Dark and Light: A Kindred Tales DUET Novel. Contains: Saved by the Drake AND Captured by the Kru'ell One

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Dark and Light: A Kindred Tales DUET Novel. Contains: Saved by the Drake AND Captured by the Kru'ell One Page 9

by Evangeline Anderson

  “Dios!” Luci murmured to herself. “Can’t believe they’re showing this—it’s like porn or something!”

  The images went on and on, much longer than it would have seemed necessary to explain what to do, and Luci found that she was getting kind of hot between her own thighs. She couldn’t help imagining Raze doing all that to her and she wondered if he wanted to.

  The speaker on the instructional video seemed to take it for granted than any Kindred male would want to taste his female. He continued to murmur about how she should allow her mate to spread her open with his tongue and taste her deeply to get her ready for “insertion,” as he put it, until Luci was feeling so hot she could hardly stand it.

  Biting her lip, she slipped her fingers into her panties and began to stroke her pussy. She had always felt kind of guilty about this act—probably as a result of her strict upbringing. But she told herself it was necessary in order to do the scent collection right. After all, the scent salesman had said she needed to be aroused, right? So in order to earn the money, she had to do what she could to make that happen.

  The erotic holo images the silver sphere was playing and the soft, deep, masculine voice saying naughty things to her was certainly helping. Her clit felt all hot and swollen as she stroked lightly over the sensitive little button, wishing it was Raze touching her there instead…

  “Once your mate has given you several orgasms with his tongue,” the voice finally said, “It is time to begin insertion. You may use the packet of lubricant included if you find it necessary.”

  Lucia certainly did find it necessary—especially considering the length and girth of the thing she was supposed to fit inside herself. Taking her panties off completely, she opened the packet of lube with her teeth and squirted a generous amount of slippery pink gel on the inside of her pussy. To her surprise, it was warm to the touch, not chilly, as she had been fearing.

  “When you are well lubricated,” the deep voice from the sphere said, “Have your mate insert the tip of the inner scent collection device into your sex.”

  As it spoke, the couple in the holo porn the sphere was projecting did exactly as he said. The girl laid back and her Beast Kindred mate spread her outer lips and put the flaring crown of the collection device into the mouth of her little pink pussy.

  Luci copied them, inserting the head of her own collection dildo just into the entrance of her pussy. It was a bit of a tight fit, but the fact that the material it was made of was somewhat squishy and giving helped.

  “Now have your mate slide the collection device all the way inside until the flat base at the bottom adheres to your flesh,” the voice from the sphere said.

  The holo couple did what he described, with the Beast Kindred sliding the thick shaft to the hilt into his mate’s pussy as she threw back her head and bucked her hips, moaning.

  Well, here goes!

  Biting her lip, Luci followed along.

  She had been more than a little worried about fitting the entire huge thing inside herself, but to her relief, it slid in easily enough, though she could feel it stretching her inner walls considerably.

  When it finally slid home inside her, she gave a little moan of her own. Dios, had she ever been so full in her life? Luci was sure she hadn’t. Tony’s equipment had been nowhere near this size and she had never tried a sex toy like this either—or any sex toys, for that matter.

  There was no way her ex would have wanted her to bring something that was purely for her pleasure into their love making—back when they actually made love, that was. His view was that sex was for the man’s pleasure or for making babies—nothing else. Plus, he would definitely have been intimidated by a toy that was so much bigger than his own equipment.

  When the dildo was all the way inside her, Luci felt the base of it stick firmly to the lower part of her pussy. Wait—was that right? She tried to pull it out a little way, but found that it wouldn’t budge—which made her kind of uneasy. But the voice had said something bout it “adhering” to you, hadn’t it?

  She wished she could rewind it and be sure, but there weren’t any controls that she could see on the silver sphere, which was still projecting an image of the Beast Kindred and his mate.

  “For best scent collection results,” it was saying, “Be certain to let your mate taste you and bring you to orgasm several more times while the scent collector is securely inside you. If you like, this informational sphere may be used as a pleasure device to help you.”

  The image showed the woman with her legs spread and the base of the dildo firmly planted against her pussy lips, just as Luci’s was planted against hers. This time her mate had a silver sphere in his hand, exactly like the one that was projecting the image. He touched it to her bare nipples and made her moan before sliding it down her body and spreading her pussy lips once more to rub it against her throbbing clit. The woman in the image cried out and bucked against the sphere, clearly coming again and again as her mate watched with lust in his half-lidded golden eyes.

  Forgetting her trepidation, Luci picked up the sphere and tried it on her own nipples. To her delight, she felt a gentle buzzing vibration which made her tight tips tingle. Then she tried it below, opening her own outer lips with two fingers and stroking the smooth, shiny surface over her clit.

  The buzzing vibration increased—but not too much. Somehow the silver sphere seemed to know exactly how much pressure and force she needed. And all the time she was rubbing the info-sphere turned vibrator against her pussy, it continued to project erotic images of the Beast Kindred and his mate doing all kinds of naughty things to each other’s bodies.

  “Oh!” Luci gasped as her pleasure finally peaked in an orgasm. She could feel her inner pussy muscles contracting strongly around the scent collection dildo and suddenly she wished desperately that it was Raze inside her instead. If she closed her eyes, she could imagine the big Kindred doing everything to her that the Beast Kindred was doing to his mate in the porno-holo. And Dios, it felt so good!

  “Raze,” she whisper-moaned under her breath, careful not to wake anyone in her sleeping household. “Raze, I miss you so much! Wish you were with me now!”

  The little sphere kept buzzing and humming, though its intensity went down a lot after she came. It was almost as though it knew she needed a little break before she could go on again, Luci thought. But the minute she recovered, the vibrations got stronger again and soon she was cresting into orgasms number two and then number three.

  After she had come the third time, she pulled the silver ball away, panting. Surely that must be enough, right? She must have given the dildo enough of her intimate scent to collect, so now it was time to take it out.

  But once again, when she tried to remove it, she found the damn thing wouldn’t budge. Frowning, she tried again, but though she worked her fingernails under the flat base and pulled with all her might, it wouldn’t come out.

  Luci began to feel really nervous. What the hell would she do if it never came out? She couldn’t live forever with a giant dildo up her hoo-hah! What was wrong with the damn thing?

  She tapped the silver ball, trying to get it to stop playing porn and sure enough, the image of the Beast Kindred and his mate disappeared.

  “When the internal scent collector has darkened in color,” the voice said, “It will be an indication that enough scent has been collected and you may remove it with help from your mate.”

  “Darkened in color? What does that mean?” Luci muttered to herself. Looking between her legs, she saw that the base of the dildo—which was the only part she could see—was now a dark pink.

  She frowned. Well, it was darkened in color—so why wasn’t it coming out?

  “You will need to leave the collection device in place for several hours or possibly longer in order to achieve the color required for extraction,” the voice went on. “During this time, feel free to go about your regular routine and remember—the more pleasure you give yourself or your mate gives you, the more
scent will be collected.”

  “So I guess it has to stay in for longer, then,” Luci muttered, looking down at the dark pink base again. Well, that wasn’t great but she supposed it wouldn’t hurt her to sleep with it in—though it was definitely going to feel kind of weird.

  Well, she would just have to put up with it, she decided, and remove it in the morning. She could do it and wrap the dildo up in its collection sleeve before she got everyone up for the day.

  Setting her alarm for five minutes early, she slid under the covers and tried to get to sleep with the long, thick dildo still firmly lodged inside her.


  But it wouldn’t come out the next morning either.

  Luci tried and tried, yanking on the scent collector until it felt like she was trying to pull her own insides out, but it was no good—it was like someone had super-glued the damn thing inside her pussy.

  “Madre de Dios —what in the world am I going to do?” she moaned as she looked between her thighs at the stubborn scent collector. The base of it had darkened again—it was almost purple now, she saw. But it still wouldn’t come out.

  “I can’t go to work with this thing inside me!” she muttered to herself.

  But in the end, that was exactly what she was forced to do.

  Her mom came over to watch the kids and Luci left the house as quickly as possible, finding she couldn’t look her in the eye. She spent her whole Sunday shift at Purrs and Paws shifting uncomfortably until Rochelle said,

  “Girl you got fire ants in your pants or something? What’s wrong with you?”

  “Nothing,” Luci lied uneasily. “Or, well, nothing much.”

  Rochelle raised an eyebrow and put one hand on her ample hip.

  “Define nothing,” she demanded. “And while you’re at it, tell me what happened up at the Kindred Mother Ship. Did Raze agree to loan you some money for a lawyer?”

  Luci shook her head.

  “No but I found another way to, er, make some cash.”

  She shifted her hips again. Was the scent collection dildo getting firmer and more rigid inside her? It certainly felt like it. It felt heavier too—like it weighed about a ton. But still, every time she went to the bathroom and tried to get it out, it wouldn’t budge. What the hell was going on with it?

  “How?” Rochelle demanded.

  “How what?” Luci had lost the thread of their conversation in her preoccupation with the thing inside her.

  “How are you gonna make the cash you need?” Rochelle asked patiently. “Honestly, Luci, where’s your head today?”

  “Sorry…” Luci grimaced. “It’s just…I’ve kind of got a situation here,” she admitted. “And I don’t know what to do about it.”

  “All right. Spill.” Rochelle made a “come on” motion with her fingers. “What happened and what’s going on?”

  Luci was almost too embarrassed to talk about her awful predicament, but Rochelle was her best friend and she knew the other girl wouldn’t breathe a word to anyone about her problem.

  “It all started when I went up to the Mother Ship and found this place called a ‘Scent Shop,’” she began.

  “A Scent Shop?” Rochelle frowned. “What’s that? Some kind of perfume store?”

  “No! I thought so too,” Luci exclaimed. “But it’s not that at all…”

  She meant to only tell a little bit, but somehow the whole story came pouring out. Rochelle’s eyes got wider and wider as Luci explained what had happened.

  “Oh my sweet Lord,” she said at last, when Luci finished. “You mean to tell me you have a Kindred-sized dildo stuck up in your coochie right this minute and you can’t get it out?”

  Luci nodded miserably.

  “And I don’t know what to do! It’s supposed to come out after you wear it a couple of hours and it gets dark enough. But mine is really dark purple now and it’s still stuck up in there.” She pointed between her thighs and grimaced. “What should I do? You know I don’t want to go to the doctor with this thing in me!”

  Not that she could afford a trip to the ER, since she had no insurance, she thought grimly.

  Rochelle shook her head.

  “Girl, you’re a mess. The way I see it, if it’s a Kindred dildo, you’re gonna have to ask a Kindred how to get it out.”

  “Ask a Kindred! You don’t mean call Raze again, do you?” Luci asked desperately.

  Rochelle lifted an eyebrow.

  “You got a better idea?”

  “About a thousand of them! Anything is better than admitting to your ex—well sort of ex—that you’ve got a dildo stuck inside you!” Luci hissed.

  “Well, you’re gonna have to suck it up and do it anyway,” Rochelle said firmly. “Unless you want to march your dildo-wearing ass down to the HKR building and ask for help from some Kindred you don’t know.”

  Luci had to admit, that sounded considerably worse. She didn’t want to have to call Raze again and consult him about the damn dildo stuck in her hoo-hah, but he had given her the Think-me device, which she still had in her purse. Maybe if she called him now, he could come over tonight and tell her what to do.

  “All right,” she said miserably to Rochelle. “I guess you’re right. But Dios—it’s so embarrassing!”

  “Well, would you rather be embarrassed or walk around with an alien sex toy shoved up your coochie the rest of your life?” Rochelle asked practically. “What else can you do?”

  Nothing, Luci had to admit. But Dios, she didn’t know how in the world she was going to admit her problem to Raze…or if the big Kindred could even help her fix it.


  Raze was lying on his bed in the rented domicile in Lucia’s building when he suddenly got a very strong feeling that someone wanted to talk to him.

  He didn’t know why he hadn’t been able to let go of the apartment, but somehow he had found himself paying the rent, even after he moved out. It had come furnished so at least he still had someplace to sleep the night after he dropped Lucia off.

  Raze was careful not to let her see him following her back to the apartment building, but he had a worried feeling about her—a feeling she might be in trouble. He wanted to be certain she got to her door safely before he left her.

  But once he had seen her safely into her own apartment, he found his steps taking him back to his old domicile instead of out to the shuttle to head back to the Mother Ship. Using his spare Think-me, he had called and asked for another leave—this one just for a few days. His supervisor had agreed and Raze had settled in to wait—for what he didn’t know.

  Now that he was getting a Think-me communication from Lucia, he understood what he had been waiting for—her call.

  “Hello?” he said aloud, opening his mind to her to let her in. “What is it, Lucia?”

  “Raze?” Her mental voice sounded hesitant. “I’m sorry to bother you but, well…I need your help. Only I don’t know if you’ll want to help me after the way we said goodbye the other night.”

  “Of course I want to help you,” he said gently. He was aching for her—longing to hold her in his arms again. “Tell me,” he said. “Whatever it is, I’ll do anything in my power to help.”

  “Well, this is kind of embarrassing but…”

  Lucia went into a long explanation of how she had followed the instructions on the scent collecting package and now she was having problems removing the device. Her mental voice was embarrassed—Raze could practically see her blushing as she stumbled her way through her confession.

  “All right,” he said at last, when she came to a faltering stop. “I think you’d better come up and see me so we can get this worked out. Is your mother there to watch Frannie and the twins?”

  “Yes, she’s sleeping in the kids’ room,” Lucia sent. “But I don’t know if I can get up to the Mother Ship and back down again in time to do my shift at work tomorrow.”

  “I’m not on the Mother Ship,” Raze confessed. “After I dropped you off the other night, I
came back here. I’m in my old domicile—I mean, apartment. So you only have to come up two floors.”

  “In your old apartment? What are you doing there?” Luci asked.

  “I don’t know,” Raze said honestly. “I had a worried feeling about you—that you were in danger somehow. So I decided to stay on Earth for a few days.”

  She sighed.

  “Well, I guess it’s a good thing you did. Do you think you can help me with this crazy scent collection thing?”

  “I’ll try,” Raze told her. “Bring everything you were given at the Scent Shop and we’ll see what we can do.”

  “Thank you.” There was relief in Lucia’s mental voice. “Dios, I didn’t know what to do!”

  “Don’t thank me yet,” Raze said grimly. “Come up to my domicile and let’s see what we’re working with.”

  “Okay,” she sent and broke the connection.

  Raze went into the living area and sat on the couch to wait for her. He just hoped he could help her with her problem. Otherwise, he didn’t know what she was going to do.


  To Luci’s relief, there was no judgment in the big Kindred’s mismatched eyes when he opened the door of his apartment to her. She had been here several times to check on the kittens—which were now being cared for by a friend on the Mother Ship, as Raze had explained.

  But to be honest, the kittens that had started this whole thing were the last thing on Luci’s mind at the moment.

  “Hi,” she said, looking up at the big Kindred uncertainly.

  “Come in,” Raze rumbled, nodding at the couch. “Have a seat, Lucia.”

  “Thank you but I’d rather stand.” She stepped inside and shifted uncomfortably as he shut the door behind her. The couch was right there but she didn’t want to sit down. The awful scent collection dildo was a purple so dark it was almost black now and it felt heavier than ever inside her.


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