Ace's Key: Book 1

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Ace's Key: Book 1 Page 4

by Abbie St. Claire

  “One-night stand, huh?” Claire gave me her best pouty face.

  “He said it. He was very clear about it. So let’s move on, shall we.”

  “Was he an amazing, attentive lover?” Ashley asked.

  “Ashley? You’re coming out your shell.” I laughed. “Yes, umm…as a matter of fact, he was the best. Enough. I have to finish getting ready for the party.”

  * * *

  I’d always found work parties to be boring and dreaded them. Nothing excited me about everyone drinking too much and telling too many old stories. If I was asked about Connor once, I was asked about him at least fifty times. “My relationship with Connor ran its course,” I would say, trying to avoid recalling the cheating details.

  At least with Ace, I knew what I was getting into…or out of. My gut clinched tightly at the thought of him. I could still feel the touch of his skin on mine, the way his lips felt on my flesh, how it felt to be under his body and in his control. It was easy to recall his scent, possibly imbedded in my nose for posterity. I even remembered the way his hair grew in a circle behind his left ear and the mole on his left thigh, storing everything about him to permanent memory.

  When my phone beeped with a text from Ace, I shuddered at the words on the screen.

  Come with me

  What did he mean by “Come with me?” I mumbled to myself.

  Come with him in the physical, sexual sense?

  Go with him somewhere?

  So many questions raced through my mind. The mystery was so much part of his attraction, and his timing was a distraction, but I knew I couldn’t see him again. I couldn’t do fuck-buddies. I wanted a real relationship, marriage, and babies someday. Not wanting the text to haunt me, I deleted it and excused myself from the party. Deleting it only solved the visual; the memory would have to fade, if possible, over time.

  In my mind, I nicknamed him Mr. Unmentionable.

  Chapter Seven

  A bottle of wine didn’t kill the ache in my body. Pains from the extra strenuous activity with Mr. Unmentionable, plus the hankering to see him, hurt deeper than I cared for it to. At some point, I finally fell asleep with my iPad and to-do list slipping to the floor.

  The bright sunshine came through the crack in the drapes and hit me right in the face. Hangovers—I hated. When I checked my phone, there were no more messages from Ace, but several from Ashley and Claire. With so much to do before going to see my parents for the Christmas holidays, I simply needed a day to myself to accomplish everything hanging over my head. I didn’t need noisy distractions.

  Wrapping beautiful presents wasn’t my gift in life, but it was certainly great therapy and a time killer. By the time I finished the task, several hours had passed and I’d managed to do nothing about erasing Ace from my mind.

  I knew I had to go to Bluestone and see him. I wanted to know the meaning of his text. Who was I kidding? I wanted more of what we’d shared.

  I parked in the garage and noticed there were few cars, but it was still early, and for sure, a nominal crowd on a Sunday night was to be expected. When I approached the entrance, like usual, the big wooden door swung open by itself. I took the stairs to the bar, only I didn’t see the young lady at the hostess stand. What I did see hurt more than I expected.

  Ace was behind the bar with a beautiful blonde woman sitting in front of him. He was propped on his elbows and in deep conversation with her, their faces inches apart.

  He hadn’t noticed I’d entered the bar. I slowly moved to an alcove across from the hostess stand, took a seat and watched them. Their chemistry was evident; she even placed her hands within his. The kiss, not sure which one initiated it, but it was long and intimate.

  I’d seen enough to feel uncomfortable, like a stalker. I stood to leave when the server stepped between me and the door and asked for my order. Fighting emotions I shouldn’t have, I excused myself and slipped out of the room as quickly as I could, wasting no time in getting to my car.

  I packed my clothes, loaded my car with all of my gifts, and headed home to Houston. My parents lived in The Woodlands on the north side, and I’d be there in about four hours.

  I called Claire to let her know that I was leaving town a couple of days earlier than I had planned.

  “What do you mean you’re on your way to Houston? I thought we were getting together before you left. I still have your gift. Something’s wrong, Mia. I know you. Spill.”

  “Nothing’s wrong. Mom could use the help, I have vacation to burn, and I want extra time with my nieces.”

  “I call bullshit. You just saw Sophie and Eva at Thanksgiving. I’ll give you a pass since you’re driving, and it’s late, but I can tell when you’re hiding things from me. Did you call Ash and let her know?”

  “Yes. She wanted to know if I’d be back for New Year’s Eve, and I told her I’d let y’all know.”

  “We had plans to go out for New Year’s Eve. You’re blowing that off too? This has to do with Ace. If you don’t tell me, I’ll go see him, since you’ll be out of town and can’t stop me.”

  “Fuck off, Claire. He’s none of your business.”

  “Maybe not, but you are.”

  “I went to see him tonight. He was with a beautiful blonde. They didn’t see me.”

  “Lots of women go there.”

  “You’re missing the point. He was with someone else. It was more than casual; they were kissing and very ‘in’ to each other. We had our night. I have to move on, and I could use some time away. Geez, can you at least give me that?” I couldn’t stop the tears if I’d tried.

  “I’m so sorry. I hate to hear you cry. You don’t deserve all of this.”

  “It’s not about deserving. Connor was a mistake; he did me a favor. Ace showed me things about myself I never knew. Now, I know what I don’t want and even more about what I do. Ace gave me that. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  Grateful that my parents would be asleep by the time I got home, I let my tears fall. The idea that I was an educated thirty-year-old just out of a deadbeat relationship and had fallen for a glorious one-night stand didn’t sit well with me. I knew better.

  I snuck into my old room and slid between the covers, trying to hide from the world. When Twigs, my parents’ Great Dane, jumped up on the bed with me and whined, I knew Mom would be following him. Sure enough, she stood in the doorway within minutes.

  “You came in early. What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing, Mom. I had some vacation days to burn or lose them. It’s late, go to bed. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “You want to talk you know where to find me.”

  How did mother’s always know when their kids were troubled? Home was comforting to me. So much so, that on the drive, I thought maybe moving back to Houston was the best thing for me. A new beginning.

  Chapter Eight

  “Do you wanna talk about it?” Mom asked as she chopped the carrots for soup.

  “Not particularly,” I answered, pulling up a barstool. “You’re making soup?”

  “Heals the soul.” She smiled and continued to busy herself.

  Mom had that divine intuition. I couldn’t remember a time when she didn’t know something was wrong or even more fascinating…when she didn’t have all the answers.

  “I’m thinking about moving back,” I uttered through sips of coffee.

  “The key to your soul isn’t here, Mia; it’s in Dallas. Your friends, your job, your life since college, it’s there. Not that I wouldn’t selfishly love to have you home, but I know what’s best and running from your hurt isn’t it.”

  “It’s not just Connor. I need a fresh start.”

  “If you want my advice, I would say do nothing for at least six months. Then after that cooling off period, evaluate your choices. You have friends and a fantastic job, don’t discount that.” She patted my shoulder as she went to shower before company started arriving.

  I took my coffee and sat outside on the patio. The warm sun reflecting off th
e swimming pool soaked into my skin, and something peaceful slowly crept through me, while I listened to the sounds of nature in my parents’ backyard.

  Mom was right with her advice…time needed to pass before I ran from my troubles.

  The holiday week flew by like a whirlwind. With Eva and Sophie demanding much of our attention, Mom and I didn’t have any more discussions about Connor nor did I say anything about Mr. Unmentionable. I really enjoyed my family’s holiday time, making it even harder to leave.

  * * *

  I drove home in record time and was surprised to find the roads so bare for New Year’s Eve.

  “What time are you getting back in?” Claire asked anxiously into the phone.

  “I’m pulling into the parking garage as we speak.”

  “Eeek, she’s here,” I heard Claire squeal to Ashley and then a few loud noises.

  “Party time,” Ashley shouted in the background.

  They were standing in front of my door with their clothes, makeup, and Ashley held a bottle of champagne. I watched Claire’s eyes as she studied me.

  “I thought you might not come back,” she said, while pouring me a drink.

  “It crossed my mind.”

  A worried look flooded her face. She knew my hurt ran deep with Connor, but we both knew the real reason was Mr. Unmentionable.

  “Ashley has something to tell you,” Claire teased.

  “Man, you’re a ball-buster, Claire. Can’t you keep a secret for two seconds?” Ashley smacked Claire on the arm.

  “Okay, fine. You know your personal trainer guy?” Ashley asked with a face full of delight.

  I shook my head no, puzzled about who she was referring to. Then it hit me. “Wait, the bed delivery guy?”

  “Yes, Sean Anderson. I ran into him at the gym. He gave me some pointers, one thing led to another, and we’ve gone out twice. He’s meeting us out later tonight.”

  “Wait, you went out with him? He’s really cute.” I paused for a moment, and it suddenly came to me. They were setting me up to see Mr. Unmentionable again. “I’m not going to Bluestone. Not happening.” I waved them off like a referee calls interference in a football game and went to park it on the sofa.

  “But that’s where our reservations are. This is Dallas, honey. It’s too late to change.” Ashley followed me, taking the space right next to me on the sofa.

  I took a big gulp of champagne for courage. “It’s a fabulous place, perfect for you guys. I just don’t want to see him. I’m not going.”

  They didn’t try to change my mind. I helped them get ready and watched as they left with sad faces. I knew their tricks and was quite familiar with their tactics. They were banking on the idea that I’d be lonely while watching the countdown from Times Square on television and would decide to join them at the last minute.

  In order to avoid anything NYE, I walked down the street to the nearest Redbox and rented a movie. With champagne and popcorn, I didn’t need anything or anyone else to keep me company. Or did I?

  Chapter Nine


  I noticed a reflection of beauty in the art that hung on the wall. When I turned in the direction of the stairs, big blue eyes surrounded by long, golden-honey hair caught my attention.

  She was simply stunning. Perfect plump lips shimmering with gloss made my cock stir. I eyed her glorious curves and craved to hold them in my hands.

  I loved to enjoy the company of a beautiful woman. I’d learned years ago that in satisfying a woman’s every need with raw, pure passion, a woman would do anything when yearning for more.

  I didn’t believe in relationships. Sometimes…make that more times than not, my cavalier attitude pissed the women off, and I’d never hear from them again… My most recent experience was no exception. But on occasion, I’d find a woman who could appreciate the uncomplicated side and just enjoy great sex and casual company without all the hang-ups. Francesca had been that woman until very recently.

  My new conquest had just descended the stairs at my bar, the Bluestone Barrel Room.

  “You look lost, may I help you?” I asked.

  Her big blue eyes sparkled in the light like shimmering topaz. She appeared caught off guard and unable to speak.

  “Your name?”

  “Um…it’s um, Mia.”

  After more questions, I confirmed she was the missing lady to a party already seated. I took the liberty of escorting her back to the table.

  Mia, a beautiful name for a stunning creature.

  When I served the table my grandmother’s secret bread recipe, I watched with amusement as she tried to pronounce Filone di Renella. With some lessons, I was certain I would have it rolling off her delicious tongue. I could think of a few other things I’d crave to see on that dreamy tongue of hers.

  The position of our back serving well allowed me a glorious view of her, and I watched in amusement as she smiled and joked with her friends.

  I envisioned what it would be like to see her throw her head back moaning in climax, while clenched around my cock. While petite, she had beautiful legs, and I thought about what it would be like to have them around my waist as I fucked her hard and steady against the wall of my penthouse.

  At the close of the evening, I placed my card in her folder. If she was truly as captivated as I was, she’d call.

  Over an hour later, she sent me a text that she was still in the parking garage. I knew then I had her attention. I watched her approach the bar entrance via security camera. She chewed her lower lip in anticipation, pausing to study the card for a moment prior to entering the open door. My cock stirred with my own anticipation, certain that Mia Kennedy would be my next conquest.

  When she left without much conversation, I knew I had her captivated and on the hook, but I needed time to reel the delicate little fish to my bed.

  * * *

  The week was long and a new opening was always time-consuming, but the bar had been well received by the community. After several press junkets, I stole some time away to research Mia, the beholder of my attention. I couldn’t spend an hour without visions her passing through my thoughts. Every time I walked through the bar, I noticed the table where she’d sat or remembered her beautiful reflection as she stood on the stairs. I fantasized about what it would be like to be inside her, to bring her pleasure, to have my name roll off her lips as she bucked in climax.

  I walked by the security monitor in my office and noticed Mia and her friends approach the hostess stand. My wish had come true. I arranged for the hostess to seat them at my preferred table. I was completely enamored when Mia ordered one of my favorite wines, more like impressed with her choice. I craved to taste the wine off her tongue.

  I took a grand opportunity when she stepped out of the ladies’ room and whisked her to dance with me. Her luscious body felt delicate in my arms. The stiff peaks of her nipples were visible through the silkiness of her blouse. I imagined my lips around them, sucking their delicate buds as she rode my cock.

  When I noticed on the security camera that her car was still in the garage, I knew I possibly had an opportunity. I sent her a text, and when she walked back in, it was a gift.

  * * *

  The wine tasted incredible on her lips. I wanted to see her slipped out of her clothes. The red lace lingerie enveloped her full breasts and barely covered her sweet sex. Spending the night worshiping her body would be my pleasure.

  God, she was tight. Her first orgasm on my tongue had her pussy dripping in sweet cream. I opened her wide, but she still barely accommodated me. I heard her gasp as I slowly penetrated her slick heat. My head spun in desire to possess her. I was so heated for her; all I could think about was trying to control my climax, wanting to last for her. She reached and pulled me in closer, pushing my cock deeper into her pussy. The beautiful scent of her arousal veiled my thoughts and clouded my vision.

  I repeatedly thrust into her, and she took everything I had. Her groans and cries of pleasure catapulted me to a new hei
ght. Something about her aura held me.

  “Fuck me,” she begged.

  I obliged with continual thrusts until her climax exploded around me, clenching my cock inside her. I would’ve loved to flood her sweet pussy with my cum, but I wasn’t in her bareback, and for the first time, regretted the barrier that the condom provided.

  I fucked her over and over, stopping for only a few moments to catch my breath. She took everything I had to give her and drained my sac as she clenched me repeatedly. I found her insatiable and refreshing. It was obvious she hadn’t been with an experienced lover before.

  I knew she would be sore from our lovemaking, and I wasn’t ready for her to leave, so I ran a bath for both of us. Her body was so responsive to my touch I had to have her again. I lifted her to the ledge above the bath and retrieved another condom. She confessed to using birth control pills, and the thought of being inside her without any barriers was more than tempting, but something I hadn’t experienced since Niccola.

  Her lips were swollen from our passion, and I took them between mine and gently sucked them, coaxing them with gentle pressure. I loved kissing her, tasting us on her tongue. My cock twitched with a mind all its own, and I couldn’t think of anything else but fucking her again.

  As I rode her, she arched her body to me and met me with equal pressure on return. We fit each other like gloves…me inside, her on the outside. She controlled me more than she would ever know.

  I would’ve done anything she asked, pure putty in her hands.

  “You feel so fucking hot in me, I’m on fire,” she moaned.

  I was the one on fire. I burned for her. My climax exploded in her; I don’t recall ever coming so much. Her pussy juices ran all over my cock, her thighs, my thighs. She was so wet for me.


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