Once Upon A Valentine

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Once Upon A Valentine Page 16

by Emma Roman

  Silver being the grace color considering the bride needed an accent of some sort.

  Hence why Arianna was currently pulling on her dress to ensure that she wouldn’t have to run to do it later.

  “You look good enough to eat. Or at least nibble and lick up.”

  Arianna turned on her heel, not quite fully in her dress yet, and flailed her arms. Harper’s eyes widened, and he reached out, grabbing her around the waist so she wouldn’t fall.

  Smooth, Arianna, smooth.

  “Didn’t mean to startle you,” he said, his voice low, his breath tickling the side of her neck.

  She shivered then pulled back, determined to be the ever-professional Arianna she needed to be.

  “You scared the crap out of me,” she said as she turned in his arms. He immediately zipped her up, and she held back another sigh. Great, the man knew exactly what to do without being asked. It was as if he knew all her secrets already.

  She still wasn’t sure how she’d ended up here.

  “I just pulled up, and Colleen said you were in here getting ready. Thought I’d see if you needed me.”

  She’d always need him.

  Damn it. No. She didn’t need anybody. Least of all a man. As long as she kept telling herself that, then maybe she’d start to believe it.

  “Well, I’m all dressed and ready to head back into the fray. You didn’t need to take the day off, Harper. We would have handled it without you.”

  He tilted his head at her over-sharp tone, and she rubbed her temple.

  “Sorry. I’m just stressing since the caterer isn’t here yet, and she’s not answering her phone according to Colleen. I need to go handle that.”

  “Then do so. You’ve got this, Ari.”

  She licked her lips, then put her hand on his chest and kissed him softly. “Thank you for taking time out of your day to help me. I know you’re busy with your own life, and I do appreciate all you do. Don’t think I don’t just because I’m acting like the crazy wedding planner.”

  Harper grinned, then tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. “I happen to like the crazy wedding planner so keep on doing what needs to be done. I’ll walk with you to Colleen, that way, we can figure out what last-minute things you need me for.”

  “Thank you, Harper.”

  “Like I said, Ari, anything.”

  She nodded, starting to believe that there was more to that word than she thought before.

  Despite the fact that she knew she needed to keep some distance between her and Harper to ensure that whenever this…thing…ended—and it would end because it always did—they would remain friends, she let him put his hand on the small of her back as she led them to Colleen.

  As soon as she got to Colleen, Arianna knew something was wrong. The woman might have kept a smile on her face to appease others around her, but there was no mistaking the tension bracketing her mouth and eyes.

  “Tell me,” Arianna said, not waiting for the other woman to try and find the best way to break the news.

  “The caterer isn’t coming.” Colleen pressed her lips together, anger radiating off her in a way Arianna had never seen before.

  She blinked, her mind going to her contingencies in her head, only to find she didn’t have a full contingency for this. She had the wedding cake and desserts covered with her sweet caterer, but that was it.

  There wasn’t a backup plan for the occasion when her highly recommended, long-time caterer flaked out at the last moment. Arianna had worked with the man for years with King’s Weddings and knew the man had numerous people to help him if he couldn’t personally make it to a wedding.

  To not show up at all…oh, fuck.

  Pushing away the fear, anger, and cascading temptation to slide into a meltdown, she raised her chin. “What did they say was the issue? Their excuse? Not that an excuse means much right now.”

  Colleen bit into her lip then sighed. “They told us they had double booked, and would be taking the other account as it held more…promise.”

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” Harper mumbled beside her.

  Arianna gripped his arm and shook her head. It wouldn’t do to start screaming—while that was all she wanted to do—and alert the family.

  “The other account…it was King’s wasn’t it?”

  Colleen nodded; the anger in her eyes as fierce as any dragon’s. “What are we going to do?”

  “First, I’m going to call Pierre and tell him that his name doesn’t mean much anymore and that whoever will listen will now know that,” she bit out. “Then, we need to find someone to help with the food. The B&G wanted small hors d'oeuvres, so it’s something that can be done within the next four hours before the reception, if we find someone with time right away. I think. Jesus.”

  Harper ran his hand up her back and gripped her neck, squeezing lightly. The action forced her shoulders to relax, and she turned to him.

  “I might have someone who can help, depending on what the B&G wanted.”

  “Nothing too fancy because, despite the setting, they wanted food that everyone would like to munch on before dancing.” Relief and a little apprehension filled her at the look on his face. “Who do you have in mind?”


  Of course. Harper’s ex-girlfriend. In fact, the only serious girlfriend Harper ever had in Arianna’s memory.

  If she hadn’t been thinking of a hundred things at once, she’d have thought of Aubrey herself. Of course, now this might be awkward since she had to call her current…boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend and beg for help.

  Damn it. This was why she didn’t want a man right now. Well, not that she’d ever envisioned something quite like this, but the cloying feeling in her stomach was part of it. It had to be jealousy. Jealousy over a woman she hadn’t seen in at least four years, and who, apparently, had kept in contact enough with Harper that he thought the other woman could handle the wedding this afternoon.

  None of that was important at the moment, though. Just for Them was the important thing. The B&G were what mattered. Not her potential feelings—okay, not so potential but full-blown at this point—toward the man who had been her best friend for so long that she knew his ex would work for this.

  Damn it.

  “She’d be able to help?” she asked, surprised her voice was so calm, so rational.

  Harper met her gaze, worry heavy in it, but she didn’t say anything. It wouldn’t be appropriate. Plus, she hated to act the jealous woman. Harper and she hadn’t made any promises to each other, and Aubrey had been out of the picture for years.

  Or so Arianna had thought.

  “We need to ask, but you know she’s good at her job, and she doesn’t have an account this weekend.”

  She didn’t let the fact that he kept in touch with his ex hurt her. In fact, she buried it deep because she didn’t like the woman she was becoming. She was more than this.

  “Call her, then I will call her to discuss details if she says yes.” She went to her toes and kissed him softly on the mouth, ignoring the look on Colleen’s face. “Thank you, Harper.”

  Harper cupped her face. “Aubrey helped Wes and Storm with a function. That’s the only reason I know. I told you I’d help you, Ari. Now, go call Pierre and give him hell.”

  He kissed her again, then went off to the side to make his call.

  “Arianna, are you sure—”

  She held up her hand at Colleen’s words. “Don’t. Not now. I’m going to need to handle this with Harper.” She handed her friend her list. “Can you work on the next few items on the checklist? I don’t want the other things to go by the wayside because I’m dealing with this.”

  And Harper’s ex.

  Stop it.

  Apparently, Aubrey wasn’t just an amazing chef, but one who knew how to fix the unfixable. The woman was a saint.

  A pretty, articulate, and downright likable saint.

  It had taken one phone call, and the woman had sprung into action, sending
her minions out to the farmer’s market for food and supplies. Though the menu wouldn’t be quite the same since some of the ingredients wouldn’t be able to be acquired so last-minute, it was apparently perfect enough for the B&G and their guests. Arianna had explained to them both what had happened—minus the part her father and Justin had most likely played—and before they had time to react, she’d told them she had a backup plan already on the run. The couple, thankfully, were down to earth enough to take things as they came, and didn’t care that they might be eating something slightly different than they’d planned. Sure, the bride had only wanted white, but other than that, she’d been a little easier going than some of Arianna’s past brides.

  And, as Arianna had tasted every dish, she had a feeling the B&G were getting the better deal anyway. However good Pierre thought he was, Aubrey was better.

  Plus, the woman didn’t give Harper the time of day beyond a roll of her eyes and a smile.

  “I just wanted to say thank you again,” Arianna said. “I know you had to pull this out of your hat at the last minute, and I honestly don’t know how you did it.”

  Aubrey grinned, then looked up her and down. Arianna merely raised a brow, not caring for the look at all.

  “You know I’d do anything for Harper.” She held up her hand as Arianna opened her mouth. “No, not that way. He’s my friend. Not to say we’re as good of friends as you and he are. God knows no one could live up to that.” She gave a wry smile. “I always knew you two had chemistry, but I knew he never would have acted on it when he was with me. I’m glad he did it now. You two deserve each other—and I don’t mean that in the catty way some exes say. I truly think it. Harper and I are better as friends who see each other with other groups of friends occasionally. Plus, I was prepared to dislike anyone that could take Harper’s heart so easily, but then I found out it was you. You’re good for him, Arianna. Don’t break him.”

  There was so much in that statement that Arianna didn’t know where to start. Or even if she could start.

  “I…I’m going to brush over most of that if that’s okay with you,” she finally said, forcing a laugh out of both of them.

  “I don’t blame you, and I don’t want it to be awkward between the two of us as I’d like to work with you again in the future.”

  Surprised, Arianna tilted her head. “Seriously?”

  “Hell, yeah. I mean, come on, we always knew you were the brains behind King’s Weddings, and now, you have something that works for you and isn’t pretentious.” She grinned again. “No offense.”

  Arianna laughed, relaxing at the woman’s candor. “None taken. King’s Weddings is pretentious because that’s what their image is meant to be. I don’t want Just for Them to be like that.”

  “I know. And no, Harper didn’t mention anything to me if you’re worried about that. I know how you’re running the place because, despite the fact that you and I haven’t talked in years, I hear things. You’re good people, Arianna, and I’d love to work with you and Just for Them. I think we can really make something fantastic together, and I promise I won’t act like that fuckwad who flaked out on you at the last minute.”

  Arianna snorted then took the flute of champagne Aubrey held out. “I think us working together would work out amazingly well. And I’m going to have to fully deal with that man soon.”

  Aubrey nodded then tilted her glass for a toast. “I know you will. And I know you’ll take good care of Harper.” She winked. “Last mention of your relationship. I promise. Now, let’s toast to a beautiful partnership.”

  They clinked glasses, and Arianna swallowed most of her glass in one gulp. The feelings and emotions running through her were too many to name, to count. She needed to deal with the Harper situation and decide what she wanted to do because this frantic, jealous woman was not her.

  “You looked beautiful on the dance floor, Ari,” Harper whispered in her ear as he slowly undid her dress.

  She shivered, loving the way his calloused hands brushed against her sensitive skin. “I still can’t believe you got me to dance at both weddings.”

  “It’s all in the promise.”

  The dress slid to the floor, and she turned in his embrace, wrapping her arms around his neck. He lowered his head, brushing his lips against hers, his hands on her butt, pulling her closer.

  “I like the sound of that,” she whispered back once they’d broken apart.

  He grinned then stood back, pulling his shirt over his head. “I saw you talking to Aubrey.”

  She couldn’t hold back the wince at the mention of the other woman’s name while they were in his bedroom and getting undressed.

  He cupped her cheek, a frown on his face. “Stop with the wincing, Ari. I was only going to mention that I think the two of you would work well together. I know it was awkward as hell to have my ex-girlfriend working with my current girlfriend, but I think the two of you can work it out.”

  “So, I’m your girlfriend?”

  Harper rolled his eyes. “Of course, Ari. What do you think I would call what you are to me?”

  She closed her eyes, leaning into his palm. “I honestly have no idea. That’s probably why I’m acting like a jealous shrew.”

  He snorted. “Honey, you aren’t. You were professional and made everything work out. Yeah, you looked like you’d rather work with anyone else at first, but you let that go because you are a better person than that. Now, I will say that it annoyed me a bit that you’d ever think I’d look at Aubrey the same way I look at you. But I can let that go since we haven’t actually talked about it.”

  “I…I didn’t think you were with her. It just surprised me that you were still friends.”

  Harper brushed his lips against hers. “I have many friends, Ari, but there’s only one you. I’m yours just as much as you’re mine. And right now, I’m going to show you that.”

  She shivered. “Oh, really?”

  His eyes darkened. “Really.” And this time, when he took her lips, he didn’t back down. He took everything, and she gave it freely.

  He wrapped his arms around her once more, pulling her close. Her nipples pebbled against the firmness of his chest, and she gasped, needing him.

  Wanting him more than she dared.

  They slowly finished stripping themselves, panting heavily as they moved together, their bodies sweat-slick, and Arianna so needy, she thought she just might combust.

  Harper pushed her gently onto the bed, and she opened for him, her head going back as he slowly entered her. The feel of him deep inside made her gasp, her breath coming in quick bursts.

  Harper leaned down, one hand on her thigh, the other between her legs, rubbing over her clit. “You’re beautiful like this.”

  She laughed, cupping her breasts. His eyes darkened at the movement, so she pinched her nipples. “Only like this?”

  He moved his hips, and her eyes crossed. “You’re beautiful every day, but here, right now? This is only for us. I’m the only one who gets to see this, the only one who gets to feel this.” He moved again, and she reached up for him, needing to touch, to feel. “You’re mine, Arianna.”



  She moved with him then, his words scaring her more than she thought possible. She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think. As they came together, he moved to hug her close so they lay side by side, their breaths coming in unison as they stared at one another.

  They didn’t say a word, but then again, no words were needed.

  As the rapid pace of her heart began to slow, fear began to thread itself around her in the place of all the warmth they’d shared.

  She couldn’t fall for this man, her best friend. If she did, then she could break once again. She’d put everything she had into her dreams once, and she’d lost it all.

  She wasn’t sure what she’d do if she lost Harper, as well.


  Some might call a Valentine’s wedding cliché, but Arianna loved them. What bett
er way to show your love to one another than on the day made for love? Today’s wedding wasn’t too large of an affair because they’d wanted only their close friends and family to join them on their special day. Honestly, Arianna didn’t mind that as it allowed the couples not invited to enjoy their day in other ways.

  As for her romantic relationship, Harper would once again be there to help out if she needed, but they didn’t have any plans after the wedding to celebrate the holiday. She wasn’t sure how they would celebrate at all. The wedding was an evening one, and she wouldn’t be done for the day until almost into the next morning. She would probably pass out on her bed after it was over and not have enough energy to do anything else.

  She sighed and ran her hands over the back of her hair, making sure the pins stayed in place. Her business had been going very well despite the odd issues that kept coming up at each venue. If she were a superstitious person, she might have thought she was cursed when it came to planning weddings, but as she wasn’t; she hoped it was just a string of bad luck that would soon be over.

  It was her job to plan for every possibility and outcome. Usually, however, people didn’t need to use their seven backup plans for each event.

  Yet with all of that, she was still happy with her new life and new job. She was doing exactly what she wanted, even though she hadn’t known what that was for so long. She’d spent her entire life working toward a goal that in the end, hadn’t been the one she wanted in the first place.

  Though she’d been kicked, and it had hurt like hell, her father giving her that ultimatum had been the best thing to happen to her.

  She had friends she loved and depended on and who could depend on her.

  She had a job where she could do what she was good at, and excel at it.

  She made people happy and got to see them live their own dreams.

  Everything she had was hers now. And though she relied on others, it was her blood, sweat, and tears that had gone into everything.


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