My Charming Stepbrother

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My Charming Stepbrother Page 1

by Grace Valentine

  WARNING: This ebook contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language. It may be considered offensive to some readers. This ebook is for sale to adults ONLY

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   Copyright 2014 by Grace Valentine - All rights reserved.

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  Respective authors own all copyrights not held by the publisher.

  My Charming Stepbrother Collection

  Book 1: No Ordinary Stepbrother Billionaire

  Book 2: My Stepbrother The Baseball Player

  Book 3: My Stepbrother The Hollywood Star

  Book 4: My Stepbrother The Stripper

  No Ordinary Stepbrother Billionaire


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  No Ordinary Stepbrother Billionaire

  Chapter 1

  Kellie and Jake are good friends. Jake was twenty-three and his Kellie that he had known since they were little was Twenty-eight. Growing up together they had both dreamed about having their own business. They had made their dreams come true over a period of four years, they were now the talk of not only the town but a lot of states as well.

  Jake had short black hair with dark brown eyes. He was six foot tall and had a slight tan. Jake tried to find time to catch the sun each day if it was out but sometimes work kept him from doing so. If his father had known what he had done for a professional job he surely would be rolling in his grave, no matter how successful Jake was. The ripples of his muscles on his stomach and hard chest could be seen through the white shirt he was wearing that morning.

  “Are you going to go with me today. We could go put money in the bank and grab something to eat.” Kellie told him when Jake stood in the doorway of the office.

  Their office was filled with book shelves wall to wall of Kellie's most beloved books. Kellie would spend all day in the office reading at times, she was a creature of habit, always putting each book back in the same place on the book shelf.

  Their maid hadn't been in that morning, the night before they had decided to give a much deserved day off. Something she knew when she took the job on that there were going to be times when they would need her seven days a week. She had started six months ago and hadn't complained once. She had her nights and her cup of coffee first thing in the morning and the amount of money that she was getting paid she had no reason to complain.

  “I think that I'm going to stick around the house and relax for the day.” Jake grinned at her as he stood in his white boxers and white t-shirt. Not only were they partners in the business that they had created, but they lived together as well. Neither one of them wanting to leave their comfort zone and have the other one away from them.

  “Wow, you are taking a day off for a change? Relaxing? Are you sure you're alright?” Kellie laughed at him.

  “I'm feeling fine.” Jake rolled his eyes at her.

  “Then I guess I have to deliver these four boxes of our product to the store in town. I can't believe they had order four boxes of our creation.” Kellie grinned. Beaming with pride for the business doing so well.

  Getting up from her chair she was wearing a white shirt and a tight pair of jeans that Jake was sure she had a hard time squeezing into. A black belt holding them up with a pair of tan boots for shoes.

  “You're not going to dress up to go in? We are like the most popular people in town and you are going to go out dressed like that?” Jake asked her, crinkling his nose. He looked Kellie over and saw that her long brown hair was slicked back, her face looked nice and smooth, he wanted to go over and kiss her soft, red, painted nails but held back and fought the urge, seeing her light brown eyes were beaming with happiness. He had always known that Kellie wasn't one for dressing up, but if it had been him he would be wearing a business shirt, black slacks and black polished shoes.

  “They need to know that we are normal people just like they are. They don't like it when you show up. No company does that are buying our products. They think that you are stuck up, if you really want to know the truth.” Kellie pointed a finger at him.

  “Well, we have lived like a normal person before. Most of our lives we have. Its about time that people stand up and take notice of who we are.” Jake shot back at her, clenching his teeth Kellie could see that his jaw flexing. He wanted everyone to know who he was, Jake Millings. He wanted them to take notice when he walked on the streets,` when he ate in town he wanted people to nudge one another and point a finger at him. Showing their friends who had just walked in to have a salad.

  “Right. Well if my mom knew what we had done with our lives she would be embarrassed to call me her daughter. Your dad, I have a feeling would feel the same way.” Kellie grinned at him as she took the boxes and Jake moved out of the way for her.

  “I don't mind helping you carry them to the car. Just think Kellie we shouldn't feel bad about what we are doing. If we didn't come up with the product then someone else would have. Its supply and demand. We know our products please others. We test them out before we ship them out. You know that is the best part right?” Jake winked at her and bit down on his lip.

  “They would be disappointed in us for that too.” Kellie threw her head back and laughed when Jake opened the front door for her.

  When Kellie was gone it was quiet in the house. Going back to Kellie's office before closing the room he looked around at the long wooden desk where Kellie did her paperwork. Letting him know how much money they made a week. She use to tell Jake how much they made a day but he got tired of hearing it so they agreed on writing down how much they made a week and split the money evenly down the line. He looked at the shiny hardwood floor seeing that their maid Alice had done a great job waxing it.

  He went into the office and sat down on the leather couch that was in front of the desk. Looking up at the ceiling he saw the new crystal chandler that had been hung up and knew that Kellie was spending her money unwisely but he didn't care as long as they had a place and they did.

  They had a beautiful mansion, three floors of rooms. Five bathrooms, two rooms for hot tubs and the parties they had were awesome. Only inviting friends that they had grown up with. The people they could trust to have the place still standing and in good shape when the party was over the next morning. He thought it was time for another party as he laid there.

  Jake got up and went into the kitchen to grab something to eat. There were things that he still liked to do for himself. He kept the freezer stalked with lobster his favorite food. Growing up he would ask for it, he hated it when his father said it wasn't in the budget.

  “You may be looking down on me now father and shaking your head at me. But I have made a life for myself. I don't want for anything. We are both very successful.” Jake talked like his father was standing right beside him as he heated up some left over Lobster stew from the night before. He wasn't too proud where he had to waste food just because of who he was or how much money he had made.

  By the time he had gotten done eating he wondered where Kellie was. He didn't like being home by himself even if Kellie was in the office he knew that she was still around the house somewhere and if he needed her, really needed her all he had to do was go in search of her.

  Chapter 2

  Going up the first set of steps by the front door that
was made completely out of glass. They had the door made so they could look out to see who was around or coming up the walk way but on the other side no one could see in. It was almost like a blurred vision. It actually hurt Jake's eyes when he came up the front walk to unlock the door when he came home from somewhere.

  Putting his hand on the railing, he slowly walked up the stairs, when he reached the top his bare feet sank into the plush, black, carpet they had put in.

  The first door that Jake came to he opened it up and saw his large bed in the middle of the room. His feet cool against the hardwood floor while his head pounded. He went to window by the dresser and looked out into the backyard where the pond was. A homemade bridge had been made so that they could walk over it to the other side and into the woods if they wanted to.

  He smiled, thinking about how far they had come. Looking down at the top of the dresser he had set in gold he shook his head remembering when Kellie had seen it. Kellie had told him that she thought he was going overboard with the money that they were making. Shocked that he would spend money on setting the dresser in gold though he knew it was something that even if their mansion was robbed it was something that no one could take from him. It would be too heavy to even think about stealing.

  He picked up an object from the dresser and his smile grew wider as he put it in his hand. Picking up another object with his free hand. The new item they had come out with that they hadn't tried out yet.

  The hard plastic was like a cuff. It was an oval shape that didn't connect all the way. On the side it was printed 'One size fits all' groaning and feeling his cock grow hard just looking at it he had promised himself that he would try it out when he was alone just to see how it felt on his cock. He didn't know what they were going to call it yet but he knew that they had to come up with an enticing name for it.

  What Kellie and Jake had come up with were sex toys. Figuring that sooner or later society would need something to spice up their sex lives. The dildo that they had come up with was rather thick. They had done their research and made theirs thicker then most. On the head of the dildo there was a button. You didn't even have to press it. No matter who society had for a partner all you had to do was push it into a wet pussy and the button would get pushed into sending a hot vibration into someone's pussy or ass. It worked for everyone. At least he assumed so because they were still making money off the product. The world would be happy to know that in another week or two they were coming out with a new product. They both thought it was time to push their cuffed sex toy onto the market. Surely everyone was waiting for something new from them. Though some would be disappointed because it was made for a man.

  Bringing the black cuff to his bed and feeling his cock getting hard inside his boxers he didn't want to wait for their friend to show up. The one they usually tested it out on. He had tried the dildo in his ass about a week ago just to see how it felt and he really enjoyed it. He enjoyed it so much that his cock almost came instantly for it. He hadn't even called their friend Adam to come over and test it out. Thinking that maybe Kellie would want to test it with him but where he was alone he didn't much care. He was curious about how it felt and he wanted to be able to tell Kellie how good it felt on his hard cock.

  Laying down on the bed Jake slid his boxers off and kicked them to the foot of bed. Looking at the cuff that was in his hand, then looking down at his cock he smiled as he licked his lips and slowly brought the cuff down to his cock. Stretching the black cuff so that it he could adjust it to his cock that was nice and thick he pushed it together and felt it tighten around his cock. Feeling around on the side of it he pressed a button and felt the light vibration, watched the head of his cock move as the cuff vibrated for him. One thing that Kellie had thought of while they made it was that there should be three levels. One level would be a soft vibration just to get the cock turned on and then the middle button was for a medium vibration and of course the third button was the highest max.

  Jake got comfortable laying his head down on the pillows and closing his eyes as he whimpered and moaned as the cuff was pleasing his cock as it was getting harder from the vibrations.

  He knew that other men would enjoy it if he was at the moment. The best thing about creating sex toys was that they were able to keep a product though they had only made two sex toys so far he knew there would be plenty more in the future that they would be able to keep without paying a dime because they were the ones who created it.

  While Jake was enjoying himself he hadn't heard Kellie come home. His door was wide open as he was grunting and moaning from his cock being pleasured. Wishing that he had someone sucking on the head of his cock while it was vibrating.

  Kellie made her way up the stairs and hearing the noises coming from the bedroom she couldn't help but be a little curious. She quietly went to the doorway and saw Jake laying on the bed. His boxers off and the cuff wrapped around his cock. His eyes grew wide, that wasn't the only thing that had going on though. Inside her pants she could feel her pussy getting really wet very quickly. It hadn't been the first time that she had sexual encounters with Jake and she couldn't wait to have another go at Jake's cock.

  “I thought we agreed that we would always call on Adam to see if the toy was any good?” Kellie whispered to him as she sat down on the edge of the bed.

  Jake's eyes flew open when he heard Kellie's voice. Biting down on his lip and blushing he knew that he had been caught he wondered what Kellie was thinking about him in the back of her mind.

  Kellie had seen him naked in the past and they even messed around with one another, neither one of them being in a committed relationship. He had to admit that she was good in bed and glad that it didn't interfere with the business.

  “I was bored and came up here. Something I wanted to try out on my own before you got home. I didn't hear you come in.” Jake told her, watching as Kellie reached out to the cuff wishing that she would touch his cock. He was so horny that he didn't care what Kellie did to him as long as she pleased his hard cock. He wanted to feel her mouth on his cock, wanted to feel his cock hit the back of her mouth. He needed and wanted her soft touch.

  Kellie shut the cuff off and there was silence. Jake gasped, even though it had turned off he could still feel the sensation at his cock. A smile on his face, the product was awesome through an through. He didn't see anything the matter with it.

  “So?” Kellie raised her eyebrows and smiled at him.

  “What?” Jake asked him, clearing his throat as he sat up on the bed and reached for his boxers that were at the foot of the bed.

  “How did it feel?” Kellie rolled her eyes at him. Jake knew perfectly well what she was asking.

  “I would say its good to go. I think we will make more money off this more then we did the dildo to tell you the truth. You know everyone is just dying for us to come out with something new. This is going to be the new winning ticket to our success.” Jake nodded his head, sitting on the edge of the bed he put his boxers back on. Though he was still hard and needed to get off he wanted Kellie to offer to help him with that. Wanted to see if Kellie would be the one to make the sex session happen this time, it had always been him and he wanted her to take some control.

  Chapter 3

  Though he didn't know it Kellie was a little disappointed that he covered up his cock. Watching it stick out from the boxers Jake was wearing she couldn't help but stare at it and imagine sucking on it.

  “What are you thinking right now?” Jake laughed at her, he knew that Kellie was staring at his hard on. He looked down at it too. If he had to guess it was the biggest hard on that he ever had in his life.

  “Nothing.” Kellie told him quickly. Her face growing red as he started to get up from the bed.

  “No, I can see you're thinking about something. Tell me what it is.” Jake sighed, he didn't like not getting a real answer. He could tell that Kellie was lying to him.

  “I don't know if we have enough time for this. We have so much going on
and just so busy.....” Kellie stood up, just to have Jake put his hand firmly on her chest and push her back down on the bed, Jake loved how her tits moved inside her shirt, and he could tell she wasn't wearing a bra.

  “I'm not going to let you leave the room until you tell me what you are thinking about. Come on, you can't keep anything from me and you know it.” Jake talked to her softly and pointed a finger at her.

  “Okay, okay. I was just thinking it must be hard walking around with your cock like that.” Kellie looked down at the floor, always a little shy when it came to telling Jake how she felt about him, Jake knew that she had feelings for him and for him to trap her she didn't know how to react. There were times that Jake was so hot for her he would go into her bedroom and wake her up by sticking his cock inside of her while she was sleeping or if she was on her back he would spread her legs and she would wake up to having his tongue deep inside her pussy. She had always let him make the first move.

  “You know....we could find some time right now if you want to.” Jake sighed heavily, seeing she wasn't going to say what was on her mind.

  “If I want to what?” Kellie looked up at him quickly, a small smile starting across her lips as she stared into his eyes.

  “If you wanted to please my cock. I wanted you to come to me and do it, instead of me coming to you all the time. I need to get off and I know that hot pussy of yours is nice and wet for me. We could do each other a favor.” Jake moaned to her, sitting back down on the bed.


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