Ace's Key: Book 1

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Ace's Key: Book 1 Page 2

by Abbie St. Claire

  “I’ll be right back.”

  I took the opportunity to look around. Another full bar was directly across the room from us, so this place was large enough for two bar wells. Geez. I saw Ace getting wine glasses as well as a bottle of Perrier, which had to be for me.

  I finally took a seat at the table, so I wasn’t standing there like a dork-infested gawker. Ace returned with my water and poured the wine for my friends. He didn’t say anything, just winked before disappearing.

  “Wow. That’s definitely a rebound creature. He’s obviously into you, so you can do him and tell us all about it,” Claire uttered.

  I spewed my water. “Seriously? Filter!”

  “I can’t help it. He’s hot,” Claire confessed.

  “Yum,” Ashley agreed. “Besides, it would make Connor jealous.”

  “For starters, I’m done with Connor. I even bought a new bed today. He’s history, so I’m not looking to make him jealous.”

  “But, you are looking?” Ashley raised her brow.

  I shook my head. It was obvious that the less they knew, the better. Neither of my girlfriends were in serious relationships and were in no position to give credible advice. Claire had been dating Nick for over two years, but their relationship was mostly physical. She described it as Sex-tration. When they got frustrated, they’d hook up for sex and magically work out their issues. Sounded more like kinky, mind-therapy to me without much commitment. I kept waiting to see who was leaving the fees on the bedside table. Neither of them ever confessed to leaving money; although, I repeatedly teased them about it.

  Ashley, on the other hand, was a proudly professed virgin. How many twenty-eight-year-old virgins were there in the world? She’d watched her twin sister get pregnant in high school with a loser boyfriend. With one failed relationship after another, Brianna was a single mom to Tucker, who was ten years old, and had to live with her parents in order to make ends meet.

  Ashley wanted to be a naughty girl, but she simply didn’t have the courage to step up to the sex buffet. I’d bought her a vibrator for her twenty-fifth birthday and embarrassed her terribly, but I think she was curious enough lately that the right guy could get his wish.

  “You said you bought a new bed?” Ashley asked.

  “Yup, gave the cheatin’ bed to him and proudly told the concierge to bill Connor for the storage fees.”

  “I think I saw the delivery guys. One of them was smokin’ hot.”

  “He’s a personal trainer. Gave me his card. You interested in a little personal session?” I teased her.

  “God, no. He looks good; that’s all. He probably weighs 220, and I’m half that. He’d suffocate me.”

  “Trust me, honey, I know you’d enjoy it and what a way to go.”

  Our table roared in laughter and got the attention of tables nearby. We didn’t care. A girls’ night was just what I needed, sans the wine… Next time for sure, but I did get to indulge in the homemade bread and cheese plate that was served.

  “Who ordered the bread?” I asked, while picking up the mini-menu easel at the center of the table.

  “Not me.”

  “Nope, not me either.”

  “Says here that all guests receive complimentary Filone di Renella baked in their imported stone oven. It’s the owner’s family recipe,” I read from the menu.

  “Well, aren’t you just a wealth of knowledge. I challenge you to say the name of that bread three times before coming up for air?” Claire propped her chin on her hands and waited patiently for me to cave.

  “Okay, fine. Filone di Renella, Filone di Rotunda…” I cracked up, laughing so hard.

  Cough, cough came from over my shoulder in a rugged, manly way. When I slowly turned and looked up, Ace stood within a foot of me with his arms folded and the look of amusement on his face.

  “Filone di Renella was my great grandmother’s recipe. We’ve never changed it, and we bake it in our kitchen in her oven I had shipped here.” He touched my arm, and his contact left my mouth dry and open, my nipples at attention, and I’m certain a stream of moisture soaking my thong underwear. “With some practice, you’ll be able to say it beautifully.”

  Then, he quickly turned and disappeared.

  “Bring him back. I could listen to that sexy voice all day. I’d eat breadcrumbs off that bulked-out chest, which I’m sure is waxed to pristine definition. God, he’s beautiful,” Claire mumbled through sips of wine.

  Our evening faded quicker than I desired and I’d never planned on closing the place down. I laughed so much and so hard at times the pain in my throat quickly reminded me I wasn’t 100% well.

  When the check folders came with our tabs and I was confused. Why would I have a bill for water? I opened mine--no bill, just a strange looking plastic card with Ace’s name and number handwritten on it. The server slipped me a smile and walked away.

  I quickly slid the card out and stuck it in my wallet, replacing it with some cash before closing it abruptly. I tried hard not to meet the prying eyes of the other two for fear I’d never hear the end of it.

  We said our goodbyes to each other outside at the front entry. The girls had used the valet but I had parked in the garage.

  I sat in the driver’s seat and stared at the strange card. Who used plastic business cards? I must have a discerning sense of smell because I got a whiff of his scent as if he was sitting right next to me in the car. I brought the card close to my nose and instantly recalled his delicious fragrance…clean linen and bergamot. The revelation stirred more in me than I’d ever experienced.

  With the card back in my purse, I started the car, but felt a powerful force keeping me glued to my seat and firmly planted in the parking garage. Over thirty minutes had passed, but I was still in the same spot, staring at Ace’s card and reflecting on the intensity of his gaze.

  I sent him a text.

  Still in the parking lot, looking at your card

  Come in. I’m the only one here.

  I took a few deep breaths for courage and walked up to the entrance as the heavy wooden door swung open. There he stood in front of me, wearing a light blue cashmere sweater, navy trousers, and bare feet.

  “You changed?” I asked with a slight smile.

  “I got comfortable.”

  “Will your boss be upset we’re here?”

  “No. Can I get you that drink now?”

  “Yes… No, I mean I want to…love to, but I’ve been sick and can’t mix alcohol with cold medicine. I shouldn’t be here. I need to go.”

  “Wait, what brought you back?”

  “The card.” I slowly turned and walked back to my car. I avoided the gnawing feeling urging me to look back, scared that I’d change my mind and even more frightened that I might like it.

  Ace had a powerful presence and exerted control. He wasn’t a boy or a play-toy. I sensed he was a man used to getting what he wanted and had many ladies willing to give him that. His force field was all-encompassing, and I shuddered at the thought of being caught in it, afraid I’d never be able to resist him.

  Chapter Four

  The following week brought much in the way of work assignments. With a new product launch, there was always a checklist a mile long on my desk. Just as I had expected, Jim had played it up big time to Rugger about his design efforts for our new booth. When it came time for Friday’s round-table meeting, I faked a doctor’s appointment, so Jim would have to run the show. He was not going to be able to pull off his lies forever…truth always came calling.

  “You need to reschedule that doctor’s appointment,” Jim ordered through the intercom.

  “I can’t. You’ve known all week I have to go. You’ll be fine.”

  “But…I, um, I… You have files on your laptop I need.”

  Yeah, he was damn right I had the files. All of them. My work. My files. His lies.

  “I’ll leave my laptop open for you on my desk. I’ve gotta run, late already.” I hung up so quickly I was certain I missed him throw
ing a hissy-fit.

  My doctor’s appointment didn’t take very long and I was back on the road headed home. I’d been stuck in traffic about twenty minutes when Claire called.

  “You on your way home?” Her usually cheerful voice was grim.

  “Yes, why?”

  “I’m coming over. Ashley’s already off work and waiting on us.”

  “What’s the occasion?”

  “Just need some girl time.” Her usually upbeat demeanor was way too subdued. Like down-in-the-shithole restrained.

  I’d known Claire since we were roommates at Rice University. I knew her so well I could always tell her mood just by the way she answered the phone. Something was wrong. Maybe she just needed to hook-up with Nick and have some of that sex-tration.

  At my apartment building, the elevator ride seemed to take forever. When I walked into my kitchen, the first thing I noticed was the wine on the counter. I picked up the bottle and found it almost empty.

  Dang, somebody had started drinking without me.

  I walked around my apartment and didn’t see anyone. I looked out to the balcony and saw the cigarette smoke. When Claire smoked, it was like a hurricane was on the way or some other disastrous event. It wasn’t a good sign.

  I stepped out on the patio and took the empty seat beside Ashley.

  “You two started early and without me.” The intent of my joke went up in the cigarette smoke.

  “Nick’s getting married. Said he met the love of his life.”

  “Okay. And?”

  “Now she’s frustrated and doesn’t have anyone to screw,” Ashley chimed in.

  I started laughing. I knew it wasn’t funny, nor was it the appropriate time, but c’mon, what did she expect? They were fuck-buddies. Nothing else.

  “You’re beautiful, smart, and your family’s well-connected. There’s no reason to be single. It’s what you’ve chosen over the years.”

  “Yes, but—”

  “No buts, Claire. Do you want to date? Get married? Have babies?”

  “Yes, yes, and maybe?” She pouted.

  “I’m not sure which one was the maybe, but my point is you need to get serious about having a real relationship. You aren’t getting any younger, and you’ve been looking at it from all the wrong angles far too long. Let’s go out.”

  “I know just the place.” She raised her brow.

  No, hell, no. There was no way I was going to Bluestone. No way. “No, not there.”

  “Why not? You chicken?”

  No, she did not just challenge me. Damn. She knew I didn’t walk away from a challenge. She was standing on the balcony, propped against the rail, taking a long drag from her cigarette.

  “Fine. But you’ll wear what I pick out, and I’m going to fix that messy hair of yours.”

  We spent the next couple of hours eating pizza and playing dress-up while making fun of each other. I styled Claire’s long, dark hair in sexy waves and forbid her to put it back into her usual messy ponytail. Makeup wasn’t her thing, but she was rocking it.

  I pulled out a dozen skirts, but Claire was so much taller than me, making everything too short. Ashley returned from her apartment with a little black dress that worked perfectly. With a low scoop in the front and back, Claire looked hot. In fact, she didn’t even look like the same person who’d sat outside smoking on my patio four hours earlier.

  “My turn for a makeover,” Ashley announced, almost giddy.

  * * *

  With the three of us decked out, we got to the bar around nine o’clock. I was so nervous about seeing Ace I practically fell out of my stilettos going down the stairs. When we got to the lower level, I looked over to the bar and was disappointed when I didn’t see him.

  A hostess stand had been added, and the young woman asked for our reservation. Reservations? Wow, it hadn’t taken long for the crowd to find the great spot.

  “We need a reservation for a bar?” I asked through a cough.

  “Tonight is special music, and we have several tables reserved,” she answered with an attitude.

  “No, we don’t have a reservation,” I said quietly.

  “There are some seats here in front of the bar if you like. What’s your name? I’ll put you down for the next table in the back.”

  “Kennedy. Mia Kennedy.”

  I noticed the woman talking very quietly into the microphone attached to her earbud, as she wrote something down on the stand in front of her.

  “Ms. Kennedy, there seems to be a mistake. We already have a reservation for you.”

  “That’s not possible. I didn’t make one.”

  “No problem. Follow me.”

  I looked around the room and didn’t see any sign of Ace. My anticipation of seeing him jacked up to a heightened security level. I hadn’t told him my last name. How did he know who I was?

  When my friends and I sat down at the table, we were perfectly aligned to see the front and back bars, as well as the music stage. Our table was perfect; something that certainly didn’t happen by coincidence.

  “Okay, which one of you called him?”

  “Not me,” Ashley muttered.

  “Nope, not gonna put this on me,” Claire professed.

  We looked at each other, heads shaking and eyes rolling, but no one confessed her part in the scheme. I took my phone from my bag and was looking through it for Ace’s number when I realized someone was standing very close to me. I looked across the table and met Ashley’s eyes. They were large…and frozen, staring straight back at me. It was him. Oh, God.

  I slowly raised my eyes up to look at his. He met me with a cocky smirk and a wooden tray of Filone di Renella.

  “Can I get that drink for you now?” he asked in the sultriest voice I’d ever heard from a man.

  He is sex on two feet. My nipples peaked, and I knew they would be obvious behind the red silk fabric of my blouse. I drew in a deep breath and let it slowly, never taking my eyes from his. “We’ll share a bottle of 2007 Cuvee Cathleen Chardonnay, please.”

  “Hmm, very nice choice. The little lady knows her wine.” Ace placed the bread in front of us and disappeared.

  I looked at Ashley and Claire, as if I’d been victim to a setup. Who was this man and how much did he know about me? I knew nothing about him other than he was hot, sexy, and a bartender?

  “You two are on notice. Do not encourage him. There’s something really strange about this whole thing, and I’m going to get to the bottom of it. In the meantime, behave.”

  “How did he know your last name?” Claire asked as she reached for a piece of piping-hot bread.

  “It’s so weird,” Ashley said.

  “Did you give it to the valet?”

  “No, I parked in the garage last week and this week. No valet. I’ll find out tonight how much he knows about me, and I want to know more about him as well.”

  Ace returned with our wine just in time for the musical guest to take the stage, a beautiful Italian-looking woman with a deep, sultry voice. She was truly mesmerizing. I didn’t even notice when Ace walked away.

  We listened to several songs and watched the couples as they went to and from the dance floor. After glass number two, I took a trip to the ladies’ room. On my way back to the table, Ace stopped me and pulled me aside.

  “You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you. How did you know?” I asked with a raised brow.

  “That you would come tonight?” He paused to wait for my answer.

  I nodded.

  “I didn’t, but I hoped.”

  “How did you know my last name?”

  “Your license plate.”

  “You ran my plates?”


  I jerked my arm free from his grasp. “Do not invade my privacy.”

  “I didn’t. It’s public data in Texas, darlin’. Look, I feel something between us. I wanted to know who you were. Come with me and dance.”

  It wasn’t a question; it was a command. I felt myself b
eing lifted and twirled on the floor. After a couple of minutes, I forgot about being mad at him. In fact, it was completely the opposite…I was captivated by him.

  “Your boss won’t get mad at you for dancing with me?”

  “I’m entertaining the customer.”

  “Oh, that’s all I am, the customer?”

  “No, you’re so much more. Please stay after we close. I want to see you tonight.”

  “You’re seeing me now.”

  “You have my card.”

  The song finished, and he walked away, leaving me standing in the middle of the dance floor alone.

  I glided back to the table, practically floating on air. I could still recall the feeling of his arms around me. Ace had my number for sure. He knew that mystery and intrigue would captivate me, and…he was so right.

  The rest of the evening I managed to google information about Bluestone and the owners secretly on my phone under the table. The girls were enjoying the music, the wine, and flirting with other guys, so they didn’t really even notice.

  At the end of the night, I went to my car and sat there, numb to the cold, as his words replayed through my mind.

  “I want to see you tonight,” he’d said.

  I wanted to see more of him as well.

  My phone beeped with a text and I was certain it was Claire checking up on me.

  You haven’t left yet?

  Oh god, it was Ace. How did he know?

  I got out of the car and looked around, eyeing no one in the garage except me, and it was kind of creepy. Nope, make that really disturbing.

  I noticed the security cameras above me in the corner moving, and I gave it a wave.

  On my way, I messaged him back.

  Once again, the big wooden door swung open.

  Chapter Five

  “I’m glad you didn’t leave.” He stood there, still wearing his suit from work and a gorgeous smile. This time, he held a couple of wine glasses and a bottle of wine with one hand. When I approached him, he leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on my cheek before putting his free hand at the small of my back. “Come with me,” he guided.


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