Dad's CEO Boss: An Instalove Possessive Age Gap Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 203)

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Dad's CEO Boss: An Instalove Possessive Age Gap Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 203) Page 1

by Flora Ferrari


  Dad’s CEO Boss


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20


  Extended Epilogue







  About the Author

  Dad’s CEO Boss





  Copyright © 2020 by Flora Ferrari

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  The following story contains mature themes, strong language and sexual situations. It is intended for mature readers.

  Dad’s CEO Boss


  Father-Daughter week?

  It’s not a bad idea, but seriously do I need more reminders?

  I’m forty. Have the company most trip over to buy shares in. Have a cloud in the sky I call my kingdom…

  But there’s no Queen. No real future. No family.

  A King without his Queen is like a tree without water, sooner or later it withers and dies.

  Until I see her picture.

  Father-Daughter week candidate, dad works in accounting and she’s fresh out of college, hungry for an internship.

  But one look and I know I’m hungry for more, much much more.

  And I’ll do whatever it takes to make her mine, to have her as my Queen.


  Elusive, but not reclusive. Logan Parker is the kind of CEO that everybody knows by sight but nobody really knows at all.

  He’s a bit of an enigma.

  And although math and economics tell me there’s no such thing as a thousand percent, he’s all that.

  A thousand percent sex appeal.

  I love my dad, but Father-Daughter week anywhere else except Logan Industries would be cringe-worthy for me.

  The thought of being in the same building as the man himself though, maybe even getting to meet him…

  But I don’t see that happening, he’s as private as they come and his building is his fortress.

  But when we both see Logan himself, standing tall above everyone else as he meets and greets participants for Father-Daughter week, I know I’m done for.

  It’s in his eyes, and as soon as I’m in his huge, strong arms I know there’s no turning back.

  Not that I’d want to. I’ve literally died and gone to heaven.

  *Dad’s CEO Boss is an insta-everything, OTT standalone instalove romance with a HEA, no cheating, and no cliffhanger.


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  Chapter One


  It was the only time, in all my time at college, that the whole class acknowledged I even existed thanks to Logan Parker. In economics, my least favorite subject, the professor had been particularly interested in Logan Parker.

  “I understand your father works alongside the great man?” he’d asked, stopping his lecture on philanthropy incorporate models, using Logan Parker as an example.

  I could only turn bright red, shrug, and squirm as the hundred eyes who usually taunted me suddenly wanted to know something more about me.

  And here I am now, on my way to see the man himself.

  Well, his building anyway. I’d played it cool when dad suggested he apply for me to take part in Father-Daughter week at Logan Industries.

  “It could be a shoo-in for an intern application, Chrissy,” he says now, without wanting to make promises he can’t keep or control.

  I nod in agreement, looking past him, picturing Logan at his desk… summoning me to him.

  Logan Parker.

  I’m nervous when we arrive, but it’s just another day at the office for dad, who puts me at ease with a squeeze of my hand as we walk into the huge foyer of the towering glass and steel building.

  “Well! If it isn’t Mr. Parker himself!” My dad exclaims, and I feel my heart explode like fireworks in my chest, my palms all wet, and once our eyes lock, my panties even wetter.

  Logan Parker is doing a formal meet and greet near the elevators, with some media there to report on his contribution to Father-Daughter day by instead having a whole week of it.

  Something that surprises my dad as much as it does me, Logan Parker doesn’t ‘do’ publicity.

  I wonder why he’s really out here today? Who cares. It’s really him.

  He’s casually shaking hands and welcoming others when his eyes stray past everyone else and lock onto mine.

  Dark, intense eyes, which widen and smolder with intensity as I feel a small sound escape me.

  I actually think I hear my dad gulp too, Logan Parker just has that effect on people.

  His huge frame, all muscle from what I can see straining against his immaculate tailored suit, fills the foyer with his aura of power and what can only be called pure sex appeal.


  Dark eyes match his dark, thick hair which is as stylish as his suit. Nothing out of place as if the man himself holds everything in balance by simply existing.

  His marble cut jawline seems too tense, revealing a subtle dimple in his cheek that gives him a sudden almost boyish look as he also cocks a brow, letting his eyes travel down my body.

  His gaze, like his hands, is strong and powerful. He’s not looking at anyone else like this, a slight curl of his lip and a low tone which resonates through the foyer tells me his attention is just for me.

  I feel my chest stiffening, wishing I’d worn a thicker blouse and maybe not one that’s pure white.

  I know he can see my nipples, and I gasp. Suddenly wanting him to see them, wanting him to want them.

  He has a tall, chesty but thin blond girl’s hand in his, which he drops, almost pushing his way past everyone else. My dad clears his throat and extends his hand, but Logan Parker is only looking at me.


  Nope, that’s a growing pant bulge if ever I’ve seen one.

  Which I haven’t until today.

  Over me?

  I half figure it is, but Logan Parker could have any girl he wants, surely it’s just a trick of the light.

  But that light in his eyes is no trick and in seconds, he has his huge hand outstretched to mine, the instant electri
city between us undeniable.

  The flash of cameras and the sound of his step is all that fills the air for a few moments.

  There’s a sudden hush as he takes my hand into his, holding it way too long before he hesitates, looking like he wants to bend down and kiss it, but begrudgingly thinking better of it.

  “You’re Chrissy,” he says in a low, smoky tone, sending an instant shiver from the top of my head to the swollen heat of my mound.

  I can only squeak, nodding my head in time with the low growl which escapes him. I even hear a few other females gasping, so I’m not imagining things.

  The man is sex on legs, and I want his in between mine suddenly. The thought making me blush.

  “This is Chrissy, Mr. Parker,” My dad says enthusiastically, offering his own hand again, which Logan ignores.

  “I’m her dad, Charles Foster, from corporate accounts,” he adds his voice breaking, making somebody at the back snicker with laughter.

  Then a flash of light as the moment is immortalized forever.

  “I know who you are, Charles. Be a sport and deal with the media here, won’t you?” Logan says huskily, still not taking his eyes off mine, but hooking my arm under his and turning to make for the elevators.

  “Our guest of honor has arrived!” Logan announces, sending a jolt of panic through my belly, making it quiver along with my legs, with every nerve ending in my body.

  “Mr. Foster will answer any questions you might have,” he adds with a dismissive wave of his hand, which he extends towards a waiting, private elevator that swishes open like a vault before I can even focus on my dad, the crowd, and those flashing cameras.

  I try to lean harder into Logan’s arm, but he gently sets me to one side for now.

  His hands palm up, motioning the media attention from him to me, and then back to my dad again before the door finally closes.

  Chapter Two



  Father-daughter week?

  A whole week of this? Jesus.

  I cringe when I hear the idea, at our corporate think tank, those kiss ass meetings when everyone’s sucking so hard to try and keep their job let alone their bonuses.

  A heap of files are thrust in front of me, as I stifle a yawn, glancing at the clock, watching the big hand until it says I can get the heck outta here.

  Like a giant deck of cards, I split the pile and open the first one in front of me.

  “These are all the corporate and long term staff with daughters, photos courtesy of their files, and some from social media,” Somebody comments, assuring me it’s in their contracts for us to access all this stuff.

  But I can’t speak, I can’t say a word.

  The file I open is Foster’s. I know him from some accounting floor, spoke to him just the other day about something… but it’s his daughter which has my dick shifting hard north in my three thousand dollar pants.

  “Chrissy,” I practically moan, reading her short bio and scanning her sweet face, her chest and then digesting her thick hips and thighs with a dry gulp which I wet by swallowing hard, stabbing my finger at her photo before I let it hover a fraction over her.

  Tracing her lines and etching them on my mind. Feeling something inside me awaken, something I’ve never felt before.

  “Ugh!” The voice drones, it’s Campbell from PR. A complete fuck head, and not someone I want within two feet of me let alone my building, but he comes with the desired pedigree, apparently.

  “Never mind her, Mr. Parker. I’m sure we can find someone more… suitable as a drawcard,” he clips, trying to take the file from me.

  My hand slapping down on it, hard.

  “She’s mine!” I hear myself growl, the whole room hushing in a second, all eyes on the fiend, Campbell.

  Nobody would dare make eye contact with me after an outburst like that.

  “She’s yours?” Campbell says, and without looking I can feel his brow going up, a limp hand on his hip as he smirks.

  I hear somebody groan quietly, somebody else is making for the door.

  Campbell swears under their breath.

  “Problem?” I ask him, letting my burning eyes meet his, narrowing on them as I slice him to pieces with them.

  “Uh… no, Mr. Parker… certainly not… we can work this anyway you-” he stammers before I cut him off.

  “She’s my girl,” I announce again. “The face of Father-Daughter week at Logan Industries. Anyone else objects?” I ask, keeping my firm gaze on Campbell, watching a bead of sweat run down his flushed brow, stinging his eye.

  “Then that’s settled, all the others who are here,” I continue, tapping the pile of folders, “send out invites to the parents and set it up.”

  It only takes another steely look and they all scatter, finally leaving me alone, with her.

  I hold her photo between my fingers, standing up and wince with a smile from the pain of fabric catching my rock hardness, a hardness I haven’t felt since…

  I’ve never felt this way, not ever.

  Her name is playing over and over in my mind, my new mantra and runs parallel to the thumping in my chest against my ribs. I feel dizzy but I can’t help but smile.

  My fingers tremble, making her smile dance off the small glossy print.

  Her straight blond hair splashes across her shoulders, white blouse that does her thick chest some justice, but it’s those baby blue eyes that have me… and those hips…

  Hips that make me breathe through my mouth as I imagine my hands gripping them, hitching her white on white skirt above them as I slide both hands up inside her creamy white thighs, all the way up to her-

  “Pussies!” a familiar voice barks from behind me, clicking the door shut loudly, startling me and making me stay facing towards the window to hide my obvious arousal which I can feel has extended to a dampness at the tip by now.

  I cock my head to one side.

  “I’m pretty sure I dismissed everyone, Mike,” I snarl, slipping Chrissy photo into my pocket and moving behind a tall backed leather board room chair before turning to face him.

  “Even your Vice President?” he asks with a malicious grin, a look I’ve seen on him lately swallowing up his features again, the face of a man who’s up to something.

  “Even you,” I remind him, forming a smile. “I have a headache, probably gonna go home,” I lie.

  Go home and empty my balls over this photograph, growling her sweet name.

  “Its okay boss, I only came back for this,” he adds, turning to go before pausing at the door after picking up his briefcase.

  “I mean it though, Mr. Parker, Logan. We gotta bunch of pussies on this board, in this company. Things should change,” he says, but I ignore him, gripping the back of the chair as I fight the urge to take out her photo again.

  “We’ll see, won’t we?” I remind Mike. “Board votes in a few weeks, I’m sure there’ll be a re-shuffle. Vice president not good enough for ya?” I try to joke, not wanting him in the room for another second.

  “Vice president of domestic sales?” he asks. “No. No, it’s not good enough. The whole company needs a 2IC, Logan, a wingman. I’m that man and you know it.”

  My hand’s up. I’ve heard it all before and I don’t care. Not then and certainly not now.

  He nods to himself before leaving, and I cross the room to lock the door, almost ripping my pocket as I take Chrissy out again, unzipping my fly and letting my thick hardness breathe for the first time in a fucking long time.

  I should save it for her, every drop.

  But that’s days away!

  I groan and then gasp like a schoolboy, running my palm over the slick wetness of my own precome. My head’s so swollen, so thick, and itches with the yearning for her I just can’t help it.

  Running my finger across my lip and then pressing it to hers in the picture, my other hand begins to pump my length as I grip harder and harder with each stroke.

  I grit my teeth, my jaw cle
nched. An animal sound growing from inside me, making me harder with each breath and only wanting her even more with each stroke of my cock.

  I want it to be you. I want you on this cock. I will have you, Chrissy. I’ll make you…

  “I’ll make you mine!” I gasp out loud, feeling my eyes cross and sending thick ropes across the boardroom table as I swear in disbelief under my breath, vowing the next load to be hers, all for her.

  Counting the seconds until the first day of Father-Daughter week at Logan Industries.

  Chapter Three


  I can’t help but stare up at him, the gentle hum of the elevator the only sound between us.

  That and my breathing, which is getting heavier by the second.

  But he won’t look at me, his face is slightly turned to one…


  His lips curls slightly and his eyes widen a fraction as I catch them in the smoked glass, watching my reflection.

  He holds my eyes for a moment and then against his own judgment, they run down past my face, stopping at my chest and he shudders a breath in as they rest on my hips. My ass.

  I should be offended, I should call him out.

  But the effect his eyes have on me, being so close to him too, he can look at me all day like that for all I care.

  In fact, I hope he does, it’s making me feel so damned wet like I’m about to come in my panties just from standing next to him.


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