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StoneHardPassion Page 2

by Anya Richards

  Vidar’s eyelids drooped, his beard moving as he gnawed on his lower lip for a second. “I guess.”

  “Perfect. I did a pattern for it, in case you wanted to go ahead.” Jasmina grinned, her heart suddenly racing, anticipation tingling along her spine and over her breasts. Pulling out the design from among the papers on her desk, she showed it to him. The trunk would extend down, the three roots of the World Tree twisting down over his buttocks, the outer two curling around his hips and down onto his thighs. A stylized Níðhöggr twined through the roots, mouth clamped over the center one.

  “It looks great.” Vidar’s mustache twitched, and she wished she could read his body language better. It was frustrating, since reading people was one of the first lessons jinn children learned and she’d always prided herself on her ability in that regard. “Let’s do it.”

  “Wonderful.” She watched his face carefully as she continued. “Drop your pants and I’ll get started.”

  There was no mistaking the wave of pink touching the fair skin beneath his whiskers. His lips parted, but nothing came out. Then his chin lifted slightly and his nostrils flared, as though taking in a deep breath. “Okay.”

  When he turned his back to her again, Jasmina let the air out of her lungs on a silent whoosh. And as he bent to unlace his boots, she surreptitiously dabbed at the sheen of perspiration gathering on her top lip.

  She wasn’t sure when the fascination with Vidar had begun, only knew it had grown stronger the closer they got to completing his back and chest tattoos. The more time she spent with him was the sadder she felt about not seeing him again once the artwork was completed. With anyone else she’d have just suggested they keep in touch, but somehow with Vidar that didn’t seem an option. Even after two years she felt as though she hardly knew him.

  That was about to change, on multiple levels.

  He’d gotten his boots off and straightened. It seemed to be taking him an awfully long time to get his fly undone. Jasmina squelched the urge to magic his pants away, knowing he wouldn’t appreciate the intrusion. Finally there was the grate of a zipper, and he pushed at the sides of his jeans.


  Her mind went blank as he bent to finish removing his garments. He was so tall that even with the table between them she got a clear view of the most delectable ass ever created. Tight, with hollows at the sides. Hairless except for a sweet little triangular patch of fair strands just at the very start of his crack. It was made for grabbing, maybe even biting.

  She ogled it as he shifted from one foot to the other to tug the jeans over his feet.

  Definitely made for biting.

  Vidar straightened and instinctively her gaze flew to the mirror on the back wall, where his body was reflected in profile.

  Oh shit…

  He had an erection and, in the split second before he modestly covered it with his pants, Jasmina got herself an eyeful. Enough to make her have to suppress another gasp. More than enough to have her pressing her thighs together in an attempt to quell the urgent throb of her pussy.

  It was just as she hoped.

  Perfectly proportioned to the rest of him—huge, hard and beautiful.

  And she had to have it.

  Chapter Two

  “Where do you want me?”


  Jasmina shook her head slightly, trying to dislodge the thought. Luckily he still had his back to her, didn’t seem aware of the mirror. Her cheeks must be glowing despite her olive complexion. There was a furnace in her belly, pumping hot waves out into every crack and crevice of her body. She’d known he had an amazing physique but hadn’t realized just how much it would turn her on to know he was completely naked, just across the room.

  “You’ll have to lie facedown on the table, or stand in front of me so I can apply the pattern.” Crap. Her voice was a husky rasp and she tried to make it more normal. “Standing would be easier for me.” And for him. He’d have a hell of a time lying on his stomach with that boner.

  Vidar glanced at her over his shoulder, but only for a second. “Stand in front of you?”

  “Yes. Bent forward.” Just the thought of it made her hands tremble a little. All that lovely ass right in front of her face, his cock within arm’s reach. “Will that be a problem?”

  “No.” She had to give him his due. There was nothing in his tone to indicate embarrassment or even discomfort. But the way he kept his pants clutched in front of the family jewels made the even tenor of his words a lie. “No problem.”

  “Good. Let’s get started then.”

  But Vidar didn’t move. Tension tightened the muscles in his back and arms until they seemed carved from marble, and a rush of remorse swept her. She knew he was shy, reserved, but out of selfishness she’d pressed him into something he wasn’t comfortable with. Besides desire, she honestly cared for him, would hate to lose his regard.

  It was up to her to make it right.

  With a little burst of magic, she transported herself across the room to pop up directly in front of him. Vidar stepped back, coming up hard against the table, his hand flying out toward her throat. It stopped less than an inch from her neck, and Jasmina only just reined in a stun spell in response. For a long, frightening moment they stared at each other. He dropped his hand.

  “By Freyja, Jasmina. Don’t startle me like that again.”

  Rage turned his voice and eyes to ice but instead of being scared she shivered with a flash of need, had to take a calming breath.

  “Sorry, I didn’t think. Everyone’s used to my translocation spells.”

  “I don’t like them.”

  It was said in a calmer tone, but there was something deeper underneath she wanted to explore. She knew trolls didn’t have the ability to translocate and had to depend on portals to get from place to place, but it was weird that he disliked it to that extent. It just wasn’t the right time to press for an explanation. Instead she gathered her composure, pushed all the extraneous emotion aside.

  “Vidar.” She wanted to lay her hand on his arm, but held back because of the wary light in his eyes. “We’re friends, aren’t we?”

  His eyebrows rose fractionally, and he seemed to be considering her words. Before he could answer, Jasmina rushed into speech again.

  “Well, I consider you a friend. In fact, I’d go so far as to say you know more about me than anyone else in the world.”

  That made his eyes widen. “Really?”

  “Yep.” She smiled, although her heart was racing. “What’s the first thing you usually say to me when I start inking you?”

  His moustache twitched. “Tell me one of your stories.”

  Since he’d been as stiff as a board the first night, she’d started regaling him with tales of her travels as a way to get him to relax. He’d turned out to be not only a good listener but an intelligent one too, asking truly informed questions about the various places she’d been to on both sides of the veil. It had come as a shock when he’d admitted he’d never actually been to any of them.

  “Exactly. I think I’ve pretty much told you everything I’ve done since I left home, even things I’ve never told another living being.” Now she gave in to the urge to touch him, resting her hand on his chest so it looked as though the wolf was about to bite it. Feeling his heartbeat pounding as hard as hers somehow steadied her. “That’s special. It doesn’t come along every day. I know I seem outgoing and smile a lot, but trust doesn’t come easily to me. And I trust you.”

  His heart seemed to leap under her palm, and she only just stopped herself curling her fingers into his pectoral muscle. The silence seemed laden with a swirl of emotion, but she wished, as she had so many times before, for the ability to read his expression. Finally he nodded slightly, his eyelids drooping to further obscure what he was thinking.

  “I trust you too.” The words were level, but the slight lilt in his voice was a little stronger. “And I’m grateful for your friendship. I’ll value it forever and don’t want to do
anything to jeopardize it.”

  Jasmina’s breath hitched, and she felt her lips tremble with a rush of relief. She hadn’t really known how important his friendship was to her until this very moment. As much as she wanted him, she now had the treasure of their acknowledged relationship to protect. She sensed he wasn’t one to give his trust easily either and she would do nothing, she promised herself fiercely, to lose it.

  “So.” She made her voice teasing, proud at how steady it sounded. “Are we going to let that stiff cock I saw in the mirror and my wet pussy threaten what we have going here?”

  She’d thought he looked shocked before but now, as his jaw sagged and his eyes seemed set to drop out of the sockets, Jasmina had to bite back a laugh.

  Then his gaze flickered down, lingering for a second on the junction of her thighs, and she felt that quick look as though it were a heated touch right on the clit. Perhaps it was her little gasp that made his eyes rise again. She hadn’t realized how pale he’d grown until a wave of red washed up from his chest to stain his cheeks again.


  It was the first time she’d seen him completely at a loss for words, and it was adorable. Taking pity on him, trying to be as matter-of-fact as she could, Jasmina pursed her lips and nodded.

  “Of course I’m aroused. You have a gorgeous body and beneath all that hair I suspect there’s a handsome face. But, more importantly, I like you. You’re intelligent, forthright and interesting. I like being around you and the way you make me feel when I’m with you. Put that all together and it’s a powerful aphrodisiac.”

  Vidar shook his head, as though in disbelief. He’d gotten his expression pretty much under control, but still couldn’t seem to find his voice. His moustache twitched, but no sound came from his lips. Jasmina sighed quietly, realizing it was all on her.

  “Listen, just because there’s a physical reaction doesn’t mean we have to act on it. If the thought of having sex with me makes you uncomfortable—” She couldn’t help casting a quick look down at where he still clutched his pants in front of his groin. “Or more uncomfortable, it doesn’t have to happen.” She patted his chest, then regretfully forced her hand to fall away from all that warm, firm skin. “And please, don’t be embarrassed by your erection. Firstly, it’s a thing of beauty. Secondly, it’s not the first one I’ve seen.”

  There was a flash of something in his eyes, and Jasmina tried to figure it out but it was gone too quickly. Whatever it was left her breathless, made the thrum of desire between her thighs escalate. She had to walk away—now—before she did something they’d both regret.

  “So.” Mindful of his dislike of translocation she stepped aside, keeping her gaze locked on his. “I’m ready when you are.”

  Turning, she started back toward the other side of the table, each strike of her boot heels on the floor sounding like gunshots in her ears. Her heart was racing, her palms were damp. Laying it all out for him was a chance, but one she had to take. Not only was it imperative to keeping their relationship on an even keel, it also planted the idea of them becoming lovers in his mind.

  As she hooked the stool close and sat down again, Jasmina refused to consider what would happen if Vidar, disgusted, simply walked away.

  Vidar stared at his shirt, hanging on a hook in front of him. While his gaze compulsively followed one of the lines of the plaid pattern, his brain scrambled to try to catch up to the situation.

  What in Freyja’s name just happened?

  He blinked a couple of times, even shook his head slightly, but nothing changed. He was still naked, having agreed to extend his tattoos. Still painfully erect despite the series of shocks he’d received. Still quite sure Jasmina Elalmadhoun, the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, the one he’d secretly been in love with for almost two years, had suggested she was attracted to him.

  She’d stood in front of him, her soft, cool hand over his heart, those incredible dark eyes gleaming, and said she liked and trusted him. Even more amazingly, she said she was wet for him. For him, a mountain troll who never received a first look from any woman, much less one as gorgeous as her.

  Freyja, is this really happening to me?

  The goddess, who he suspected hated the city as much as he did, seemed very far away in that instant and failed to reply.

  He’d given up hope of ever having the chance to make love to a woman, accepted that if he really wanted to know what sex was like, he’d have to pay for it. But that hadn’t turned him on at all, had seemed sacrilege to all he believed in. Now it sounded as though Jasmina was extending an invitation into her bed.

  Just the thought made his balls ache even more, and he was sure he just put another wet spot on the jeans he was holding in front of his groin. If he could just get his head clear, make his stomach stop roiling, it would be the best moment of his life.

  “Vidar.” Her voice, smooth and sweet as cream mixed with honey, made goose bumps feather up his spine. “Are you coming?”

  Any minute now, if I don’t get myself under control.

  “Okay,” he replied. Okay. He even managed a brief nod to go with his words, but the rest of his body remained frozen. Except for his cock, which throbbed and seemed to get even stiffer.

  As usual he’d even masturbated before coming to the Café in an attempt to keep his unruly libido under control when he saw her again. Lying in bed, he’d tried to imagine what it would feel like to have her in his arms, that long sleek body against his, her hands and mouth on him. Visions of tracing every line of her tattoos with his mouth, discovering how low they went on her torso, whether she had ink on other, more intimate parts of her body had made him hard in an instant. It never took long to climax when he stroked his cock and thought about her, and it never helped to keep him cool when he saw her, but that didn’t stop the fantasies. From the first time he’d set eyes on Jasmina, he’d been utterly, completely fascinated.

  She was a study in contrasts. Not particularly short, but with a femininity that made her seem almost diminutive. Sweet-faced, with a delicate mouth, it was only when you looked into her dark eyes, or heard her curse like a dwarf, that her strong, forceful personality became evident. And the tattoos of two rocs along the length of her arms, heads resting on her shoulders and wings extending onto her body, looked as though they were hugging her the way he wanted to. The way he never ever thought he would be able to.

  A practical man, he’d considered himself pretty much ready for anything. Now he knew better. Nothing could have prepared him for this.

  He closed his eyes for a moment. Immediately he imagined that sleek golden body bare, open for his exploration. Her thick black hair would be loose, waiting for his fingers to twine into it. Her lips would part, the perfect rosy mouth seeking his kiss…

  Yanking himself out of the fantasy, he battled the urge to cut and run, his toes curling into the cold concrete with a stomach-churning combination of apprehension and excitement. Yet he’d already agreed to Jasmina’s suggestion about extending his tattoo and he never went back on his word.

  Besides, a little voice whispered inside, she thinks your body—your cock, for Freyja’s sake—is beautiful.

  And it was that thought that finally helped him to drop the jeans and get his reluctant feet to move. If she truly enjoyed looking at him, far be it for him to deprive her of the chance.

  She was just trying to make you feel more comfortable. Don’t let yourself believe anything will ever come of this. You’re a troll, and she’s a beautiful woman.

  But not even those sensible thoughts could squelch his arousal.

  He knew he was red with embarrassment and the lusty inferno heating his blood, but that couldn’t be helped. Clinging to the thought that at least she wasn’t fazed, he rounded the table, paused a couple of steps away from where she was sitting, swinging back and forth on her stool. If he went any closer, his erection would literally be in her face…

  With one huge step he turned to the table, presenting her
with his back so she wouldn’t see the bead of pre-come forming on the tip of his cock. He swallowed, closed his eyes as it trickled slowly down toward his balls. Was it possible to surreptitiously wipe it away without her noticing? Probably not.

  Taking a deep breath, he gripped the edge of the table and forced his voice to come out as evenly as possible.

  “Here okay?”

  “Perfect.” There was a little rustle of the special paper she used to transfer her patterns, a brush of fingers against his ass. Vidar bit back a groan. “Let’s get the pattern on.”

  Once she started inking him, things would settle down, he was sure. The sting of the needle wasn’t particularly painful, but hopefully it would take his mind off the fact he was naked with Jasmina touching him.

  There was a slight tingle as she enchanted the pattern onto his back and buttocks.

  “Turn slightly to your left, please.”

  Without thought he did as she asked, his cock so hard it didn’t even bob with the movement. Her fingers smoothed the paper around his hip, down onto his thigh. Her scent, slightly smoky, with a hint of musk, wafted to his nostrils. A shudder started at the base of his spine and rocketed up his back.

  Think of something else.

  “Tell me one of your stories, Jazz.”

  Her fingers seemed to hesitate slightly, but there was nothing but a hint of amusement in her voice when she replied. “I meant it when I said I’ve told you all of them. I think I’m tapped out. Okay, turn the other way now.”

  She was trying to kill him, he was sure. He turned, caught sight of himself in the mirror at the back of the room. It was the first time he’d ever seen himself naked and aroused, but it was the juxtaposition of his and Jasmina’s bodies that really held his attention. His was so big and pale, hers slim and tawny. They were so close together, touching, and that made another shudder fire through his muscles. He swallowed a moan.

  “What about—” He stopped, swallowed again, then said the first thing that came to mind. “You never told me how you came to be traveling around in the first place. How about telling me that?”


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