Beginning of the Reckoning

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Beginning of the Reckoning Page 60

by Vera Quinn

  “I love you, babe. Now go to sleep.” I kiss the top her head and I believe it fell on deaf ears, because I think she is already asleep. I can finally breathe easy after a few days of hell. Just a few hours really, but it seems like a lifetime. I feel sleep begin to pull on me and I smile because I am truly at peace knowing I am holding my future in my arms.



  Two months later… It has been a whirlwind of a few months. I’m five months pregnant, and today we find out if we are having a boy or a girl. I think of everything that has happened and I really can’t believe it has all been packed into two months. I am definitely Dewayne “Diamondback” Mahan’s daughter. He calls me daughter, but he is Dewayne to me. Dad is dad, and always will be. Dewayne and I have forged a friendship of sorts, but it is a work in progress. He has kept his word and has kept Mase away. We have texted on the phone, but I know we will never be good friends. He did tell me I never have to worry about Karen again. I didn’t even ask. I don’t want to know. I’m done with feuds and revenge. Blake has settled in to small town Colorado. At times he and the Troubled Fathoms MC are at odds, but they are trying to exist in the same area. He says they are vigilantes and they say he is a blind idealist who believes the law settles problems. As long as no one gets hurt and we can still sit down and eat a meal together, it works for me. Dad and Blake are still a work in progress. Dra and I are so in love. If my divorce does not become final soon we may have total selfcombustion. Sleeping in the same bed with my pregnancy hormones and Dra has become a problem. Two more weeks. Not to say we haven’t gotten to know each other’s body, but no sex. All I can say is please hurry. I am in a constant state of arousal and Dra isn’t much better, but he never pushes. God, I love that man! Devil was true to his word. I have a bank account, I never touch, full of money. He calls every few days to check on me. I keep him updated and we have found a new friendship. I am very proud of him. His and Dra’s relationship is still strained, but I guess that is to be expected. Once again as long as we can work together towards a family that at least is civil, that is all I can ask for. Devil even wants Dra to be our baby’s Godfather. Surprised the heck out of me, but Devil is growing. He is going to be the amazing dad I always knew he could be. Even Dra was surprised, but he is honored and is going to do it. I am over the moon. We are doing things our way, and it works.

  Dra was not happy he couldn’t come down to Texas with me for my doctor appointment, but he adjusted and said maybe by the time I get back we can move into our own home. We have bought one and are renovating, but now he’ll have more time to work on it. Can’t wait for that. I love Gram, but we need space with the baby coming. There’s trouble brewing for the club, but I am kept in the dark. I feel Dra’s tension and I always have more than one set of eyes on me. I’m waking up in my old bed at my dad’s house. He has been nothing but a bear since we have been here. Kim and he have something going on and apparently there is trouble in paradise. She was living here but she is gone now. What he doesn’t know is she will be back today for my doctor’s appointment. She and Kat are both coming with Devil for the sonogram. The little doctor’s office is going to be packed. Devil, Kat, Kim, Dad, Ty, and Fe are all going to be there, and if Uncle Trent and Blake can be there, they will, too. It takes a tribe they say, and we have one. Dad didn’t know Blake was coming with me to Texas, but Dra couldn’t make it and he didn’t want me coming alone. Blake has plenty of vacation time so he took some of it. We have been here two days and we will be here another three after today. Devil and I are going to pick out his baby furniture and some other things he’ll need. We are coordinating nurseries. That way the baby will feel familiar with the surroundings. We are all having dinner tonight.

  “You better get up sleepy head. You’ll be late for your doctor’s appointment. Today is the big day.” Dad is as excited as I am. I push Fe’s back. Yes, I wasn’t here an hour and Fe was here. Sarah and Hanna will be here tomorrow night. I don’t think Fe is leaving. He took a week off work and he is skipping his classes. He missed me.

  “Ok dad. I’ll shower and be down to cook.” I loo k at the clock. It is still early. “Dad, it’s still early. Everything ok?” He doesn’t look like he has slept much.

  “Just life, Baby Girl. I have to run to the club, so thought I would wake you first.” He looks at his feet and then gives me a smirk. “Can’t say I haven’t missed your breakfasts, and I am looking forward to it.”

  “Ok, it’ll be ready when you get back.” I get out of bed and my belly growls. I rub my swollen belly. It has rounded out and you can definitely tell I’m pregnant now. I’ve not gained a lot of weight, but what I have is in my belly. I push Fe and he lifts his head. Now I know we’re not late, he can sleep longer. I head for my bag and get out my clothes for today. It’s early December but it’s warm in Texas. I grab a pair of leggings and a soft tee. I’m not going to make the cover of any magazine, but I don’t see the need to spend a lot of money on maternity clothes I can only wear a little while. I go for comfort in every way. My bra is a totally different story. I have had to go up two sizes. If the girls don’t stop growing, I’m going to need help carrying them around. Dra doesn’t mind. He says I’m a tease. He has new toys that he can’t play with. I get my morning rituals over. The shower felt great. I comb through my hair that has really grown out. The prenatal vitamins supposedly help with that. My hair is already below my shoulders again. I missed it. I flip it up in a messy bun with it still damp. I put on some lip balm, moisturize, apply lotion and this girl is done. I go back in my bedroom and Fe is sitting on the side of the bed. I grab my chucks by my dresser, my back pack and my shades. “I’m going to get breakfast. Come down when you’re done.” Fe is not awake yet. He shakes his head. I get in the kitchen and start the coffee. I grab a water from the fridge and take my vitamin and then start the big breakfast. Bacon, sausage, hash browns, biscuits, eggs, waffles, and gravy. I go ahead and get the juice and milk out, too. Forty-five minutes later and I am just finishing waffles and pulling biscuits out of the oven. Then I hear the back door open and voices.

  “Look who I found outside.” That’s Ty. Always first to the table. Behind him is Kat, Kim, Devil, and Uncle Blake. “Well good. Food is almost done.” Uncle Blake comes over and ki sses my forehead. I put the biscuits on the cabinet and turn to put some more waffle batter on.

  “Good morning, sweetheart. Look at you. You look beautiful pregnant and in the kitchen.” Kat is laughing and I look down at myself. “I have missed you.” “Don’t know about beautiful, but I’m comfortable.” I turn and finish cutting the fruit I took out and then take that last waffle from the waffle iron. “You’re very beautiful barefoo t and pregnant in the kitchen. Would only be better if it was my kitchen.” Devil is being flirty. Love the playful side of him. He comes over and hugs me. He smells good. It’s the cologne I bought him when we got married.

  “Fe!” I yell up at him but I turn and he is standing there and I smile. “You bellowed?” Fe is laughing. He has been doing that a lot. I wonder if Woody has anything to do with that. He hasn’t been around since I arrived. He’s gone on a run. Just then Uncle Trent and Dad walk in the back door. Dad spots Kim and his eyes don’t move from hers, but then again hers are trained on him. The tension could be cut with a knife.

  “Everyone ready to eat? We have about forty minutes until we have to leave.” Dad goes and pours himself a cup of coffee and fixes his plate then turns to me, “I’ll be in my office. Come get me when you’re ready.” Then dad walks out. Ty and Driller follow Dad’s lead and I am left wondering, WTH? As soon as they are out of hearing distance I turn and look at Kim. “Anyone want to explain what just happened? Because I will not have my dad thinking he has to go to another room to eat in his own house.” Kim’s eyes go to Devil’s.

  “I told you I should have stayed home.” Kat pats her on the side of her arm. I turn my eyes to Devil but he doesn’t speak. “Steel told Chief if he stayed with Kim it would be full ou
t war. Chief told him to fuck off, but when Steel talked to Kim, she went back home. To say the least, Chief was pissed, but when he found out he threatened your freedom, Chief lost it.” Blake barely gets it out and everything in me goes cold. My dad is trying to protect me again from a Steel. I go to the phone and dial the number of a man I once respected. After two rings I hear his voice.

  “Steel.” I take a second and then I lay into him. “What the hell do you think you’re doing? I will say this one ti me only, so listen, no one uses me against my dad. Now I’m going to tell you, find another way. I don’t care if you tie your damn daughter down. I don’t care if you put a damn moat around your house so you can keep her there. Do not use me! No, you shut up and listen to me, you have thirty minutes to change your tactics. Yes. By the time I leave to go to my doctor’s appointment, my dad better have had a phone call from you, letting him know whatever you think you have on me has disappeared. Are we clear? If he doesn’t, with everything in me, you will never lay eyes on this child. Do you get that you over grown brat? Find another way!” I am so mad I can’t even talk straight. I slam the phone down and Fe is up and over to me. Devil is eyeing me in amazement.

  “I’m sorry. I love your dad, but I don’t want you in any trouble. Dad still has some things on you about the night that dumbass tried to take me.” I save his daughter from being kidnapped and he threatens my dad with it. I look at Kat.

  “I tried to talk reason into him. He is going crazy over Chief with Kim. He will do anything. All the men in our family have lost their good sense. First Kylar and the crap he pulled with you and now this. I’m at the point I am going to disown every damn one of them. You do what you have to. I love them all but enough is enough.” Ok. So he wants to turn everything in. Fine. So be it. I did nothing wrong. His club did. I’ll do the only thing I know to do. I will cut my own nose off to spite my face. I know I heard that somewhere. I’ll turn my own self in. I get up and go for the phone but then I realize I have a Marshall setting right here. So I look to Devil.

  “I changed my mind. Call him and tell him time is up and I plan to go with option B.” I look at Uncle Blake and Devil knows exactly what I have in mind. Then Kim’s phone rings. She looks at it and goes outside to take it. Then dad comes charging in the kitchen.

  “Baby Girl, what the hell did you do? I can take care of Steel myself.” He says it with a smile, so I know he is not mad.

  “Taking care of business, Dad. No one uses me to hurt you. Not even Steel.” Dad comes over and hugs me. “Callie is on the warpath again.” Uncle Trent is smiling ear to ear . He is enjoying this. Kim comes back into the room. “Dad is mad but he won’t use anything against you Callie. I guess that means I can stay, if you want me.” She’s looking at dad.

  “This changes nothing between us. I told you if you left you weren’t coming back, and I meant it.” With that he turns his back to Kim. “We need to get moving.” I look at my watch and he is right. Kat and I do the clean-up real fast. Dad never says another word to Kim and she stays away from him. Nothing else I can do. I put my chucks on, grab my backpack and put my shades on. We get outside and I go to Fe’s car and get in with him. Figuring this will be the place with the least amount of stress. The guys get on their bikes and Kim and Kat get in Kat’s SUV. Even Uncle Blake is on his bike and he looks mighty happy. Once in the car with Fe, he turns to me. “What in the heck was that?”

  “Don’t know and at this point I don’t care. Too much drama.” Then I hear my phone ping with a text. I look at it and it makes me smile. It’s from Dra. Short and sweet.

  Dra: Do you miss me yet?

  Me: You will never know how much. I love you.

  Dra: Pic as soon as you’re done. Love you more.

  Me: Ok. ASAP. Later and you can’t love me more.

  Dra: Do to. Later.

  That was it. I love this man.

  “I can tell by the dopey smile it was Dra. When do I get to put my stamp of approval on this man that makes you smile?” Fe is always like my brother. “In about three and a half months. We will be here to stay until after the birth. Dra is bringing me and staying a week and then going back. He will be back, hopefully by the birth.” I know by that time the trip will seem so much longer.

  “Why is he going back? Why can’t he stay?” Fe doesn’t know how many businesses Dra helps keep going for the club. “Business. Their club runs a lot of businesses. Dra has to do his part. H e is driving Gram and me here and he will come stay as long as he can. By then we will be married. I’m worried for him and the club. Trouble is brewing and I don’t know how to help. He won’t even discuss it with me. I feel helpless and I don’t like that feeling.” Fe smiles.

  “Maybe you should talk to Chief. Can’t hurt.” Fe is trying to help but he doesn’t understand. “Can’t happen, Fe. You don’t discuss club business outside the club, and I don’t even know anything, really. Just a feeling.” A very strong feeling. I see the doctor’s parking lot ahead. I am so excited, even the events this morning can’t put a damper on it. We turn in and Fe has us parked in no time. Our conversation forgotten. CHAPTER 29

  Devil I park my bike and get off as fast as I can. I make my way over and help Callie out of the car. She’s as beautiful as always. I can barely see the little bulge she has going on now. I want her big. The thought of my baby swelling her out makes me go crazy. I want to keep my hands on her to protect her. If I could I would wrap her in bubble wrap. We are almost to the door and Callie stops for a minute and smiles. She reaches and takes my hand and places it on her stomach. My baby is kicking her stomach and she is smiling. It’s the most amazing thing I have ever felt. All the guys are standing around with dumb looks on their faces and she takes their hands one by one and lets them feel. We are all left in amazement. Even Fe. Then mom and Kim feel and we decide we need to get inside before she’s late. I sit beside her and she puts my hand on her stomach and I feel as the baby kicks off and on. I can’t get over it. After sitting for fifteen minutes we’re called back and it is almost time to see my baby. Callie and I go back first. The rest are coming when the sonogram starts. The nurse gets all of Callie’s vitals and takes her to weigh. She doesn’t like that I follow her. The nurse has her step on the scale and she weighs a whopping one hundred and eighteen pounds. That’s not much at all. The nurse says something about it. It perks my ears right up. We go back into the room and the nurse is asking her questions.

  “It looks like you have lost two pounds since your last appointment in Colorado. We will have to call Dr. Singe’s office to reconfirm. Are you dieting? You know it is normal to gain about twenty-eight to thirty pounds with a pregnancy and it is not good to diet.” Callie looks at her like she is crazy. Has Callie been dieting?

  “I have never dieted in my life. If you will look at my file again you will see I am having problems with my thyroid. I eat like a freaking horse. I like curves, but I’ve never really had a problem with weight. I am on a schedule to eat three meals a day with two snacks. I also drink protein shakes. I just eat healthy.” I wonder what thyroid problem she is having, but the woman writes it all down and after Callie explained the nurse didn’t seem worried. The nurse finally finishes typing in her little computer and writing on the chart and leaves us.

  “The doctor will be here in a few. Just relax.” She smiles at Callie but she winks at me. Callie notices but just smiles.

  “If we were together I would beat her ass.” If we were together I would never pay attention to another woman. “Would you now? Not very motherly.” I give her a quick wink and she smiles. She is laying back on the table and another nurse comes in the room pulling a machine behind her.

  “Ok, let’s get you ready for the doctor. He’s running a few minutes late.” The nurse goes to pushing Callie’s pants down in the front and her shirt up. Callie’s stomach looks a little bigger with her shirt up, but not much. Her swollen stomach is beautiful. The nurse pushes her shirt up a little too much, and I can see her tits have gotten bigger. No
w my pants are tighter and my cock is hard. Just the thought of her tits being exposed to me has me growing harder. Callie pushed the shirt back down some and the nurse takes the bottom of her shirt and sticks it under her bra. I see Callie is uncomfortable. I put my hand on her stomach to calm her and I get kicked. I smile at her. She relaxes a little. I keep rubbing my hand on her belly and she and the baby seem to calm down. The nurse leaves and I don’t remove my hand. I think Callie is almost asleep when the doctor walks through the door.

  “Well, Mrs. Steel, let’s see if we can find out if you are having a boy or a girl. You do want to know, right?” Callie and I both say yes at the same time and the doctor smiles. He puts some gel on her stomach and moves the wand around. He’s positioning and moving and I see my baby. I hear the heart beat and it is the most joyous sound. “Measurements on everything are good, and there it is.” We are having a son.

  “Congratulations, it’s a boy . I understand there’s more people to see.” About that time there are heads sticking in the room. I refuse to move. This is Callie’s and my time. Everyone finally moves in the door. The doctor lets everyone see and I can’t believe there isn’t a dry eye in the room except the doctor. Everyone says their congratulations and leave us. The nurse takes the DVD Callie has to record everything and she hands us pictures. The only thing that would make this day better is if I knew Callie was mine. One hell of a day.

  Dra Today is the day. Callie has court at ten, and then I am whisking her away to Vegas to get married. She won’t know what hit her. She’s been back three weeks from Texas and I have not let her out of my sight except for when I was working. I missed that woman. Today is another milestone for us. Her divorce will finally be done. By tonight she will have my last name and I will finally get to claim what is mine. She’s been mine, but tonight she will feel it. The thought of fucking Callie is almost more than I can handle right now. It has been four months of cold showers and my own hand. That’s the longest I have gone without since I was fourteen. It may have only been a blowjob but I had something. When I get inside her I am going to explode. Devil is not coming for court and I am glad. We can leave straight from the courthouse. She’s already packed and everything else is done. Gram helped me to make the plans. I called Chief and asked for her hand in marriage, biker style. I said she’s mine and we are doing it and he said he’d kill me if I ever hurt her and to call when we got back. Good enough. I also let Devil know. I think that’s why he isn’t showing up. I called Diamondback to let him know. His cancer is in remission right now but he doesn’t sound good. His goal is to see the baby. He’ll make it now. I don’t go in to the courtroom with Callie. She said it is her job to do it on her own. I let her know I am here in case she needs me. She’s so damn independent. She has a heavy heart today. She feels like she has failed. I don’t know what to say about that. If she hadn’t failed, as she puts it, I wouldn’t have her. I’m glad, is all I can say. Now I just have to keep her safe from the shit we have brewing. Every day the danger seems to escalate. We just have to be careful. I wish I could share with her, but I don’t want her to worry. That’s my job. I see her coming out of the courthouse and she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Even at almost six months pregnant she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. She takes my breath away. She sees me watching her and she comes over to the SUV and gets into the warmth. She leans over and kisses me softly on the lips.


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