Once Upon A Valentine

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Once Upon A Valentine Page 37

by Emma Roman

  “That’s easy for you to say.”

  He opened the door and waited for her to secure the seatbelt. “He’s just an ex. Tons of people have them.”

  “I know, but this is different.”

  If he only knew.

  Sliding behind the wheel, he glanced over at her. “Care to enlighten me?”

  “No.” She sighed, folding her hands on top the purse on her lap. “Let’s just get this over with.”

  “You make it sound like I’m taking you to your execution.”

  They drove the rest of the way to Chasity’s house with nothing more than polite chatter. As they pulled into the cul-de-sac, Jennifer’s heart lurched inside her chest when she spotted Wayne’s red Mercedes. She pressed her hand to her throat, feeling her rapid pulse.

  Please, let me make it through tonight.

  He touched her hand. “Are you okay?”

  Inhaling deeply, she swallowed and pushed the light-headedness aside. “Yes, I’ll be fine. Just don’t leave me alone.” Desperation laced her every word and she lowered her head, embarrassed for him to see her so frightened and insecure.

  He stepped out and opened her door, taking her hand. She hooked her arm though his as they approached the house. When Chasity opened the door, her mouth fell open. It was obvious she hadn’t expected Jennifer to show, much less have a hunk on her arm. It would be decent of Chasity to be slightly uncomfortable that she’d invited her and Wayne to the same event.

  Eric held out his hand. “Good evening. I’m Eric Holmes.”

  Chasity snapped out of her trance and looked up at him. Her eyes grew round with surprise and blatant interest. “Welcome, welcome. I’m so glad you two could make it.”

  As they entered, Jennifer feared she had a death grip on Eric’s arm. If so, he was polite enough not to show any discomfort. They moved around, greeting several couples before she spotted Amy and Tom.

  They approached with tentative smiles. Tom and Eric shook hands.

  Amy touched her arm. “You made it.”

  “Are they here?” Jennifer whispered, her eyes slowly scanning the room.

  “They’re about ten feet behind you to the left.”

  A tightness settled between her shoulders. “Don’t tell me they’re coming toward us.”

  “No,” Amy turned aside. “They’re talking to another couple.”

  Jennifer relaxed slightly for the first time that evening. She wouldn’t have to face Wayne and Heather right away. Looking around, Chasity’s house looked like cupid had visited and fired a cannon filled with red hearts. They were everywhere.

  The tables were covered with red tablecloths, the punch was red, all the treats on the refreshment table were red and so was the strobe light. Romantic music played softly as couples laughed and socialized.

  Eric slipped away to get them some refreshments. Wayne and Heather chose that moment to approach her. Chasity followed close behind. She’d been the one to announce Jennifer’s reaction upon discovering their affair and didn’t want to miss any of the drama. One would think she worked for one of those rag magazines the way she hovered.

  “Nice to see you,” Wayne said politely. If there was any remorse or sorrow in him, it didn’t show. Heather, on the other hand, looked smug and content as she held on to Wayne’s arm like she was afraid he’d disappear.

  “Same here,” she replied, taking a glass from Eric, who’d miraculously reappeared at her side. “This is my date, Eric Holmes. Eric, this is Wayne Gibbs and his new fiancé, Heather Weber.” Jennifer took a sip of the punch Eric had passed to her. Staring hard over the rim she took a swallow, and just for the hell of it, added, “We used to all be good friends, didn’t we Heather?”

  Chasity stepped between them, not wanting her special party to turn into a screaming match. “It’s so good everyone could come.”

  “Yeah,” Eric said, shaking Wayne’s hand. “Nice to meet you.” He nodded to her ex-best friend. “You, too, Heather.”

  “Where’d you pick him up at?” Heather asked nastily, her eyes narrowed and a bit glassy. “Is he someone’s brother doing you a favor?”

  Eric put his arm around Jennifer’s shoulder and pulled her tightly against his strong body. “I am a brother, but she doesn’t know my family very well. As for the favor,” he looked down at Jennifer with eyes hungry enough to gobble her up. “I think her showing up is doing everyone a favor. She’s by far the prettiest, most enticing, and hottest woman here.”

  He leaned down and captured her lips in a kiss that rattled her to her bones. If his strong arm hadn’t held her against his chest, Jennifer felt certain she’d collapse because her knees would refuse to support her.

  He tasted fresh, citrusy and hot. His mouth demanded, yet begged at the same time, being temptingly receptive. Everything faded into the background. They were alone as his tongue swept into her mouth and explored, more daringly than anyone had ever done before. The incredible taste of his mouth had her swallowing a moan as her body instantly responded to his kiss.

  He boldly pulled her tighter against his granite chest, heart to heart, mouth to mouth, and soul to soul.

  When he lifted his head and stared down into her face, Jennifer nearly fainted. It appeared he was as surprised as she was. She hadn’t expected that kiss to go all the way to her toes, tickle her spine, or make her heart pound. Yet he had done that, and so much more.

  Straightening, she glanced at Wayne and Heather who stood staring at them with looks of shock and disbelief. Jennifer wanted to laugh out loud. But she didn’t. Instead, she smiled sweetly and waved her hand. “He does that all the time.”

  Clasping his hand, she walked toward the back of the house, the nods, wistful smiles, and an occasional thumbs up, put her in a better frame of mind.

  She leaned against the fireplace to steady her spinning head. In all her twenty-five years, she wasn’t sure anyone had ever kissed her like that before. With shaking hands, she placed the drink on the mantel and let out a deep breath.

  Then their gazes clashed and Jennifer swore lightning flashed across the room.

  He broke the stare and looked back toward the living room. “You think we convinced them we’re a couple?”

  Fanning her face, she said, “Oh, yeah. They’re convinced all right. We left no doubt in anyone’s mind.”


  Eric hadn’t expected kissing Jennifer would practically blow off the top of his head. He had only intended to show that loser, Wayne, what an idiot he’d been to dump Jennifer. That kiss only proved to Eric how foolish he’d been to ignore his neighbor all this time.

  Any woman who could kiss like that should be locked up and kept away from the general public.

  Damn, his head still reeled, his heart wouldn’t settle down, and his pants were getting uncomfortable. As he watched to see if Wayne and Heather followed, Eric took a little mental inventory.

  He’d always thought Jennifer attractive, polished, and intelligent. Now he could add hot, sexy, and delicious to that list. How in the world had he missed something so obvious right next door?

  Her friends, Amy and Tom, came toward them smiling. Amy looked particularly pleased about the whole turn of events. He guessed she approved of the kiss. “Well, you two sure showed everyone that you were serious.”

  “You think so?” Jennifer asked, her face a pretty shade of pink. “I heard Heather say something as we walked away, but thought it best if I left it alone.”

  “Good idea,” Tom said. “She’s in there seething with jealousy.”

  Jennifer wrinkled her forehead. “She shouldn’t be. I don’t want what she has.”

  “No,” Amy said. “I think she wants what you have. Again.”

  She glanced at Eric, who stared at her in open appreciation. Thankful he’d accepted her invitation, he smiled. “No, I think good old Wayne wants what he let go.”

  She shook her head, allowing her hair to brush loosely against her shoulders. “I don’t care, as long as they leave us alone

  Eric looked up and saw Wayne approaching. Instinctively, he put his arm possessively around her waist. “I don’t think that’s going to happen.”

  Wayne smiled at Jennifer then held out his hand. “Let’s you and I talk.”

  She glanced from his proferred hand to his face. Putting her arm around Eric’s waist, she replied. “No thanks.”

  Wayne gently grasped her arm. “I would just like to explain.”

  “Then do it here,” Eric said, looking pointedly at Wayne’s hand on her arm.

  Wayne frowned, his chest expanding as he took in a deep breath. “This is private.”

  Eric pulled her closer. “So’s this.”

  Ignoring Eric’s warning, Wayne tightened his grip on her arm. “Jennifer, would you please join me in the kitchen?”

  She shook her head. “No.”

  “Don’t be silly. I’m not going to kidnap you.”

  Nearing end of his patience, Eric growled, “The lady said no.”

  “Jennifer, seriously, I think it’s best we talk this out.”

  Eric put his hand on Wayne’s wrist and squeezed the pressure points until he released his hold on Jennifer. “She’s not interested. Now, get lost.”

  “I’d like to hear that from her.” Wayne rubbed his sore wrist. “We have a long history together.”

  Eric’s heart raced. Would she fall into that trap again? Maybe she really loved the guy and wanted him back. Had she used him as a fucking ploy? She wasn’t the only one who didn’t like being made to look like a fool.

  Jennifer backed up a little. “Like Eric said, the answer is no.”

  Satisfied, he stood a little taller and was relieved that Jennifer put the man, who once hurt her so much, in his place.

  Wayne looked pathetic now. “So, you’re telling me there’s nothing between us?”

  Heather entered, looking around until she spotted Wayne standing near them. Anger radiated off the woman. Eric had never seen smoke come out of a woman’s ears, but he guessed Wayne’s girlfriend was pretty close. “What the hell is going on?”

  Jennifer let out a chuckle. “Wayne, anything we had is long gone. I’m happy.” She rested her head on Eric’s chest. “Eric is the man I want.”

  Heather balled her fists and gritted her teeth. “Are you trying to get back together with her?”

  Wayne glared at Heather and walked out the door. She ran after him.

  “Aww, look at the lovebirds.” Amy said with a laugh. “I think I smell a split in the air.”

  Tom kissed Amy’s cheek. “You’re probably right.”

  When Chasity came in, it was obvious by the tightness of her mouth and her narrowed eyes that she wasn’t happy. “What happened between Wayne and Heather? They both just stormed out.”

  “Probably just a lover’s spat.” She glanced up at Eric. “I’d love to go somewhere else, if you don’t mind.” She wrinkled her nose. “This party’s a bit...boring.”

  “What?” Chasity gasped, her mouth open wide in horror. “My parties are never boring. How dare you say such a thing.”

  “Admit it. You only wanted me here hoping I’d be humiliated and disgraced. What hostess invites two people who were once engaged to the same party?” Jennifer’s eyes scanned the room. “One without a heart.”

  Jennifer put her hand in Eric’s. Together, they walked toward the door with several other couples following close behind. Outside in the cold, she stopped and stared up at him. “I’m sorry I made a scene.”

  “Really, you call that a scene?” He laughed, pulling her closer. “I can’t wait for you to meet my family.”

  They were still laughing when Amy and Tom joined them. “We haven’t had dinner,” Amy said. “Anyone interested in stopping somewhere?”

  Eric looked around. “There are more restaurants than you can count around here.”

  “That sounds wonderful,” Jennifer agreed.


  Along with Amy, Tom, and several other couples from the party, they’d enjoyed their meal. The beer and wine flowed freely and she was happily relaxed. Now they stood on her doorstep saying good night.

  “I want to tell you how much I appreciate you going with me tonight.” She ran her hand down the front of his shirt and he shivered, but not from the cold. “I would never have survived tonight without you.”

  “I didn’t do anything besides stand there.”

  Her eyes traveled up his chest to his mouth and stayed there. What was she thinking? “Perhaps that’s all that was needed.”

  Her hair gleamed beneath the glow of the porch light, making him want to touch it, wrap it around his finger, and bury his nose in it. Her perfume smelled classy, rich and way beyond his means, but he loved it. “You know, you can call on me anytime.”

  His breath grew harsh and heavy when she slowly stroked his tie. “What if I call on you soon?” Her intense brown eyes bore into his and Eric forgot what they were talking about. “Like maybe tomorrow night?”

  Muddled, Eric wondered if she meant what he hoped she was suggesting. He leaned down and captured her lips in a soft kiss. He refused to lay it on too thick in front of their neighbors. Pressing his mouth to her ear, he said, “What’s wrong with right now?”

  She stepped back, taking her heat with her and putting too much distance between them. “I can’t.”

  His foot stepped over the threshold. “Why?” He tilted his head. Why indeed? All kinds of erotic images flashed through his mind. He enjoyed them all, but realized this was different. He didn’t just want to fuck her, he wanted to possess her——and not for just tonight, but long into the future.

  Her brow creased, she softly nibbled her bottom lip and he knew she had something on her mind. Finally, she lifted her face to his. “You don’t know everything.”

  The cold air grew thick and weighty. The little sex show in his mind faded. “Maybe I don’t want to.” He certainly didn’t want whatever this was to end.

  “You should know that I don’t want to make love with you tonight.”

  He fought for the right words, then gave up. “Why?”

  Her shoulders tightened. Her eyes blinked madly, fighting back tears, and she sucked in a deep breath. Averting her gaze, she whispered, “Because this should’ve been my wedding night.”

  His breath caught in his lungs and his heart pounded like he was on the last mile of a marathon. “What?”

  “Wayne and I were engaged. And today, Valentine’s Day, was supposed to be our wedding day.”

  He whistled quietly then shook his head. “That Chasity is really a bitch.”

  She lowered her head, and folded her bottom lip between her teeth. In words he barely made out, she said, “That’s why I couldn’t go alone.”

  Son of a bitch.

  “I glad you asked me.” He took off his coat and tossed it onto a nearby chair. “I don’t think you should be alone tonight.”

  Sadness rolled off her in waves. “I’m okay, really. I don’t want you to think I’d use you to get over another guy.” She allowed him to slide off her coat and toss it on top of his. “I’ve been over him for a long time. Pride, I guess. That’s why I had to go tonight. I don’t want anyone’s pity.”

  Wayne and that entire bunch of jackals were lucky they were miles away.

  He put his arm around her slim shoulders and moved them further into the foyer and closed the door behind them. “Why don’t we have a glass of wine and see where this leads.”

  “You’ll hate me if we end up sleeping together.”

  He grinned as his heart did strange things inside his chest. “No guy could ever hate you. And no, I don’t think you’re using me.” He stepped closer and put his finger beneath her chin, forcing her gaze to meet his. “I want to hold you tonight. It was supposed to be your wedding night, so let’s make it memorable.”

  Her blonde hair fell away from her face as she stared up at him. Her brown eyes grew warmer, hot. The black pupils grew larger, darker, and were surrounded by l
ong, thick lashes.

  “You shed a different light on everything.” She stood on her toes and planted a solid kiss on his lips that startled him enough to harden his cock. “I’d hate to be the kind of woman who used a man.”

  “Go ahead, use me.” He sharpened his gaze and lifted a brow. “I dare you.”

  With only the slightest hesitation, she led him toward the back of the house. Her hand felt so small and soft in his larger one. When they stood at her bedroom door, they stopped. He took in the large bed, the satin bedspread and the soft tones of gray, silver and blue that made up the room.

  It welcomed him with open arms.

  He turned and, pulling her into his arms, kissed her plump, inviting lips. The kiss quickly turned hotter than he’d anticipated. After all, they had the whole night; but there was an undercurrent of anticipation that heated his body and had his muscles straining.

  That’s when he realized that nothing he’d ever planned with Jennifer had gone the way he’d expected. Instead, he’d been pleasantly surprised at every turn. Even now, as they stood on the threshold of a whole new experience, she enchanted him. He’d never expected this.

  He swept her up in his arms and carried her to the bed. Kicking off his shoes, he joined her on the bedspread when she reached up and began unbuttoning his shirt. He watched her nimble fingers work efficiently at their task. His heart kicked every time the backs of her knuckles touched his fevered skin.

  When his chest was fully exposed, she kissed his heart tenderly, making his arms grow weak. Their gazes met and his whole world tilted.

  She licked her lips. “You have a nice-looking body.”

  “Thanks,” he replied in a voice that sounded gruff and hard. “Genetics.”

  “Maybe.” She unbuckled his belt, pulled it through the loops and tossed it over her head. Then she went to work on his zipper. Eric tensed when her hand brushed up against his obvious desire. “I like it anyway.”

  She shoved down his slacks and underwear before pressing him against her midsection.

  “Good, it’s here for your pleasure.”


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