by Max Boot
EGL interviewed in, 530
Pentagon Papers published in, 545
Washington Star, 581
water cure, 49
Watergate, 201, 546, 549, 564, 575, 576, 577–78, 581
Watson, Thomas J., Sr., 7
Watts neighborhood, 457
Weathermen, 533
Webster, Daniel, 25
Wehrmacht, 387–88
Weimar Republic, 539
Weiner, Tim, xlii, xliii
Welch, Richard, 584–85
Welles, Orson, 59
Wells, Tom, 467
Wells Fargo, 31, 61
Wenger, Joseph, 164
West Bank, xlv
West Berlin, 94, 369, 389
West Germany, 195
Westmoreland, William Childs, 238, 443, 474, 504, 508, 526
advice to LBJ from, 454
background of, 430
and EGL’s plan of musical propaganda, 481
at Honolulu Summit, 486
optimism of, 520
put in charge of MACV, 429–30
troops requested by, 521–22
U.S. troops in Vietnam desired by, 454
at Vann’s funeral, 554
Vietcong rockets dismissed by, 524
wishful thinking pushed by, 431
West New Guinea, 504
Wheeler, Earle “Bus,” 524
Wheeling, W.Va., 94–95
White, Byron “Whizzer,” 395
Wilhelmina, Queen of Netherlands, 40
Williams, Samuel T. “Hanging Sam,” 314, 338, 358, 411
background of, 285–86
outbursts at EGL from, 286–87
Vietnamese army trained conventionally by, 287
Wilson, Charles, 190, 363–64
Wilson, Edmund, 21
Wilson, Samuel V., 69, 320, 367, 382, 386, 472–73, 509
background of, 320, 321
coining of term “counterinsurgency” by, 321–22
EGL as guru to, 320–21
on EGL’s antagonism to bureaucracy, 413
on EGL’s depression, 413–14
made Lansdale’s deputy, 320
Wilson, Woodrow, 28, 150
wiretappings, 577
Wise, David, 576
Wise Men, 4, 521
Wisner, Frank, xlix, 137, 152
made CIA deputy director for plans, 98–99
Magsaysay introduced to, 113
in meetings with State and Pentagon, 98
propaganda fascination of, 127
put in charge of OPC, 97–98
Wohlstetter, Albert, 468
Wolf, Charles, Jr., 327–28, 329
Wolff, Tobias, 490–91
women, suffrage of, 12
Wood, Robert E., 434
Workers Party of Vietnam, see Communist Party, Vietnamese
World Bank, 504
World War I, 10, 37, 151, 314, 435–36, 595
World War II, 22, 30, 36, 39–41, 47, 50–52, 66, 131, 176–77, 216–17, 237, 320, 337, 458, 584, 595
McNamara’s work in, 365
in Philippines, 50–52, 66, 76, 79, 111, 115, 121, 147, 161
U.S. entry into, 32, 50–51
U.S. transformed by, 33
in Yugoslavia, 104
Wright Brothers, 588
X Factor, 366–67, 441, 605
Yagawa, Matsue, 57, 59–60
Yale University, 448
Yamashita, Tomoyuki, 51
Yapcinco, Fernando, 70, 71
Yellow Fever (Larteguy), 462
yellow peril, 14
Yemen, 504
Yoh, Bernie, 466, 493, 509, 595
Young, Genève, 537
Young, Kenneth, 351, 355
Young Socialist Alliance, 534
Young Turks, 445
Zaire, 280
Zambales Mountains, 73
Zambales Province, Philippines, 110, 111–12, 183
Zawahiri, Ayman al-, 333
Zenith Technical Enterprises, 392
see also JMWAVE
Zhou Enlai, 543, 552
zones of protection, 49–50
Zorthian, Barry, 473–74, 509
A military historian and foreign policy analyst who has been called “one of the world’s leading authorities on armed conflict,” Max Boot is the author of The Savage Wars of Peace: Small Wars and the Rise of American Power, War Made New: Technology, Warfare, and the Course of History, 1500 to Today, and the New York Times bestseller Invisible Armies: An Epic History of Guerrilla Warfare from Ancient Times to the Present Day. The Jeane J. Kirkpatrick senior fellow in national security studies at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York, he is also a regular contributor to the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, Foreign Policy, USA Today, and many other publications.
Invisible Armies:
An Epic History of Guerrilla Warfare
from Ancient Times to the Present
War Made New:
Technology, Warfare, and the Course of History,
1500 to Today
The Savage Wars of Peace:
Small Wars and the Rise of American Power
Copyright © 2018 by Max Boot
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First Edition
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