Beginning of the Reckoning

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Beginning of the Reckoning Page 28

by Vera Quinn

  “So, Callie had your number. She caught on that you, Steel, had a tail on my girl. For how long? Chief said with a proud fatherly tone.

  “That’s our girl!” Trent chimes in.

  “You said tonight first. We will get to the other in time.” Dad says without any emotion. “Were they after you?” Chief glares in our direction.

  “Could be T-Bone or could be Diamondback. The first would be more after Callie than us. The second would just be checking, but you can never guess.” My dad finally dropped the name that took all the air out of Chief. “Would any of your enemies be after you, through Callie?

  “We have somebody on that.” Chief says but you can tell his mind is a million miles away. “Anything else?”

  “No, that’s it.” Dad says. “I put Tito on Callie’s friend, Sarah. I wanted to know more about Callie before I met her again. Then when he told me she was sneaking out and losing your lousy choices for prospects, I knew I needed to keep her safe.” I looked right at Chief but I could see his pain along with a more than healthy dose of hatred toward me.

  “I can take care of my daughter.” At that he turned toward Zman, “Bring in the kids.” I guess he didn’t like my answers. My dad leans over to me and whispers, “Take it easy, he’s on edge.” I knew this was going to be a delicate balancing act going in. I see Callie and her friends enter the room. They look like they could use some sleep. Felix and Sarah both have their heads down and eyes to the floor. Not Callie, she is holding her head high and looking her dad straight in the eye. She hasn’t been broken yet tonight. The other two stand back but Callie walks straight up to her dad, “Dad this is all my fault. We snuck out so I could race at the strip tonight and then we went to the club. All my idea and all my fault. If we are in trouble, I need to take responsibility.” She looks Chief straight in the eyes and stiffened her backbone and waited for his reply. This woman has a backbone and my admiration for her has grown even more. This cannot stand in my way of getting what I want. The other men look at her and all they see is the little girl she used to be and all I see is the beautiful woman she has grown into. Everything balances on her and that’s a lot of responsibility for her. From what she has shown me, she can handle it. I feel pride as I look at her, damn I have to shut that down.


  My dad hasn’t taken his eyes off me since I came in the door. I know I disappointed him tonight. That hurts. I don’t know what I thought I was doing. I just wanted to race and then all hell broke loose on us. I know I have to take my punishment and face dad head on. That’s what I was taught, to stand up and say when I’m wrong and take my punishment like I should. I already told Felix and Sarah to let me take responsibility and for them just to answer what is asked of them and no smart talk. None of that is tolerated inside these doors.

  “What do you mean, “IF”, you’re in trouble. I put men on you for a damn reason and you snuck out. Racing? What in the hell do you think your trying to do girl? Put me in a grave?” My dad looks disgusted with me. I have let him down. I stiffen and spit out what is on my mind.

  “Sir, I’m not going to say I’m sorry for racing. I am good at it. You taught me and I learned well. I am sorry for worrying you. I am sorry for what happened later. I should have known better than to go to the club. I am ready to take my punishment and I will try to refrain from racing the remaining time I have at home. I am sorry I disappointed you,” I look around at the other men at the table, “I am ready to take my punishment.” I hear Trent say under his breath, “She’s taking responsibility like we’ve taught her.” My dad looks to my two friends, “Do you two have anything to add?” I’m praying these two keep their mouths shut but Felix can’t help himself from telling everything.

  “After Callie won an d we got back to my house she got bad news from Mason and we trying to cheer her up.” Damn, why did he have to tell this in front of everyone? I was hoping this could wait until tomorrow, or never.

  “Callie?” that’s all dad has to say. He has almost a softn ess in his eyes but it is quickly masked by the President’s mask. I steel myself and look at him and my eyes never leave his, “We broke up.” If he wants more he will have to ask.

  “Do you think you could elaborate on that?” I knew this was coming but wasn’t sure I would be able to tell them. “Mason cheated on me not once but twice. He thought the night of my graduation was the night to ease his conscious by sharing. We’re done. End of story.” The tears are in my eyes but I will not let them fall. I left the only tears he would get from me in Felix’s bedroom and bathroom drain. I have put my broken heart and those memories in my box of things locked away in my soul. Things I will never get back. Things I will not face again as long as I can keep that chain locked on that overflowing box. I lift my chin and meet the looks of pity and sorrow in all these tough bikers that are my family. I hate it and I swear it will be the last time any of them have to give me these looks.

  “Damn! What the hell? Did he call and tell you that shit?” Hambone curses out. “Skyped me.” I keep my answer direct and short. My dad reaches over and takes my hand but says nothing.

  “That boy gets home and I will teach him some damn manners.” Uncle Trent says from his chair. “We’ll all have han d in that. He disrespected one of ours and we will teach him what happens when we get disrespected.” Zman says from behind Devil and Steel. Guess they still aren’t trusted. I know it will do no good to argue with them now and inside here it is not tolerated so I keep quiet.

  “Why were you with Devil and Steel and what does his man Tito have to do with any of this?” Dad gets back on track with the questioning. “We were at the club having a good time and Cru London came in and was trying to get me to listen to Mason’s explanations. I wasn’t interested. Things got heated and Devil stepped in between us. Cru was just taking up for Mason and said some things that made me go off.” I tried to make it sound lighter than it actually was. No one here would like what Cru said to me. “After that we were leaving and Sarah’s friend, a.k.a. Tito, was going to bring us home because Hanna took Cru home and she was our ride.” Oops left that out earlier.

  “So, Hanna was with you three, too?” Dad asked and I nodded at him. “Yes, she was our ride to the club, but since she is Cru’s cousin when he got upset she had to give him a ride home. We rode to the club with Hanna. Cru, I guess, got dropped off by someone.” I could only guess how Cru got there.

  “Anyway, when we went out the doo rs I slid over, like I always do and let my eyes adjust to the dark so I could see and the van came out of nowhere. Devil and Steel were coming out after us and when I made sure Sarah and Felix were down I felt Devil fall over me and roll. I thought it was over until I saw the dark car come towards us really fast and I drew my gun and shot at the windshield in the vicinity of the driver and then it was over. Shots came from the van and the car, from Steel and Tito. Devil was trying to keep us down.” I take a breath, “Then Devil told Tito to get his car and I saw in their eyes the connection. Tito took the orders too easily, like he was used to doing it and I knew I needed back-up. Steel had put his gun away and Tito had gone to the parking lot to get his car, so I knew I had to do it then. I covered them and had Felix watch for Tito and Sarah call you. Then I talked to you and gave you all the information you would have needed to find us if they took us. After I hung up with you the three of us returned to the club and I went to a bouncer and told them who you were and asked for help and they put us in a room until Trent came in and got us.” I thought I had it all out but then I remembered, “also I looked for a tag but there was none and the parking lot had security lights out and I don’t remember them being that way when we entered and that’s everything.” I finally had it all out and I wish I could just roll up in a ball and go to sleep and forget all about this night.

  “Are you sure that is everything?” Dad as ks me.

  “Yes sir, everything I can remember.” I just want to go home and to my bed.

  “Felix, Sarah do either of you h
ave anything else to say?” my dad asks. They both shake their heads. “Ok, Zman will you get Ty or Woody?” Zman steps to the door and opens it and motions Ty, who is standing guard outside in, “Ty take Felix and Sarah to Callie’s room and make sure no one bothers them.” Then my dad looks at them, “Go on and get some sleep, but your both on clean up duties. That means my yard and shop at home. Are we clear?” they know not to argue and follow Ty out.

  “Now, baby girl.” My night just keeps getting longer. All I want to do is go to sleep, but that is not happening for a while. “It seems you have had an eventful night.” Dad looks at the men at the table. “I want everyone to put their ears to the ground and talk to everyone to find out who is responsible for the shootings tonight. Everyone be aware of your surroundings. I’m not calling lock down, yet, but keep your loved ones close. Hambone call some other clubs and see if they have heard anything. Get our intel guy on the night club’s security cameras on the parking lot. It’s pretty secluded so not many would be out there but it is unusual for a club’s parking lot to be that empty at closing time. Find out why exactly that was. Now everyone but Trent go home get some shut eye for a couple hours and then find me something.” Dad sounds more like a grizzly bear than a man. I know he is worried and tired. I hate I did this to him and the whole club. All the guys are filing out. Picking up their phones and guns from Zman and Hambone stops by and wraps me up in a big old hug.

  “That boy was never good enough for our Princess anyway. You keep that chin up girlie.” This may be more than I can take. The kindness and love my family shows me. Unconditional. I would do anything for them. Hambone makes his way out and Zman comes back and gives me a sideways hug and a kiss on the side of my head.

  “So, did you win the race? Did you put Rabbit in his place?” he asks only lo ud enough for me to hear. I wink at him and lean in and kiss his cheek and whisper, “beat him by a nose.” Then I hear a growl from the other side of the room, it had come from Devil and he had Zman fixed in a death glare. Don’t know what that is about, but it amuses Zman.

  Chapter 18

  Devil That asshole needs to take his hands off of what’s mine. That smirk on his face tells me he knows exactly what he is doing. Challenging me. It’s time to do what we come here to do so everyone will know who Callie belongs to. I signal to Dad to let him know it is time. I am tired, I need sleep, and my patience has run out. Like Chief could read my mind he signals for Zman to stay.

  “Callie come here and sit down beside me. I know it’s late, ok early, but we need to go ahead and get this done.” Callie moves around and sits next to Chief while Trent takes the chair on her other side. Dad and I sit across from them and Zman takes up post by the door so we won’t be interrupted. Chief turns to Callie and takes her hands in his and brings them to his mouth and kisses her hands folded in his. It looks so out of character for the big man, but he’s tender with her and shows her his emotions. I can tell by observing the two just how close they are.

  “Callie, I love you with all my heart baby girl. I have since the first time I held you. Showing my emotions is not what I’m good at, but I have tried extra hard with you. Your brother, Tommy, entrusted your wellbeing with me and he knew I would protect and love you until the day they put me in my grave. What I am going to do now,” he chokes up and looks at his feet, “no one your age should have laid at their feet, but I respect you and I never want you to hate me so I have to give you the chance to make the choice.” And then he hesitates and looks at her.

  “I love you too dad, but your scaring me and you know I don’t scare easy. It’s ok. Really, just say it. Tear it off like a bandaide.” Callie gives her dad an encouraging smile and squeezes his big hand. Chief looks like he has aged ten years in the last twenty-four hours. He knows what he has to do, but he still fights with leaving this responsibility on Callie’s shoulders. I should feel guilty for my part in this, but I don’t. My soul was blackened too many years ago to feel remorse for my decisions.

  “Baby girl, when Tommy was killed we have always known there was another shooter there that night, do you remember that?” Callie shakes her head yes. I can tell by the glassy look in her eyes that she is reliving parts of that nightmare she already had to endure, no telling how many times, late at night in her worse dreams.

  “I told you that. I remember two.” Callie says with vacant look now replacing the pain I had seen only seconds before.

  “Callie, I want you to stay with me here.” Chief strokes her cheek lovingly trying to erase some of the harsh memories.

  “Just listen, so I can get this out. Ok? Just listen and take in what I’m saying.” Chief tells her in a fatherly calming voice. “There was a second shooter. like I said. Also we have fo und out someone sent them. They were not working on their own. We all know what happened to Chaz. I thought we were really careful and covered our tracks, but I wasn’t in charge then, and someone else took care of the clean-up. I should have done it, but I was worried how it was affecting you.” Callie has listened without interrupting. The pain is written all over her face. Chief telling her this has taken her back to when she was six years old and had her whole world turned upside down. The day she lost her brother and killed a man.

  “Dad, are you talking about what I did?” Callie asked just barely loud enough for us to hear.

  “Baby girl are you ok? Is this too painful?” Trent asked and rubbed his hand down Callie’s back to give her some comfort. “No Uncle Trent, I just want to understand.” Then Callie stiffens her back and looks straight at her dad, “Tell me dad, what is it your trying to say?” she looks determined to hear it all.

  “What I’m saying is there was definitely another shooter and it was ordered, bu t you were the target just like we always thought. Steel and Devil have come to bargain with us on the information about the other shooter and who gave the orders. Nothing else.” There was a relieved look that come over her face. She thinks her dark secret is safe but she will soon be enlightened. “Devil wants you. He wants to take you as his wife and then they will give us the shooter and the name of the man in charge. The club has vowed to avenge Tommy’s death since he was killed, but this is not my call. I never thought you would even think about it, but I had to let you know what they offered. I want to make it clear that no one expects this of you, but I respect you and I knew Devil would approach you and I wanted to bring it to you myself.” Chief squeezed her hand and then kissed her forehead.

  “That’s why you have been following me around tonight? You want someone who doesn’t even know you as your wife?” she sounds incredulous. She turns towards me and looks at me as if she is seeing straight through me, “Why?” that’s all she asks, then waits for me to give her an answer. I contemplate my words carefully. This has to come out right or I will be back at square one. “Because I need a wife who can be by my side. Someone I don’t have to coddle and who knows how the club works. I know that doesn’t sound all sweet and shit but life is hard and I need what I need.” I try to sound convincing. “By the way happy birthday. You are eighteen now.” Chief looks at me and now he realizes I will care for his daughter. Something so small made him see for the first time how serious I am.

  “They don’t have women were you come from? Wherever that may be.” She doesn’t look convinced. “Yes, we have women, but I need a strong woman. One that won’t break when the going gets tough and who is loyal. I know it would start out as a work arrangement but I think love is way over rated. If we can have trust, loyalty, and commitment, that aces love every time. I assure you that you will get your revenge and you assure me you will be my wife.” I see she is considering it. She wants the revenge. “To make sure you will not back out after I give the information, you will marry me.” I hear her take a breath and hold it in. I have shocked her, so I go in for the kill, “I mean, you had a boyfriend you loved and see what happened, he cheated on you. That’s all love will get you is a broken heart. We would have more.” I see in her eyes it has hit home what I
am offering and she’s curious.

  “But why me? You don’t know me. You know nothing of me. You don’t even like me.” Callie’s eyes look far away as if she’s thinking about someone else. Probably that prick of an ex-boyfriend.

  “Your name is Callie Cheyenne Monroe Black. Your eighteen today. You just graduated, top of your class. Plan on attending UT. Business, I believe, is your study area. You love to race cars. You have a bad temper at times. How is that for someone that knows nothing about you? Oh, and I learned tonight you carry a gun and you do what’s right even if it gets you in trouble, when it’s important.” I look first at Callie and then to Chief. She seems to be trying to take it all in.

  “What would keep me from agreeing and then after we know what we need to, leave? How can you trust me? You don’t know me. If Steel and my dad are such good friends can’t they come up with some other arrangement to get the information?” she ask but looks from Chief to dad and then finally her beautiful blue eyes land on me. In another place or another time, I could get lost in those eyes, but now is not the time. She should be a carefree teenager, but within her eyes I can see a maturity beyond her years. The innocent curtains most young women her age have, was torn from her years ago. If eyes are the gateway to our souls, then hers has been blackened from circumstances beyond her control. I have to give her the most honest answer I can. From the shadows in her eyes I can tell she is waiting for me to slip up, to tell a lie she can call me on. I won’t give it to her.


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