Beginning of the Reckoning

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Beginning of the Reckoning Page 37

by Vera Quinn

  I believe this one belongs to you, Chief. Do you want the rest also? Ty and Zman are in the next car and we put the other three in the last car.” The cop asks dad. “Callie seems to be the only one drunk and she started the fight.”

  “I did no such thing, you asshole. That man grabbed my ass on the dance floor and then he grabbed me again and I defended myself.” I slur out.

  “Oh you mean the guy you spin kicked and knocked two teeth out of?” The smartass cop asks. “That would probably be the one, if he is the one who grabbed my ass. No one touches me unless I say so. Two feet of private space.” I get out before my dad cuts me off.

  “Callie Cheyenne Monroe Black, I taught you better than to be fighting in bars. Did I not young lady?” Dang, dad pulled out my full name. By this time Ty and Zman are by his side and my friends are standing back watching. I get out of the squad car and stiffen my back for dad’s ridicule.

  “Dad you also taught me no man touches me unless I say it is ok, and I did not say it was ok. I felt threatened and I defended myself. I may have over done it, but it still doesn’t change the fact I felt threatened.” How he could argue with that I don’t know.

  “How did she get so drunk? I gave you two strict orders.” He points to Zman and Ty. “It’s our fault Mr. Black,” Fe steps up and tries to take the blame, “We come up with the wise idea of distracting them and giving her all of our shots. We just wanted her last single night to be memorable.” Fe looks like he could swallow his tongue. I can’t let him take the blame.

  “No dad it is my fault. I should have known better, but that man started it. So blame me not my friends. Thanks Fe but I have this.” I will never let my friends take my responsibility in this.

  “So, you got this? We have another call and have to roll.” The cop asks my dad. My dad takes a wad of bills and puts in the cop’s hand and walks him back to his car. When he gets back to us I see him come over to me and that is the last thing I remember except the quiet black and the deep sleep.


  Well again, Callie surprises me. A bar fight. Last night was amusing. When Chief got the call there was a problem at the bar I was worried until I saw Callie, and except for a few scratches, she was fine. Knocked two teeth out of a man. That made me laugh. Chief even laughed about it later. He said Callie has been able to take care of herself since she was little. He had her in martial arts and kick boxing at the age of eight. She took right to it and didn’t mind the bruises that came with it. Then when she was twelve she started boxing training and then later MMA training with Mason. Apparently he was an amateur competitor. Good to know. Little woman with a mighty kick. I know today I become a married man. My ma loves Callie, Keifer likes her even if he is a little jealous of the attention ma gives her, but won’t even let his woman in her house. Then there’s dad and he is very protective of Callie and has already warned all the club girls that they better walk a wide berth around her. Our club girls are much more aggressive than what Callie is used to and keeping them in line goes to the ol’ ladies, but everyone knows I have not claimed Callie as my ol’ lady. I just hope they listen to dad. I don’t want to have to explain myself to Callie. I promised her honesty but this one thing I cannot give her honesty in. It would only hurt her, and I don’t want to do that. I have begun to have feelings for Callie and it is only complicating matters for me. Callie is beautiful and sweet and real. She doesn’t have a dishonest bone in her body and even drunk she took responsibility for her actions. I admire that. If I could have met Callie when I wasn’t so warped. No matter. Today we will be married and I will protect her. Tonight I will claim her and then she will truly be mine. I will own a part of her no one else will ever know and that fills me with a warmth inside, a pride. If only…

  I need to get this day started. It will be long and I will have to have patience. I already went to our cabin in Beaver’s Bend and made sure it was stocked and took some things I knew we would need. I hope she likes it. Here I am sounding like a sap. It will work.


  I open my eyes slowly. I look around and I am in my bedroom at home. How the heck did I get here? The last thing I remember I was at the clubhouse and talking to my dad. Oops. Yep, I screwed up again. I’m in trouble. Well what can he do? Ground me? I’m getting married today. What? No honeymoon? I think Devil might have something to say about that. My head should hurt, but nothing so far and my stomach doesn’t feel funny. I look around and I see Hanna still in bed with me and then I look for Fe and Sarah but they must be up already. I get up trying not to wake Hanna and slip into the bathroom. I take care of my morning ritual, peeing and brushing my teeth and washing my face and putting on moisturizer with sunscreen in it. I look at myself and I have a long t-shirt and panties on, good enough for home. I make my way down the hall and into the kitchen just as Fe is acting out me jumping on some man last night. Fe is so hilarious. Over dramatic much. As he turns his back on everyone I go and jump on his back and he says yeah just like that and everyone is laughing. Just then I realize Devil and his family are here, too. Oh well too late now. Fe and I are laughing so hard we fall on the floor and we can’t stop laughing. Then I get everyone laughing with us. Can’t be in too much trouble.

  “Young lady you have some explaining to do. What do you have to say for yourself?”, dad asks, but I hear the amusement in his voice. I’m forgiven. That was a close one.

  “Wasn’t me. I don’t remember a thing so I can’t be in trouble for something I can’t remember. I think that’s written somewhere and if it’s not it should be.” I give dad the most innocent smile I can come up with.

  “Well I remember, so you can be in trouble with my memory.” Ty puts in. He has a black eye and a busted lip. “Well I hope I didn’t do that to you. That looks like it might hurt. My hands don’t feel that sore, a little but not enough. Sorry bubba.” With that he smiles and I know he forgives me.

  “You didn’t do this shorty. That guy’s friend you knocked out did this. He was after you. I got in his way. It’s ok. He looks a lot worse. You actually looked happy last night. First time in a while, so it was worth it.” He comes over and pats my head like an annoying brother.

  “What? Pat your doggy on the head day Ty? You want the other eye black, too?” He just laughs and goes to get more coffee.

  “Feisty are you? Want to go a few rounds in the ring today before your wedding? Pretty pictures with a black eye.” Ty laughs. “Ty leave your sister alone. I believe you are the one who got the black eye last time. You two are like monkeys in a zoo. Monkey see, monkey do. Who is for Callie’s pancakes and French toast? That’s your punishment young lady, you cook and you better get cracking or you’ll be late for your own wedding. Fe, Sarah, and Hanna will get clean up. Fe go get Hanna up. It’s time to get moving.” Dad has spoken and now I know this is more than he wants my pancakes before I am gone than punishment.

  “So you can cook?” Devil leans in and asks. “Yes she can, better than most women I know. My mom taught her. She can bake anything she puts her mind to, and she knows how to can vegetables from the garden, and she can sew too. She made that quilt on her bed at the clubhouse, her grandma taught her all of it. She is very capable. She can also shoot any gun you put in her hand. Hand gun, rifle, or shot gun. She can maintain her own vehicle and she has her own bike, which she can ride. She is very capable of taking care of herself in most situations.” Dad is just bragging. It’s all true, but he loves to tell everyone what his daughter can do. I start making up my pancake batter and getting all my stuff together for the French toast.

  “You make it from scratch? We are so going to get spoiled to this.” Kat throws in. She sounds excited. I pour the hot coffee into a carafe pot and take it to the dining room and return to the kitchen. “Ok, all men in the dining area or somewhere else besides my kitchen. Out.” They all get up to go in the dining area but Devil comes over and kisses the top of my head and then goes into the dining area with the other men. I turn the radio on and get my tunes
going and begin my work. I am dancing around and Kat is sitting and watching and laughing. Hanna and Sarah get the table set. I set about making pancakes and French toast alternating between the two. I have put some bacon on to fry. I finally have a platter of pancakes and a platter of French toast. I finish up the pan of bacon and squeeze some orange juice. I grab the syrup and butter and turn the radio off and call the men in. I hope dad likes it. It will be the last breakfast at home for a while. It hits me about that time. I will be leaving my family. Tears cloud my eyes and Kat comes to me and asks what is wrong. It’s hard to get out but once I have control of myself I tell her it just hit me I would be leaving my dad. I’ve never been without him since I can remember everything and it just hit me all at once. By this time dad has come in and he comes over to me and I jump in his arms and wrap my legs around him like I used to when I was little and break out crying big ugly tears. I sob and sob. Finally, I catch my breath and I dry my eyes and I’m sure I look awful. My dad kisses my head and my cheek. “It’s ok baby girl. I am always here for you. You’ll always be my little girl. You need me and I am only five hours away or one phone call away. I love you.” Dad always knows what to say.

  “I’m sorry daddy. It just hit me all at once. This is my last time to cook breakfast in your kitchen like this and I broke. I love you, daddy. You are my hero. You are always there for me and it scares me to think of me being away from your reach. I’m going to miss you, daddy. You are the one I always talk to about my problems. You’re not only my dad, but my best friend that I trust everything with.” I hug him and give him a kiss. He hands me a paper towel and I wipe my eyes and nose and I notice we have a room full of people watching us. I let my legs go from around my dad and he sets me back on my feet and hugs me. I step back. “Sorry dad. I didn’t mean to be a blubbering mess.”

  “Don’t apologize for loving me baby girl,” my dad puts in, but he has a sad look in his eyes. I think he might have needed this as much as I did. “Your dad is right, Callie. My daughter is with a man right now I don’t really care for and I wish she would tell me one more time she loves me like that. She won’t even speak to us now.”

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Steel. You’re a good man and I know you r daughter loves you. No matter if she’s mad or not in a situation to tell you. All daughters love their dad’s. They’re the only men who will never let them down and love them no matter what. Anyone can be a father but it takes someone special to be a daddy. That’s what my grandma always said.” I hope that helps him. He looks so distraught over his daughter.

  “Enough of this let’s eat.” I tell everyone. I go over and sit next to Devil. He leans over and whispers in my ear, “Thank you for that. Dad and Kim had a fight before we left and it’s bothering him.” He looks at me and then leans in again, “I like the long shirt but next time could you put something on with it? I don’t want anyone seeing what is mine, including my brother.”

  “Sure thing.” I guess I can give him that. “I didn’t know anyone was here when I came down.” This may take a little getting used to. Dad is sitting at the head of the table, and he has a smile on his face but his eyes tell a different story. He is having as a hard a time as I am. I know I have to suck up my separation anxiety and help him get over this. I’m a grown woman now and I have responsibilities. To make sure everyone can live with the decisions I have made. This transition will be hard on some people. My dad, Ty, and Uncle Trent. I’ve tried to reach out to Uncle Blake, but he’s out of reach right now. I wish he could be here but he’s a fishing and hunting guide and when he is out it’s hard to get in touch. I’ve left messages though. It’s just all happening so fast and that is partially my fault but I just want it done. I’m pulled out of my thoughts by the back door opening and Kelsey is here with her outgoing self. “Ok cupcake, it’s time to get you beautiful for your day. Let’s get a move on. Are you getting ready here or at the clubhouse?” she is chattering off a mile a minute. I swallow my last bite and get a drink of my juice before I address her questions, “I’m showering here and then going to the club. I’ll get right on that while my friends clean up so then they can shower.” I get up to leave but Devil pulls me back down for a kiss that surprises me. Then I go to take care of my shower.

  Chapter 42

  Devil Callie’s breakfast this morning was an extra bonus. Callie looked beautiful even after a night like last night. We made it back to the BlackPath MC clubhouse and I am waiting with some of our club family for this thing to begin. Kim didn’t make it, but I didn’t think that man of hers would let her. I need to take care of that matter as soon as things are back to normal. Chief has gone back to be with Callie. Ty and Driller are greeting everyone for their family. Ma and Keifer are taking care of our family. Dad is staying by my side. I don’t know why I am good with this wedding. For some reason this wedding seems right. Callie is going to be mine and it seems natural. Almost as if we were meant to be. We will be good together. Keifer’s ol’ lady, Kizzy, showed her face not long ago and he needs to keep her in check. She’s throwing back drinks like she is on another bender. Keifer has his eye on her and ma will put her out of here if she steps out of line. As soon as she sees how ma likes Callie there will be trouble. I need to warn dad. I walk up behind dad and nudge him. He turns to me and I tell him in a whispered voice, “You know as soon as Kizzy sees how ma treats Callie, there is going to be trouble. She sees that ring on Callie’s finger and she is going to go postal.” Ma slighted Kizzy by not letting Keifer give it to her at their engagement but ma is ma. She’s never liked Kizzy or her sister Brianne. They were both club girls before they were claimed. Made no difference to Ma they were claimed. She will always see them as club property. “Did Keifer tell her about me giving the ring to Callie?” I hope my brother had enough sense to warn her.

  “I don’t know son, but I will find out now. If he hasn’t, I will get him on it before the ceremony which will be starting shortly. Is Hacksaw here yet? He’s the only one left standing with you I haven’t seen?”, dad has been keeping an eye out for everything that could possibly go wrong. He’s even got people watching the airport in case that Mason decides to show his face in town.

  “Yeah, Hacksaw is outside. He had to have a smoke break.” I let dad know and then he was gone and was making his way over to Keifer. I see Keifer shaking his head at dad. I knew he wouldn’t let Kizzy know about the ring, but Kizzy is a loose cannon and you can never tell how she is going to react, especially when she has been drinking. I see Kizzy approach them and I see the second they tell her. Her eyes come straight to mine and I can see the hate. I can tell she is going to make a scene. Keifer tries to grab her but she jerks away and goes straight for ma. I try to get to ma first but someone blocked me. Dad and Keifer are hot on her heels but she reaches ma and there is going to be a face-off.

  “How could yo u let him give her the family ring when you know she is just a substitute for my sister? Do you really think they will last? Do you think I would let them be happy?” Kizzy spits out. She is letting everything come out.

  “She will be my daughter -in-law and you will stay away from her or I will end you. Are we clear Kizzy?” My ma gives it right back to her. “That ring was given to me and I can give it to who I deem appropriate, once my son proposed. You are nothing but a slut, and Keifer will tire of your crap and get smart and rid himself of you one day. Callie will make a perfect daughter-inlaw. She is people like us. She doesn’t spread her legs for any man that will give her the time of day. She will give us strong grandkids. She is a good person. Now either sit down and shut up or get the hell out and go home. One more word from you and I will have Callie’s family put you out and deal with you when we get back home.” Ma is infuriated. I’ve never seen her so mad. Dad is behind her and a crowd has started to gather. I see Ty and Driller moving towards the inner circle and I only hope Kizzy sees the trouble she has created and shuts it down.

  “Who is responsible for this woman, because we don’t know her and she needs
to leave now. This is Callie’s wedding and no one is going to interrupt it so get her the hell out or I will and I mean now!” Ty is not going to tolerate any of this.

  “Steel, is she with you? She needs to leave now. Either see her out and she stays out or I go and get Chief and he’ll deal with the person responsible for disrupting today.” This comes from Driller and I know Chief will be here next so I cut it off. “Keifer get her out now.” Keifer grabs her arm and takes her out the front door. “What the hell was that about? What was she talking about?” I think fast and I know I have to keep it close to the truth but I don’t get the chance.

  “She’s Keifer’s mistake of a wife and ol’ lady. She’s jealous because I gave the family ring to Callie and I wouldn’t let Keifer give it to her. She’s just a jealous bitch that shouldn’t have been here anyway.” Ma gave it to them. That’s all she knows, so it rings with the truth we need and they accept it. Now if Keifer can just calm her down and keep her gone.

  Chapter 43


  I am left in this room waiting. My hair is done, make-up done, and I have my dress on. Everything is a go. Then I hear my friends come in and they are carrying gift bags. “Ok girlie, gift time. “ Fe says and I go over to them and sit and they stand before me with small bags. “You know I lov e gifts. But I have something for all of you, too. You each get a gift card from Kelsey’s shop for the works and then you all also get photo albums from today. The photographer will call all of you when the proofs are ready so you can pick the ones you want. Pick as many as you want for your album. Dad is paying. It’s his splurge since he saved on the wedding.” I know this was his way of being able to hire a professional photographer. No telling how much he is having to pay on such short notice.


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