” I said, walking toward my linen closet.

  “I’ll help you,” said Michelle, following me down the hall.

  My heart started to beat fast as we walked down the hallway away from the sounds of cups clanking and voices laughing.

  “I’m so glad that you invited us over,” said Michelle, tapping me lightly on the shoulder. Her hand seemed to send a surge of electricity through my body.

  “No problem,” I said, rather dumbly. My mind kept going over all that I wanted to do to her. I wished that there was a way that I could get her alone in a room and get her naked. As beautiful as she was to look at with her clothes on, I bet that she looked even better with her clothes off.

  I was almost tempted to tell her as much too.

  But I resisted the urge and handed her a few blankets.

  As we walked back into the kitchen my eyes were fixed on her ample, round bottom. It looks so soft and inviting. I wanted to reach out and grab it to see if it felt as soft as it looked, but I knew that it would have been very out-of-place and strange. So I satisfied my curiosity by staring at her butt for as long as I could, until she turned away. I didn’t even care if she caught me looking either. There was just no way that I was going to resist the urge to take in her juicy and gorgeous form.

  “You have anything that will make this coffee stronger?” asked Darren while clapping a hand on my shoulder.

  “Um, actually there is some whiskey in the cupboard there,” I said, pointing to a cabinet right next to the refrigerator. Darren darted over, flung open the cabinet and grinned as he took out the half full bottle of aged whiskey that had been there for months. Darren splashed a few shots into his coffee mug and chugged greedily from the bottle. He was acting like such an animal. I couldn’t wait to see him go. The only bad part was that Michelle would be going right along with them.

  “I’ll take some of that,” I said, raising my own coffee mug toward Darren. He put the equivalent of about three shots in my mug ruining the coffee taste. He poured so much that it tasted like I was drinking coffee-flavored whiskey. I drank it anyway and settled in to listen to them talking. I felt like an outsider, like I had nothing to add to the conversation, especially when they told stories about the younger kids and their childish mischief. All I could do was smile and laugh in places where it seemed appropriate.

  “Hey, Elijah. You okay over there?” asked Jensen. I was starting to feel the effects of the whiskey and was shifting uncomfortably in my chair.

  “Yeah, I know right? Our house guests seems like he needs a nap,” said Harlow. “I guess that’s just what happens when the man who hates people invites guests back to his house.”

  He laughed long and hard, surprising everyone who just stared on at him in uncomfortable silence. What a jerk.

  “I guess this is quite a bit more excitement than I’m used to, but it’s always nice when I can share my space with some amazing, beautiful people,” I said. I made sure that I was staring squarely at Michelle when I made my comment. She caught it and smiled. Her smile was all the joy that I needed in that moment. It didn’t even matter that Harlow was being his usual boorish self. She seemed to be interested in me at the very least.

  I couldn't help but be in awe with how easily she seemed to make herself at home in my cabin. She didn’t seem shy like most people who visited the homes of people that they didn’t know. She came in and had no problem going through my things. She took over as a host, something that I was grateful for, but I couldn’t help wonder if there was more to her readiness to volunteer to make sure that everyone was comfortable. Did she want to stay as long as possible like I wanted her to? I couldn’t tell for sure, but I really hoped that this was the reason.

  We talked long into the night, the guys sharing stories about their time together in the SEALs and afterward. It was like they were telling a happy story, not one marked with sorrow and horror like I knew that it had been. Their stories had everyone on the edge of their seats and bowled over with laughter like they were putting on a comedy show.

  I hadn’t realized that I’d dozed off until I felt a hand on my chest.

  “Hey, Elijah. It’s really late. Everyone is getting ready to head out.”

  Licking my lips and clearing my throat, I said, “Okay.” I got ready to stand up to let everyone out, but Michelle blocked my path.

  “Everyone else is about to head back but I actually have a huge favor to ask.”

  “Oh?” I asked. “What’s that?”

  “Well…” she said, wringing her hands nervously.

  “What is it?” I said, becoming fully alert, curious to hear her request.

  “I know that we’ve kind of imposed on you coming to your cabin and all, but I was actually wondering if it would be okay if I stayed the night.”

  I couldn’t help but smile and feel excited that she wanted to stay.

  “You are incredibly sexy to me and I just want to spend the night with you, even if it’s only for tonight.” I was more than happy to oblige. I admitted that I had also been drawn to her in the same way that she was drawn to me, maybe even more. Before I could finish telling her about how charming and sexy that
I found her, she was pulling me to the bedroom. She held my gaze with her steel blue, piercing eyes. They were mesmerizing. Each switch of her hips as she walked guided me deeper into a trance. I wanted her so bad.

  She kissed me hard with her soft, pouty lips. Her lips felt full and succulent, like something I’d like to bite…, they were warm to the touch. She pushed me onto the bed forcefully.

  “Whooa.” I nearly lost my breath from her force, but I wasn’t complaining. Her boldness just turned me on even more. She then climbed on top and began straddling me.

  “I’m gonna ride you like there’s no tomorrow,” she said, putting my hands on her wide hips like she knew that I needed to hold on.

  She stood on the bed over me while she stripped slowly, letting me watch as she shed each piece of clothing and tossed it behind her onto the floor. I slowly shimmied out of my jeans, letting my rock-hard dick rise up, stroking it as I took in her beautiful form standing above me. She was my type, very curvaceous and voluptuous in all the right places.

  She slowly lowered herself down, reaching beneath her to hold my dick in her hands. She moaned, putting the head of my dick on the opening of her moistening pussy. She played with her clit, rubbing the head of my dick back and forth on it. She rimmed her pussy hole with my dick head, driving me crazy and making me want to plunge my long member into her wet, shaven pussy. It felt so warm and soft. It had been a very long time since I had felt this, and she was teasing me by making me wait. But prolonging just made me harder and I could feel my dick begging to be let in her tight slit.

  The moment that she took my dick into her pussy I let out a big sigh. The hot wetness sliding all over my dick made me feel an insane excitement. She rode me slowly at first, circling her wide hips left and then right into a figure eight. She stood on her tippy toes with her hands on either side of me as she slowly worked her pussy down the shaft of my dick, teasing me by putting the tip in first, then quickly engulfing my dick with her slippery pussy, taking it out, and then doing it all over again.


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