Younger, Bree - Burn [All American Vampires 1] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Younger, Bree - Burn [All American Vampires 1] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 11

by Bree Younger

  She tightened her grip on the wheel and did as he said, mentally keeping her fingers crossed that he was right. Fortunately, it wasn’t too long before they came to a stop sign. Before them was a four-lane road. “It’s Highway 11.” She read the highway marker with relief. This was the road she had come in on. If they headed south, it would eventually take them to I-10. And home. Definite silver lining.

  “Excellent. Let’s go.”

  She pulled out onto the highway. They had gone only a few miles before they spotted a small mom-and-pop gas station. She couldn’t contain her relief. “Hallelujah!”

  Ty’s lips quirked up. “Pull in.”

  She pulled to a stop right beside the pumps. As she turned and set the hand brake, she looked over at Ty questioningly.

  “Just leave it running. Go on in and pay while I pump. And grab yourself a couple of snacks or something. You really need to get more food in you. Something with lots of calories and nourishment. You still look too pale to me.”

  She grabbed her purse and ran the short distance to the front door. After she looked around, she picked a couple of packs of peanut butter crackers and an orange juice. Taking them to the counter, she got in line behind a couple of teenagers buying cigarettes and beer. When the man behind the counter asked for some ID, they hemmed and hawed around until they finally gave it up. With a lot of complaining, they left their purchases on the counter. The clerk just rolled his eyes and set the packages to one side. As she stepped up the counter, she heard the door behind her open again. She glanced back, expecting to see Ty walking toward her. Instead, two large men clothed in jeans and dark shirts strolled toward the counter.

  There was something about them that put her on guard. Maybe it was the fact that they looked completely out of place. One of them stared right at her and she froze. Those eyes…

  “That’ll be twenty-eight eighty-nine, miss.” Gratefully jerked from her near-trance, she quickly handed over two twenties and impatiently waited for the clerk to count the change back into her hand. She felt one of the men draw to a halt directly behind her, and it was all she could do to not run screaming from the store. Vampires. They were vampires. She didn’t know how she knew it, but she did. Were these the vampires hunting Ty? Had to be. Oh, God. Had they seen him outside? Were they coming in to get her?

  She took the money from the clerk and turned to leave, almost running into the vampire and losing her balance. He reached out a hand to steady her, and she glanced down at where his hand encircled her arm before she looked up and straight into his eyes. She barely contained the shudder at the utterly cold look on his face. Even if she hadn’t known what he was, she would have still recognized the danger he represented. His face was hard, with a heavy five o’clock shadow. Heavily muscled arms practically burst through the fabric covering them. The rolled-up sleeve of his shirt didn’t quite conceal the tattoo that covered his forearm. He didn’t look as if he’d ever smiled.

  Forcing herself, she flashed him a smile of her own. “Excuse me,” she murmured, and, after letting his eyes slide down her body in a way that made her feel dirty and used, he released her and moved to one side. Quickly she made her way to the exit and out into the parking lot, trying to act nonchalant as she scanned the area around the truck. No sign of Ty. Where the hell was he?

  Not knowing what else to do and wanting to arouse no suspicion, she got in the truck and sat there for a moment. A tapping on the back window almost sent her jumping out of her seat. She turned around and saw Ty stretched out in the truck’s bed. He motioned for her to get them out of there. She didn’t have to be told twice, quickly putting the truck in gear and pulling out of the parking lot and back onto the highway. She mashed down on the gas pedal until she was afraid the truck was going to rattle to pieces. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Gradually she slowed down. She didn’t stop until they had crossed into Hancock County. Then she pulled off the road, set the parking brake, and laid her head down on the steering wheel.

  She heard the door next to her open and then warm arms were pulling her out of the cab of the truck and against a firm body. “You were great, babe. Perfect.”

  She stood there, just absorbing the feel of him against her, reassuringly alive. “That was them, wasn’t it?” Her voice was muffled, but he heard her anyway because he answered briefly.


  Her hands tightened on his shirt, pulling him closer. She looked at him. “Kiss me.”

  He didn’t hesitate, seemed to understand her need for closeness and grounding. His mouth covered hers in a hard, plundering kiss of heat and reassurance. His tongue swept through in a quick, thorough glide before he pulled back and looked down at her. “You okay, sweetheart?”

  “Yeah.” She reached up and gave him another quick kiss. “Let’s get the hell out of here, Ty.”

  “Okay. Ah—I’ll drive.”

  She laughed weakly and jumped back into the cab, scooting over as Ty followed closely behind her.

  Ty snapped his fingers. “Damn, I almost forgot. Your cell phone. I put it back in your purse. Get it out. See if we’ve got a signal. We need to call Quinn.”

  * * * *

  He couldn’t just stand around here and wait any longer. He had to do something. If nothing else, he would hit the streets with the other vamps and weres who were helping in the search. At least he would feel like he was doing something. Quinn moved toward the door as the buzz of his phone pierced the room. He looked down but didn’t recognize the number. He flipped open the cell. “Yes, Buchanan here.” As Quinn waited to hear the news, he tried to get his worry and anger under control. If anything had happened to his brother, whoever the hell was behind this wouldn’t be able to find a hole deep enough to hide from him.

  “Quinn. It’s Ty.”

  He closed his eyes for a moment and let the relief he felt at hearing his brother’s voice fill him. For a moment his knees felt so weak with relief that he thought he might crumple to the floor. Then he rigidly pulled himself back under control. “Fuck, Ty. Where the hell are you? Do you know how worried we’ve been?”

  All noise in the room faded as the word quickly spread that it was Ty on the phone. While he listened to his brother begin to give him a brief sketch of what had happened, he motioned for RJ. “Hang on. I’m sending RJ and Hawk to you. Where should they meet you?”

  RJ stood before him. “Got it. Highway 11. Exit to I-10. Parking lot of the Cavanaugh Inn. He’s in a battered, old, red pickup truck.”

  RJ nodded and motioned to Hawk and two other vamps. The four of them quickly exited the room. Quinn ended the call a few minutes later. Then he began issuing orders. When he’d finished, everyone sprang into action. He turned and went to his office, shutting the door and sinking down into the huge leather chair behind his desk.

  Ty had been burnt? From what? And who was this girl that he was bringing in? Had he been completely wrong about the bloodslaves? He wouldn’t rest until he knew exactly who or what was threatening his family and his territory. And that threat had been eliminated.

  * * * *

  Ty was relieved as hell to see RJ’s car pull in beside them at the motel parking lot. He looked over at Libby. “Wait here.” As soon as he got out, he was enfolded in one of those typical man-hugs that included a squeeze and a couple of quick thumps on the back. Then RJ stepped back. His face was creased in an easy smile, but Ty knew that RJ had been concerned about him. He was practically like another brother, and, though they didn’t really talk about it much, Ty knew that RJ would put his life on the line for him or Quinn. And vice versa.

  “Good to see you alive and kickin’, man.”

  “Good to be seen, bud.”

  “Oh, hell, I knew they’d never be able to take you down, Ty.”

  “You knew more than I did, then. It was close. Damn close.”

  Hawk joined them, indicating where Libby sat peering out the window of the truck. “So who’s the lady?”

  “Her name’s Libby. She saved my life, Hawk. Lit
erally. If it weren’t for her, I’d be toast.” He told Hawk and RJ how Libby had found him.

  When he was finished, Hawk just grunted, “Huh,” but Ty could tell he was impressed.

  “Unreal.” RJ sent a look of admiring interest in Libby’s direction.

  “Lib’s off-limits, pretty boy. Find some other chick to charm.”

  RJ smirked.

  Ty stared him down. “I owe her, man.” He turned to Hawk. “She’ll need to see a doctor as soon as we get to the Moon.”

  “Is she injured?” Hawk wanted to know.

  “Not injured but—I—” Ty didn’t want to confess the truth but did anyway. “I bit her while I was out of it. Took too much blood.”

  “Right.” Hawk remained poker-faced but he could see that RJ was surprised.

  “She might need a transfusion. I don’t know.”

  “You just bit her once?” Hawk asked.

  “Ah…no. I bit her again earlier tonight.”

  One of Hawk’s eyebrows rose. “All right then. And what about you? You feeling okay?”

  “I had Lib’s blood and some deer. But I’m still not completely up to speed. I could definitely use some.”

  RJ gestured to one of the vamps standing nearby. Within a few seconds, the vamp had handed Ty an amber bottle of what seemed to be beer, but Ty knew it was actually bottled blood. Probably B negative, his favorite. He twisted the top off and swallowed it in just a few gulps. When he’d passed the empty over, the man handed him another, which he downed just as fast.

  “Thanks, man.” He turned back to RJ.


  “Hell, yeah.” He could feel his body absorbing the blood greedily.

  “So do you have any idea who would want to kill you, buddy?”

  “Not a fucking clue.”

  RJ gave a brief nod. “Okay.” He looked back toward the cab of the truck.

  “And your friend? Does she know about us?”

  Ty nodded, aware that that knowledge would tie Libby to them forever. They would have to keep her under surveillance, if nothing else, just to make sure she didn’t tell anyone, whether intentionally or accidentally. Not that he thought she would. Still, it was standard procedure whenever a human found out about them. “It was impossible to keep it from her as much as we’ve been together. But also, the first time I bit her, I didn’t blur it. I was completely out of control. Feral.”

  “Damn. Did you inject her?” Hawk shot him a penetrating look.

  “Maybe. Honestly, I’m not sure. It’s all pretty hazy to me.”

  RJ sent another glance toward the truck as the door opened and Libby stepped out. Ty moved slightly to place himself between the vampire and Libby. A slight tilt of his lip told Ty that RJ found his action amusing, but he didn’t really give a shit. Libby was his to protect.

  “Is everything okay, Ty?” He felt her move to stand beside him, and he reached out to pull her against him.

  “Everything’s fine, Libby. I’d like you to meet RJ. He’s a very good friend. And Hawk, one of the best private detectives around. Guys, this is Libby, the woman who saved my life.”

  RJ reached out his hand and Libby shook it. “It’s very nice to meet you, Miss…”

  Ty realized he had no idea what Libby’s last name was.

  “Shaw. Elizabeth Shaw, actually, but my friends call me Libby.”

  “Well, Ms. Shaw, we’re all very grateful for what you did for Ty, and I look forward to hearing the whole story.” He motioned for the other vamps to come forward. “But right now, I think we need to head back to Biloxi. These two will drive your truck.”

  “It’s not my truck. It’s a stolen vehicle.” She shot an accusatory glance toward Ty. “It needs to be returned to its owner,” Libby stated firmly, and RJ nodded, grinning widely.

  “Absolutely. As soon as we figure out who that is. You and Ty will ride with me and Hawk.”

  Hawk nodded, his face its usual inscrutable mask.

  Ty saw Libby smile a greeting at Hawk.

  “Nice to meet you all. And please, call me Libby.” She looked over at the others. “All of you.”

  “Of course.” RJ smiled. “Now, let’s load up.”

  In no time at all, they were on the interstate and headed to Biloxi. Ty and Libby were in the backseat, and Hawk and RJ sat up front. Hawk drove while RJ spoke on his cell to Quinn to let him know they’d be there soon.

  Ty could tell that Libby was nervous. She kept clenching and unclenching her hands. He reached over and clasped one loosely in his own. She shot him a look half-grateful, half-panicked, and he tried to smile reassuringly.

  “Everything will be fine now, Lib. We’re safe from those vamps. Even if they found us, there’s no way they’d try anything. Hawk and RJ are pretty tough. They take no prisoners. And with me and the other two, well, it’d take a pretty stupid fool to even think about trying to take us down.”

  She nodded her head in understanding, but still seemed tense. When she whispered, “Are they all vampires?” he knew what had her so uptight.

  He just nodded and pulled her close, whispering in her ear, “They would never hurt you, Lib. You have my word on it.” He held her eyes for a moment, wanting her to see the truth of what he had said. Finally, she seemed to relax. The drive passed pretty quickly, and about thirty minutes later Ty could see the sign of the casino blazing above the beach.

  Turning at last into the casino parking lot, Hawk maneuvered the vehicle to the family’s private parking garage. The door opened immediately when he pulled to a halt, and there was Quinn along with several others. He quickly climbed out and met his brother.

  “Fuck, Ty. You scared the hell out of me.” He reached out and hugged him tight.

  Only Quinn, Ty thought, and smiled at his brother. “Well, bro, I didn’t exactly plan it.”

  “And the girl?” Quinn’s gaze had darted past him.

  “She saved my life, Quinn.”

  He saw Quinn nod his head indicating that he understood the debt they both owed to Libby. He walked over to Libby and introduced himself before directing his men in getting both Ty and Libby inside and up to their suite where the doctor and nurse were waiting.

  Ty watched as the nurse led Libby into a spare bedroom. She cast a worried glance back at him, and he smiled encouragingly before consenting to move into his own room. The doctor quickly performed his examination. “You’re a lucky vampire, son. From what I understand, a few more hours, and it would have been too late to save you.” Ty nodded. He was well aware of how close he’d come to dying. The doc looked over at Quinn. “He’s fine. Needs a good rest, but that’s about it.”

  “Now, I’m going to see what I can do for the young lady. I need to know, son. When you bit her, did you inject her with your venom?”

  Ty shook his head, hoping he hadn’t done that to her. “Honestly, Doc, I don’t know. I was pretty out of it. It’s possible.”

  The doctor just nodded and picked up his case.

  “You’ll let me know about Libby, won’t you, doc?”

  “Libby? Oh, the woman. Yes, yes. I need to go and check on her now.” With another brief nod, he exited the room.

  Ty met his brother’s concerned gaze. “God, Quinn, I’m sorry as hell I let myself get caught like some infant. It was fucking stupid, and it won’t happen again.”

  Quinn held up his hand. “Not yet, Ty. I want RJ and Hawk here. We need to know exactly what happened to you.”

  “I was an idiot, that’s what happened to me. Jeez, I still can’t believe it. If Libby hadn’t found me, well, I don’t think I could’ve gotten free, Quinn.” Ty was furious, mostly at himself. All he could think about was the utter stupidity of what had happened to him. He’d always believed himself to be pretty fucking invincible. But this had taught him that that wasn’t the case. It made him feel vulnerable, and he didn’t like the feeling. Not at fucking all.

  Just then, the door opened and RJ looked in. He hesitated on the threshold, as if he didn’t wan
t to disturb them, but Quinn just raised his hand and gestured for him to come in and shut the door behind him.

  “How you feeling, Ty?” his friend asked, and Ty shrugged.

  “Like an idiot, if you really want to know.” Ty saw RJ’s eye roll toward his brother and heard Quinn’s muffled grunt.

  Then Quinn asked, “Do you feel up to telling us about it, Ty? We can wait a bit if you don’t feel up to this yet.”

  “Honest, I’m okay. Just sore and pissed.”

  His brother pulled over a chair. Just then Hawk walked in, closing the door and taking up a position nearby. “Okay, then, let’s have it. What the hell happened?”

  The two men listened intently as Ty told them everything he could remember. When he’d finished, he looked at his brother.

  “You’re sure he said ‘my mistress?’” Quinn asked him.

  Ty nodded, noticing the odd expression on his brother’s face. “Do you know who did it?”

  He saw Quinn and RJ exchange a loaded glance. Hawk’s face was, as always, inscrutable. Then Quinn said, “We don’t know who, but we think we might know why. Those bodies you were investigating over in Waveland. I think they were bloodslaves.”

  He just sat there, stunned. It was the last thing on earth he had expected to hear. Quinn began to explain what he had learned.

  “Son of a bitch!” Ty couldn’t hold back the angry bark.

  “Yes, but,” RJ added, “we have absolutely no proof that we could take to the Council. Just our suspicions.”

  “Too bad the vamps didn’t use a name.” Hawk commented.

  Quinn stood and began pacing and Ty could tell he was mulling something over. After several minutes of silence, he finally spoke. “Well, we might not be able to bring it to the Council, yet, but I am positive that Cumbest and probably McElroy are involved. There’s just too much here to be coincidence.”

  “I agree,” Ty volunteered. Then he looked around at the hard faces of his friends, seeing the same revulsion on their faces as he knew must be on his own. “Bloodslaves. Fuck. So what are we gonna do about it?”

  Chapter Ten


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