The Tattoo of the Elf [The Triplet Mermen Trilogy]

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The Tattoo of the Elf [The Triplet Mermen Trilogy] Page 6

by Casper Graham

  “That’s the reason why I need to call for an emergency meeting with all five council members.”

  Miranda banged the table in front of her and glared at Edwin. “In other words, you have no idea who is responsible. You’re wasting all our time.”

  Jefferson cut in when he noticed Edwin was about to blow up, obviously furious now. “Councils, if I may say a word?”

  Oveda, the dwarf in charge of all earth shifters, nodded. “Of course. Go ahead.”

  Jefferson inhaled deeply and hesitated for a brief second before deciding to implement his half-baked plan. It was a huge gamble, but he figured they had nothing to lose. “Actually, Edwin didn’t notice an important clue left behind on the ground right next to the couch earlier, but I did. One of the triplets managed to write the attacker’s name in blood before they were abducted.”

  “That’s a fucking lie,” Miranda got up on her feet and screamed. “They were all unconscious after a short battle. I even checked to make sure—”

  “Thank you, Council,” Jefferson interrupted before smirking at Miranda, who gasped out in shock at being tricked.

  Tarragon stood and spoke up in a calm manner. “Where are the triplets, Miranda?”

  Miranda shuddered and grabbed the table with her claws. Jefferson could tell that she was about to explode in anger, but her next movement still took him aback. Not because it was a brilliant tactic on her part, but because it showed just how far gone she truly was. She attempted to lure everyone in the chamber with a haunting siren song. If she had been perfectly sane, she would have remembered they were all immune to it. Everyone present in the room was very powerful in his or her own rights. A siren’s magic might be enchanting, but it would fail to invoke any reaction in anyone whose magic was more dominant and robust.

  When she realized she had failed, she transformed into a hideous siren before dashing toward Edwin with her claws stretched out and screeching through a mouthful of fangs. Jefferson knew immediately that the attack wouldn’t end well for her. Just because she was a member of the council, it didn’t mean she had greater magic than him, Edwin, or Gavin. He watched as Edwin called upon his phoenix fire to protect himself before meeting her halfway and burning her claws away. Miranda might be a powerful water shifter, but Edwin was much older than her and a phoenix to boot. Hence, Jefferson wasn’t astonished when Edwin managed to grab Miranda by her neck and lift her high in the air.

  “Listen to me, Miranda. You’ve abducted my mate and his brothers. You’re also a siren, an abomination. I should have burned you into ashes, but I’m giving you a chance to redeem yourself. Where have you taken my mate and his brothers to?”

  Jefferson wasn’t astounded when Miranda simply kept on shrieking and writhing in the air. Sirens were wild and unpredictable. They were more or less insane, especially when they weren’t in their right mind. He had to think of something fast before Edwin lost control and burned Miranda into nothing. They needed Miranda to disclose the location of the three mermen. Before Jefferson could do or say anything else, he spotted Sombertooth, the hellhound in charge of all fire shifters, dissolving into mist and reappearing behind Edwin. Sombertooth squeezed Edwin’s shoulder from behind.

  “I’ll extract the information out of her mind, Ed.”


  Sombertooth chuckled. “I’m a hellhound. Remember?”

  Edwin blushed. “Right.”

  The next moment passed in the blink of an eye. Jefferson observed as Sombertooth’s eyes grew redder by the seconds. Due to Sombertooth’s status as a fire creature from hell, the hellhound would be able to travel into Miranda’s mind in a matter of seconds. Sombertooth didn’t possess any pure mind-reading ability, but the hellhound could view anyone’s past. Since the abduction had already occurred, Sombertooth would be able to look at it through Miranda’s memory. As Sombertooth’s magic was unleashed, the spike of dark fire energy swirling within the room increased. Jefferson, along with everyone else, waited as Sombertooth delved deeper into the recesses of Miranda’s mind. Or whatever remained of it. Moments later, the atmosphere in the chamber lightened up.

  “The place appears to be somewhere inside her cave deep within the Pacific Ocean.”

  Edwin stared at Sombertooth in apparent confusion. “Her home then.”

  Sombertooth shook his head. “I’ve visited her house once. The room inside her mind doesn’t seem familiar. By the way, she’s the one responsible for all those missing merpeople. She also hypnotized Wade into leaving the ocean and going deeper inland.”

  Edwin nodded. “She’s crazy, but it doesn’t matter now. I just want to get my mate back, along with Cas and Balt. I’ll go to her house first.”

  Jefferson stepped forward in a hurry. “I’ll come with you. You’ll need someone to watch your back for you.”

  He was determined to kill two birds with one stone. On one hand, he would be able to assist Edwin. On the other hand, this would be his best chance of finally meeting up with Baltic and seeing if Drake’s brother was the merman he had been pining for these past several days.

  Gavin stood next to him. “I’m going, too.”

  The three of them were about to leave when Zestus called for Gavin. “Can you remain here for a minute? The council has an important matter to discuss with you. You can catch up with your friends later.”

  Edwin patted Gavin on the right shoulder. “Go ahead, Gav.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Absolutely. I have Jeff. We will be fine.”

  “Okay. Later, guys.”

  Then, Edwin created his portal of fire before turning to face Jefferson. “I’ll see you at Miranda’s house.”


  Edwin drew upon his magic and tried to calm his racing heart. He was preparing himself for any potential traps and dangers in Miranda’s lair, but he wasn’t nervous about those things at all. He was more anxious at the chance to finally meet Baltic face-to-face. If Baltic was indeed the merman he had been yearning for, he would never let the merman out of his sight until they were mated.

  Chapter 6

  Baltic didn’t have any physical wounds when he regained consciousness, but he was definitely exhausted. The last thing he remembered was calling upon his water magic to defend himself against Miranda. He had even managed to attack her once or twice, but she was too powerful. He had noticed Caspian and Drake lying unconscious next to him before one fantastic blow from Miranda’s claws shattered his shield. Then, she hammered him with one incredible magical punch, and he couldn’t remember anything else. Now, he was awake on the ground somewhere. The whole room might be dry, but he could smell the overpowering scent of the ocean. He must be somewhere nearby or even underneath it.

  “Shit…it fucking hurts.”

  He chuckled in relief upon hearing Caspian’s voice somewhere across from him. “Cas!”

  “Balt? Thank goodness you’re okay.”

  He attempted to raise his head, but he slumped back down onto the ground. His magic was depleted, and it was dangerously low. Fortunately, he got to see Caspian a few feet away from him before he dropped his head back onto the ground. At least, one of his two brothers was alive. He turned to his left and noted that Drake remained stationary. Nevertheless, he could detect Drake’s magic even though it was faint. As triplets, their magic was interconnected to one another like a never-ending loop. He couldn’t wait for Drake to wake up. The three of them had to find a way to get out from wherever they were. Unfortunately, it was easier said than done because neither of them had enough magic left inside them.

  “Dray is still unconscious.”

  “Yeah, I know. We need to escape as soon as fainted beauty there is awake.”

  Baltic snorted. “How? Check our magical connection, Cas. We’re all drained of our magic.”

  Caspian cussed loudly. “Fucking Miranda. She’s a siren. She must have taken almost all our magic. I wonder why she didn’t consume our blood. She could have done that easily.”

nbsp; “Beats me, but I’m thankful to be alive.”

  “Me, too.”

  Baltic remained quiet after that. Even when Drake eventually stirred and groaned moments later, he was too relieved to utter more than a few words. He was even more stunned when the elf he had been pining for abruptly appeared in the room with him and his brothers. He caught the elf’s eyes, and the two of them ended up staring at each other. He was able to ignore the romantic reunion between Edwin and Drake because he was too lost in the elf’s inky-black eyes.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake! Not Balt, too.”

  Baltic could feel his cheeks heating up when Caspian shouted out loud, pulling him out from whatever spell he was under. “Hush, Cas.”

  The next few minutes passed by really fast. Baltic watched in envy as Edwin tenderly cradled Drake in his arms while they nuzzled against each other. Meanwhile, the elf, whose name he learned was Jefferson, wrapped one giant arm around his waist with such a gentle reverence that he almost choked at the man’s warmth toward him. He got up on his feet, but immediately toppled down and clung onto Jefferson’s shoulder. He blushed from the embarrassment of having to hang onto a virtual stranger. However, Jefferson simply smiled at him and hugged him tighter with one arm. Then, the two of them slowly made their way toward Caspian. They needed to get his oldest brother up onto his feet.

  Just as Jefferson lifted Caspian up onto his feet, Baltic noticed Drake and Edwin disappearing into a portal of fire. What he didn’t expect was the abrupt appearance of a portal of water a couple of feet away from him. Another gigantic man made an appearance. Baltic began to wonder if something was lacking in him and his brothers. The three of them were so short and lean while Edwin, Jefferson, and this newcomer were so tall and had such broad shoulders. He was so engrossed in his study of this new supernatural being that he almost missed out on Caspian’s silence along with his brother’s obvious interest in the newcomer.


  Jefferson’s voice startled him. “Who?”

  Jefferson turned toward him and smiled. “That’s Gavin Barton. He’s a water dragon shifter.”


  “Yeah, and I think I’ll hand Caspian over to him,” Jefferson muttered out loud while smirking at Gavin.

  Gavin blushed and gave Jefferson the middle-finger salute. “Shut your trap, Jeff.”

  Baltic observed in amusement when Caspian’s cheeks reddened rapidly the moment Gavin approached and embraced him tightly with both arms. He was aware the water dragon shifter was simply attempting to keep Caspian steady on his feet, but he noticed the obvious attraction between them both. However, his glee was short-lived because Jefferson now held him with both arms, as well. His heart beat faster and harder as he lay his head against Jefferson’s chest and inhaled the elf’s earthy and woodsy scent. Jefferson’s magic was also singing at him, and it was extremely potent and overpowering his senses.

  “Are you okay?”

  Baltic nodded. “Ye…yeah. Thanks.”

  “Baltic, right?”

  “Yes. How do you know who I am?”

  “Edwin. He talked to Gav and me about you and your brothers.”

  “Oh. So, you know what I am then.”

  Baltic didn’t dare to glance at Jefferson’s face. He was terrified of what he might find there. No supernatural being of the light had anything nice and kind to say about a siren. He was an abomination. He closed his eyes and tried to suppress the tears he could feel forming within them. Hence, he was startled when he felt Jefferson’s fingers on the back of his head, caressing his hair.

  “I do, but I don’t mind,” Jefferson whispered into his left ear.

  His eyes widened in shock. He pulled back a little and gazed up at the elf, allowing the blossoming of a real hopeful feeling to take seed deep within him.

  “Are…are you sure?”


  He beamed at Jefferson. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Let me bring you home.”


  Baltic gasped in shock when Jefferson bent down a little before scooping him up bridal-style, but he was more astounded when he sensed the rush of light magic swirling around them. The next thing he knew, the two of them were standing in a garden he didn’t recognize.

  “We’re home.”

  He looked around in confusion. “We’re in the wrong place.”

  Jefferson shook his head. “We’re at my house.”

  Baltic was flabbergasted. “Why?”

  “Your magic is horribly depleted. Drake is mated, so his magic will be replenished at a faster rate. After all, he’s bonded in every way possible to Ed. I’m not only an elf, but also a healer. I can give you potions to accelerate your healing process at a much more rapid pace.”

  Baltic nodded in understanding before he remembered about his oldest brother. “What about Cas?”

  Jefferson chuckled. “Don’t worry about him. Gav knows what to do for him.”

  “Okay. You’re sure this is all right? I’m a siren. I—”

  “I trust you.”

  Baltic gazed into Jefferson’s eyes for a moment. “Why?”

  “I just do.”

  Baltic’s heart sank a little. “You must have been affected by my siren magic. It—”

  “—doesn’t work on me. I’m immune to it. My power is way above yours, Balt. I promise I’m not under your thrall. I simply believe you won’t harm me.”

  “But why?”

  Jefferson appeared to hesitate for a moment. “Elves are able to detect their mates. I think you’re mine. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you ever since our first meeting. It’s as if you’ve seeped into every pore of my being.”

  Baltic didn’t know how to respond to something like that, so he could only stay quiet as Jefferson carried him all the way into the house. He put his arms around Jefferson’s neck and slowly inched his nose closer toward the elf’s neck. He was relieved when Jefferson tightened his hold around him, allowing him to shift even closer toward the elf. He could feel the siren within him clawing and attempting to break free. After all, Jefferson was an extremely powerful being. Aside from having an overwhelming desire to lure men and women to their deaths, sirens also loved the taste of magic. Baltic suppressed his siren magic, and he was taken aback when he discovered he was able to do so in a matter of seconds. When he was finally placed down onto a firm mattress in one of the bedrooms, he examined his surrounding. He was curious about where he was at the moment. After taking in his fill, he smiled at Jefferson.

  “This is an amazing bedroom. The pillow is incredible. The mattress is amazing. The room is very spacious and airy. I like this bedroom. Thank you.”

  Jefferson grinned at him. “You’re welcome. I’m glad that you like it. It’s the one right next to mine. It’s on the second floor. There are other bedrooms on this floor, but I prefer that you stay as near to my room as possible. I can also look after you much easier if you’re close to my bedroom.”

  “Okay. I have one more request, though.”

  “Anything, Balt.”

  Baltic bit his lower lip. He didn’t know the best way to respond without reminding Jefferson of what he was. In the end, he knew he didn’t have an alternative. He had to get straight to the point.

  “I need you to put up a magical ward around this bedroom to prevent me from leaving it.”


  “I’m a siren, Jeff.”


  “I…I don’t want to attack you or anyone. Please.”

  Jefferson sat on the spot of the bed right next to his head. “My house and its surrounding land are protected by my magic. My magic is bright, and it’s one of the most powerful on the side of the light. Your siren magic will be canceled out as long as you remain on my property. You won’t be able to get out of my property as long as my magical ward is erected.”

  “But you won’t be safe from me.”

  Jefferson shook his head. “You didn’t listen
to me properly, Balt. As long as you’re somewhere within my property, my magic will render your siren magic useless. You’ll remain as a merman even at night.”

  “Elf magic can do that?”

  Jefferson nodded. “It’s not a permanent cure, but it works for now. Unfortunately, you’re essentially my prisoner now, but at least your merman magic remains intact within you.”

  Baltic heaved out a sigh. “That’s a relief.”

  “Great. Get some rest. I’ll wake you up when it’s time for dinner. We can talk more later.”

  Baltic reached out and grabbed Jefferson’s left wrist in a hurry when the elf was about to get up. “Wait!”

  Jefferson smiled at him. “Do you need anything?”

  “Can you stay with me for a moment longer? I’m not sleepy.”

  Jefferson beamed at him and sat on the same spot again. “Let’s have a short chat then.”

  “Sure.” The two of them were quiet for several seconds before Baltic broke the silence. “I returned to the library many times after our first meeting.”

  Jefferson seemed surprised to hear that. “Yeah? I did the same thing. It was a wonder we never bumped into each other again.”

  Baltic chuckled loudly. “Yeah. Not that I could have remained in the library for far too long, though. I have my yoga classes to teach. I also have to be inside my bedroom before the sun sets each day.”

  “I understand.” There was another brief moment when neither of them knew what to say. Then, Jefferson spoke up before Baltic got the chance to do the same. “May I ask what happened to you?”

  Baltic inhaled and exhaled deeply a few times before responding. “I fell in love with a snake shifter. I thought it was mutual.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  Baltic shook his head. “Don’t apologize. I’ve learned my lesson.”

  “Was the transformation instantaneous?”

  Baltic could feel the siren magic within him. It was extremely faint, but he could sense it. He gazed into Jefferson’s eyes and considered his words carefully.

  “When my heart broke, I could feel my magic turning colder. It…” Baltic trailed off, breathing in and out slowly a few times to calm himself down. “I was so hurt it took me days to realize my magic was behaving in an erratic manner. As triplets, I shared my magic with my brothers. Our magic used to be in a perfect constant loop. They were the ones who detected the change in me. They told me they couldn’t feel my presence half the time. It was as if I was simultaneously present and absent. They couldn’t do anything about the siren magic, though. It had formed icicles around my heart, freezing and hardening it against all kinds of love and affection. Then, I began to hear these whispered voices from deep within me, telling me to sing and lure men and women to their deaths. I was persuaded to kill them because they deserved to die. I had images in my head. They were violent, horrid, and cruel, but I loved them. I enjoyed the fantasies of enticing them to their painful deaths. In fact, the more excruciating and agonizing their deaths were, the more delighted I would be. Or so I thought.”


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